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Biggest Problem with iMPACT!?


Championship Contender
I just wanted to know what you guys think is the biggest problem with impact.

Personally for me, its the run ins. For impact you usually start the show with one. First a face talks, then out comes the heel, and than another face saves the first face. Then hogan comes out and makes the main event. Than for the rest of the night you have a cluster of run ins. This is mainly due to them making all the faces look like best friends and all the heels wanting to fight any face. It just doesn't work well.
Well for me the only major problem I got with Impact is these gmmick matches. Now I am a fan of gmmicks matches but its a little two much when you have a street fight almost every other week. It takes away from the ppvs because when they have one on the ppv then it wont mean as much because you seen like 2 or 3 of them on Impact. Thats the only major problem I have with Impact and the fact they dont advertise there show. But I guess its not there fault really because spike has the final say of what they advertise.
They treat every iMPACT like a ppv but their actual ppv's don't deliver...

also I hate it when they keep getting security involved..it just takes away a lot from a feud...every single angle/segment/promo that turns into a brawl..the damn security come out...just takes da piss...

There are much more problems other that what I have stated as well...

Theres also the fact that Abyss is in the main event scene! and a problem that has calmed down since Hogan arrived...he was always getting invloved in ppv main event matches..they have to stop having run ins at the ppv main events...really kills big moments!!
With just the show? Not the company itself?

The Impact Zone. It's too small, packed with far too many marks blurting out the same ol' chants every week. It just seems minor league. I understand TNA probably can't afford anything more, and I get it. I'm not saying they should change it right this second, but eventually they need to move on. Hopefully they start traveling sooner as opposed to later.
Where to begin...

- The Impact Zone sucks.

- Mike Tenay is awful. He brings absolutely nothing to the broadcast and has just awful timing. I can't believe there isn't somebody on this planet that TNA can bring in to replace him.

- The backstage segements look like they are being shot in my basement and the editing is lackluster at best. The presentation just looks so honky tonk.

- No consistent storylines or feuds or anything. I honestly think they go into each show and pull names out of a hat to determine who is going to wrestle who on that night's taping of Impact.

- Dixie Carter is on TV too much. I realize she's the owner, but every time she is on TV she looks like a weak owner. She always looks so concerned about everything and it's just not a good look for the company. If your owner/president is going to be on TV, then he/she needs to be a strong personality ala Vince McMahon, Paul Heyman, or Eric Bischoff back in the day.

- They've pushed the wrong guys. For example, Fourtune? Does anybody really care about a faction led by A.J. Styles and Kazarian? Who are they going to intimidate? I like Beer Money in there, but I would have found it much cooler and more interesting if Mr. Anderson would have turned on Jeff Hardy and joined the group. Plus Anderson has the swagger that would have been perfect for the group. I also think Kurt Angle would have been perfect for it since he is the only guy in the company who even remotely resembles Ric Flair from back in the day. And we all know from his days in WWE that he can make an absolutely phenomenal heel.

I'm sure if I had more time, I could come up with more, but this should be enough to get the TNA marks going.
Among the other things already stated...I have a problem with their misuse of talent. It seems that some talent disappears for WEEKS at a time..just because their show is too full of other talent and don't have time for others.

Look at the MCMG. They are putting on these great matches with Beer Money....yet a few months ago they were seen on their way out the door of TNA and weren't on TV for a whiiiiiiiile. Orlando Jordan--yea I don't like the guy---but he was in a feud with Rob Terry for the Global Title a while back...and now theres no room.

Also..did anyone else hear Hogan WELCOME those ECW guys to TNA last night? Sorry Hulk I know you haven't paid attention to them since you got there in January....but Raven, Rhino, Stevie, Dudleys and Foley have all been with TNA since before you. Dreamer is the only new one there.
I think Spike TV is one of the biggest problems. There are just way to many advertisements on that channel. You put that along with Russo and his classic overbooking it has the potential to become a big mess. Also, I feel Spike TV does a crappy job at advertising the product. They don't know when to run the proper ads for anything on that channel.
Really the list just goes on and on about TNA. You watch Chair Shot Reality and Josh made some good points about the whole heel/face thing.

Firstly they need to start planning on travelling a bit. At least do so for the PPVs not keep everything inside the Impact Zone because it just doesn't make sense in my mind really.

Secondly they need to actually end rivalries not leave them half done whenever they want. An example is Orlando vs Rob.

Thirdly they need to stop trying to take WWE head on. I've noticed a lot that they tend to indirectly reference them either through a storyline(ECW) or some weeks back Tazz made a reference to Daniel Bryan getting fired if you guys remember this reference during Sarita vs Taylor. WWE already slaughtered them on Monday Nights so there is no point in trying to compete with them for the time being.

Fourtly actually be creative and create new storylines. The only thing that has me watching TNA is to watch Madison and Velvet go at it and even that's losing interest for me.

Finally this whole top 10 contender thing is really a bad idea. Everyone knows its rigged. Desmond was destroying everyone for the first couple of weeks, he got one shot and then everything went to Abyss who only had 3% of the total vote while Hardy had the majority. I don't want Hardy as champion because they have much better choices and Abyss is no better here.
Well, like many have stated above a lot of things could be better when it comes to IMPACT.

My biggest issue and this is just how I feel for some reason, everything just seems slow in the IMPACT Zone. Just very slow and staged. I know what you're thinking it's pro wrestling it's obviously staged but it just feels slow. I don't know how to describe it.
Probably Impact being the only TNA show on television at the moment. Xplosion and other possible shows being aired on Spike TV could greatly help TNA showcase their talent without overbooking anything. There is no need to see Eric Young, Orlando Jordan, Ink Inc, and even Rob Terry on Impact. They could even put the Knockouts on Xplosion too. The C and D talent should be saved for Xplosion while the A and B talent are used on Impact. That way everything flows smoother. It would also be great if TNA can finally branch out of that Impact Zone and find a different audience.
It's definitely because Tna is in the impact zone.
this arena can only hold a mere 1100 people and it makes Tna seem minor.. I know they can get good crowds.. I think they should upgrade the impact zone.. like have the construction team move in and make the arenas size bigger so more people can be seated.
the thing is they cant tour because big reason Kurt angle is there is because he doesn't have to travel so much... if Tna makes their wrestlers travel and do 300 dates a year they might as well say fk it and go back to the Wwe.
I have a few big ones.

1.) The impact zone. When I was watching yesterday I was actually hearing individual comments from people in the crowd. It is too small.

2.) Presentation. It sucks. They need to make their stars seem larger than life. They need real theme music (that doesn't all sound the same), The raised ramp is terrible and too small. It doesn't allow a big entrance or any fan interaction (ex. slapping hands with fans), Overall the production is Terrible.

3.) The ability to make stars. Since the Hogan era no new stars have been built. It's time to give guys like Hernandez, Morgan, and Terry a long mid-card title run and eventually a main event push.

4.) The top ten rankings. The system sucks, either change it or scrap it.

5.) My biggest problem with Impact. Immaturity. All the cheap shots at WWE and unnecessary swearing is just juvenile. If they want to be different from WWE re-focus on the X-division, dont come to the ring and tell me your different when your not.
imo the biggest problem with impact is the fact its free. tna needs to trim the roster, get rid of unused talent and the old guys no one else wants. keep a few but get rid of the irrelevant ones, save some money, and move to a bigger place and charge to get in.
The biggest problem with Impact is the fans, and that there isn't enough wrestling. The fans are always the same, wannabe E-C-DUB fans. The tickets are free so they pretty much just show up first and bam they're in. They should probably put a price on tickets. But the main problem is the show itself. They have a bunch of stupid interviews and segments that bore the shit out of me, they should focus on the wrestling they have a talented roster that could do great things. TNA isn't taking full advantage of what they have... thus screwing themselves.
the storylines are the bigest problem for me to many storyline that didnt make sanse and pisses me of, like for example on the last impact eric youngs new gimick that hes crazy? the fuck is that for me it looked so lame, also wrong pushes , squash matches like kazarian vs the freak now thats fuckin stupid they put stable promo and one member of this awsome stable lost a match in 40 seconds that makes kazarian look bad and terry he always looks bad with these kind of matches
For me it's consistency.
I mean, just last week they had Angelina Love being forced to give the KO's title back to Madison because the ref viewed the tape and saw that it clearly wasn't a member of the beautiful people riding the bike yet, on the same episode, the ref didn't reverse the Beer Money victory from the previous weeks show, even though they clearly broke the rules.

I get why things happen, but to have two such differing approaches in the space of half hour is something they could've done without (as in moving the KO thing to this week) and, for me personally, results in ill-will towards the show for the rest of the programme (if there'd been a new episode of Total Wipeout on, I'd have switched over)
I have really enjoyed iMPACT! for the most part this summer. The only real stinkers have been the ECW and Knockouts:

The ECW thing.. I wasn't a ECW fan in the promotion's prime and I really think the impact (no pun intended) of ECW is really really overrated on the internet. It was a regional promotion that ran late night television for a few years and never did good outside of that north eastern area.

The Knockouts.. I love Lacey. I really real-lay do. And there are some other ones that are okay. But I don't think you can totally blame how "bad" they have gotten solely on Bischoff and Hogan (like a lot of people do). Very few women were fired from the company: Love because she hates immigration laws lol, Shelly Martinez because doingporno horror films are better than TNA, Rhaka Khan because she was batsh*t crazy, and Roxxi because.. Well, they thought she wasn't interesting or good looking enough. So, what do you want them to do when Gail, Kong, and ODB are all packing their bags and leaving? You can see TNA are starting to rebuild them, but I really don't think Madison would be the one I would book around giving her sorta "blah-ness".

I think TNA's biggest problem now is how they have presented themselves in the past has finally turned off viewers to their current shows. They have catered to a really finicky internet fan base that is generally known for "never being happy". For a really really long time (late 2006 - early 2010) the show sucked because all of the wrestlers were booked to crap or crap themselves. But I really think that is changing. As someone who has enjoyed the show, when I read or listen to so many negative comments I immediately think "Geez. Did he watch the show or is he just a masochistic son-of-a-gun?" Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.. But when it is the same thing over and over and over and over and over some more.. The shows can't be that bad. I am not a expert, but I know how to use a tv remote, you know?
To name my biggest complaints:

Not getting out of the impact zone
The same arena every Thursday AND Pay Per View is recockules. I read a little bit ago that a place in New York might want to host impact? They should at-least try and alternate arenas between the two.

Gimmick Matches
They wonder why their PPV buy rates are down, this is a little bit of the reason. There are more major reasons for this, but having a ladder match one week, and then a tables match the next is not a good idea. PPV's should be where all of that is, not on some random episode of impact.

The Rankings
Personally, it's added nothing to the show for me. All that its doing as far as I can see is giving Kurt Angle a wrestling hit-list.

Theme Music
Sure, a few of the workers have decent themes. But other than that, the average music TNA produces is garbage. Have you heard Hernandez' theme? Horrible.

I have other complaints, but those are my top four.
I think one of the reason why TNA has so many gimmick matches on IMPACT! is due to the fact that they are use to putting on big matches every week. That has been the formula of TNA since it's beginning due to them being on PPV every week for the first couple of years. The IMPACT! on Fox Sports Network was most all wrestling, and little unneccesary stuff. However, when they moved to Spike TV in primetime, got a longer timeslot, dropped the weekly ppvs, is when they began to become promo crazy.

The rankings system isn't looked at as special due to the fans knowing that it's pretty much a fake system. We know that these rankings are predetermined so they mean little aside from their connection to the storylines.
TNA had problems since the beginning but in the last year or so they have exacerbated.

I sincerely believe that tna needs to get rid of vince russo, hulk hogan, eric birschoff, jeff jarret and rest of the over the hill gang. These guys are a financial drain on the company and contribute nothing to the company. Dixie Carter's an idiot who can't do business. Just watch "State of TNA Address" video, to see what I mean.

Kevin Nash, Sting should stay and contribute back stage and/or assume managerial roles.

Also TNA don't have many people who can cut decent promos and have decent mic skills. I find RVD, Jeff Hardy, Tommy Dreamer, Jeff Jarret, Mr. Anderson (hyped) boring as hell to be honest.
the problem i have with TNA is that they have the talents but have no clue what to do with them like for example Eric Young they going back and forth with his character that is what it looks like is going on right now As for Joe well i can understand his frustration, but can it be related to what it has been up to now?? with him being an angry wrestler going around beating up people then gets kidnap by unknown wrestlers.. so technically what am tryin to say like the guy on chairshot says about the whole heel and face change is ridiculous

my other problem is the storylines, i mean yes people want to enjoy the show than to observe whats going on every week, but it has to make sense so that the fans who are watching it on television won't get confuse about what's going on..lately too many confusing stuff been happening lately. Now Take Kurt Angle for example, why is that every time he is involve in a story line it makes sense but why can't they do that to other wrestlers?? I don't see why that is a problem

another problem i don't get is if not using certain wrestlers then why keep them their, do they have a lot to contribute to the company, i mean they waited and waited and can't seem to figure out what to do with the wrestlers they are not using. an example is with raven and rhyino, i can't remember the last time i saw them till the whole ecw thing, what's going to happen after that is done??
-Impact zone.
It's too small and has the same people basically in attendance every week.

-Wrestler's who are products of the Impact Zone.
I've seen comments on here from people who claim to be Impact Zone regulars and they have said the fans get to "know some of the wrestlers" and they're "real cool guys." I think it's very easy to meet a wrestler at Universal Studios whose heading into work and I can see guys like Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels especially cozying up to the fans, kind of like youtubers who go around begging for subs. Also just look at Samoe Joe's outburst at the PPV a few years ago when Scott Hall no showed, completely pandering to the crowd.

Whether it's pandering or making yourself approachable to fans, there are definitely guys in TNA who get pops in IZ that they're not going to get anywhere else. Have you seen the seizure's the front row goes into when Samoe Joe's music hits. Other then Joe, Christopher Daniels there's The Pope and it use to be Matt Morgan, but now even the TNA IZ knows he sucks lol.

I remember reading about a TNA PPV that took place in a normal full size arena when AJ vs The Pope for the world title and the Pope was "noticably" boo'd throughout the match and not over with the crowd. That would not have happened in the IZ. I also don't think Pope's promos would go over well either if Impact traveled around, I see it being like Sean Morley's promos in TNA when the crowd gave him nothing.

It's all basically low budget from the arena, to the lights/pyro, and the generic entrance music.
Hey Yo!

TNA's two major problems , yeah i just can't pick one is the actual iMPACT ZONE, i am fucking sick of Orlando, sick of seeing the same assholes on my Television screen chanting like dumb ass smarks. Seriously TNA if you ever want to expand, TNA needs to start travelling start from your roots, TNA is quite popular in the south start from there, you can't expect to hold your first taping on the road and garner a 10,000 strong audience sorry it doesn't work like that with the way TNA is marketing it self.

Major problem number two, is TNA needs to develop some sort of structure and find out who is getting pushed, who you want to be specifically in each division and who holds top spot in each division. They need to develop strucuture in their programming because sometimes TNA goes a bit overload and it comes rushed and a little bad on TV. This can be fixed as people suggested by having another show, as that will sort out the good apples from the bad apples.

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