Biggest Miss?

Money Inc.

Pre-Show Stalwart
With the signing of Austin Creed today, many on these boards have brought up the statement something a long the lines of "TNA might regret this loss" "TNA missed a talent and let it slip right into the competitions hands" and etc.

But of course with the previous statement it brings back the memories of all the talent the WWF/E has missed on or let slip away to say.

So for this thread I'm going to start up the discussion with a couple familiar names that didn't quite get the deserved run in WWF/E. I'd like if people would add in more names since I'm only going to mention one and couple honorable mentions.

Chris Candido (known as Skip of the BodyDonnas)

Candido debuted in mid-1995 with a couple of vignettes involving himself and Tammy Sytch (known as Sunny to most) The vignettes were based around Skip and Tammy being the ultimate couple as Skip was a fitness guru, as Tammy portrayed the snobby cheerleader like gimmick.

Now before we look any further into his run with the WWF, lets rewind the tapes and revisit Candido's early career.

Candido made his name in Jim Cornette's Smokey Mountain Wrestling. (In my mind one of the best, if not the best developmental/Indy promotions at the time) Candito at the time was managed by girlfriend Tammy Sytch who is known as one of the greatest heel vallets to ever be in our business. Candido became the top dog of the company in November of 1994 when he won the Vacant NWA World Title in a 10 man tournament. The belt was vacant because the situation involving Paul Heyman convincing prior Champ Shane Douglas to throw the belt down using the line "I don't want to be the World Champion of a dying Organization"

Arguably, the NWA Championship wasn't very prestigious at the time, but still the fact Candido won it at the age of 22 showed the amount of confidence Jim Cornette and the NWA had in Candido. Candido than held the title for 3-4 months before losing it to Dan Severn (who ultimately held the belt at the lowest point of its prestige.. held it for 4 years) Also during his reign in SMW, Candido won the SMW Television Title on two occasions, and the U.S title on two separate occasions.


So how did this become a "miss" IMO

I felt the gimmick was bad, but at the same time he was still a phenomenal wrestler who had charisma. I felt the WWF started him out right by having him go on a winning streak that made the fans at the time think "who's this new guy?" I believe he went on a 3 month undefeated streak only to be forgotten because his first loss handed to him by none other than Barry Harowitz. Skip than demanded the fans and commentators to recognize his still as undefeated (claiming a fluke). Skip than spent the remaining of the year mainly losing in singles action before in early 96' joining forces with Zip (Tom Prichard)

Skip & Zip

Skip and Zip spent their first couple months mainly feuding with the Godwin cousins. I believe the Godwin cousins won every match going into WM XII where the BodyDonnas finally won and Skip finally tasted WWF Gold. The Donnas than went on a two month spree of wins where you think maybe this is going somewhere. However after two months with the titles the teams manager Tammy (Sunny) left the Donnas to manage The Smoking Gunns. The Donnas dropped the belts the the Guns and were left without a manager.


This is where a run with the company went from under achieving to "this is embarrassing booking"

Skip and Zip looked to make Sunny jealous by introducing their new manager "Cloudy." Cloudy happened to be a transvestite which made the gimmick look even that much more goofy and the Donnas spent most the remaining year of 96 jobbing to tag teams with less talent. Candido than has finally had enough and left the company to join ECW in November of 96'. Keep in mind Skip (Candido) was voted most underrated wrestler by the the observer during his time in WWF.


Were not going to go into the month by month actions of Candido in ECW. Candido was a 3 time world tag team champion with the company and was in numerous notable feuds which included the likes of Terry Funk, RVD, Sabu, Lance Storm, and Taz.

Candido left ECW for WCW after 3 solid years with the company. Candido had a solid half year with WCW including a Cruiserweight title run.. but was later fired by management when drug paraphernalia was found in his and Tammy's locker room.

From than on Candido 00-04 it was said Candido and Sytch has many personal problems that needed dealt with. A situation that happened at a New York Independent show said to place Candido's wife Tammy and Low Ki getting involved in an altercation over a seat. In respect of Candido Low Ki defused the situation and told Candido to get his wife under control.

In 2005 Candido was hired by TNA and reportedly had changed his ways. For the first couple months it seemed Candido was finally going to get another good run in his career. Sadly at Lockdown of that year Candido fractured his tibia and fibula and needed to undergo surgery. After surgery Candido's health worsened to the point where he collapsed. Candido was rushed to the hospital where he was diagnosed with pneumonia. Just minutes after being sedated Candito died. The reports claims Candido has a blood clot due to surgery complications...

At the funeral service one of wrestling's legends was honored when TNA buried Candido with one of the NWA tag team titles that his Naturals (mentored them through out his run with the company) recently won from AMW.

RIP to a legend and in my mind of the biggest missed talents the WWF/E over looked.


So Q % A

1) What did you think about Candido's run with WWF.

2) Any ideas on what you would of done with him at that time?

3) Who is your biggest missed talent when it comes to the WWF/E

4) Why?

My Honorable Mentions Include:

Shane Douglas and Elijah Burke
1) What did you think about Candido's run with WWF.

Didn't really watch him then.

2) Any ideas on what you would of done with
him at that time?

Again, didn't really watch him so I cant say I wouldve done anything different.

3) Who is your biggest missed talent when it comes to the WWF/E

Elijah Burke without a doubt. Just look at him in TNA. He is a beast there, charismatic like hell and can easily be pictured as a world champion, much less a solid main eventer for years to come.

4) Why?

See number three.
I'd have 2 say Mark Henry. He's really strong, but hasn't done anything important in like at least 5 years. He was ECW champ, but except 4 the occasional extreme rules and zack ryder, i hated ecw b4 it was replaced by NXT.
If Mark was pushed, the injury sustained from Wade Barrett's finisher would have mattered and gave the Nexus heat.

1) What did you think about Candido's run with WWF.
Horrible. underrated, not used properly considering his ability.

2) Any ideas on what you would of done with him at that time?
Made him champion, and not have made him a bodydonna! WTF! Glad WWE doesnt have that 2day.
3) Who is your biggest missed talent when it comes to the WWF/E
See top
4) Why?
see top
1) What did you think about Candido's run with WWF.
I thought it was pretty lame. The Body Donnas were an annoying team and gimmick. The only saving grace was Sunny, however, they could have done so much more with the pairing of Sunny and Chris.

2) Any ideas on what you would of done with him at that time?
This is a tough one, obviously in hindsight I'd have him as his ECW persona. However, I don't blame WWF for not doing that then since it just wasn't being done there then. I would have given him a much less corny gimmick, maybe something similar to mr perfect instead.

3) Who is your biggest missed talent when it comes to the WWF/E
Sean O'Haire

4) Why?
The guy had the look in my opinion. The pairing of him and Piper was PERFECT. If Piper hadn't been fired for his comments on HBO who knows where these two could have gone. I think it would have given O'haire more time to get into his own and develop further w/o the need of Piper. He could have easily been one of the top heels of all time i think.
3) Who is your biggest missed talent when it comes to the WWF/E
Sean O'Haire

4) Why?
The guy had the look in my opinion. The pairing of him and Piper was PERFECT. If Piper hadn't been fired for his comments on HBO who knows where these two could have gone. I think it would have given O'haire more time to get into his own and develop further w/o the need of Piper. He could have easily been one of the top heels of all time i think.

Couldnt agree with this more, but for a slightly different reason. Now, if anyone has seen me post about O'Haire before you know what I'm going to say. Ten simple words...

I'm not telling you anything, that you don't already know.

He had 4 or 5 promos on Smackdown where he would play Devils Advocate. For example . . . On Laws On Cheating On Taxes

There are two more but these are the best three (there is one that is better on Religion, but cannot find a decent copy of it).

This gimmick could have been so good. But WWE abandoned it after re-debuting him, and paired him with Piper (the thing with Piper was still great, but this could have been on another level)

Imagine the guy in this promo vs CM Punk, for example?

WWE is like a small child. We love it but it just does things that make you wanna flip. And stuff like this is why.

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