Correct The Award: PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler Of The Year

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Next up in the PWI Award series is Most Inspirational Wrestler. This is probably the most forgotten award for me. I look at the list and see some guys who I don’t think are very deserving, but I often can’t come up with a better choice. 2005 is one example. Chris Candido won the award. I liked Candido, and mean no disrespect, but I don’t see how someone dying in April makes him an inspiring figure. I could not, however, think of anyone else for that year so I won’t argue against him. Here’s the list:

I’m going to argue against 1991. To be fair I wasn’t watching much WCW so I don’t really know what the Patriot did that year. I have a feeling he won because he liked America and we were at war early in the year. If that’s what got him the award Hulk Hogan may as well have won. He actually defeated an Iraqi sympathizer at WrestleMania. Hogan is not my choice either. My choice is Virgil. Yes, the same Virgil who has become a laughing stock in wrestling. The same guy everybody here makes fun of. He hasn’t had the most successful career, but 1991 is easily the best and maybe the only good year in his career. For years Virgil was the servant of Ted Dibiase. At first he was the bodyguard, but as time went by Dibiase had Virgil doing the most demeaning things for him. Finally Virgil had enough and decided to leave Dibiase. The crowd pop was awesome when Virgil hit Dibiase with the million dollar belt at the Royal Rumble. Everyone got behind Virgil. Roddy Piper took Virgil under his wing making him even more popular. Virgil beat Dibiase at mania and then beat him for the million dollar belt at SummerSlam. As soon as 1992 hit Virgil became the jobber we all know him as, but for one year Virgil was pretty inspiring.
1984 - Sgt. Slaughter? Why??

1984 saw the beginning of perhaps the most decorated reign as WWF Champion in Hulk Hogan, he came out of no where and took the title of the evil Iranian Iron Sheik an started the whole eat your vitamins, say your prayers and train brother! If thats not inspirational for kids back then, i have no idea what is!
2002 -- i love Eddie Guerrero, but it's hard to deny the two major returns to wrestling that happened that year in Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels. i'd give the nod to Michaels here, for one because he's just the one i prefer more over Hogan, but from a wrestling standpoint, his matches were better too. he had a street fight victory over Triple H at Summer Slam, a world title victory inside the first ever Elimination Chamber, also involving Triple H at Survivor Series, a 3 Stages of Hell loss to Triple H but an amazing showing and continued on ever since.

2004 -- tough call. i promise that i'm not just an Eddie Guerrero hater. i love Eddie. but Benoit winning the Rumble from the number one spot and then winning the title cleanly by making Triple H tap for the WHC in the main event of Mania... pretty inspirational.
I’m going to argue against 1991. To be fair I wasn’t watching much WCW so I don’t really know what the Patriot did that year. I have a feeling he won because he liked America and we were at war early in the year. If that’s what got him the award Hulk Hogan may as well have won. He actually defeated an Iraqi sympathizer at WrestleMania. Hogan is not my choice either. My choice is Virgil. Yes, the same Virgil who has become a laughing stock in wrestling. The same guy everybody here makes fun of. He hasn’t had the most successful career, but 1991 is easily the best and maybe the only good year in his career. For years Virgil was the servant of Ted Dibiase. At first he was the bodyguard, but as time went by Dibiase had Virgil doing the most demeaning things for him. Finally Virgil had enough and decided to leave Dibiase. The crowd pop was awesome when Virgil hit Dibiase with the million dollar belt at the Royal Rumble. Everyone got behind Virgil. Roddy Piper took Virgil under his wing making him even more popular. Virgil beat Dibiase at mania and then beat him for the million dollar belt at SummerSlam. As soon as 1992 hit Virgil became the jobber we all know him as, but for one year Virgil was pretty inspiring.

Upon further research it comes to my attention this man known as 'The Patriot' was wrestling in Global Wrestling Federation in 1991. He won the North American and tv titles. I can remember this from when i was a kid. GWF had a show that ran on ESPN and featured Marcus Bagwell, Harlem Heat and even a non jobber Barry Horowitz. I really cant see how that was so inspirational compared to Hogan or Sting or Virgil.

But just about anybody is a good fit here besides The Patriot. Virgil is the best answer of any. Dibiase was such a fantastic heel that he could even the crowd behind the jobber known as Virgil. The pop for Virgil when he finally grows some balls and stands up for himself is simply amazing.
I'ld argue that in 2002, the award should have gone to Hulk Hogan. When he returned at No Way Out, he and the rest of the NWO were heels and going into his match with The Rock at Mania X8, Hogan was supposed to be the heel and Rock the face. However, the crowd rooted for Hogan for sentimental reasons and after Mania, he brought back the red and yellow and turned face. From a nostalgia point of view, his match against Rock was inspirational. He hadn't been in a WWF/E ring since King of the Ring 1993; almost 9 years prior.

He then won the undisputed world title from HHH and had a one month reign before dropping it to the Undertaker, but i think the most inspirational part of his year was to come with Edge. With Edge a self-proclaimed 'Hulkamaniac', the pair won the world tag team titles from Billy and Chuck and had a real feel good moment when Hogan waved the American flag whilst 'Real American' played in the background. Hell, i'm a Brit and even i thought that was cool.
2004 -- tough call. i promise that i'm not just an Eddie Guerrero hater. i love Eddie. but Benoit winning the Rumble from the number one spot and then winning the title cleanly by making Triple H tap for the WHC in the main event of Mania... pretty inspirational.

Benoit should've got it over Guerrero in 2004? I'm finding that hard to deal with. Benoit's Royal Rumble win starting from number one, winning his second World Title (first in WWE) at wrestlemania was emotional I'll give you that. But this one goes to Eddie without any doubt at all. Eddie won his first world championship ever in 2004. Look at the bigger picture. Eddie had over came so much in his life. From his surviving New Years Eve car accident where he got thrown a hundred feet, to him overcoming drug abuse and losing his family. Eddie had it worse than any wrestler I've heard of. Then winning the WWE Championship from Brock Lesnar at No Way Out 2004 was his crowning achievement. It proved to the world that no matter how bad you've got it, you can over come the odds in your life. Benoit had a neck surgery and won the world championship....I believe Eddie had it worse and deserves the most inspirational wrestler of the year in 2004. Sorry for the small rant.

As for 2002 he didn't deserve it. 2002 goes to Shawn Michaels. Shawn, just like Eddie had returned from years of "down on his luck" drug abuse. And an even worse back injury that shoudve ended his career. Instead he returns to fued with Triple H in some good ass matches that included the Three Stages of Hell. He even won the first ever Elimination Chambe match winning the World Heavyweight Championship. I'm not understanding what Eddie did that was so inspirational in 2002. That's why Michaels shoulve won it here.

In 1996 I don't agree either. I get the whole Jake the snake Robets preacher gimmick but I believe Jushin Liger should've won this time around. He had abrain tumor removed and wrestled only a few months later. That's pretty Inspirational if you ask me.

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