Biggest, Loudest Pop of All Time?

The loudest pop i ever heard was Austin entering with the Zamboni. Joe Louis arena is quite famous for being very loud.

The visually coolest pop was in ECW when Cyrus (on the behalf of brand new world champion Rhino) instantly challenged anyone from the back, or from another company to "bring it right fucking now!!" Then instantly the music of Pantera hit and RVD made his long waited and unexpected return. The camera shot was pulled all the way back, and crowd was in perfect unison of exploding, and then fist pumping to the iconic song. RE! SPECT! WALK! WHAT DO YA SAY!.... The pop was because everyone thought RVD had returned to finally win the world title that every wrestling fan knew he earned and deserved (unfortunatly rhino cowarded and jerry lynn entered to have an impromptu match) You Tube the crowd, because it is such a cool sight to see.
Loudest pop I've ever heard when Mick Foley stole The Rock's catchphrase and then started the 'FOLEY FOLEY FOLEY' chant, simply awesome!
It might not be the biggest but when Brock superplexed big show and the ring broke. I remember watching that and flipping a lid when it happened
One of the biggest in my recollection was Undertaker's return at Judgment Day 2000. The whole crowd was screaming literally the entire time, when he first appeared on the bike, when he charged into the ring and took out DX - they were pretty hot.
In terms of middle of match pops, the biggest I ever heard was WrestleMania 25, Shawn Michaels kicking out of the first tombstone piledriver by the Undertaker. Nobody had ever immediately kicked out of a tombstone without there being some type of delay in the referee's count.

70,000 + all collectively living a "Holy S%&t" moment.
For me, it HAS to be debut of the Millennium Man, Chris Jericho.

Everyone had a strong hunch that when he was leaving WCW he was headed to the WWE. This is the ONE and only debut that the WWE did right - displaying this Millennium clock every once in a while, counting dow for what was a month or so. And then The Rock comes out for a promo, the clock runs out, lights go off... queue the cool TitanTron and music and "JERICHO" pops up on the screen!! If you play the video of that back on, you will still get goose bumps. I defy ANYone to find a stronger debut or a louder pop.

It's true, it's DAMN true!
I would have to agree with a few of the posts here and say the debut of Jericho on Raw, I remember watching it live and have watched it many times on YouTube, it remains the loudest pop I've ever heard on TV.

In person the loudest pop I've ever heard was Unforgiven 2000 in Philly when Austin returned to meet the man who supposedly ran him over which Shane McMahon had said was Steve Blackman. As soon as the glass shattered, I had never heard anything like it before, as it was named then the First Union Center crowd in Philly almost blew the roof off of the place.

I'm sure there are about 10 other moments I could rattle off and most of them belonging to Austin or the Rock but those 2 moments are the ones that immediately stick out in my mind.
For me its when Stone Cold came out to help Mick Foley win the world title. When the glass broke, it was chaos!! 15,000 ppl on their feet and remained on their feet for a full minute, also the crowd counted the 1 2 3 along with the ref.
I also have to mention the ECW ppv One Night Stand when RVD won the title and Bischoff got his ass kicked. That crowd was rabid and symbolized why ECW got so popular in the first place. I remember the one sign that said "If Cena wins we riot". Among other chants from the Philly crowd included "You fucked up", "Holy Shit", "Shes got herpes", and "You cant wrestle". CLASSIC ECW!
In terms of middle of match pops, the biggest I ever heard was WrestleMania 25, Shawn Michaels kicking out of the first tombstone piledriver by the Undertaker. Nobody had ever immediately kicked out of a tombstone without there being some type of delay in the referee's count.

70,000 + all collectively living a "Holy S%&t" moment.

Kane kicked out of 2 tombstones without any type of delay in the referee´s count at WM14. hell.. he almost kick out of the third one!
Somebody already pointed this out, but Bret Hart's fake return summer of 2005. I still believe to this day, that was the greatest heel promo, hell, the greatest promo Shawn Michaels or any wrestler has done and greatest pop WWE/F ever had.

Another one i would strongly agree with as number 2 is indeed when Austin came out to help Mick Foley win the title. Man i remember when Austin was at his peak, when that glass broke, the arena would just erupt, and i would be spazzing out with my family at my house. Good times....

Still my vote, BRET'S HART'S FAKE RETURN IN 2005. Watching it on youtube, you still get chills, but i remember watching it live, hearing that ovation was insane, and i was apart of it because i was screaming too thinking he was coming back, but HBK got me!!

Somebody start a greatest promo thread, because that would be my number one pick, hands down!!!
If your asking WCW, no question, Monday Nitro when Goldberg defeats Hogan. Many may not admit it now, but you were a Goldberg mark, and when he beat Hogan in the Georgia Dome, i dont remember WCW ever getting a louder pop.

I would say the Sting appearences during 97 come in a close second, if were talking strictly WCW
I remember Hogan returning in 03 and the pop was about 10 mins long and people chanted Hogan throughout.
RVD at ONS 06, maybe the smaller venue contained the noise better, but that was not just the pop, but the visible joy at seeing him win the title.
Thats all i have for now
its a toss up between hhh return at MSG, the rock vs hulk hogan at mania 18, guererro winning the wwe title jericho unoffically winning the wwe title hbk returning in 2002 or hbk winning the wwe title in the Alamodome in his hometown of San Antonio texas
Shane Douglas winning the ECW Title for a 3rd time in his hometown of Pittsburgh at the November to Remember against Bam Bam Bigelow.. 1997
On top of Bulldog beating Bret Hart? it's this without a shadow of a doubt:

How about when Kevin Von Erich was introduced to the crowd in Dallas then gave the iron claw to Rob Conway.
Triple H's return in 2002

SCSA comes down to help Mankind win the title

SCSA enters the arena in WM17

The entrance of the Hart Foundation at Canadian Stampede
Mines was Cena entering the Royal Rumble at #30 because of the surprise, and because if you listened after he got into the ring, you can see how quickly the crowd turned against him and booed him when he started eliminating people. It was the biggest pop/heat turn I have ever heard in Madison Square Garden.
I have to add in another 2 and both took place at Madison Square Garden...

Taz's debut with the WWE against Kurt Angle, which if you watch it on YouTube, Angle was receiving massive heat to begin with and then out came Taz to a huge pop.

The other was Scott Steiner's re-debut with the WWE at MSG when Matt Hardy and Chris Nowinski were doing a Raw and Smackdown promo.!v=6bkTWIRkOOE&feature=related
The loudest pop of all time would have to be Triple H's return in 2002.

Honorable mentions

Hulk Hogan at WM18
John Cena's Royal Rumble return
The return of the "Old Stone Cold" in 2001
Bret Hart's "Return" in 2005
Sting beating up the nWo at Uncensored 1997
Eddie Guerrero winning the WWE Championship
Undertaker's 2000 return
Ric Flair's Farewell
Shawn Michaels winning the World Title in 2002
Mankind winning the WWE Title in 1999
Hart Foundation at Canadian Stampede
relative to the size of the audience, the most impressive pop i've ever seen on tv...
it was an "elevation x" match where kazarian jumped from the top rope to neck breaker chris daniels. the audience went absolutely apeshit!

the only thing wrong with it is that the match continued for minutes. if you get a pop like that, someone needs to get pinned nearly immediately. you can clean up the plot later.

so speaks the prophet!
Jericho's WWE debut.

When the letters J-E-R-I-C-H-O hit the titan tron after the final countdown the fans went ape shit.
Well it would probably be the Canadian Stampede In Your House with The Hart Foundation as some have already said. The loudest pop I have ever heard personally at a WWE show would be the Smackdown at Freedom Hall in Louisville Kentucky when Hogan came through the curtain to sign the contract for his match at WM 21 against Vince McMahon. That place was earth shattering. I have been to a few Raws in different cities like St. Louis and Dayton Ohio where John Cena would have a pretty loud pop.

The Rock and Steve Austin at the Rupp Arena in Lexington Kentucky had pretty amazing pops too. I'm sure none of them compare to the Hart Foundation at In Your House in Canada though.

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