Biggest, Loudest Pop of All Time?

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
Hey Yo!

Now my question is simple in your opinion what is the greatest or loudest positive fan reaction you have ever heard?

In my opinion the best and loudest pop i ve ever heard is the match between the British Bulldog vs Bret Hart match for the intercontinental title man they were F'n loud the whole way through especially for the end result, and it was an open stadium not enclosed and it was still huge. Wrestlemania has 80,000 people and they don't go off like that. So that's my favourite and i think the biggest ever.
Now what is your biggest and loudest pop you have ever heard?

.Tha Wolfpac.
Stone Cold Steve Austin returning at No Way Out 2003

The Rock winning the WWF Title at Backlash 2000

The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin on the Owen Hart tribute show

Triple H returning at MSG

Hogan at WM18 and the Raw after

John Cena when he first got drafted to Raw

HBK returning at SummerSlam 2002

The Rocks entrance at Armaggeddon 1999

Stone Cold coming to help Mankind defeat The Rock
wrestlemania 8 when the warrior returned to save hogan. nobody expected that and everyone still loved him. people had signs that said bring back warrior and they got their wish that night.
Okay...the loudest, i will have to agreee with OP...Summer Slam 1992...i don't think it was a cheap pop, just because it was his home turf...but this was just 80,000 screaming fans just going soon as the small pin was made...they showed the fans and you could just see Wembly Stadium explode...

Honourable Mentions

Tazz debut at Royal Rumble 200 against Kurt Angle.. - I think it a decent enough pop..

Stone Cold returning at Backlash 2000 to arrive raise hell and leave..

The Rock winning at the same night...

Jericho won the WWF champion against HHH after a fast cound from Hebner - this wasn't recorded as a reign...

Taker returning to his Bad Ass gimmick..

Austin returns to help WWF against the alliance

Triple H returning in early 2002...

Hogan returning after Wrestlemania in the red and yellow attire on Smackdown!

Bret Hart fake return in Canada in 2005, but the crowd went crazy!!

Cena at number 30 in Royal Rumble 2008..

Those are the ones i can remember for now..
I would say the loudest pop of all time was Triple H's return in Madison Square Garden. It had been built up and anticipation was high as he returned as a face and was one T.V. for the first time in 7 months.

It was a huge evening for him and for the WWF at the time. The Alliance had just been a flop and Jericho had just got his Undisputed Belt and he was on a kamikaze course to defend it at WrestleMania. Not since Austin returned in 2000 had people so eagerly awaited a return. It was a sensational moment and a great Pop.
Without a doubt the loudest pop ever was HHH returning from his first quad tear in MSG. When he did the water spit it was the loudest i have ever heard.
Stone Cold's entrance at Mania 17

Stone Cold's entrance at Survivor Series 2003

Hogan's entrance at Mania 18

The Rock's returns in 2004 (pre-Mania 20 and to help Eugene)

Taker's return at Mania 20

Jericho's return in 2007

All epic moments, all received epic pops. :)
- Triple H's return in 2002
- Eddie Guerrero winning the WWE championship
- The Rock returning to Raw in 2002.
- RVD WWE championship win.
- Kane returning in 2002.
- The Rock winning the WWE title at backlash 2000
- John cena's return at royal Rumble 2008
- Return of Hulkamania at Wrestle Mania X8
- Jeff Hardy winning the WWE championship
- Chris jericho returning in 2007.
- Mankind winning the WWE Championship on Raw January 5 1998
That's all I can think of right now.
By far the biggest pop was when Stonecold returned to safe the WWF from the invasion. After he had been the vince hugging Stoncold. Then he changed to the Stonecold we all know and love.

Check it out its amazing.

Also good pops have been

HHH return

The rock return

Goldbergs first appearance.
Best I can remember was when Hogan saved Eugene at WM20...

Some others would be John Cena #30
Edge #29
Rock saving Eugene
SCSA returns and stuns the whole alliance

And everyone seems to forget...Trish winning her 7th womens title....with the sharpshooter....they popped hard before the hold was even on.
one recently was when CHRISTIAN returned CAPTAIN CHARISMA CHRISTIAN was back in the WWE when that happened i was SO happy my favorite wrestler was back home in the WWE even though CHRISTIAN ussaully gets one of the loudest pops of the night every night and EDGE #29 at the ROYAL RUMBLE returning from a possible career ending injury
By far the loudest pop I have heard was in Canada in 2005 when at a Raw show they tricked the fans by playing Bret Harts music during a Shawn Michaels Canada sucks promo when he had begun bashing The Hitman it was classic because the boos were even louder when de didn't appear.
Hands down, Wrestlemania III: Hogan slams Andre. 93,173 fans blowing the roof off the Silverdome. Nothing will ever top that.
I have to go with Flair's return w/ Horseman reunion in Greeneville, SC or Goldberg beating Hogan for the title on Nitro.
TV- I think the loudest pop I ever heard on was the night Mankind beat The Rock for his first WWE title on Monday Night Raw. There were actually two HUGE pops in this match. The first was when Stone Cold's music hit and he came out and hit The Rock with a chair and put Mankind on top of The Rock to make the pin. The second was when the ref counted 3. The crowd there was unbelievably loud!

LIVE- I would have to say was on Monday Night Raw in Dallas, Texas. It was the night Cactus Jack teamed up with The Rock to face DX and The Radicals. Right before the match started, it was a handicap match, until Rikishi and Too Cool entered the match to even the odds for The Rock and Cactus. I was at this show, and ive never heard a crowd so loud, for entire match. I call this a pop becuz from start to finish we were screamin so loud. At the end of the match, Kane returned to beat the hell out of DX and the Radicals, we were cheerin so f*ckin loud!
My vote goes to Chris Jericho's original debut in the WWE about a decade or so ago. Not his second return after his brief retirement, I am talking about when he first debuted in the WWE by interrupting another classic Rock promo.

The internet and therefore the spoilers weren't as prevalent then. So it came as more of a shock. While it had been rumoured and people suspected he was coming, no one really knew for sure, in stark contrast to when he returned a few years ago and everyone knew when, where, why, etc., weeks ahead of time, so it wasn't as dramatic.

When the lights went out and the countdown started, no one really knew for sure what was going on. When the pyro went off and the lights came on and JERICHO flashed across the screen, the crowd response was literally deafening. It was the loudest pop I ever heard, followed by a great exchange between the Rock and Y2J.

Triple H's return from his first quad injury was a close second though. That was pretty loud too, as were several of the pops mentioned above by other posters.
This one shouldn't even be close. It's when Austins music hit in the WWF title match on Raw when Mankind beat the Rock for the title. The match already had a hot crowd and when the glass hit the building blew up.

The only thing really close to it would be HHHs return at MSG but even that didn't have such a loud moment as Austin coming down.
This one shouldn't even be close.

I agree w/ that statement but I strongly disagree w/ the one you chose. In my 33 yrs I have been to ton of wrestling events starting back in the old school territory days when wrestling was "real". But by far the loudest pop was when I was in college in Atlanta and Goldberg beat Hogan for the WCW title. The Goldberg chants spilled outside of the Georgia Dome onto the Marta trains & buses, people were chanting Goldberg on the train!! Drunk college kids were spearing each other on the train & when you got to the transit center it was still mayhem. I've seen every wrestler that was anybody in the NWA(JCP) & WWE since 1979, been to over 50 PPV events, several RAW, Nitro, Thunder & Smackdown tapings but never was there anything close to that night. The only thing somewhat close for me was when Ric Flair returned & came to the WWE as part owner and he made his return in my hometown of Fayetteville, NC but anytime Flair is in the Carolinas its gonna be loud regardless.
Hulk Hogan slams Andre is the biggest pop of all time.

After that, there are several that jump out at me, but the Hulk Up vs. the Rock at Mania was incredible with the crowd reaction. The crowd popped for Hogan's entrance, popped even louder when Hogan shocked everyone with a Rock Bottom on the Rock, and then nearly collapsed the building hen Hogan did the Hulk Up.

Steve Austin had one that was up there with the Mania Hogan-Rock pop, but I can' remember where it was. Pretty sure it was on a Raw, cause I remember thinking my TV's sound was broken.
Yeah, gonna have to go with Goldberg beating Hogan for the WCW title. When he actually connected with the jackhammer, I thought a bomb had exploded in the arena. Very, very, very loud pop. This is by far arguably though, because great pops happen all the time (figuratively) and unless you're there live, you really can't tell just how loud they are. Totally subjective but a great thread!!
Actually, here's one that may have slipped your mind, and my personal choice for GREATEST POP OF ALL TIME..............

For those of you who have your 'Monday Night Wars' dvd handy, the night Mick Foley won the title. Get to that section when DX started brawling with the Corporation and turn your volume up.

CRASH! Austin's music hits and the crowd blows the roof off the joint. Austin comes in, wacks the Rock with a chair, puts Foley ontop of him for the 3 count. Simply Classic!

A very close second..............Austin saves team WWE from WCW/ECW. I can here Jim Ross right now screaming into the mic:

Cole: "The Crowd Is Chanting, They Know Austin's Here!"
Ross: "But Will Austin Come Down and Get In The Middle Of This Fight?!
"We Need Austin Now!"
Cole: The WWE superstars are being DECIMATED in the ring! DECIMATED!"


Ross: "And There He Is! And It Looks Like The Old Stone Cold!"
"Oh he's talkin! He's talkin'! The BMF walk!.............."
Well the Eddie chant after it was announced he was going to the HOF was pretty wild. I remember watching and thinking "oh my god, that building is going to collapse."

Second on my list is the 9/11 Smackdown with the USA chant. By the way, Jericho and Edge looked really awkward in that segment. Kind of like when you're at a birthday party and the kid's dad has a heart attack and you're stuck there with a grieving family.

Of course when it comes to just a general pop, I have to go with Shawn Michaels asking Hogan to be his tag partner for Backlash 2005.

Biggest pop during a match? That's a hard one. But i remember the Italy crowd going ape shit when Lashley helped Santino Marella (a "fan" at the time) win the IC title.
Stone Cold Steve Austin returning at No Way Out 2003

The Rock winning the WWF Title at Backlash 2000

The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin on the Owen Hart tribute show

Triple H returning at MSG

Hogan at WM18 and the Raw after

John Cena when he first got drafted to Raw

HBK returning at SummerSlam 2002

The Rocks entrance at Armaggeddon 1999

Stone Cold coming to help Mankind defeat The Rock

These are definitely good ones. I also gotta go with these:

Goldberg winning the WCW title from Hogan

Sting winning the NWA title from Ric Flair at the Great American Bash

Dean Malenko returning at Slamboree '98

Ric Flair returning for the Four Horsemen reunion in 1998.

Chris Jericho "winning" the WWF title the first time.

Shawn Michaels returning as the commissioner in 1999.

DX's reunion in 2006.

Kane's return in 2000 and 2002.

and pretty much any Stone Cold pop :icon_wink:

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