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Biggest Angle/Storyline of ALL time?

Gifted Music

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Hey guys...Sorry If this has been done before..I looked, but couldn't find it... But I was watching Impact AND Raw on Monday and i just started thinking...What was the biggest, most well played out angle of ALL time in WCW, WWE, or even TNA...Now It got me to thinking of all the well played angles in those promotions...The debut of Kane comes to mind...Hulk Hogan's heel turn and the birth of the nWo is close..But after careful consideration I have come to this conclusion..Some may agree, some may not..


It started in September of 1996...The nWo had just formed in July of that year and they were increasing in numbers..Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Hulk Hogan were running through WCW..But Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and Lex Lugar were standing up for WCW along with Sting...On the September edition of NITRO, Lugar went after the nWo..He followed them out to a Limo parked outside...Stepping out of the Limo, was STING, or so Lugar thought.."Sting" then nailed Lugar in the gut with a baseball bat, thus joining the nWo.

Everyone was shocked that Sting had seemingly turned his back on WCW despite his repeated denials that he'd done so...Team WCW went in to War Games short handed as it was Flair, Anderson, and Lugar vs Hall, Nash, Hogan, and Sting...The nWo was victorious but the story here, was the return of the REAL Sting! Sting came out and cleaned house of the nWo, proving he was telling the truth...Lugar tried to reason with Sting but Sting just came in, cleaned house, and left...Sting came out on Nitro the following night and talked about the mistrust..How WCW thought he'd betrayed them..He then proceeded to tell WCW to "Stick it" and declared himself a Free Agent.

This would set off one of the most anticipated, well thought out angles in history...Sting would stay out of action for nearly a full YEAR...Noone talked to him...Noone saw him..Everyone thought they'd seen the last of Sting..Then, suddenly, we started to see Sting again... But this was a very different Sting..Gone was the bleach blonde hair...No more multi-colored face paint and multi-colored clothes...No..The Venice Beach, California Sting was no more...This Sting was dressed head to toe in Black and White...His hair grew long, black and white face paint, trench coat, standing up in the rafters, like a Guardian angel, watching down on the Mayhem that was the WCW vs nWo feud...

Noone knew his true intentions...He hadnt said a word publicly in almost a year...The nWo was taking over and everyone was begging for the return of Sting..Finally, after nearly a year off dropping from the rafters and taking out both WCW AND NWO superstars, Sting finally showed his true allegiance when he helped WCW fend off an nWo attack on his one time best friend, Lex Lugar..But Sting hadn't forgotten..He hadn't forgotten the betrayal and was still quiet and non committal...Finally, WCW Commissioner JJ Dillon came out to publicly apologize to Sting for all WCW had done to him...JJ knew he needed Sting to defeat the nWo and was willing to do everything in his power to make it happen but it's clear what Sting wanted.

JJ would come out for a couple weeks with signed WCW contracts for Sting to return to WCW and compete...The first one, was for Sting to wrestle the returning Curt Hennig...The fans booed and Sting came out, ripped up the contract and walked out, not uttering a word...The fans were speaking for him everytime JJ and Mean Gene asked what he wanted...The next week, JJ came out with another contract...He knew Sting hated the nWo so he thought this would seal the deal..He presented Sting with a signed contract to wrestle Syxx Pac...The crowd again, booed, and Sting again ripped up the contract, not saying a word.

Finally, JJ had enough..He was tired of Sting ripping up his contracts and not even saying anything as to what he wanted..He gave Sting an ultimatum that he had until Thursday Thunder to give him an answer..Sting didn't wait..Sting once again came out...JJ and Mean Gene begged him to tell them what he wanted but all Sting did was point to the crowd...He grabbed Dillon by his tie and guided him to each side of the ring and pointed to the signs...It was clear to everyone....Except JJ Dillon...That Sting wanted Hulk Hogan...Finally Sting stepped outside of the ring and picked up a sign that had fallen on the ground..He climbed back in to the ring and opened the sign up and it said it all..Sting versus Hulk Hogan.

JJ Dillon finally gave Sting what he wanted..A shot at Hollywood Hogan at Starrcade for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship...By this time, Bret Hart had already been screwed in Montreal and made his way to WCW to interject himself in Hogan's business..December of 1997 was finally here and it was time for Sting vs Hulk Hogan..They aired vignettes in previous weeks, all of which indicating Hogan was terrified of facing Sting..He knew Sting was the one obstacle he could NOT overcome in the nWo's war against WCW..Sting came out, different music, black and white attire..No more happy go lucky Stinger that we all knew from years past..This was a different, more determined, "Crow" Sting....The match itself, wasn't that good...Hogan played a little politics with the finish, but at the end of the day, the Pay off was what we wanted, Sting making Hulk Hogan tap out to The Scorpion Deathlock as Bret Hart awarded Sting the WCW Championship in the ultimate win for Team WCW...Their saviour had returned and the fight against the nWo had ONLY just begun.

So thats MY take...I feel Sting's exile, transformation, and ultimate return to WCW was the biggest, most epic storyline of all time and I'm interested to hear what you guys have to say.
Hogan/Andre, hands down. The buildup to their Wrestlemania III match wasn't just huge in the wrestling world, it garnered national mainstream media attention. Their storyline wasn't just wrestling, it made Wrestlemania III an "event". The image of Hogan, being forced to look up at Andre as they stared each other down is absolutely iconic. It might be the most famous image of pro wrestling ever.


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