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Big Zeke: Intercontinental Champion

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
This is a pretty basic question: would Ezekiel Jackson make a good IC Champion, and would it be good for his character? Would it be good for the title picture?


I think that Big Zeke would actually make a pretty good champion, and it would add some much needed challenge to capturing the title. I mean, can you imagine having to go through a guy like Zeke to capture the IC title? How many guys would fail in their efforts or just plain give up? Wouldn't the guy who eventually beats him get an instant boost? Not only would Zeke's title reign bring some more credibility to Corre, but it would help out the division. However, if it were to happen, having the match at Wrestlemania or after would be a good idea. Corre and Nexus both walking away from Mania dominant would be great, and add even more fire to the flame between the two.
I think it would be a good move. Big Zeke certainly looks like a champion, and could be very dominant in the role. A good IC Title reign could help build him up as a credible main eventer for the future, and its very likely Vince see's big things in Jackson's future.

It would also help The Corre if one of their members picked up championship gold pretty quickly. With Barrett main eventing, Jackson as the mid-card IC champion, and Gabriel and Slater going for the tag titles, it would establish The Corre as the dominant force of Smackdown, and would benefit all members.

I am getting a bit tired of Kofi Kingston forever being around the IC and US title scenes, it seems he has been involved in the battles for the gold for 2 or 3 years now, and I think Jackson would offer something totally different, and with a well-booked title reign, could really become a force to be reckoned with. A few good wins over credible opponents in IC title matches would do wonders for Big Zeke's status and reputation
I don't think Big Zeke is nearly ready to be IC champ right now. Let's face it, Zeke isn't exactly a dynamo inside the ring and has some stuff that needs to be worked on. The role he has right now as the muscle/enforcer of The Corre is a perfect fit for him at this time. The WWE can keep him on television in a prominent role of a high profile faction while hiding the shortcomings that he currently has.

Zeke has a great look about him, I think he's also demonstrated some pretty decent mic ability but I think an overall stronger member of The Corre would serve better as being the group's first champion. Not that Slater & Gabriel are fantastic or anything, but they've been on WWE television as part of a major storyline for the past 6 or 7 months, they've got more overall exposure and just seem more along the lines of IC title competitors.
Jackson has a nice look to him and is decent on the stick. His ring work could some seasoning, but it's nothing that can't be hidden in a group like the Corre. As far as championships, he was the final "ECW" Champion and a run for the I.C title would be good for him. I'm also a fan that is tired of Kofi going in and out of the U.S and I.C title picture. Jackson could be a dominant champion for months once he's ready to go and I like the idea of him being the groups first champion.

The other members have gotten a lot of exposure in the past half year or so and this would do wonders for the big man.
I'd love to see Big Zeke as IC Champ. For anyone questioning his wrestling skills, there have been far less talented guys who've held titles. I think that his in-ring ability can improve with time and the right opponents. A lot of people doubted Batista when he first started too, and Zeke reminds me a lot of Dave.

He's physically imposing enough to be credible though, and if he can get on the mic more often then maybe he'll be able to generate as much heat as Wade Barrett. The few times I've heard him speak he wasn't bad. I think him and Kofi would have a nice feud, and after he beats Kofi for the IC strap, Kofi can then start challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship so it'd benefit them both.
Again he would be a great IC Champ. Best wrestler, no, but previous history says you don't have to be. He is a freakishly large man, not only that he has "The Corre" backing him, so it'd be twice as hard to get the title off him. Big Zeke has to hurry to get a push though, he is a bit older so I hope they hurry
Yeah, I don't see why not. I think he'd be a good heel IC Champion because he can really play a monster heel role while still looking somewhat beatable. He's not a giant like Khali, Big Show, or Kane, and he's not ridiculously fat like Mark Henry or Big Daddy V, so it's not like a Kofi Kingston type wrestler would have no shot against him. That said, he clearly has a strength advantage over almost all of his opponents, and this could win him some pretty easy victories and be the difference maker in the more hard fought battles.
I don't think he would be a bad IC champion. He is a big man that is going to be hard to beat and I could see him taking the title from Kofi Kingston. The IC title is to test guys out and see how they are with the title before they give them anything else. They need to use the IC title on Jackson to see when and if he will be World Champion. Plus, it would make Corre look more dominant because at the moment the New Nexus seems like they are making a bigger impact however if Jackson won the IC title, they would look stronger. If this happens I want it to wait at least untill after EC, and maybe even after Mania that way it doesn't make Kofi look weak. I think once and if he does when the IC title, he should hold it for a while.
Big Zeke would make a awsome IC Champ. WWE hasnt had a monster heel IC Champion since Umaga. Have him take the strap off Kofi at Elimination Chamber as a midcard match, then give him a good long reign, something WWE hasnt done since Randy Orton in 2003-2004...
If the WWE wanted to push Zeke, they could do something like this. Push him and have him beat a bunch of people on Smackdown, squashing most of them, then have him fight for #1 contender spot for the IC Title, have the challenger put up a fight until Zeke overpowers him and beats him. Then when he fights the champ, he does the same thing and becomes IC champion. Then have him hold it for like 5 months, and just destroying his challengers the entire time. Then, the guy who beats him gets over a lot too.
Big Zeke would make a awsome IC Champ. WWE hasnt had a monster heel IC Champion since Umaga. Have him take the strap off Kofi at Elimination Chamber as a midcard match, then give him a good long reign, something WWE hasnt done since Randy Orton in 2003-2004...

I would personally have Zeke take the strap from Kofi at WM. Have him destroy other members of the roster until then, and maybe pin Kofi in a tag match, and win a number 1 contenders match for the IC title at Elimination Chamber, with the ruling that he cannot place his hands on Kingston until WM.

For the next few weeks, Zeke comes out, squashes someone and gets on the mic threatening Kingston and telling him "this is what will happen to you at WM"...then when they finally get it on at 'Mania, have Kingston put up a great fight against Zeke, before the big man finally gets the pinfall.

The match needs to be built up, giving Zeke the chance to establish his dominance before they just give him the belt.
Irrelevant weather he'd make a good IC Champion. Kofi Kingston is a terrible champion and he's on his third reign. If WWE are serious about pushing him then give him the belt. It'll be elevated just by being around somebody so physically imposing. Even more so if he's feuding with Big Show. Zeke can also be carried, as his short feud with Christian proved.

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