Big Will - A Star is Coming...

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[This Space for Rent]
Setting/Background: New Orleans, Louisiana..

As the camera pans out, the aftermath & wreckage left behind from Hurricane Katrina still remains a dominating factor. Local businesses shut down, broken windows & glass lay everywhere on the sidewalks & streets. Homes, once filled with caring, loving families now left torn apart & abandoned. All that remains are those who aren't fortunate enough to afford relocating, or finding shelter anywhere else. The hopeless, the helpless, the homeless.

As the camera continues to focus on the devastating effects suffered by the Hurricane's path of destruction, one man stands out from the rest.. that man is standing over a pile of rubble, with a look of disgust on his face.

(Mysterious Man)- "Can you believe this? The shear thought of what it must of been like to endure this. The mere feeling that must of ran through all of their minds as this event unfolded. Look at this!!" The mystery male picks up a magazine thats been torn to shreds. "Do you have any idea what this is? This just so happens to be the first ever magazine that I was written about, in. And look what these people allowed to happen to it?! Its practically as worthless & destroyed as they are!!"

The mysterious male walks up to a homeless guy, who's pushing a cart filled with various items including a sleeping bag, several jars of different colored fluids, & some clothes that smell just as bad, as the surrounding area looks.

(Mysterious Man)- "Hey you, come here! Do you realize what this is? Do you know who I am?!" he yells viciously at the homeless man. "It's a wrestling magazine?!?" the homeless man answers, bewildered, as he looks at the torn magazine.

(Mysterious Man)- "Of course it is, you moron, I meant, do you have any idea how important this magazine is?!" he exclaims, as he jerks the magazine away from the homeless guy, only to smack him across the head with it. "I'm 'The One' Big Will, this magazine was the first ever magazine that I graced the pages of. It has a full description of who I am, what I've accomplished, where I'm headed. Does any of this mean ANYTHING to you?!" (Homeless guy)- "I.. er, I.. didn't know.. I.. I've been.. hom..homeless, for a ye.. year." (Big Will)- "Did I ask about your pity me problems? Look Bob, this is a serious issue we have here.. & you're the only one around that I see. So therefore, I think you need to tell me what you're going to do, to fix this problem?!"

The homeless guy takes the magazine, as he begins wiping it off with a dirty rag that he had stored within his coat. (Big Will)- "What in the hell, are you doing?! I asked you to solve this issue, not create new ones." he states, as he once again jerks the magazine out of the homeless guy's hands. "Look, I think we need to have a heart to heart, okay.. so walk with me." (Homeless guy)- "Well, I am kinda hungr..." "I didn't ask you to talk to me, I just said walk with me,.. geez, you people really have no manners." Big Will interrupts.

The two begin walking down the destroyed sidewalks. Big Will pulls out a candy bar & begins to eat it, as the homeless guy watches in hunger.
(Big Will)- "Look, I really think we got off to a bad start. Let me explain a little bit about myself.." he says, as he continues eating the candy bar. "See I'm headed to W.Z.C.W.. & from what I've heard, they've got some pretty tough competition.. I mean, I haven't actually seen any of them." he says with a slight laugh. "I mean, lets face it.. I'm too big of a star to waste my time watching footage of losers who think there good. I mean, come on, I know "I" am.. so who cares if they are, ya know? You know I'm good, right?" The homeless guy slightly reaches out for the remainder of the candy bar. (Homeless guy)- "Ar..are you go..gonna fini..finish that?" he replies, slightly out of breath. (Big Will)- "What the hell?!" he exclaims, as he yanks his candy bar away from the homeless guy's hands. "Tell me, you weren't just about to grab my food? What are you, homeless?!"

Big Will continues to talk.. (Big Will)- "Look, I don't think you're fully grasping the concept or the seriousness of the situation at hand. W.Z.C.W. NEEDS a hero, they NEED someone to look up to, someone to reach out to..." The homeless guy again reaches for the candy bar, as Big Will slaps his hand away & continues talking.. "I think I'm that person. When I debut, its going to be the biggest thing since... since.. I'm going to be bigger than anything known to man. Not only am I bringing my talent & star powered fame, but I'm bringing my famous talk show - '15 Minutes of Fame!' and that'll be huge to them. It'll give each superstar a chance to come out & explain why they think they're worth being in the same ring as me.."

Big Will comes to a stop, as he looks around, then back at the homeless guy.. "You know, you're a really good talker. I'm glad we could have this little moment. I can't wait for my debut in W.Z.C.W." Big Will crumples up his candy bar wrapper, as he hands it to the homeless guy.. who in turn opens it to find nothing left. (Big Will)- "THAT, was a GREAT candy bar.. really hit the spot." Big Will suddenly looks down, as he finds a twenty dollar bill half way covered beneath dirt & parts of a broken wall. (Big Will)- "Wow, this must be my lucky day!" ~~Cameras fade out
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