Big Van Vader: Worthy or Not?


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Wrestler: Vader
Real Name: Leon White
Birthday: May 14, 1957
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Height & Weight: 6'5" - 450 lbs
Trained by: Brad Rheingans
Debut: 1985
Previous Gimmicks: Leon "Bull Power" White
"Baby Bull" Leon White
Little Bull
Super Vader
Big Van Vader
Finishing Move: Powerbomb (WCW)
The Vader Bomb (WWF)
Favorite Moves: The Vader-sault
Body Avalanche
The Chokeslam
Short-Arm Clothesline
Notable Feuds: Ric Flair
British Bulldog
Hulk Hogan
Shawn Michaels

# CWA World Heavyweight title (March 22, 1987);
# NJPW IWGP Heavyweight title (April 24, 1989);
# NJPW IWGP Heavyweight title (August 10, 1989);
# CWA World Heavyweight title (August 21, 1989);
# UWA World Heavyweight title (Movember 22, 1989)
# CWA World Heavyweight title (December 22, 1990);
# NJPW IWGP Heavyweight title (January 17, 1991);
# CWA Intercontinental Heavyweight title (December 21, 1991);
# NJPW IWGP Tag Team titles w/Bam Bam Bigelow (March 1, 1992);
# WCW World Heavyweight title defeating Sting (July 12, 1992);
# WCW World Heavyweight title defeating Ron Simmons (December 30, 1992);
# WCW World Heavyweight title defeating Sting (March 17, 1993);
# WCW United States Heavyweight title defeating Jim Duggan (December 27, 1994);
# AJPW Unified Triple Crown Heavyweight title (March 6, 1999);
# AJPW Unified Triple Crown Heavyweight title (October 20, 1999);
# AJPW World Tag Team titles w/Steve Williams (February 20, 2000);
# NOAH GHC Tag Team titles w/Scorpio (October 19, 2001);
# Impact Zone Wrestling (Oklahoma) Heavyweight title (2005);

I was watching a whole bunch of Vader matches the other day and I was super impressed by this guy. He was absolutely brutal in the ring, and could move like very few guys his stature can. So my question, WWE Hall of Fame Worthy?

Lets look at a few details for a moment. He's a big name in Japan, not that that means anything to WWE, he was IWGP 3 times, 1 time IWGP tag champion. In WWF he was pretty much a jobber to the stars toward the end of his run in the WWF, I can only really remember him feuding with Goldust and Ken Shamrock, and Kane during his run, I'm sure he had other feuds but those are the ones that pop right into my head. He never won any titles in the company, however is regarded as one of the best by the fans.

His run in WCW was great, feuds with Sting, Mick Foley, and Ric Flair. Three runs with the WCW title, and US title. Based on his WCW run I think he could be in the WWE Hall of Fame, I mean there are some guys in the Hall of Fame now never really had a run in the WWE.

Vader's arguably the greatest superheavyweight of all-time in the business who has had many highly entertaining feuds with a large variety of opponents (see Michaels, Sting and Hansen for examples). His in-ring work is scary for a man of his size, not only a great striker with the strength of a bear, but he was fast and could perform high-risk moves such as moonsaults. He's a multiple time world champion (one of those reigns being rich in longetivity, feuds and matches), a feat which many current Hall of Famers haven't achieved. He's attained huge success not only in America, but Japan as well, where he's cleanly beaten some of their biggest stars such as Inoki, Chono and Fujinami and won numerous championships. His WWF run was pretty decent with the likes of Michaels, Austin and Taker, but ended up losing steam and interest dwindled towards the end.

So overall I'm going to say yes, he is Hall of Fame worthy.
You may as well rename this thread "IC25 is going to Green Rep Me."

Ok, so - Big Van Vader belongs in the professional wrestling Hall of Fame.

Of course, that Hall of Fame is owned by Vince McMahon, and he's not going to put Vader in there. 90% of Vader's legacy was in Japan, Mexico, and WCW - and I don't feel Vince puts stock in any of the above. If anything, he gives more credit to the AWA than anything else.

Vader is the greatest Superheavyeight in the history of professional wrestling, and he is not a Vince McMahon creation. He was created in Japan, perfected by Harley Race in WCW, and made a legend by Leon White. Any HOF would be lucky to have Vader, Andre, and Bam Bam - but as we've shown before, there is little to no justice in the wrestling world.
Vader is the greatest Superheavyeight in the history of professional wrestling

Maybe, maybe not. Seen the Vader vs. Bam Bam matches? Back then he wasn't the greatest super heavyweight. Not even close. Dare I say he was very, very poor. Good job Bam Bam was such a super worker.

Vader isn't even the most popular super heavyweight. Yeah I'd even go so far as to say that he's not even in the top 5. I'd also possibly say that Mabel is better known. Or not, depending on my mood.

But yeah I'd put him in the HOF, but I'd put in everybody.
You may as well rename this thread "IC25 is going to Green Rep Me."

Ok, so - Big Van Vader belongs in the professional wrestling Hall of Fame.

Of course, that Hall of Fame is owned by Vince McMahon, and he's not going to put Vader in there. 90% of Vader's legacy was in Japan, Mexico, and WCW - and I don't feel Vince puts stock in any of the above. If anything, he gives more credit to the AWA than anything else.

Vader is the greatest Superheavyeight in the history of professional wrestling, and he is not a Vince McMahon creation. He was created in Japan, perfected by Harley Race in WCW, and made a legend by Leon White. Any HOF would be lucky to have Vader, Andre, and Bam Bam - but as we've shown before, there is little to no justice in the wrestling world.

Vince does not own the real Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame which is located in NY, he owns the WWE HOF which does not even have a building. The real HOF does not blacklist wrestlers because of person grudges and silly business antics, the WWE HOF does, which makes the WWE HOF less credible in the eys of people who know better. Here is a linkto the real PWHOF

As to the original question, the answer is yes. His work in Japan alone should get him into any HOF and his work in WCW was fantastic, the man is a true "great", but not a "Legend", but will get into the real Hall of Fame.
I can't believe I never saw this thread when it was made :disappointed:

Of course Vader belongs in the HoF. I won't go to IC's lengths of saying he was the great super-heavyweight ever, but he is among the greats, and it's a shame his career never really took off under Vince. His feuds in WCW alone make him Hall-worthy. Look at the list: Flair, Sting, and Foley. Anyone else feuds with them, and they almost instantly get in.
I never got 2 see Vader as was to young but from seeing vids of him and what others have 2 say i believe he deserves to be in their, The Man Could Do A MoonSault!! for a man that size that is an impressive feat in its self, some of his matches and feuds looked great on videos i have watched even from that i believe he should be in their.
Its a big yes from me. I have watched some back catelogue stuff on Vader and I loved his work. Great to watch in the ring.

Big yes on this one for me.
If I had posted in this thread about 4 months ago, I would have said hell no. However, I created a thread asking if Undertaker was the greatest big man wrestler ever and I was ultimately schooled in who Big Van Vader actually was.

IMO, Vader deserves a spot in the Hall of Fame. Let's be honest, people are in the hall of fame who have done less in Professional Wrestling than Vader. Vader is arguably the greatest big man wrestler of all time (I say arguably because I still think that it is Undertaker).

Most of his legacy was in international wrestling however and that is where the problem is. He is not really known by the majority of today's wrestling fans. He had a great run in WCW, but many fans today still do not know who he was and I was one of them. If you really look at his matches though, he was outstanding in the ring. Any 300+ pound man doing moonsaults and coming off the top rope is impressive by itself, but Vader did it like a light weight. He really was a joy to watch in the ring.

He was very successful in other companys and in international companys. He has won many a title in his career. Bottom line is, he definately is Hall of Fame worthy, however, do I think that he will go into the hall of fame? I'm sorry, but the answer is no. Like someone said earlier, he was not a Vince creation and he had a pretty shitty career with the WWF/E because they didn't know how to use him properly, but that's a different story.

I would love to see him go in, but I don't think that he will.

That is all!
If I had posted in this thread about 4 months ago, I would have said hell no. However, I created a thread asking if Undertaker was the greatest big man wrestler ever and I was ultimately schooled in who Big Van Vader actually was.

You held your own, quite effectively, against a pro-Vader grouping that ultimately turned into an angry mob.

IMO, Vader deserves a spot in the Hall of Fame. Let's be honest, people are in the hall of fame who have done less in Professional Wrestling than Vader. Vader is arguably the greatest big man wrestler of all time (I say arguably because I still think that it is Undertaker).

Ah yes, the Pete Rose rule. Several people have done less and gotten more.

I have some criteria which I use when determining my stance on somebody's hall-of-fame credentials. One of those criterion is influence on the business. Big Van Vader truly helped to redefine the way the world looked at the Superheavyweight. Bam Bam Bigelow falls into this category as well, but Vader more so.

Vader was an angry, hard to control monster. This is a basic characteristic for many SHW's when you look back on it. Earthquake, Bundy, One Man Gang, Yokozuna, Mark Henry at times, etc. Huge guys who truly know that they are huge and exist to squash all of the smaller guys.

Furthermore, Vader had a prominant manager whose role wasn't just to speak for the big man, but to control him. That man was the great Harley Race. Race, who was an all-time great heel, helped add a new dimension of viciousness to Vader. He was a manager with too much power, because he controlled the monster whom the world feared. Think James Mitchell with Abyss, Paul Bearer with Undertaker, Kim Chee with Kamala, Jimmy Hart with Earthquake, Bobby Heenan with Bundy AND Andre...

It really stops there, though. Vader then would transcend all of the SHW stereotypes, and the one word I can sum it up into is versatility. Vader could brawl with you like there was no tomorrow. He was an adept striker (opponents often spoke of how terrifying it was to do the spot in the corner where Vader pummeled then with the short hands because of how stiff and strong he was), a terrific mat wrestler (see the matches with Inoki in Japan), and of course, a brilliant arielist. Not just the moonsaults, but the Vader splash, the drop kicks, and the clotheslines. He was so many things other SHW's were not, and he has the winning record against Sting and Cactus Jack to prove it.

As for The Undertaker, I am okay agreeing to disagree with you. Besides, if you and I stand here and call Vader and Taker the best Big Men in history, who could be upset with that? Look at the company either man is in. And could you imagine if these two men had met in their primes? Like 1993-94?

Most of his legacy was in international wrestling however and that is where the problem is. He is not really known by the majority of today's wrestling fans. He had a great run in WCW, but many fans today still do not know who he was and I was one of them. If you really look at his matches though, he was outstanding in the ring. Any 300+ pound man doing moonsaults and coming off the top rope is impressive by itself, but Vader did it like a light weight. He really was a joy to watch in the ring.

So tragically true. Even on these boards, I am reminded that Vader's WCW hayday was almost 20 years ago. And when people think of international wrestling, it's rare that Vader's name comes up. But you're absolutely right. Vader is a man who was a World Heavyweight Champion on three different continents (North America, Europe, Asia), and a performer on every stage imaginable.

Vader belongs in the pro wrestling HOF.

He doesn't belong in the WWE Hall of Fame unless Vince is willing to credit Vader with his WCW days. He can't rightfully get his hands on the New Japan stuff. That's the real shame of it - Vince and the folks in Japan wouldn't collaborate to make the difinitive Vader DVD.

But as long as he's fondly remembered on boards like these, I'm cool.
Big Van Vader... Wanna talk about stiff? Vader vs. Hansen, 1993... enough said. I watched this youtube video highlighting the top 10 nastiest german suplexes and who do I see at #8 AND #1? Vader himself. Top moonsaults? Vader probably wouldn't get the top spot but would likely win biggest...I'm surprised the ring never cracked! And if someone can find me Vader vs. Misawa in non-segmented form.. Please?:worship:
Vader as a HOF'er? Yea. He has the credentials and is one of the most imposing forces in wrestling history. He hurt EVERYONE. He was big, wide, and agile. He was a hybrid of what a big wrestler should have been. To move like he did was just phenomenal for his weight. He could do a lot of different wrestling, too. He could brawl, he could wrestle, and he could mat wrestle if he had to.

Are there tougher guys? Yea. Stan Hansen for one. Undertaker and Big Show could be ranked up there. But no one had the impact on the business that Vader did. He won everywhere he was, which means he was over everywhere he wrestled. Not many can say that.
Vader was before my time as a wrestling fan. However I have gone back and seen a handful of Vader matches over the last few years and I liked what I saw. I’ve seen him wrestle HBK, Mick Foley, Stan Hansen and a couple of others I can’t remember. I’m not typically a fan of super heavyweights. I mean I respect current super heavyweights like Big Show and Great Khali but just don’t find them that entertaining. But Vader did entertain me, in those few matches I’ve seen anyway. The Vaderbomb and Vadersault were awesome looking moves. So with that and the respect and legacy he has in the wrestling world, I say Vader would definitely deserve a spot in the HOF.
Easily. Sure, he may not be the best known worker everywhere, but he's certainly a name that everyone is aware of at least. He was quite shit by the time he reached WWF, but in WCW and Japan before that he was an immensely entertaining wrestler. However, for me, there is one overriding reason why he stands out from I believe every single professional wrestler of all time, and that is that he has won a major world championship in Japan, Mexico and North America. He is the only man that has conquered all three markets, and that should be a notable feud in everyone's eyes.
Well Tastycles, you know why he looked shit in WWF right? Partially his weight gain but mostly because Vince likes to think that HE creates the stars, not the stars creating him (in a job). And you're right about holding a heavyweight title in Japan, US, and Mexico... BUT he also held a world title in Europe which makes him the only one that won a major world title on 3 continents as well.
As everyone else has said, absolute HELL YES is Vader worthy.

Greatest "big man" of all time, no question. Just watch any match of his from WCW circa 92-4, especially vs. Sting. The strap match is the stuff of legends. Unfortunately the Hogan circus in late-94/95 kinda killed his momentum and then he was completely misused in WWF.

There's something just so violent about Vader. I mean he worked stiff and he really looked like he could hurt people. Massive massive fan of Vader's stuff and I've never even seen any of his Japanese matches.

100% worthy of a WWE Hall of Fame place.
As everyone else has said, absolute HELL YES is Vader worthy.

Greatest "big man" of all time, no question. Just watch any match of his from WCW circa 92-4, especially vs. Sting. The strap match is the stuff of legends. Unfortunately the Hogan circus in late-94/95 kinda killed his momentum and then he was completely misused in WWF.

There's something just so violent about Vader. I mean he worked stiff and he really looked like he could hurt people. Massive massive fan of Vader's stuff and I've never even seen any of his Japanese matches.

100% worthy of a WWE Hall of Fame place.

Agreed bub. I did see a match of him against Misawa in '99 or '00...arguably one of my top ten of all time. JvK, I recommend watching his Japanese matches, you won't be disappointed :) Now time for me to post before I go on a Hogan rant :lmao:
Vader needs to be in the hall of fame. He deserves it. He put on great matches for his size. I mean, how many 400+ lbs men do you see going to the top rope, much less doing a moonsault. Great wrestler.

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