Big Show With The Intercontinental Championship?


Of Ace Stevens fame.
On the main page there's a story which shows The Big Show with the Intercontinental Championship at a house show in Spain. Here's the video (he comes out at 6:35).


It's really strange, especially seen as del Rio and What's the deal with this? Does this mean anything? Is it a regular occurrence in wrestling? Does anyone know why it's happened?
Eh. Maybe Show won it and he'll drop it before they come back or maybe Wade couldn't make the tour so they threw it on Show. No clue.
My guess is that Spain aren't up to date with their current WWE programming, a couple of weeks behind maybe. Big Show is probably still tag champ on the TV they're watching and its just a case of giving him a title to bring to the ring with him, maybe the tag champs weren't working that show.
I'm guessing that the IC champ was put on the card and barrett couldn't make it so they let show borrow it. If you listen Tony Chimel does not call him the IC champ during his intro.
I vaguely remember reading about the same thing happening with Booker T and the US belt a few years ago. I believe at the time Orlando Jordan was supposed to be the champ but nothing really came of it.
Barrett could not make the trip. Simple as that. Also, like Milenko said they never call him it. I'm guessing they just wanted to show some gold.
Barrett said on twitter "He is a dirty thief. I beat some respect into him after the match."
I saw this yesterday, it was really strange.

Who knows, maybe soon he becomes the IC Champ? Which would be difficult, 'cos the Title's on Smackdown.

Oh well, it's interesting nonetheless.
I have a theory.

During the video the filmer says something along the lines of "haha he's got the belt".
I think they must have had a segment earlier in the night where the Corre attacks big Show but he fights them off and nicks the belt. He then takes it to the ring for some fun. It is a house show, stupid stuff happens all the time.

I'm probably wrong, it's just a theory.

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