Big Show is the NEW World Heavyweight Champion

As far as Ziggler goes, it looks like he's being set up to have a nice semi-long (2-4 months) feud with Cena, which I think is better for him than a cheap cash-in and a coward-heel title reign. Let him eventually win the feud against Cena, and that'll bring him up legitimately. Maybe they're planning on him winning the WHC around RR and keeping it through WM. Like most, I want him to get to that ultimate main event level and stay there too, but it has to be done right. There's no reason in hurrying up his title push if A) there's no clear-cut 6 month or more plan for him, B) there's other wrestlers that will be needing a title push soon, especially if they are also heels like Ziggler (heel Orton which might be coming soon, Barrett?, Henry?, etc), and C) if there's other high profile non-title feuds he can be given for now to build him up further, like against Cena.

And just to continue with this whole Ziggler thought, how about this for fantasy booking......

Ziggler has his Cena feud for a good 4 months until RR......high profile feud, let him be seen 2-3 times on Raw every week for most of those weeks (especially at the beginning and/or ending of Raw), really build him up. At RR, he draws number 1 and lasts until the final 4, putting on a memorable performance. For the next 3 months, he's somehow involved in most segments that the WHC is involved in, even though the champion is in other feuds and has faced 2 different opponents in the 2 ppvs after RR and Ziggler sits RINGSIDE with the briefcase at those ppvs, staring, waiting, watching....but each time, he walks off to the back after the match is over and doesn't cash in (and he doesn't act like he's cashing in and then cowardly runs to the back, he struts off, without teasing the cash in....we're not making him out to be coward heel...he's cocky). He's still appearing in every WHC segment on the weekly shows. At WM, he sits ringside while Bryan (the champion since he won the belt at RR) beats Sheamus (the winner of the RR for the 2nd year in a row) in under 1 minute with a surprise NO Lock out of nowhere. At that moment, he gets up from the announcer's desk, takes off his shirt, he and Bryan stare at each other like they know this is about to be their first true WM moment, and Ziggler cashes in, winning in a 30 minute classic match that will be talked about for years, like the Steamboat-Savage or Austin-Hart match is talked about now.

That's how you build a legit star and a mainstay main event caliber wrestler. From there, they can go in a any number of directions to keep him a top star. Just don't go the cowardly heel route.
Not sure on the whole story line, but I would love to see a cocky Ziggler, like you said. Running to the back with briefcase in hand doesn't feel right. And frankly, with Vickie GM-ing, maybe it's time for him to separate from her completely. As long as he's with her, he comes off as weak. It's time for him to generate his own heat. Ditching someone who's as contemptible a heel (that's a compliment) as Vickie is hard to do without a face turn, but he could probably manage it.

As far as him getting the WHC, it makes more sense if he gets it from a face. Show is actually more likeable than Ziggler, but I would hate to kill Show's monster heel routine right now. I feel like they have booked themselves into a corner where that is concerned. I'm interested, but not fascinated.

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