Big Show is Broke / will the HBK 2009 storyline work this time?


Getting Noticed By Management
According to Stephanie there is proof that Show is broke..... If you do look for it youll know the guy is worth 20 Million Dollars!.... I want to be that broke....

Anyways the point is..... Show is broke and the first thing that came to my mind is HBK/JBL storyline.... It was to me at least atrocious.... And it ended so suddenly because they knew it sucked...
Will Show make this story work or will they tie to..... ADR who will pay off Show??

Thoughts on this new Show is broke storyline?
Well show is a better actor then hbk.. lol however this story has got short term written all over it....
They could just use the fact that Triple H will make his life a living hell. This crap was so unbelievable when they did with HBK and is still unbelievable now. Everyone knows WWE talents even NXT talents get paid handsomely. It's like parading Bill Gates around asking for sympathy and say he's broke, people are just going to go "what?"

The only way to use this storyline would be with people who are actually broke like Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan, anyone else it would just be an unbelievable bad storyline.
i laugh every time big show cry .the faces he makes are funny as fuck...they made him soft like tissue paper.......zack ryder should get push since everybody is gone...john cena sheamus kane mark henry cody rhodes chris jericho
randy orton and triple h are some bad ass they were born to be heel....daniel bryan is so fucking weak...stone cold the rock edge undertaker even hbk would of woop their ass...daniel bryan will not win wwe title this year maybe wm30
Judging by the sympathetic response Show was getting during the promo segment with Stephanie, it looks like it's working just fine to me. Trips, Stephanie & Orton are being such world class dick that it's generating support for any babyface they target. Since returning, Big Show has gotten the biggest babyface reaction he's gotten in a very long time, maybe even ever. Also, as someone pointed out, Big Show's actually a pretty good actor and he's especially good at selling sadness, frustration and grief.

Even though Show got some "you sold out" chants last night, not all the fans joined in because they bought the storyline. Show being broke after having lost his shirt due to bad investments is believable and is something that you've heard a lot about on the news over the past 4 or 5 years. It's a simple explanation as to why he simply hasn't walked away and his "iron clad contract" is only applicable if he "perform his duties" which, in this case, seems to be doing exactly what he's told by his bosses. While there are still some holes in it, as there usually are in wrestling storylines, it still makes him sympathetic.

Like JBL alluded to, you don't always have good choices in life. You have to look at the situation and ultimately do what you think is the lesser of two evils. On one hand, Show had to do the right thing for his family. Is the "right thing" necessarily the same as the moral thing? It all depends on your perspective. Show had to hurt someone he considers a friend, someone that he's been supportive of and that he wants to see succeed. Show also has a wife and three children, who are naturally the most important people in his life. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, in a no win situation where he's forced to choose between his family and personal sense of morality by a group of people who derive pleasure from his aguish. In any film or television show, this would make any character sympathetic so I don't buy into whatever bullshit double standard could be and will be applied to this situation just because it's pro wrestling.
Well show is a better actor then hbk.. lol however this story has got short term written all over it....

How dare you! In what universe is the Big Show a better actor than HBK? :banghead: If anything, Show's facial reactions were awful and his fake crying was even worse! And at least Shawn had JBL hanging the being broke thing over HBK for the storyline to work. Who does Show have? Right, the rich snob with the awful rap music intro who adds NOTHING to the story. It is clear now why Stephanie is behind the scenes more than on the air because her acting is just as horrendous as Show's. So my answer to the OP's question is a resounding NO! It will not work because there isn't enough believability in the details to buy the overall story. Yeah, the McMahons are rich so what? How are we supposed to buy that Big Show lost all of his money on investments? Did he also take numerous trips to the gambling casinos too? Because he probably makes quite a lot of money a year for guaranteed amounts but we are just supposed to believe Stephanie when she says it is "public knowledge"? This is one of those instances where WWE outright makes something up outta thin air and expects everyone to buy it. Any smart fan will see through all of it and only the marks are fooled by this.
I love when the IWC jumps down the throat of every angle put on TV, and then say the SMART fans know better and only Marks enjoy it.
That is the dumbest thing I have heard in my life, IF you were a SMART fan you would know that storylines repeat itself, ( hell its 50+yrs of story telling)
There is no storyline that hasn't been done already.
This is also the first time they spoke of Big Show being broke, how about letting the story play out because its obviously working and the fans are invested in it.
Last week ya'll wanted answers about Big Shows iron clad contract, now you go it and still found something to complain about.
If you have complaints about the past 4 weeks then you were never truly a wrestling fan, just a geek behind the computer who thinks they know better than the world about wrestling.
You guys do know they are actors right?, you do know that they are running a storyline and none of it is reality right? Cause if not your NOT the SMART fan, your a damn fool
I love when the IWC jumps down the throat of every angle put on TV, and then say the SMART fans know better and only Marks enjoy it.
That is the dumbest thing I have heard in my life, IF you were a SMART fan you would know that storylines repeat itself, ( hell its 50+yrs of story telling)

Yes storylines repeats itself but this storyline was just done 3 years ago and it was as bad and unbelievable back then as it is now.

WWE needs to stop insulting the intelligence of fans.

Atleast they should start being creative and think of some new storylines instead of just just rehashing the same storylines that were done just a few years ago.
The IWC Smarks have had their sh*t pushed in for the last 3 weeks, from Daniel Bryan going over clean at SS, to HHH going heel, to how over Daniel Bryan is, to the Iron Clad contract, to the Divas. Vince has really outdone himself in the ramp up into Football season, and the Smarks are SUPER p*ssed about it.

This storyline is great. It fixes the crap in the IWC smark argument about the Iron Clad contract. If finds a place for Show, and an eventual Daniel Bryan save. I'm just happy that the IWC got shown just how irrelevant, wrong, and oblivious they are, so now it's nothing but straw grasping.
This is the best storyline in 5 years or more. If you Smarks have a problem just stop watching. You obviously hate the show these days so just STOP WATCHING!
If Ryback got this push instead of Daniel Bryan I bet most of you bashing "IWC smarks" etc won't be saying the same thing. Double standard.

And that doesn't change the fact that this storyline is rehashed and its just bad with too many logic holes.
i'm sorry, this entire storyline doesn't come off kosher to me, and i DO see what they are trying to do and how they are using it to further the storyline but..... Something about a giant, or any wrestler, crying about having to wrestle a match rubs me the wrong way. THIS IS A WRESTLING SHOW! Who cares if show and bryan are best friends, (btw, where was that set up ??) its a wrestling and you WRESTLE the best opponents you can. I can't be the only one thats not able to swallow this concept.....

watching big show cry about having to wrestle ? WHAT!? I would understand if he just began to get upset when they were holding bryan up for a punch....but for a wrestling match ???
The Storyline was very good, still is, but this entire big show angle was awful. For a number of reasons, it's not logical, a ironclad contract should prevent that but whatever i can oversee that, but him and bryan are not friends, that was never stated so why would he cry so much for foing something he did happily a couple years ago. It's wrestling I know, you can pass that i guess, but the angle did nothing for nobody so far. Big Show looked like a pussy, DB looked like he can't beat Big Show even if the giant is tryng not to hurt him and Triple H isn't getting more heat because of that angle in particular.

"But the fans were chanting" yeah, this story was so good that they would happily cheer the great khali, doesn't make this angle good.
The Big Show being broke storyline is working therefore its fine. The HBK/JBL storyline didn't work that well, mostly because it wasn't building to any real payoff, it was just done to give both guys something to do for a little bit. This however will get a pretty darn good payoff if the past Raw's have been any indication.

My GF's 13 year old son proved that last night. The kid HATED the Big Show with a passion as long as I've known him. Now he's hated a lot of wrestlers (Jericho for one) but usually the hate is short term, his hate for the Big Show is insane. I got home watching the labor day game last night (don't you ever scare me like that again Stamps) and I made it in time for the last segment, the 1st thing I see is The Shield holding up Bryans limp body and Triple H was ordering Show to knock him out. Through that segment something happened that I never thought would happen. The kid turned to me and said straight up verbatim "I'm starting to like the Big Show. I feel really bad for what Triple H is doing to him and I can't wait for Big Show to knock him out", his words not mine. Granted it's only one kid but the storyline they've put Big Show in was enough for him to get sympathy for the Big Show and to get behind the Big Show, which is the point. It doesn't matter how you get the results you want, all that matters is you get them. The point of this is to get people behind The Big Show and put him in that #2 babyface position and they have done a very good job at achieving that.

Wrestling often does cheesy storyline's in order to achieve a certain goal, depending on how the storyline goes they can often turn out to be very entertaining. Even if the storyline is similar to HBK/JBL but unlike HBK/JBL there is a good payoff coming, which makes it better.
Dont forget the teddy long grandkid storyline bout 2 years ago. wwe loves recylcing the gimmicks, but anyhow i think this storyline will get sour evantally the only way i see the feud staying fresh is to fire big show or let him turn on bryan cuz big show the crying dude is starting to annoy me.
How dare you! In what universe is the Big Show a better actor than HBK? :banghead: If anything, Show's facial reactions were awful and his fake crying was even worse! And at least Shawn had JBL hanging the being broke thing over HBK for the storyline to work. Who does Show have? Right, the rich snob with the awful rap music intro who adds NOTHING to the story. It is clear now why Stephanie is behind the scenes more than on the air because her acting is just as horrendous as Show's. So my answer to the OP's question is a resounding NO! It will not work because there isn't enough believability in the details to buy the overall story. Yeah, the McMahons are rich so what? How are we supposed to buy that Big Show lost all of his money on investments? Did he also take numerous trips to the gambling casinos too? Because he probably makes quite a lot of money a year for guaranteed amounts but we are just supposed to believe Stephanie when she says it is "public knowledge"? This is one of those instances where WWE outright makes something up outta thin air and expects everyone to buy it. Any smart fan will see through all of it and only the marks are fooled by this.

How many movies and TV shows has Shawn Michaels ever appeared in? Nada... That tells you how good of an actor he is. Show has appeared in several Hollywood movies, not A-List by any stretch but he has been... Show has always been good at playing the "gentle giant" as he has a naturally affable personality - the reason HBK sucked at this same angle was cos everyone knew if he was broke, it was cos he'd snorted it all or blown it on hookers. It was also at odds with his religious conversion, as if he was converted, material wealth would never matter enough to sell his principles... so it didn't work.

With Show you have a guy who has built a solid career out of being a "flip flop" guy - he's a face for a bit, then turns for a bit and never loses anything... This looks to me like this could be his last big run as a face, after all Wellness says that he is gonna become a much less well used talent as he ages cos of his Acromegaly.

It's ironic that the most successful giant in WWE history at acting appears to be Kurrgan/Robert Maillet - He's been in Sherlock Holmes, Pacific Rim, the last Percy Jackson and 300... not starring roles but those movies have all done big big business and no one will ever say he is a great actor - so for Shawn to not get offered one part in 25 years tells you a lot...
The HBK storyline was a weird one. I mean, HBK was given something to do and JBL gained some heat but it was poorly executed.

I think The Big Show storyline could become tedious. He is performing well but I'm not sure it is worth giving him this much TV time. I really hope they try to wrap this up quickly because it is inevitably going to drag on. Heel turn is upcoming, then back to a face and who knows. It seems that they will use The Big Show as one another henchmen of the HHH regime. They will keep him under control because he needs to provide for his family - not exciting at all.

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