Big Show a good champ?

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The Big Show defeated Rob Van Dam to win the ECW World Title after chokeslamming RVD onto a chair after Paul Heyman came out and 'screwed' Van Dam. Van Dam hit the Five Star Frog Splash on Big Show and Heyman ran down and only counted to two. He then ordered Big Show to do the chokeslam and counted the three.

The crowd chanted "You Sold Out" as the show went off the air.

If you think WWE management isn't happy with RVD, you're right!

People where throwing trash at him, this is great, he needed the title, ECW lost Angle and RVD, and Show was the only one who could attract an audience since he was a top face in the WWE.
the only reason the big show won the title is because theres no other major stars within ecw who merit holding the belt, even though big show doesnt, ecw is going down the pan at the moment, if i was wwe, id spend big money on trying to get some big name ex ecw stars or move people like rey over.
Well, maybe they could have made Sandman the champ if he wasn't stuck caning the hell out of clowns every week! Vinnie Mac should have known better - this is the man that personifies ECW, and he's reduced to this? That's nearly as bad as making Justin Credible look like a scrub against Kurt Angle.
Its ok.A feud with Dreamer and Show would be good.But when Sabu and RVD come back I want to see a feud with that too.That would be freakin awesome.
Lets go it gets more extreme now though cuz some of these match have just been plain hardcore..not extreme
Maybe they only gave the title to Show to build up his feud with Tommy Dreamer and let Dreamer beat him

As i said on another thread i can see Show beating Dreamer for a while making him look unbeatable then Dreamer coming back and kicking his ass at a PPV

Even better now if it is for the title
I think this is great, it generates alot of heat because not many like the Big Show and Heyman selling out is good too. ECW is now building up storylines that have nothing to do with WWE wrestlers. People may not like the results and say Big Show won only because RVD's drug issue (even know that is the reason) its still a good thing to see. I agree with the statement alittle above, i can see Dreamer facing Big Show for the title sometime along the way and Dreamer beating him.
Jaycobo said:
Big Show is gonna suck as the champ, plain and simple HE CANT WRESTLE.
Wow, that’s a very intelligent argument. Big Show, in fact, can wrestle. Now, he won’t be able to pull off cruiserweight moves or whatever, but he can wrestle, so get that into your brain. And Show, being a former World champion and main eventer, is the best option available to become ECW champion considering all the top names are out. And for those who said they could've given the title to Sandman or Dreamer...please. TBS is in much better shape than those two cripples.
peopleschamp said:
Wow, that’s a very intelligent argument. Big Show, in fact, can wrestle. Now, he won’t be able to pull off cruiserweight moves or whatever, but he can wrestle, so get that into your brain. And Show, being a former World champion and main eventer, is the best option available to become ECW champion considering all the top names are out. And for those who said they could've given the title to Sandman or Dreamer...please. TBS is in much better shape than those two cripples.
Wow! A voice of reason in the chaos! Big Show CAN wrestle. I think he was wrestling Kane, during that whole May 19th thing, and Big Show was actually using wrestling moves and holds instead of just using his size. Nobody pays attention when they are marking out though. The fans were chanting "Boring". What do they want? I always wonder what guys mean when they say "You can't wrestle". They love to chant it. I mean, the "ECW fans". Don't get me wrong. I love ECW just like anybody else, but it's like the ECW shows have become more about the stupid chants than anything. A funny thing about that is looking at the audience, I saw a lot of youngsters who, I guess, are supposed to know what ECW is about. Let's see...if you are 15, how old were you when ECW went out of business? Hmmm... Just something that I wondered about.. Lawl. They chanted "You take steroids" during the Test match. I repeat.....lawl.
Yeah i was thinking that too when i was watching ECW last night. I mean its one thing to chant "you cant wrestle" during maybe one match but last night they chanted it and two of the 3 matches. Of course too the chants were directed at newcomers? I think that is quite dumb i guess they dont like change or something or just dont give new people a chance in ECW. Mike Knox seems to be alright and Test was quite impressive.
Due to Mr 420's actions the WWE stripped him of the title. Lets look at the big picture. Vinnie Mac wasnt planning on taking the strap off yet but due to RVD's little stunt he had to do something quick! And right now...who else on ECW has the DRAW POWER to hold the belt? As much as i love ecw guys, reality is that most of these guys have been away from the spot lite and do not have that drawing power and main stream credibility to have the srap yet!>>>YET!!! so with Angle away, SHOW was the logical guy.
I hope that Vince is going to build the rest of the roster so they can come back to the mainstream. BUT in the month of ECW, they have been jobbing to newcomers or WWE guys
That said if you look at the ECW roster the biggest names are RVD, Sabu and Kurt Angle. After that the Big Show has the most name recognition and fewest injury problems. I'm starting to wonder if Sandman has injury problems or is out of shape to the point where he's only doing squash matches because he isn't in "game shape". I mean he looks in good shape compared to ONS, but that's not saying much.

Apparantly Dreamer is pretty badly banged up, so he's probably not going to work the load that's expected of a champion. Test only just debuted. CM Punk only just debuted. Mike Knox is too raw. Justin Credible has been jobbing on heat too long to instantly be elevated to champion. Same deal with Stevie Richards. Although I'm really hoping both of them get some more time in the ring and a decent push as they've both got talent.

But really the Big Show was the logical move, although I've never really liked or enjoyed him as a wrestler.
Richards was calling it "Stevie Night Heat". I don't remember exactly where Credible was, but last we saw him it was jobbing on one of the programs.
Does anyone remember the same storyline with a certain Mr Lesnar a few years ago?
Big Show is a crap champion, especially for ECW. At first, I was really looking forward to ECW being re-launched. But now, I see it is nothing but just a third promotion released by the WWE. The matches aren't extreme anymore, and the product is nothing of the vintage ECW - but that's another story. Here is why I don't think Big Show is a good champion. Number one: He's not extreme. He knows nothing of hardcore or ECW. Number two: He is a WWE wrestler. I know this is the "new breed unleashed". But seriously, its' called ECW - so that's what we want to see. Not washed-up WWE stars that Vince didn't want to push in his own promotion. Number three: Big Show sucks. It's a pretty blatant statement, but it's the truth. He is atrocious in the ring. He has zero talent and the only reason he got into the WWE in the first place, was because of his size. The fact remains, if Vince had any brains, he would give 50% ownership to Paul E. That would be the smart thing to do. The product isn't even extreme anymore, plus the champion that is representing the company is a 500 pound, lackluster "superstar" who has less moves in the ring than Hulk Hogan. ECW was not only about extreme wrestling. It was hardcore mixed with technical wrestling. I mean, Big Show could easily adapt to the hardcore environment in ECW - that's easy. However, he fails in the technical wrestling category. I just don't see the logic in giving the ECW title to a horrible "athlete", let alone a WWE superstar. If they wanted to give the title to somebody in the WWE, at least Kurt Angle has the technical ability and the willpower to represent as a champion.
The Aggressor™ said:
Big Show is a crap champion, especially for ECW. At first, I was really looking forward to ECW being re-launched. But now, I see it is nothing but just a third promotion released by the WWE. The matches aren't extreme anymore, and the product is nothing of the vintage ECW - but that's another story. Here is why I don't think Big Show is a good champion. Number one: He's not extreme. He knows nothing of hardcore or ECW. Number two: He is a WWE wrestler. I know this is the "new breed unleashed". But seriously, its' called ECW - so that's what we want to see. Not washed-up WWE stars that Vince didn't want to push in his own promotion. Number three: Big Show sucks. It's a pretty blatant statement, but it's the truth. He is atrocious in the ring. He has zero talent and the only reason he got into the WWE in the first place, was because of his size. The fact remains, if Vince had any brains, he would give 50% ownership to Paul E. That would be the smart thing to do. The product isn't even extreme anymore, plus the champion that is representing the company is a 500 pound, lackluster "superstar" who has less moves in the ring than Hulk Hogan. ECW was not only about extreme wrestling. It was hardcore mixed with technical wrestling. I mean, Big Show could easily adapt to the hardcore environment in ECW - that's easy. However, he fails in the technical wrestling category. I just don't see the logic in giving the ECW title to a horrible "athlete", let alone a WWE superstar. If they wanted to give the title to somebody in the WWE, at least Kurt Angle has the technical ability and the willpower to represent as a champion.

Good post. Sums up how we all feel about The Big Slow as ECW Champ. Giiving him the Title, especially at the birthplace of ECW, was a terrible idea. Angle wouldn't have worked because he's currently out due to injuries / alleged violation of the Wellness Policy. They should have had either Tommy Dreamer or Sabu win the title - that would have made a lot more sense. The problem is that Vinnie thinks we've forgotten about all these people, so the "defector" gets the belt. It doesn't matter at all if you can't wrestle worth a shit - as long as you're big and muscular, you'll be in Vinnie's good graces. That's why talentless pieces of crap like The Great Khali and Mike Knox are being pushed into the stratosphere.
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