BIG Loser?



i watched this video and it seems like big zeke is turning into a big loser. I think this angle could work for zeke on smackdown, he could go on a big losing streak and when people talk about it he attacks them. Kinda like kane with the may 24 thing. This could eventually turn him heel, at least he could do something instead of job to cody rhodes every week.

Do you think this video will lead to something for bige zeke or ezekial jackson on smackdown?
Why did they turn this guy face again? WTF were they thinking? He should get a sustained heel push, and give him back William Regal as his manager again. He's got a lot of potential, but the WWE has NO CLUE how to build credible superstars these days. How is anyone going to take him seriously when he loses all the time? What possible justification did he have to turn face in the first place? All of a sudden he starts smiling and sucking up to the fans out of nowhere? Give me a break. Give him a consistent heel push.

I'd like to see him beat the sh!t out of that pipsqueak interviewer.
When he lost the IC title to Rhodes they were bagging his head and he snapped. I want him to go back to that. Similar to Mark Henry's current character. I think Big Zeke should go back to that. I like guys who are smiling and happy and interact with the fans but Zeke needs to be that monster.
Zeke sucks, he really does. He needs to be seen and not heard. Much better as Tyson Kidds bodyguard. Hes no Lashley or Monty Brown thats for sure.
Why did they turn this guy face again? WTF were they thinking? He should get a sustained heel push, and give him back William Regal as his manager again. He's got a lot of potential, but the WWE has NO CLUE how to build credible superstars these days. How is anyone going to take him seriously when he loses all the time? What possible justification did he have to turn face in the first place? All of a sudden he starts smiling and sucking up to the fans out of nowhere? Give me a break. Give him a consistent heel push.

I'd like to see him beat the sh!t out of that pipsqueak interviewer.

You can't make a star out of someone who sucks. Batista takes a lot of shit for being bad. Well if Batista is bad than Zeke is horrible.

He's not good in the ring. Couldn't tell a story if his life depended on it. Sucks on the pipe bomb. Plus WWE has enough big monster type of guys. Oh yeah, he gets no reaction.

I have no clue what anybody sees in this guy.
You know what? This makes ME angry. This is lazy booking at its finest. "Oh, he's a big guy...lets give him the gimmick of being...ANGRY! Brilliant!"

No, we don't need another angry big guy. We have Mark Henry, Big Show and Sheamus already filling those shoes. He needs to take a page out of Brodus Clay's playbook (or his bookers) and think of a gimmick that will make him stand out. Anything but yet another angry big man.
I think they should use Zeke to be a heel, but not an angry type of heel. I think it would be cool if they had him go in the ring and talk....and talk...and talk and just not stop. Have him talk about random shit, like his top 5 favorite cereals, or what his favorite mid-sized SUVs are. Since most of the fans seem to think he sucks on the mic, this would get under their skin. When another wrestler would finally come out to interrupt him, he could beat them up.

After beating someone up, he could scream "THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT!!!"
I think they could turn him heel and make him Daniel Bryan's protection plan. I've posted the same thing before about Mason Ryan and IMO it would work for Zeke also. Let Bryan act like his help wasn't needed when he helps him win and then make Bryan treat him like its his fault when he loses then have Zeke get fed up and attack him thus starting a face turn and title push.
Isn't Drew McIntyre currently on a losing streak?

I don't think two stars (who both aren't very good to begin with) can both be on a losing streak on the same program, within the same company.

Big Zeke should have remained heel, the whole Corre Group idea was complete garbage and the only member to really benefit was the only with with talent, Wade Barrett. Big Zeke will do fine as a enhancement talent for the next few years until he's released.
Why did they turn this guy face again?

Essentially, we want everybody turned heel, y'know? It's an easier role for a performer to play, but if you take all the recommendations from wrestling fans and implement them at the same time, we wouldn't have any faces for the heels to fight.

I see it as the "Big Show Syndrome." Whether you like him or not, Paul Wight is one the few wrestlers who can make occasional moves back and forth between heel and face......and come up golden either way. His size alone makes him believable as an angry, brooding giant who kicks everybody in the ass. He also shines as a big, lovable guy who fights on the side of goodness and mercy (and cries when he hurts a tiny girl). But not everyone can handle the back-and-forth switch between good guy and bad guy.

Because of the need for good guys, the company hoped to be able to do the deed with guys like Big Zeke. Yes, as a heel, he brutalizes people and everyone boos him. As a face, Zeke smiles a lot, even as he's flexing, and we like him for a while but ultimately get bored because there just isn't that much for him to accomplish as a good guy. It's just not that interesting to see him bowling over little guys who are functioning as heels. (Heath Slater comes to mind.....Zeke runs over him, and who really cares?)

So, I agree; Zeke would be better served playing a heel....... but remember; if we start deciding that about everyone, you wonder who's going to be left to defend honor, freedom, Mom & apple pie.
I'd rather believe that it's just not Zeke's time. However, it's also hard not to notice that he's not very good and pretty generic too.

I don't blame them for turning him face. "Big Zeke" sounds like a face to me, he really hasn't establishes himself as heel or face.

Really, he simply gets outshone by his peers. Why even bother forcing a push on this guy right yet? They just have a lot going on right now for a huge guy like Ezekiel Jackson to fit in properly.
What does Zeke offer? For me not too much, he's like Ahmed Johnson without mic skills and AJ wasn't the greatest on the mic but still far better than Zeke.

The only time i found him decent was with ECW and Regal as his manager. Unless he has a mouthpiece there isn't a point in building him and even then to build him he'd have to gain some mic skills when he drops Regal...ain't going to happen.

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