Big Good Show

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How do you guys think the big show is being handled. I always liked him and I'mnot hating, Im happy he is getting a title push. Kinda just feel like it came out of no where. A feud with the MIZ would have been nice at least. Thoughts?
Well i was just going to post something on him.

Tonight i think was perfect for him, i think he was having fun finally. Did anyone else see him very loose and free, and he was just being a big guy hanging out and having fun at what he was doing!!

But yes i think he should got a feud with Miz. Miz should be on Smackdown!
Well i was just going to post something on him.

Tonight i think was perfect for him, i think he was having fun finally. Did anyone else see him very loose and free, and he was just being a big guy hanging out and having fun at what he was doing!!

But yes i think he should got a feud with Miz. Miz should be on Smackdown!

Yeah I notice that he did seem like he was having fun. I don't know if he is a face now but if he is he will make a great face I mean I've always liked him but he had alot of energy on smackdown. If he does ever win the world title again that would be AWESOME. Since edge is on RAW bigshow will give people in the crowd something else to chant. KNOCK HIM OUT.
I've looked through some older footage of Show when he had some brief stints as a face and I have to say I've liked him best in that role. Seriously, get Show when he's having a good time and is able to be a good guy and he's got the potential to be absolutely hilarious. Show is one of the WWE's most solid workers, s'far as I know, so I think he's over due for a title push. He also seems to be doing a lot of what 'Taker has been known to do, that being working with some of the newer talent to get them over. He's done his job with The Miz, continuing his rise, and now he's moved on to Jack Swagger. If Swagger can pull a big win against Big Show it'll definitely help his wrestling credibility and Show as a face is something we haven't seen in a while. It's a win-win situation.

Now, that being said, I don't think that they should swing him all the way to a Cena level super-face. Not right away, anyways. If he went from being the mean and angry giant to Mr. Lovable in one go, he'd just seem as if he had multiple personalities, even though given the actual personality I've seen in his candid interviews he could very well do the "gentle giant" thing eventually, but not right away.
Show gets way too much flack from the IWC. He's a genuinely cool guy who uses his size well. I don't want to disparage Andre the Giant but he has nothing on Show. Big Show is fun to watch when he's given time and not made to look like an idiot. He's also a very funny guy and that's the way I liked him.

There was actually a match a few years back where he wrestled Kane which I loved. And when I say wrestled I mean like headlocks and takedowns. The fans booed because they wanted two big guys slugging it out but I loved it and Big Show was clearly having fun. I want him to be the fun guy who can also snap and break you, almost a giant Kurt Angle.
He switches between being face and heel way too much. And most of them do just come out of nowhere. I will admit that he did seem to be having a lot of fun on Smackdown when he knocked out Chris Jericho, Edge, and World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger. He did seem free and I liked that.

As a face on Smackdown, he can do a good job, but then again, he might just have turned face just to turn heel again in just a few months. WWE needs to do a better job of keeping him face and keep him interesting without constantly turning to yet another heel run.
I have to say big show as a face is better than heel, he can be funny aswell. His title push is good however, i don't see him actually winning the title. He's only getting the push, because there is no one so far there to get the title shot before him.
Meh, this will suck, shortly. Every time Big Show (or any monster for that matter) turns face, they are weak, bumbling, and have no storylines and nothing to do within a matter of months. Ask Mark Henry and Kahli about it. Shit, Big Show has that happen to him when he is a monster face, let alone a jolly giant.

No one wants to root for goliath. Yea, its spiffy now, sure enough. It wont be for long. Terrible way to use him.
Name a classic Big Show match...well...still waiting...

He's never had one. Maybe some good matches. He was at his best in WCW before his massive weight gain. He can be fun during interviews but if he never wrestled again, who would care?
he has put in the time hopefully he will get a title run he deserves it. biggest guy in wrestling and has been putting people over his whole career?
Big Show as a Face is deffently a freash breath of air on Smackdown, but in order for Jack Swagger to look like a legit champion he cant lose to big show for at least a few months let him face a few other wrestlers before losing the title but always hav a rivalry between the two.

Big Show should be given the championship sumtime this year and hav fueds agenst SES, Kane, The Undertaker, and maybe Drew McIntyre or Shad to help elevate them to the nxt level.

But i also feel a Big Show vs The Miz feud shoulda happened to help Big Show transtion to a face. But who knows maybe The Miz will interfer in a few of his matches to keep this rivarly goin maybe a match between the two at bragging rights? or another ppv?
Big Show as a face is great. I can tell that whenever he is a face he really has a lot of fun doing things for the crowd. I don't want to see Show with the World Title as he has already held double gold (the Unified Tag Team Titles) twice in the past 365 days, but it'd be cool to see Show knock Swagger out a couple times during promos. Hit him on the right side of his face one week then the next week hit him on the other so Swagger looks like a chipmunk heading into Over The Limit.

But I'm hoping this becomes a little mini feud that lasts a couple PPV's while the former RAW Superstars build up on SD. I'm pretty sure the next guy to face Swagger will be one of the new guys, hopefully Christian (so they can continue their feud from ECW), Kofi Kingston, or maybe even MVP as I currently don't see a longtime SmackDown superstar vying for the title till maybe SummerSlam.
If given a real chance, Big Show can be a funny face to see on t.v He's had some brief moments as a face, and for the most part they are pretty good. All the major stars are on Raw now, so this is a great time and chance for Big Show to step up and help carry SmackDown. He's still got some gas left in the tank and WWE should capitalize.
Someone Swagger will go over I'm thinking. At least until Mysterio finishes up with S.E.S or Taker returns. But I'm looking forward to the feud, clash of 2 styles. I just hope they don't end it poorly, killing all momentum and heat swagger is getting at the moment
No matter how the Big Show is, I think hes a great entertainer. I remember when Jewel and her hubby were Guest Hosting and they had the stupid bull riding skit. When the Big Show got thrown off and was telling the Miz how it was getting into his head and he punched the bull, I fell off my couch laughing! Another time, years ago he came out when Kurt Angle was in the ring dressed in a kilt! Or how about when he was going through the phase when he was impersonating other wrestlers? When he came out as Hogan, I couldnt stop watching!
Im really liking the Big Show right now. He's pretty damn intertaining, and i hope he gets the belt. I dont know how many years he has left, but i'd like to see him with a good title run before he retires.
I for one think that WWE uses Big Show exactly how he is meant to be used. He's always kept fresh betwwen beig a face and a heel, and each time he gets the reaction he's looking for. It's also kind of nice to see him in the ME again. Mainly because it's been awhile, and it keeps Smackdown fresh for me. Two thumbs up on how Big Show is being used.
I've looked through some older footage of Show when he had some brief stints as a face and I have to say I've liked him best in that role. Seriously, get Show when he's having a good time and is able to be a good guy and he's got the potential to be absolutely hilarious. Show is one of the WWE's most solid workers, s'far as I know, so I think he's over due for a title push. He also seems to be doing a lot of what 'Taker has been known to do, that being working with some of the newer talent to get them over. He's done his job with The Miz, continuing his rise, and now he's moved on to Jack Swagger. If Swagger can pull a big win against Big Show it'll definitely help his wrestling credibility and Show as a face is something we haven't seen in a while. It's a win-win situation.

Now, that being said, I don't think that they should swing him all the way to a Cena level super-face. Not right away, anyways. If he went from being the mean and angry giant to Mr. Lovable in one go, he'd just seem as if he had multiple personalities, even though given the actual personality I've seen in his candid interviews he could very well do the "gentle giant" thing eventually, but not right away.

I agree that he should become a face, but not a SUPER face. However, I think that Big Show would do well as a gentle monster and that he can do good with two egos, i think that He can be like a second hand watered down ego like Mick Foley. He can get the title, and set up SD for bigger heights. i think that Big Show is just what SD needed.

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