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Big E Langston - What's happening?


Getting Noticed By Management
During the summer, Big E Langston was involved in a feud with Ziggler, having alongside the Divas Champion AJ. The feud was getting decent tv time and was actually pretty enjoyable, with decent promos and decent in-ring action, at least in my opinion, although the ending was kinda weird.

After this feud, Langston was moved off television, and about 2 months later he was reintroduced on the screen in a match against Cm Punk on Raw this past Monday. He obviously lost just so Punk will look strong. People call that a big opportunity for E because he is involved into a top tier feud, but this is called jobbing. Axel and Ryback are involved into that feud, so they are getting the opportunity. On the other hand, E was moved into a match with Punk just so that Punk looks strong and then moved out of the angle, so he isn't a part of it.
On Friday Night Smackdown, E lost to Kofi Kingston in a 5 minute match by a roll-up. I know that roll-up victories are considered flukes and they don't hurt the loser so match, but he still lost. He still wasn't "involved" into an angle with Kingstion but instead was used to that Kingston looks strong. This means that he is dropped to jobbing status.
I don't know why this is, he had really showed potential and charisma, good in ring performance for a man of his size, creative and convincing on the mic. They really need to use him correctly, and the best option for him is to chase the WHC, or at least chase the IC Title. Turn him face and let him roll, please.

Gimme your thoughts, do you agree with him getting pushed / turning face? How should that be, if yes?
In my opinion, they are using him correctly. Langston has only very recently been put on his own without Dolph Ziggler or AJ Lee. He needs the experience that can only be gained by getting out there and wrestling for a while before he's ready for a big push. He looked good on his match against CM Punk though I do agree with his match with Kofi last night. Langston had a pretty competitive 10+ minute match with CM Punk this past Monday on Raw, but Kofi took him out in no more than 5 minutes. Unfortunately, inconsistent booking has become something of a common occurrence in modern wrestling.

If Langston was jacked up into the WHC picture, there'd be criticisms launched at WWE by many, big surprise right :rolleyes:, because of his general lack of experience. Such criticism would be justified, in my opinion, as Big E. has only been on the main roster for about 10 months and, before that, he spent the other 2 years of his career down in FCW/NXT.

Langston is actually much better inside the ring than I initially had him pegged. He's not some slow, lumbering ox like most big 300 pound slabs of muscle are; rather he's surprisingly fast and agile. I think he's also gotten good at selling for other wrestlers, he sold the crap out of CM Punk's GTS on Raw Monday night. But he's not ready to be in a title feud right now, in my opinion.
I agree on most points, but you seem to kinda compare the WHC chance that I suggested to the WWE Championship chance that Ryback received. There is one essential difference though: Ryback was squashing random jobbers, while Ryback was involved in a feud with Ziggler, who was hot at that time, and could continue to be in a program during the summer. I agree that with the situation he is right now, he isn't in line for the WHC, ALTHOUGH he has proven in my eyes that he is better than most picks. If he was appearing on tv though and wasn't out for 2 months, I think he could at least be involved somehow, let's say in a #1 contender's match. Even if he lost, he would be connected to the title picture, and somewhere down the line, he could be inserted in there. At this current situation though, I think he will have to wait until after Wrestlemania because creative can't change many of their plans. Of course, he can always make consistent appearances and be given an opportunity at Elimination Chamber to challenge for the WHC at WM. Heck, if Swagger was given that chance, why can't E?
Jobbing barely equates to losing ground anymore.

As long as he is being featured, especially alongside people like Punk and Kofi, he is doing something worthwhile. He still has a serious style about him and hasn't became the latest comedy act WWE has shat out. I think it's too soon to say whether or not he will move up or down the later. Dude just came back.

WWE gives him airtime with notable people. He has looked good in these matches. I wouldn't change anything about him. If anything, he should keep going as he is, and maybe WWE will use him in a more prominent role.
I wouldn't worry about Big E....yet. Just about everyone jobs these days. If you hold the MITB briefcase, you're guaranteed to job until you cash it in (CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Damian Sandow). The only talents who hasn't jobbed in recent memory were John Cena and the Undertaker. Don't worry about Big E, unless he continues to job for the remainder of the year.
Big E is gonna be great. Just hold ya horses and let time do its thing. He's not dropping to jobber status. He's just being used to make certain ppl look strong before the ppv. Once they turn him face and give him the 5 count gimmick he's been using in NXT, he'll be good to go. Just give it time.
Big E Langston is 27 year old low/mid-card talent with the potential to have a few mid-card title reigns, possibly a World Heavyweight reign, and maybe contend for the WWE title one day.

He is still very young. He needs more mic work, as well as more work on his character. That will come with age. If he sticks around long enough, he'll get his opportunities. There is no reason for him to peak too soon.
This means that he is dropped to jobbing status.

No it doesn't. To say so is foolish. Not even close. Jobbers don't lose by fucking roll-up, first and foremost.

Your tits, calm them. He is 27, and has only been a pro since 2009. Most guys wouldn't even be on TV for another 5 to 10 years. To step foot in a wrestling ring for the first time in 2009, and make your TV debut in the WWE in 2012 is fucking insane. If anything, he is fast tracking.

Big E has excellent charisma and mic skills, especially for someone so new to the game. Very athletic, and obviously, fucking strong. Its only a matter of time before they turn him for a big push. Nothing wrong with him working the low card and getting seasoning and experience for a while.. Shit, he could do that for two years, and still be fast tracking to status much beyond his years.
How Big E. Langston hasn't already been released is beyond me. He can't talk, he has zero charisma, and even guys like Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan haven't been able to get good matches out of him. Mason Ryan has more talent than him, and Mason Ryan has zero talent.
Well, I was kinda farfetching myself when I said he was a jobber. He wasn't the typical 200 pound 1minute match jobber. But the fact that he isn't in a feud right now and was introduced randomly in a match against Punk and then against Kingston is indeed strange. I agree that it is too early for him to receive a big push and it probably would be wrong, but after his feud with Ziggler, he should be mixing it up with someone like Fandango, so they can both elevate themselves and eventually either of them getting a possible championship opportunity. It's still too early though, and as long as WWE don't fuck him up by giving him a stupid gimmick, sending him back to NXT and then repackaging him a la Ryback, I think he will be a major player.
Big E. Langston shouldve been in a triple threat match against del rio and ziggler after zigggler came back from the concussion. It wouldve been perfect for everyone involved, especially for the title picture. I was pleasantly surprised when he went up against punk this past monday. I liked his psychology during the match, after every move he covered punk. made a lot of sense. hes big, punks not. hes young, looking for the victory. great match for a newcomer on raw. i didnt watch his match with kofi yet. His exposure on both shows this week should indicate to everyone that wwe is thinking about this guy and i look forward to his work in the future. the only thing i dislike is his finisher, but i digress....
I love the restrain they have shown in bringing E along. They have so far used the Batista plan. If you all remember After Batista was the beef for Rev Devon he kinda just floated for a few months till evolution. So lets see if they try to follow the game plan and put him in a super group. Either way they do try him he will be the big guy that gets squashed for awhile. To bad he doesn't seem to have anyone in power really pushing for him. He seems to be doing his best just to get the little time he is getting. No question he will be a power house of the future IF he wants it and keeps healthy.
His push his coming but they are just waiting for the right feud. It is definitely better to wait for the right moment than misuse him. Look at guys like Curtis Axel and Bray Wyatt who had to be completely repackaged and how that has had a positive impact. Sometimes patience is actually allowed by wrestling fans.

Now I do hope is push comes soon because Big E has talent. His matches are good and entertaining. He has the look and is also quite humorous which may see him turn face in the future. As stands I think he should be a monster heel; possibly at US/IC belt level. Maybe holding one of these belts for a few months could really because he is still young and can be a top guy in the company.

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