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Big E Langston Future


Pre-Show Stalwart
First of all I looked up this topic to see if anyone previously made it and I couldn't find anything. If the subject matter is redundant, feel free to delete.

but anyway, with Langston losing to Ziggler in the tag match at Summerslam and in 1 vs 1 action vs Ziggler. Post match Ziggler said he's done with AJ & Langston and is moving on to other things.

That said, where does Big E Langston go next?

Who do you see him feuding with?

He needs to bring back the five-count gimmick he was using in NXT. WWE should build him back up by having him squash some jobbers/low-card talent and utilizing the five count. If audiences catch on to it the way they did in Florida, it could propel the big guy. Once he gains some momentum then turn him face and move him into a feud with a solid mid-card heel; it doesn't matter who. The thing is to build his five-count gimmick and get him over. Only once he's over will a meaningful feud be worthwhile.
I fear the worst for Big E right now actually. He doesn't quite fit into any current storylines or title hunts. He doesn't have anything creatively going for him and he's not exactly as "over" as I think the WWE had hoped he'd be. He surely is talented, can cut good promos but I fear that because he's currently in a state of WWE limbo there can only be one initial route for him to take and it pains me to say this as I really do enjoy but his next WWE endeavor will be as a jobber.

And I mean this in the nicest of ways for him but when creative has nothing going for you, and you have nothing really to offer to any major programs your best use is to put others over. He has the look to be considered a "big" victory but we all will end up recognizing that winning against him will ultimately not mean much. However, it's all about how he handles it. If he can get squashed and still impress there will be a bright future for him. He's talented he can rebound and make a good storyline...if he's patient. There's room for Big E in WWE just not right now.

I know a lot of you will clamor for him to become what basically amounts to "Ryblack" or for a less stereotypical phrase exactly what Ryback was when he debuted. A monster who crushed jobbers. Believe me this would work for E if Ryback firstly didn't exist or wasn't using the bullying of smaller people gimmick already. WWE will not have two similar gimmicks at he same time it doesn't make sense and I feel that this route is tampered simply because we do still have Ryback.

So in summation, he'll be a jobber for a while, but he'll bounce back I'm sure of that.
He needs to continue to play the hired muscle role for now. That's where he's best suited as it allows him to get over with his look. Being hired muscle provides a number of additional advantages which include:

1) No pressure to produce immediately. Monsters tend to get pushed too fast due to their look. But while their look puts them in the main event, their ability in the ring keeps them from winning the big matches - too much of this, and suddenly the perception of being a monster is proven to be a mirage. (See Ryback.)

2) He doesn't have to sell a punch. This goes back to the last one - and while I won't say that selling a punch makes someone look weak, I will say that no-selling a punch makes a guy look like a monster. As hired muscle, his primary role would be as the second guy in a 2-on-1 beat down. With the odds in his favor, he's unlikely to ever be dealt a serious blow.

3) It keeps him relevant. It can take a while for a new guy to really click with the audience, and during that time, most wrestlers flounder. This leads to a guy being labeled as irrelevant. By being hired muscle, he can find himself in a main event feud without having to wrestle.

4) It's an easy out. It can be tricky to transition guys from one angle to another, but it isn't the case with hired muscle. If he was working a main event feud and continually cost someone a title, then it would be easy for that guy to transition Langston into a feud with that guy. And then when the WWE feels it's time to pull the plug on Langston being the bodyguard, he can find himself in a feud with the wrestler he'd been working with all along.

I'm pretty certain that the WWE intially wanted the Langston/Ziggler alliance to play out this way - Langston costs Del Rio in his rematches with Ziggler, that leads to a Langston/Del Rio match ... and eventually, a ways down the road, Langston turns on Dolph and you get that match. Of course, this option was likely scrapped when Del Rio failed to get over as a face and the reaction to Ziggler's title win sparked a face turn.

It is, however, not too late to do something similar with Langston. As Dolph feuds with the Orton/Triple H alliance, it's possible that Big E. Langston joins the fray. He could be used as added muscle to the mini-stable, used to give them an even greater upper hand.
in the wwe's last foreign tour I remember reading that Big E had praise sent his way after a couple of matches with Randy Orton. (the tour that randy got crotch chopped by that fan). I think Big E will remain heel until they have something creatively to turn him face...I wouldn't mind seeing Big E. eventually turn face after the Bullying stuff from Ryback.. and eventually when they turn him face...they need to give him the King Kong Bundy-esque 5 count gimmick
i like the idea of him joining up with HHH & company. He could continue his feud with Ziggler and even interfere every now and then in Bryan matches. This gives him some relevance and experience.
I was actually also thinking it would make sense to use him as more muscle for hhh and orton. It makes sense since dolph is feuding with them. He would be a main player, but would at least stay relevant. I think they need to show his massive strength from his weight lifting history. I think doing the rumored weight lifting competition with mark henry would be good for him. It would of course end with no winner, just a beat down on mark henry that turns into chaos when more get involved.
Big E should become one of the go to guys of hhh.
the shield is great! and is a excellent fit, but Big e and wade barrett wouldnt be a bad idea to add in to the big team. and big e could be the muscle to dominate, or they could turn big e face and let him feud with the shield i could see big e fighting roman reigns. or maybe stands up to the bully ryback.
Big E can be a succes in the WWE and I hope he is. Big E has the look and, in my opinion, is very good in the ring. I have enjoyed his matches in NXT but he hasn't had enough time on Raw or Smackdown. Hopefully, he leaves AJ and gets the chance. He needs the right feud but I can't see an obvious name for him to be paired with. Someone like Kane would have been ideal but he is feuding with the Wyatts.

I suppose one option is for him to join HHH and be his bodyguard. I know that sounds like a sideways step but being involved in a storyling with Vince and Triple H has to be a good thing and it allows him to continue a feud with Ziggler and be put over by The Big Show.
I honestly don't see anything in Big E other than a big muscle dude. There's been numerous big muscle dudes who never got over. As much as they have tried to get him over, it just hasn't happened. I don't see him really getting anywhere in WWE and I hate to say that because I don't wish him anything but success, but I just don't see it here. So the question being what can be next for him? I can definitely see him being used as muscle for the new corporation. Would make sense and make the corporation more powerful. Eventually though the new corporation would end. Where would that put Big E next? He has the look and size of a champion, but the main event picture is full, and looks to be full for quite some time, especially with younger talent coming in and the young talent now that's already over going into the main event picture. For WWE that's a good thing, but not for Big E.
thanks for all the responses, for the most part they were very insightful. And a problem I see with these big muscular guys is they don't have a strong gimmick. I don't necessarily agree on the comments about Big E not getting over, as from what I've seen the crowd seems to respond well to his move set

darkrain: watch his match with Ziggler


granted Langston lost the match, but I don't get where you come to the conclusion that he's not over. The crowd seems pretty clearly engaged in the match, even for Big E's power moves (specifically at 18 seconds in and 1:44) taking into consideration he's playing the role of a heel IMO that's a pretty positive crowd reaction. if that's not what you meant by over please feel free to clarify

and same deal with the Christian match up, which I just saw again seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkS50uh6UhQ (about a 1 min in)

no these aren't Daniel Bryan level pops, but I'd have these are positive signs because bottom line it certainly beats a dead crowd, not responding to any high impact moves. At least the crowd is giving Big E attention.

I see a ton of upside in Big E, best case situation for him is putting him alongside the Corporation along with the 5 count gimmick and hopefully Langston can distinguish himself a big more and warm up to audiences.

post Corporation, true the main event picture is cluttered, and that could leave Big E in trouble. So one idea being tossed around is maybe he and Ziggler team up and go after the tag titles. A lot stranger things have happened in pro wrestling, and if The Shield eventually turn on Langston, he and Ziggler could come to the conclusion that they are better off together, than apart.
Big E. might not be doing much now, but I see good things in his future. Unlike other musclebound guys, Big E. is incredibly athletic. He's one of the most explosive big guys I've seen in some time. While rough at times, he seems more than capable in the ring and will only get better. Langston has also shown a fair bit of charisma and could become a pretty decent talker given more mic time. He's got a great, intimidating look and stands out from the rest of the roster. I think he'll be just fine.
I've always been an advocate for larger superstars, especially those who can play great heel characters. Langston is incredibly agile for his size and his career has already taken a step in the right direction with the AJ/Ziggler angle. I'd like to see Lansgton feud with Alberto Del Rio, and to a much greater extent, with Antonio Cesaro and Zeb Coutler. It would be great to see Langston rise through the ranks and establish himself as a talented midcard competitor.
I think if AJ's promo turns her into a face sorta because everyone feels the same way he does and Ryback doesn't get involved in the HHH stuff then I can see Ryback bullying someone and Big E as a face with AJ comes out and does the whole "Pick on somebody your own size" thing. It doesn't really matter who wins the feud but give Big E either the IC or US champ after that and there you go however I do see E being a World Heavyweight Champion in the future
I think they could easily do a nation of domination type group.. with race relations all over the news.. they could very easily use Biggie along with a few others like the prime time players and Maybe David Otunga, also they can finnally use big Ezekiel Jackson.. The wwe has forgotten how effective those early 80s groups were for making superstars..
Big E can finally be the one to stand up to Ryback:lol:. He needs a feud and I can totally see him switching to a face, but he can be the type that speaks softly, but carries a big fist lol.
He should turn face and be the big man who sticks up for the little man. I'm talking about a potential feud with Bully Ryback
Why not put him with Paul Heyman? This would be the perfect way to further his heel persona and make him seem like more of a monster. Him and Aj Lee would fit perfectly as Heyman followers. Either have Heyman build him up as a credible World Heavyweight Championship contender or have him and Axel be the team to take the straps off of Show and Henry. I've seen the suggestion that he turns face and goes up against a heel Ryback but how about the 2 team up under Heyman and wreck havoc on the tag team division. The 2 could be billed as unstoppable and the only credible contenders to a team like Big Show and Mark Henry.
I like the idea of pairing him with Ryback as bullies. I would even say put Heyman as their spokesman. They both aren't great on the mic, but are raw. Could keep them together until turning on Big E, leading up to a match at Wrestlemania
His future? Endeavered, hopefully. He has no in ring skill, his mic work is horrendous, he's as bland as bland can be when it comes to trying to work the crowd. There's something offset about his face that just makes him look ... constantly constapated. He's not the next Batista, Luger or Bulldog, he's the next Scott Putski, Kozlov and Ezekiel Jackson.
I don't understand what some of you must be smoking or drinking to think this guy has the look of a champion or even a top level guy. He's an oversized jobber. nothing more nothing less.
I think they could easily do a nation of domination type group.. with race relations all over the news.. they could very easily use Biggie along with a few others like the prime time players and Maybe David Otunga, also they can finnally use big Ezekiel Jackson.. The wwe has forgotten how effective those early 80s groups were for making superstars..

nation of domination was mid 90's not early 80's. they are part of the faction era that lead into the attitude era. There was a period of time in the mid 90's were aside from a couple of guys, every one was in one faction or another.
there was NOD, Hart Foundation, the Oddities, Disciples of Apocolypse, DX, and a few others.

It does seem at times though that vince wants to go back to those days, although this time with 3man crews instead of 4-5 man groups that dominated the mid 90's in both wcw and wwe(or in the case of nwo 30-40 man groups)

3mb, Shield, Wyatt family. all indicators of the direction vince is leading us towards. even to a lesser extend Real americans (swagger/mantrell/cesaro) and for a while ziggy/langstrom/aj as a trio.
I'd love to see him officially get back at AJ by aligning himself with Natayla. I'd have him drop khali on his big head and get him off tv. Then toss hornswoggle as far as he could throw him. Then I'd like to see Natayla add a partner for big e Langston. Who? Kofi Kingston that's who. I'd love them to partner in the tag division together in pink and black. Name them The Hitmen. Let Natayla be the manager. You'd instantly have one of the better teams in the division. That's my two cents.
The mid-card needs a new babyface and I think Big E could fill that gimmick. I read his tweets all the time and he's a funny, likeable guy. If that came across on TV (funny promos that aren't forced PG comedy), it could help him break out of the stereotypical bodybuilder wrestler.

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