Great show. In my part time job as a roving reporter I often cover topical news stories. This year I've been given the task of covering Big Brother Series 10.
I'm a huge fan and I can't wait for tonights show. I'll be keeping you up to date with all the latest news from inside the house. As well as giving my own personal insight into the psyche of a typical housmate.
The hype starts here.
Last year there was an albino, he was one ugly fucker. The year before there was a tourettes freak. Early prediction for this year, wheel chair person. I've heard that there will be no furniture when the housmates first enter the house. Well, no furniture for the able bodied people.
I'm a huge fan and I can't wait for tonights show. I'll be keeping you up to date with all the latest news from inside the house. As well as giving my own personal insight into the psyche of a typical housmate.
The hype starts here.
Last year there was an albino, he was one ugly fucker. The year before there was a tourettes freak. Early prediction for this year, wheel chair person. I've heard that there will be no furniture when the housmates first enter the house. Well, no furniture for the able bodied people.