Big Brother

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Great show. In my part time job as a roving reporter I often cover topical news stories. This year I've been given the task of covering Big Brother Series 10.

I'm a huge fan and I can't wait for tonights show. I'll be keeping you up to date with all the latest news from inside the house. As well as giving my own personal insight into the psyche of a typical housmate.

The hype starts here.

Last year there was an albino, he was one ugly fucker. The year before there was a tourettes freak. Early prediction for this year, wheel chair person. I've heard that there will be no furniture when the housmates first enter the house. Well, no furniture for the able bodied people.
The twists get more and more ridiculous every year.
So I'm thinking the twist this year will be no house when they enter the house... garden... whatever. They won't be able to top that next year!

And as for the room mate twist... I'm calling it right now, midget. Hasn't been done before and it was rumoured last year. So I say throw a midget in there, and have him get up to all kinds of crazy antics!
I don't think they'll go midget. They already found one for Celeb BB. Although Mini Me is one of the most boring midgets of all time. maybe they've found a grouchy one. That would be cool.
A midget with a god complex who goes around trying to be the 'leader of the house' and no one takes him seriously so he freaks out and tries throws chairs at everybody. But he's too small to throw chairs so he throws carrots instead.
That would be good TV. But alas, Big Brother would never do anything that good.
No furniture for the first couple of days, then people start being moved into the other house, with the viewers deciding the final few to move on Sunday. So far, I'm actually quite excited. The only contestant we know about is quite attractive. I'll watch the launch tonight, see how many people look interesting. Then I'll watch it because it's fun.
So there's definately a house? A no confirmed midget so far?

I'm mildly disappointed. But it'll still be better than BB 9...
Davina: "16 people are moving into the house... little do they know that none of them are housemates!"

This could potentially be great... or potentially be awful.
Will they just be told to get out after a week and we watch an empty house for 3 months?
So the initial show was only intresting towards the end. I would've loved it if they'd not let that girl in who shaved her eyebrows. She didn't have a curly 'tache, after all.

Like usual I'm not attracted to any of the females. Part-time model mean they're not attractive enough to be a full time model. I'm not that into blondes but oddly I am attracted to bitched, mostly because all their bitching doesn't mean shit to me and they get annoyed when I ignore it.

As per every series I've taken an instand dislike to certain people because of the way they look or talk. I don't like he because he looks like The Love Guru, I don't like him because he said he broke up a riot in a Stoke nightclub (without getting stabbed? Impressive), I don't like her because she thinks she's attractive but she sure as shit ain't, I don't like her clothes, I can't understand his accent, bitchy gay bloke, the usual ''you don't wear that in public, do you?'' contestant etc.

I liked the little black girl. That is until she got out of the car. The gay Brazillian appears ok. The Muslim virgin looks like he'll be a bikini party pooper. I think the Newcastle homosexual will win. I like him best, so far.
So the initial show was only intresting towards the end. I would've loved it if they'd not let that girl in who shaved her eyebrows. She didn't have a curly 'tache, after all.

Like usual I'm not attracted to any of the females. Part-time model mean they're not attractive enough to be a full time model. I'm not that into blondes but oddly I am attracted to bitched, mostly because all their bitching doesn't mean shit to me and they get annoyed when I ignore it.

As per every series I've taken an instand dislike to certain people because of the way they look or talk. I don't like he because he looks like The Love Guru, I don't like him because he said he broke up a riot in a Stoke nightclub (without getting stabbed? Impressive), I don't like her because she thinks she's attractive but she sure as shit ain't, I don't like her clothes, I can't understand his accent, bitchy gay bloke, the usual ''you don't wear that in public, do you?'' contestant etc.

I liked the little black girl. That is until she got out of the car. The gay Brazillian appears ok. The Muslim virgin looks like he'll be a bikini party pooper. I think the Newcastle homosexual will win. I like him best, so far.

x 2. Although blonde slag Sophie is quite cool as well. Surprisingly; I generally hate all of the slags. She was on Page 3 yesterday. Not bad.

The show yesterday wasn't that good, basically because it was replaying everything I watched yesterday. Tonight's will be better. I absolutely loved how penciled on that girls eyebrows were, so it still looked like she had some. It was quite funny.

That Asian virgin guy annoys me. I don't know why, he just does.
x 2. Although blonde slag Sophie is quite cool as well. Surprisingly; I generally hate all of the slags. She was on Page 3 yesterday. Not bad.

Sge looked ok. But the bleached blond ones end up looking like shit afer a couple of weeks. They all develope acne, run out of make-up and they can't get their roots done.

The show yesterday wasn't that good, basically because it was replaying everything I watched yesterday. Tonight's will be better. I absolutely loved how penciled on that girls eyebrows were, so it still looked like she had some. It was quite funny.

I was marginally attracted to that girl until she became so desperate for fame that she decided to shave off her eyebrows. The look on her face on the live show was priceless.

That Asian virgin guy annoys me. I don't know why, he just does.

He looks like the sort who's going to frown upon everything and try to force his beliefs on people.
I think at the moment there's a few too many people... 16 is too many people to start of with I think.

They should've has about 12 people and then replaced the ones that didn't become housemates after a week or two.
Replaced perhaps, by a carrot throwing midget with a god complex....
In the paper it tells you the two that are up for nomination this week. It's easy to predict which will go. Both are annoying but one is hateful.

I don't know why it's on at 10pm. Some of us like to go to sleep at a reasonable hour.

I don't think this year will be that intresting. No massive fights. Just a couple of tiffs.

That Sree has something of a sex offender about him. He doesn't want the women to dress provocatively, so he tells them, makes them cry, then offers a lap laced with erection to sit on.

Anybody else want that Sophie to give them a tit wank? Not particulary attracted to her. But the boobs are awesome.

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