BFG Main Event more of a Angle vs Anderson than a triple threat?

The Viper Orton

Pre-Show Stalwart
I mean the whole feud shows that its Angle vs Anderson. Hardy just doesn't show up and the battle royal proved my point, if hardy was more into the feud they would have waited till RVD took abyss out then let hardy gets eliminated. I mean anderson and Anlge have been against each other in the ring or at reaction talking bout the other guy while keeping hardy out!

Why did TNA do this?

Is hardy just a third wheel?

Or is he out to win as the underdog?

I mean it doesn't make sense being in the match yet not involved in the storyline
I agree 100 percent. Jeff Hardy has no purpose whatsoever in this match. I'm not even sure why they put him in there. I guess maybe to build up the match into their biggest PPV. The fans love Jeff Hardy a lot more than Anderson and Angle. I, for one, would much rather see a personal feud between Anderson and Angle. I think the match would be more watchable and an overall better match with just the two. I believe Hardy was thrown in the match because of his little feud with Anderson a while back. And his match with Angle. That's the only reason. I think he is just a third wheel.

On the other hand. We could quite possibly see a Jeff Hardy win this Sunday. Why you ask? Because TNA is focusing so hard on the Angle/Anderson feud they could be covering up the fact that Hardy's going to win the TNA Heavyweight Championship. Just a thought but it could happen.
If this happens (hardy getting the belt) it would be a real kick in the ass. I mean, lets face it, the guy is to flabby for me to take seriously. but anyway, the whole build with the kenn... er anderson angle feud has been really great and throwing in Jeff Hardy just shows how off the wall the booking in TNA is. I honestly feel it was the kind of "hey, Jeff is pretty over, but we don;t really know what to do with him, so lets throw him in the title match" kind of mentality. terrible Idea.... I pray abyss takes him out before the friggin match so i can get a decent non botchfest of a title match. Hardy is becoming the new Sabu IMO with the amount of mess ups he does. God forbid we get a spotfest free match once and a while.
You're damn right, how dare they have their most popular wrestler in the main-event; don't they know the almighty IWC don't like him!?

Go back and watch Angle/Hardy, to say that guy can't go anymore is to ignore that fantastic match. Hardy is and was twice as popular in the WWE than Kennedy and has sold an awful lot more merch than the dude and he's paid more dues than the dude. I don't buy this "Jeff is so fat!", he's not. He's not as skinny as he once way but I didn't see anyone point out CM Punk's weight gain in '08/'09, he got fairly chubby then. Jeff has put on weight but I don't understand why that makes any blind bit of difference if he can still put on a great match tbh.

Going back to Anderson though, why does he deserve to be in the match more than Hardy? I can name numerous amazing matches Hardy was in, quite a few of them would be referred to as classics. Anderson, besides perhaps his steel cage match with Angle, has never stolen the show at a PPV or put on a fantastic match.

Simply because the IWC doesn't wish to see Hardy in the main-event does not mean he doesn't deserve it.
You're damn right, how dare they have their most popular wrestler in the main-event; don't they know the almighty IWC don't like him!?

Go back and watch Angle/Hardy, to say that guy can't go anymore is to ignore that fantastic match. Hardy is and was twice as popular in the WWE than Kennedy and has sold an awful lot more merch than the dude and he's paid more dues than the dude. I don't buy this "Jeff is so fat!", he's not. He's not as skinny as he once way but I didn't see anyone point out CM Punk's weight gain in '08/'09, he got fairly chubby then. Jeff has put on weight but I don't understand why that makes any blind bit of difference if he can still put on a great match tbh.

Going back to Anderson though, why does he deserve to be in the match more than Hardy? I can name numerous amazing matches Hardy was in, quite a few of them would be referred to as classics. Anderson, besides perhaps his steel cage match with Angle, has never stolen the show at a PPV or put on a fantastic match.

Simply because the IWC doesn't wish to see Hardy in the main-event does not mean he doesn't deserve it.

I didnt say he doesn't deserve it, but I said he isn't involved in the feud

Angle and Anderson fought as the last 2 in battle royal. They talked about each other for 3 minutes then sometimes add jeff for like 20 seconds. He hasn't done anything for the feud.

I hate jeff hardy when he was as WWE WHC and now, it doesn't change, but I wasnt talking about this in this topic, just he wasn't written as if he is about to main event. I mean for God's sake Inc Ink got more TV time than Jeff hardy in the last 3 weeks or month, and now you want me to buy that he is in ME. At least if he isn't used have him get attacked and injured by kurt or abyss (legitly till BFG, not for a week)
It's the exact same reason Triple H was in the WWE match at Armageddon 2008. To add more star power. Triple H wasn't really involved int that fued it was more Edge and Jeff but they added Triple H anyway to give it more star power even though he wasn't really involved.

Lets be honest while the IWC may praise Anderson a lot he's not that well known outside of it, he wasn't that big in WWE. Angle is fairly popular but he can't bring the amount of fans they want on their own, enter Hardy who has loads of fans who would tune in to see what he's doing.
If this happens (hardy getting the belt) it would be a real kick in the ass. I mean, lets face it, the guy is to flabby for me to take seriously. but anyway, the whole build with the kenn... er anderson angle feud has been really great and throwing in Jeff Hardy just shows how off the wall the booking in TNA is. I honestly feel it was the kind of "hey, Jeff is pretty over, but we don;t really know what to do with him, so lets throw him in the title match" kind of mentality. terrible Idea.... I pray abyss takes him out before the friggin match so i can get a decent non botchfest of a title match. Hardy is becoming the new Sabu IMO with the amount of mess ups he does. God forbid we get a spotfest free match once and a while.

Not really because Hardy has court summons etc I'm sure TNA would have used him properly if he didn't have all the out of wrestling problems. The guy isn't that flabby ¬.¬ thats like saying Rey Mysterio is as fat as Rikishi...
I bet that Hardy is in the match to get pinned so that the Angle/Anderson feud can continue to the next PPV or 2
I have to agree that the dynamic of this match is more about Angle vs. Anderson. Hardy has just been thrown in as a wild card, someone there to "shake things up." I would have preferred a one-on-one with Angle and Anderson, and have Hardy involved in another storyline (one that makes sense is to have him as Sting's "disciple" in the "deception" angle, but that's another thread).

Jeff Hardy, while popular, is still a risk with his legal and personal troubles still plaguing him outside the ropes. It will be a while before he hoists the TNA title, and that may be a long wait until his troubles are behind him. TNA has probably learned some from taking risks with other performers (X-Pac, Scott Hall), and is willing to keep Jeff around so long as they don't put the company, or any big responsibility, on his shoulders.

Nevertheless, the BFG main event should be an entertaining one.
Yeah, I've got to agree with consensus here as Jeff Hardy's appearance in this triple threat main event match at BFG seems to have been reduced to the status of afterthought more than anything else. Jeff Hardy does have a lot of fans so adding his name to the mix could be a ploy to draw viewers and overall attention to the match. The WWE is doing something similar right now with Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett for Bragging Rights in that John Cena is going to be in Barrett's corner. They're hoping to use Cena's star power to draw interest for what, on the surface, could potentially be a weak main event for the show.

If this is also part of a plan for Hardy to look like a Cinderella story, an underdog that ultimately wins the big one, then who knows how it's going to work out for the long term. As has been said many many times, Jeff Hardy's legal problems are potentially a huge complication regarding any sort of push he's gotten in TNA. All the trouble with Hardy started almost 13 months ago now, so I guess it's possible that TNA could decide to just take a chance and see what Hardy can do as World Champion.
A writer for a TNA website believes that Anderson is part of "They" and that Bischoff is leading "They". Angle is a TNA guy, one of the biggest and arguably the best and Bischoff wants to get rid of Angle as soon as possible so he has told Anderson to take him out and end Angles career while also becoming TNA WHC and thats why Anderson has been focused more on Angle and Hardy just seems to be there.

I think it makes sense. Angle takes time off to heal up and returns when Dixie or whoever are getting ready to fight and get TNA back.
Hardy is in the main event so he can be pinned by Anderson which would mean technically Angle didn't loose, he just didn't win. Of course Anderson will cheat to get the victory, turning him heel and an ongoing war between Angle & Anderson will keep us entertained in the weeks and months to come.

To draw. Hardy in the main event will sell more then what it would if it was just Angle and Anderson. It's also as the guy above said and its so angle can lose but not get pinned probbly ending the fued with Anderson and Angle and making it a Hardy and somebody fued at the same time.

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