Better title belt.

best title belt

  • Austin's Smoking Skull

  • Cena Spinner

  • Edge's Rated-R Spinner

  • None, they all sucked

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there have been a few people to have their own "custom belt" the only 3 i can think of off the top of my head are:

Stone Cold Steve Austin's Smoking Skull Belt:
with the Austin Era, came Austin's own Wrold Title belt, was a basic design, with a smoking Skull in the middle of it (hence the name..duh)

John Cen's Spinner Belt:

really no need to explain this one, since we have to see this thing every monday night on Raw.. long lived it's usefulness

Edge's Rated-R spinner Belt:
A knock off of Cena's belt, used in his feud with Cena i actually kinda liked this one too... weird.

so, which one did you personally like? for me it's simple, The Smoking Skull. it was simple, but effective. showed Austin's personality, but didnt need to be overly flashy at all, and only came out when Austin was champ.
Austin's one of my favorite wrestlers ever, so I'll take his out of the ones you have up. Why no Million Dollar Title though? That was the beginning of the idea of the personalized title era and, I believe, the best.
I loved the Rated R spinner belt. I really dont know why. It fit Edge perfect Its a Hell of alot better than Cena's spinner belt(Which dont even spin anymore). And plus Im a Edgehead to so that helped lol.
A close second is Stone Cold's Smoking Skull belt samething I said with Edge it just fit Stone Cold well and It was simple but cool
Austin's belt was by far better than the horrendous belts that were created for Cena and Edge. For one the skull in the middle was legendary and made the belt look fantastic while keeping a prestigious look to it. Another great thing about it was that it was shown to mean a great deal to SCSA which was shown when Vince destroyed it and I remember Austin wreckin house pissed off looking for revenge. Cena's belt was at one time cool to look at because in all honesty it was flashy and new thing since a world title had never had a spinning symbol on it and for a time Cena made it seem as if it meant something to him but now he doesn't even care about the design that he supposedly came up with all on his own, he went after the WHC after all instead of his special Cena title and never attempted to deface that title so after time its meaning went severely downhill and the gimmickyness of the spinning title slowly was lost on the fans. As much as I like Edge his title was just a blatant rip off of Cena's title with the only difference being that he had a godawful giant fucking R on it and after the 3 week long initial title run Edge was defeated and Cena tossed out the title in favor of his slightly less godawful spinning title. So in conclusion Austin's title is the best as it never focused on the skull as its gimmick since it was part of the gimmick Austin had at the time and Cena's and Edge's were godawful in their own horrible ways.
There where a few people who had them.

Taz FTW title.
Ted Dibiase money diamond one.
john cena had a us belt made which was cool.
the rock had a bull one that was used very briefly.

Im sure there where more but that's as much as i can think right now. Of the choices you gave and even without I would say Austins Smoking Skull one was the best.

I think Edges spinner one was cool and better than Cenas too.
There where a few people who had them.
I think Edges spinner one was cool and better than Cenas too.

In what way was Edge's title cooler than Cena's? It was a generic copy of Cena's except for the ridiculous giant R on it instead of the WWE's



There was nothing really new or exciting that changed with the introduction of the Rated R Championship and it replaced some gold that attempted to look prestigious with a tacky red star with a white square and ridiculous ridged gold R in the middle and made it a title that everyone knew would get thrown away as soon as Edge lost the title as it even had his nickname printed onto it, if they had left off the word superstar it would have been able to get passed around to superstar after superstar as Cena's is now but there was a lack of foresight in that area. Personally what it comes down to what center piece you like better since everything else on the title is the exact same. As I have stated many times I think that the R itself looks horrible and I prefer the slightly classier use of the WWE logo as to me it makes it look more prestigious and back when I was a Cena mark I thought it looked pretty badass. Thats really all it comes down to, a triangle, square Rated spinning R Superstar vs. the spinning WWE logo
smoking skull easy the Spinners look stupid there too big and to be honest just weird looking where the smoking skull look cool more like a title than the Spinners
I liked the Rated R belt, it showed how big an ego Edge had in 2006 as he had his second title run.It had style and looked cool to, but I'm a massive Edge mark and this is a huge reason why this belt is liked by me.But yeah, because Edge put his own nickname on a belt it showed how big a heel, he was and his ego was huge.
smoking skull easy the Spinners look stupid there too big and to be honest just weird looking where the smoking skull look cool more like a title than the Spinners
to be honest i think cenas belt looks more like a wwe title because its got the logo of the whole company on it so it symbolises the WWE TITLE, as it has the logo it just makes more sense. i think cenas is the best and i dont even like cena.
None of the above. They are gimmick belts, and look tacky. None of those belts look like the top belt of a professional wrestling company, you want a real championship belt that looks like it is the top belt? Look at the world heavyweight title, the big gold belt. That looks like a world title. The old unified title looks like a world title. The spinner belts look more like bling than they do a world championship. Austin's smoking skull only worked for him. That was a complete gimmick too.
Austin's one of my favorite wrestlers ever, so I'll take his out of the ones you have up. Why no Million Dollar Title though? That was the beginning of the idea of the personalized title era and, I believe, the best.

Because it was unsanctioned and wasn't used as a world title..

I have to go with Austin's...just looked more legit as a world title...The Cena spinner looks like a belt buckle...

Also missed out are John Cena's US title...Ultimate Warriors white strap on the Intercontintal title and was it used on the WWF title aswell?

I believe I have found The Rocks Brahma Bull champion..

I would like to see an all black belt for the Undertaker, but I can't see changing the WHC belt, so he would have to win the WWE Title...we could see some great feuds if he was holding that title, and it would add a personal agenda, similar to the feuds for Austin's smoking skull belt...who wouldn't want to be the one to take the Undertaker's title? I don't see him leaving Smackdown for Raw, so its really just wishful thinking...anyway, the smoking skull belt was the best, because spinners on cars are gay's even gayer on the most prestigious belt in all of sports entertainment
I liked the Smoking Skulls belt.
Cause I love Austin, I love skulls and I like things with smoking coming out of it...
The spinners are just too corny and blingy I mean it doesn't really fit edge but I guess blingy fits Cena lol
I am a Belt SMark, so I love them all. Out of the three choices listed above, I think the Smoking Skull Title is the best.

It is my understanding that the Rock’s Title was never shown on TV, but was indeed created for him. It was something along the lines of Vince not wanting to have the Rock’s Title on TV, because he didn’t want to make his WWF Title (the design used after WM XIV to a few weeks after WM X8) even less popular. According to other sources, “it was lost in the mail”.

It is also my understanding that Edge’s Title was supposed to be something completely different, but due to time constraints, they just slapped Edge’s logo on the WWE Title.

Either way, I love them all, but not equally.
Forgeting the Milloin Dollar Belt.

But, not because he is my fav wrestler, but Edge's belt. I loved how use Cena's WWE Championship design to make his own. Edge is awesome.
The best custom title belt of all time was the "NWO" world title, simply the WCW world title with the NWO painted on with spray paint.

After that I would go with the "Smoking Skull" belt. All the versions of the spinner belt are pure shit, I so wish they'd drop it and bring back the Undisputed title.

Also, a title no one has mentioned was JBL's custom Hardcore title with the texas longhorns on it, didn't last very long and was kinda cheesy.
I'm really not a fan of either of those spinner belts, or the Cena spinner design without the spinning as is used now. I really wish WWE would think up a new, more traditional look for the belt. All that said, I freakin' loved the Smoking Skull belt. the changes made weren't to the point of overkill and Austin is arguably the biggest and best star in company history, so if anyone was deserving of a personalised design it's him...
I don't like the spinners. They look childish, like toys you buy at Walmart. Of your choices, I'd go with the Austin belt by far. But I'd like to see WWE go back to a variation of the eagle belt they used years ago. It looked much more like a world title belt. Since it looks like they're going to use a retro logo, why not a retro world title belt?
Out of the choices, Cena's. It suited him BRILLIANTLY when it came out. But heres the thing. It was Cena's 'gimmick' belt. Why is it still around now? After he lost it to Edge the first time, it should have been replaced with either the title before (Undisputed Champ, Lesnar, Angle, JBL, etc), a new one, or potentially Edge's (he was going to have a totally unique one, but they ran out of time to finish it). It would have been a great way to bring in a new belt, as because it was a gimmick belt, there shouldn't have been a need for it afetr Cena lost it.
Edge's always came across as a cheap imitation of Cena's (hell, it was) and I didn't start watching WWF till 2000/2001, so never saw Austins on TV, but looking at it, it doesn't jump out to me.
smoking skull was the best. i think that the spinner was cool but should have changed it back to a different one which i hope they do now since the new logo. world titles are not suppose to spin
had to go with skull, it and the bull, million dollar belt and nwo belt are the only ones I liked, plus I could see a skull, smoking or not as a belt to represent hardcore, and I agree with Miz, world titles are not spose to spin
Because it was unsanctioned and wasn't used as a world title..

I have to go with Austin's...just looked more legit as a world title...The Cena spinner looks like a belt buckle...

Also missed out are John Cena's US title...Ultimate Warriors white strap on the Intercontintal title and was it used on the WWF title aswell?

I believe I have found The Rocks Brahma Bull champion..


Uh, last time I checked, it said nothing about it having to be a world title belt. It just said gimmick belt and, for that matter, the Million Dollar Title was battled for in a match between The Million Dollar Man and Virgil. This makes it a sanctioned title at least for one night. You guys are way too specific with the rules of your threads. It gets quite pathetic.
They all sucked, the WWE title still sucks now.... Bring back a proper belt design, the old school WWF title or a revamped version of the Undisputed title.
i voted for Cena's belt. I hate Edge's belt because it just looks stupid. What is an R championship? Does he represent Speggetios Championship Wrestling?!

Cena's belt's only links to him is the spinning motion. Once you stop spinning it which is what it did stop doing it was more or less a regular belt plate design. The rotating was what made it "blingish". As far as Austin's belt is concerned a skull is neutral snd it had the WWF logo on it. I could see it being used by other wrestlers. My only problem was I think it devalues all championships when wrestlers make their own. Atleast Cena never claimed ownership of the belt after his reign ended.

The Rock's belt is acceptable to because a bull is a neutral and masculine symbol. The Undisputed title had a lion on it, the old WWWF title had a eagle, the WWECW title had a pheonix on it.

BoBo Brazil had his own U.S. title and technically Lance storm had his own U.S., Crusierweight, and Hardcore title belts.


hitman said:
Bring back a proper belt design, the old school WWF title or a revamped version of the Undisputed title.
lol. that is nothing but new shit too.

those are the WWE title designs we need to see returned.


That design above is also straight. Andre wore it, or tried at least..
LOL. I think they all were tacky. They were gimmick belts. But I actually liked Edge's Rated R belt for some ridiculous reason. It doesn't really matter though, Edge's belt was a knock off of Cena's belt to help the whole feud go, I personally don't know why Stone Cold even needed a gimmick belt, and also Cena. I think they should just bring a new championship belt. NO gimmick belts.

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