Better Person - Punk, HHH, or Cena?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
This could be viewed as worded akwardly although me to explain myself. Who do you think is a nicer person? Who is the biggest douche and who isn't? Who would you exspect to be most friendly to a fan or just anyone in general. This question is tricky cause we may only get our info from meeting them, watching interviews or their youtube channels ETC. Let's lay down the facts here-

John Cena- contributes to Make A Wish foundation
has spoke positively of the Usos, Evan Bourne, The Miz and
Daniel Bryan on twitter.
CM Punk has mentioned in a promo that Cena once said to
him " I almost gave up on you".

Michael Tarver has complained about John Cena claiming that Cena was rough/stiff with a steel chair and that Cena didn't follow
the unspoken rule of shaking the hand of who you work with after
a match/segment.

Triple H- has held people down in the past
has lost at Wrestlemania's to Cena and Orton to boost their careers.
I've seen videos of him being rude to fans, I can't tell if it's just his sense of humor or what but he just seems so intimidating when he
speaks to them.
opted to get CM Punk fired when CM Punk first came to WWE

Has bagged on UFC/MMA

CM Punk-
He's mentioned how much apathy he has for smarks and marks
he's pretty outspoken{ albeit a majority of what he says is correct}

He can sometimes come off as a grudge-holding-snide- sociopath and other times very mellow, friendly and content.

Has stood up for MMA when another major player/higher up in the same company didn't.

I'm not trying to imply anything really, those are just all the things I know. I don't mean to hurt any feelings or step on any toes, I HATE upsetting people with my opinion. I hope to get some answers, PEACE :D!
You're asking us about their personal life when we don't know them personally. We know stuff like Punk being Straight-Edge, Cena and the make a wish foundation, and Triple H burying a lot of people in the past but that's just about it. Cena's tweeting is him being mostly in character and Michael Tarver is full of shit first saying Cena laughed at his face then changing his mind in an interview saying Cena laughed then stopped and asked him how his injured arm was doing. We don't know what Tarver's deal is. For all we know he could be lying. About Punk he lives a pretty healthy life style but do we really know much about Phil Brooks to actually judge his personal life? I don't think so. And even if Triple H has buried and held down a lot of people in the past let's not take away from the fact that he put Cena, Sheamus, Orton, and Batista over. So with few details about their personal lives I really can't judge them. But character wise Punk's currently the better character. Though Triple H was pretty badass in the mid 2000s. And Cena was great too with his rapper persona. But I'm not gonna actually judge John Cena, Paul Levesque, or Phil Brooks the person without knowing him personally.
Yeah we can't say much because we don't know them outside the ring. But if you are to judge them based on the role they portray as a WWE superstar, I'll go obviously to John Cena. Those three words - hustle, loyalty, respect says it all.
Yeah gotta agree with keehlnate and XTheFutureX, its is near impossible for anyone who doesn't know these three on a personal level to be able to answer your question honestly.
If anyone else on here actually makes out they can answer the question then it will be obvious they will be basing there opinions on what they have seen from the 'Character' not the man as you need to know any person for a while before you can pass judgement on there sincerity.
Im not trying to be snarky, just bein honest brother.

This question is just awkward. No offense, but how could any of us answer this? Even on a superficial level, it's impossible to answer this. Maybe Triple H is a wonderful husband while CM Punk is an irreplaceable friend, or maybe CM Punk is altruistic while John Cena has his charity work, who knows? It's just a strange question to ask.
LMAO I love how Punk is painted like a saint here. You forgot ungrateful, like when guys like Swagger, McIntyre, Masters and Ryder were in need of a desperate push and Punk just got off the storyline that was carrying RAW for most of the time and started bitching and moaning about a push.

But yeah its impossible to answer this with such limited knowledge we have about them. Nobody here personally knows them so we have no wright to make such assumptions.
From what I know:
Cena is probably the nicest out of the three. Tarver is just being a pussy (Rock did the same thing to Foley at the 99 Rumble). He does so much work for charity and what he said to Punk was probably supposed to be a compliment. He does way too much charity stuff to not be nice.

Punk - Is unprofessional at times and has pissed off the Undertaker before.

HHH - He was huge dick when he was running around with Michaels back in the day but now seems to be level headed.

So for me it would go
Cena - HHH- Punk
Its kind of silly to judge a person when you dont know them personally. Like and root for the guys that entertain you.. who really cares if they are "nice guys" or not.
Wow, this is pretty much a thread that has no answer. You can't comment on who is the better person, when you don't work with them or know them on a personal level. Fans always make the assumption that they know a wrestler based on their work in WWE. Unfortunately, you don't know which guys are genuine and which guys have an agenda for their deeds. And you can't make an assessment like that without firsthand knowledge of each individual.

I wouldn't answer a question like that without knowing my facts. In this instance, no fan could know that without being close to the situation.
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