Do not blame Cena for Punk not main eventing. Don't blame Punk either. Blame WWE.

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John Cena isn't to blame for being given bogus talking points to say to Punk.

That's WWE's fault.

Ever since Punk won his title back from Del Rio, Punk was never actually the true champion in WWE's eyes. I admire Punk for saying that every match that he's in is the main event, but it isn't true. The main event will always be the final match, no matter how terrible it is (Cena vs. Laurinaitis).

The fact of the matter is that WWE's state of mind on what it takes to be the top Superstar is corrupt. When Jerry Lawler looked straight into Punk's eyes and told him that being the WWE champion does not mean that he is the best in the world, I was disgusted. It's true, but I would never have expected any personality from WWE to admit it on live TV that their championship doesn't have the prestige to make anyone the best anymore. I'd understand if the WWE championship was won by cheating, but Punk has been the good guy in the fans' eyes for over 9 months.

WWE is just scared to put the weight that they put on Cena's shoulders onto anybody else. CM Punk would be able to do it, but WWE won't budge. I mean, really, what harm would be done to the company if Punk was the headliner of PPV'S that Cena is involved in? The fans wouldn't care. All the fans care about is getting their money's worth. Cena fans wouldn't be as vocal about Cena not being in the main event as Punk fans are. Give the squeakiest wheel the grease. Business won't be effected. As stated before, Punk is beating Cena in merchandise sales. He was the main event of house shows, and everyone in the arenas I've been to loved it.

The questions shouldn't be, "Why can't Cena lose cleanly?" or "Why is Cena in the main event instead of the WWE champion?" anymore.

It should be, "Why is WWE still not giving anybody else a chance?"

Night of Champions shouldn't be a match focused around Punk being obsessed with getting respect. That makes things way too black and white, which I know WWE is used to. Night of Champions should be the popularity contest that The Rock vs. Stone Cold once was. Rocky and Stone Cold were the best of their era. Cena and Punk are the best in theirs. Even Stone Cold admitted that making the turn at Wrestlemania 17 wasn't a good idea. He said that he should have just taken the chair, hit Rock with it, and then stun Vince.

Wrestlemania 17 was more than a decade ago, but WWE is still repeating it's mistakes. Because the shades of grey that Cena and Punk have presented before are reverting back to black and white, the match lost the impact it could have had.

Face vs. Face
Top Dog vs. Champ
Winner has the right to be considered the best in the world.


The truth is, all of that won't happen. Punk won't become "the guy" because WWE won't pull that trigger. Every conspiracy theory as to why is just that: a conspiracy theory. Perhaps it could be because of Punk claiming that he's closer to retirement than everyone else thinks, while Cena seems to be around for the long haul. Perhaps it's the tangents on Twitter that he goes off on when something offends him? I've never seen Cena do that but one time.

Punk represents the risk taking that WWE used to build it's business model around. Cena represents how they'll always just play it safe. It feels like CM Punk is still the same guy exposing WWE's product no matter how much they try to dumb it down, which is something I'll always appreciate about Punk. The fact that he's the bad guy in all of this just proves how corrupt WWE's seemingly politically correct era is even more corrupt than the Attitude Era.

WWE is still objectifying women, albeit subtle. They're still as racist as ever, except back then, it could be passed off as satire. They're still picking on others shortcomings, and are homophobic - which again could be passed off as satire.

At least back then, WWE was honest about how corrupt they were.

So now, we're watching a WWE that's dishonest. A WWE that holds a "Stand Up for WWE" campaign that doesn't even represent what they truly are. A WWE that sees a guy like CM Punk and still doesn't like the change he represents. A guy who WWE is crazy to not have being the face while Linda McMahon is running for senate. A guy who is the perfect counter argument for the mudslinging her opponents are throwing at her campaign.

You could say that there's an idiot that influences Vince McMahon's business decisions now which, to be honest, wouldn't be surprising since they have done that before (Vince Russo).

I don't know, and I don't think any of us will ever know unless WWE just came out and said one day why Cena is a better face of their company than CM Punk. If the biggest offense that a CM Punk WWE would cause is just tatted up children, then I definitely don't see why making Punk the face is a bad idea.


I'm mainly just making this thread to perhaps have at least this forum lay off Cena when it comes to who takes the blame for Punk and the WWE title not being the forefront of WWE. It's WWE's fault, and it always will be.

Saying he sucked didn't change WWE, so now it's time for you all to just face the facts: WWE is corrupt. It always will be unless the fans do something about it. I just don't know what that something is.

If you are going to reply to this thread, then I'd like to hear some theories on what that "something" could be.
We already have a WWE complaints thread. We already have plenty of Cena threads. We already have plenty of Punk threads.

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