Better Overall Skills I - John Cena vs Randy Orton

Who Has Better Overall Skills?

  • Randy Orton

  • John Cena

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Dark Match Winner
The title says it all. Who has better overall skills, John Cena or Randy Orton.

Mic skills - John Cena

In ring skills - John Cena, all Randy Orton does is middle rope DDT, pound on the floor, and kick people in the head.

Charisma - John Cena

Accomplishments - John Cena (More championships)

Louder reaction - Randy Orton

Overall - John Cena
Ok ill go with this its pretty cool:

Mic skills-Cena might be the best in the business on the mic, he is funny and shows emotion while telling a story, all while being a babyface in the pg era, that is not easy to do, scsa and the rock are great on the mic but i doubt they would be as good in the pg era.

Ring skills-Cena again, he is strong as an ox and sells moves perfectly, orton isnt bad by any means, but he does only do a scoop slam, middle rope ddt, punt, rko, backbreaker. Cena has shoulder blocks, inverted power bomb, diving leg drop, ddt, fisherman suplex, gutwrench suplex, 5ks, stf, AA.

Charisma-Cena, no need for an explanation there.

Accomplishments-Cena again has more titles, so cena wins but it wasnt a total blowout rko is close

Reaction-It differs, Orton at times gets louder ones, but normally Cena gets the loudest, has for years now, so ill say Cena by a small margin

Overall-Cena wins...go figure
You should have be more carefull about the thread presentation!!
Use bolds, and something to highlight the topic that we are talking about!! :blush:

Randy Orton vs Cena

I like him both, a huge Orton mark, i just love verything it does in the ring, but lets try to have some more topics to evaluate him!!

Mic Skills - John Cena would own Randy Orton right now, however i liked Orton promos when he was "The Legend Killer" better than Cena Thorgonomics :x

In Ring Skills - Orton is by far a better wrestler than Cena, he does a perfect a scoop slam, he can hit that RKO when the Superstars are jumping of the corners, he for sure proved that, even if it was against The Undertaker that he did a lot of great moves and a lot of great matches!!

Gimmick - I go with a tie here, John Cena has a great gimmick for Kids, and Orton has a character that look vicious and by far a guy that you wouldnt want to get in a fight with, and if you do, well be prepared to eat some!

Charisma - John Cena is more charismatic, that why he cuts better promos, their LOOK is important...

Acomplishments - If you count that only for championships, well Cena has more than Orton, however if you count about feuds and great matches, in that case it's a tie, i enjoyed more Orton vs HHH than Cena vs HHH for instance!! Orton was part of Evolution, he is the youngest World Champion ever, so i dont really know :X Even his tittle differences arent that much, Orton his a 7 time world champion, and Cena a 9 time world champion...
Wait Orton wins in here, he indeed pushed Cody Rhodes and DiBiase and even Miz and Barret, he was part of great stables and he had more PWI awards tah Cena!!

Love for the WWE - Cena and Orton, both love the WWE and WWE fans, Cena is fulfilying his dream, we all know that out of the character John Cena is the guy that love WWE more than anybody, Orton got there something like a second-choice, but with the time he really showed love, well he is a 3rd generation superstar he grew up with the WWE!! and he never backdown, thats for sure, he was injured in his shoulders with something that i think is very very serious (i have a cousin with hypermobile fingers) and he indeed came back

Overall - In SvR 2011 i think Orton is better than Cena :p
But lets face it, its to dificult to have a winner, they are both greats!! So a tie is what both deserve!!
Mic skills- John Cena but he's not great at all.

In ring skills- Randy Orton and you saying otherwise is absurd. Look at his matches with Taker in 2005 for an example.

Charisma- John Cena though he's bland as well.

Accomplishments- John Cena.

Louder Reaction- Randy Orton.

Overall- Randy Orton. I'd much rather see Orton than Cena.
Mic skills - John Cena clearly has Randy beaten in this area.

In ring skills - I would have to say they're pretty even. Neither is very good, both are known for 4 move comebacks. I would have to give the edge to Cena I suppose because he seems to have pulled away from this slightly. Seriously, all Randy has done lately is get beaten down for 5 minutes before RKOing someone to win in one move.

Charisma - John Cena, Randy Orton sounds like he has no soul when he talks. CM Punk is carrying this fued.

Accomplishments - This is tough. Randy Orton had a pretty good career a few years ago before this Viper gimmick. John Cena has as well though. Overall, I'd call them about even in this area, with Cena having maybe a slight edge.

Louder reaction - Depends on where they are, but Orton seems to be getting bigger pops on average.

Overall - John Cena I suppose even though I really don't think either is that great.
This topic is an f n joke. Whoever posted this has not been a long-time wrestling fan. John Cena is terrible in almost every way; his only fans are little kids. This post is a disgrace to Orton's ability, both character wise and wrestling wise.
Interesting post. Here are my responses:

Mic skills - John Cena gets the edge here. Orton is a lot scarier on the mic than Cena.

In ring skills - Cena has amazed me and a lot of people with his strength and he does have several moves in his arsenal. When he started using the STF, everyone was wondering "where did that come from"? Orton is much more fluid in his moves. He has an excellent dropkick and his chinlock is the best in the business. And, he has the RKO which can be struck at anytime and takes far less time than Cena's AA. Edge goes to Orton here.

Charisma - John Cena hands down. Once again, though, Orton scares me. Reminds me a lot of Jake the Snake Roberts back in the day.

Accomplishments - As far as titles, I'll go with Cena. From an injury standpoint and making it back to main-event level time and again, I'll go with Orton. Orton has been injured a lot more than Cena and comes back better than ever each time.

Louder reaction - Randy Orton. This one's easy. Cena gets his fair share of boos and many have said time and again that he needs to go heel. Don't know how much longer Vince can keep trying to sell Cena as the top babyface when he gets all those boos.

Overall - I'm going slightly with Orton here based on his fluidity in the ring and his intensity. I would rather get into a fight with Cena than Orton.
Mic skills - Cena. No contest at all. Probably the best on the mic in the company at the moment... if The Rock isn't back full time.

In ring skills - If you asked me this two months ago I would have said Orton because it seemed like he was actually expanding his moveset with things like the Angle Slam. No idea what happened since then though. Still, he at least has a bit more variety than Cena, even though John could probably lift the entire ring by himself. Orton gets it.

Charisma - Cena. Again, no contest. Even he annoys the shit out of you you listen to whatever he has to say.

Accomplishments - A bit torn here, slight edge to Cena, due to more champioships.

Louder reaction - Orton, if only for consistency. When Cena gets cheered, he gets CHEERED, but when booed holy fucking shit.

Overall - Ehhh, Cena. If only by a little bit. I like Orton more, but I can't deny that Cena's the top guy in the company for a reason.
Mic Skills- Cena- enough has been said on that

In ring skills- Orton, tells a story in the ring and is fluid

Charisma- Cena- no contest

Accomplishments- Orton, best IC title run in 10 years, has defeated numerous legends, and has beaten the rock, WM XX

Louder Reaction- Orton, Not even close even when Orton was a heel he was still getting the bigger ovation

Overall- Orton, Look at the build up to WM 25 and his WWE title reign in the summer/fall
The title says it all. Who has better overall skills, John Cena or Randy Orton.

Mic skills - John Cena

In ring skills - John Cena, all Randy Orton does is middle rope DDT, pound on the floor, and kick people in the head.

Charisma - John Cena

Accomplishments - John Cena (More championships)

Louder reaction - Randy Orton

Overall - John Cena

Mic Skills- I'd say Cena by far.

In Ring skills- Orton's not the greatest at wrestling, although in the past, I'd say he presented more of a ground game than his present state, so this one I'd split into two answers by saying Orton in the past, Cena presently.

Accomplishments- No brainer. Cena. Although I'd like to add that Orton was a part of more heel schemes than Cena with Legacy, Evolution, Rated RKO, Cowboy Bob etc.

Louder reaction- Orton. Cena seems to get booed alot; especially during the last few years. I've heard huge pops for Orton, though I'm not sure why.

Overall- I'd say Cena's a better pick overall, because more fans are eager to see him lose a match than win. It's weird because Cena is defined by how many fans are against him and by how many fans praise him.
I'm just going to say Cena in every category listed. John Cena has great in-ring skills and anyone who thinks otherwise is absurd. He's great at getting the crowd involved and has the same formula many of the top faces in the WWE have had and does it perfectly. Everyone criticizes Cena's moves but what makes Orton's so much better. 80% of Orton's moveset consists of chinlocks and stomps. Orton hasn't had near the quantity of quality of matches Cena has had, plain and simple.
imo this post was prob made by a kid Cena fan who wants everyone else to see how great he thinks Cena is, but I digress, its interesting on some kind of level..

Mic Skills- as a heel Randy Orton or when he wants to be serious it "can" be John Cena, I strongly put that emphasis on can/ both for mic work

In Ring Skills- Ortons psychology is 100 times better...Cena does his moves of doom...dont get me wrong Orton has them now because he is a face, but otherwise Cena does moves for the hell of them sometimes just to prove the naysayers wrong about his wrestling skills...for example take his flying leg drop or dropkick that one time/ Orton for ring skills

Charisma- Cena has personality and likeability by the fans, but so does Orton who has that silent swag about him/ both for charisma

Accomplishments- Orton is the youngest World champ ever...yea Cena has 9 titles, Orton has 7.....Cena has been the same character for 6 years....Orton has evolved and is continuing to evolve....Orton for accomplishments....

Reaction- Cena is supposed to be a face but is booed out of the building on some nights....while Orton was heel he was cheered which is hard to do.... he has also managed to stay over and popular while a face, which is something Cena has yet been able to do in 6 took Orton a few months/ Orton for reaction/ they always say at least Cena gets a reaction, but thats not always a good thing....there are some who truly just dont like Cena's character and would be just fine not to see him on RAW...when there are fans who are happy to hear that he is missing a show, that shows a reaction right one would want Orton to miss a show because most people seem to like him myself included

Overall- Randy Orton
John Cena in every aspect.

Orton can not mesh well with people the way Cena does, and lacks the emotion Cena does to make the crowd absolutely nuts. Cena is a lot better in the ring then people give him credit for and I wont defend that because thats a never ending war, and just my opinion. Orton is not bad but how many matches can you say were that universally praised of his? I find his move set still to heel-ish and slow, and just lacking.

Orton is also very one dimensional he can ether be cocky in a rather so-so manner with the third generation shtick, or this yawn factory crazy viper "voices" thing. I like Orton just find him to be boring.
Mic Skills: Obviously on the microphone, Randy Orton puts on his persona, and doesn't show much personality. He can though, as seen in the past when he was The Legend Killer, but in terms of today John Cena is one of the more believble people on the stick in the ring. So, I have to give this one to - John Cena.

In-Ring Skills: If you answer this with "John Cena", you're a moron. He has four moves, and does the same routine. At least Orton has seven or eight moves and can vary. John moves quiet repetively in the ring, although so does Randy. But, the truth is, over the last two years on sheer wrestling ability, no match comes to mind when thinking of Cena while Dolph Ziggler Vs Randy Orton and Jack Swagger Vs Randy Orton come to my mind for Randy. In that results, better in-ring wrestler is - Randy Orton.

Accomplishments: To a degree they're quite matched. Both have received numerous awards from PWI, most good, some bad (Cena was worst wrestler in 2008), but John has held more Championship's than Orton. But, taking into account things like for example, the fact Randy is still to this day the youngest WWE Champion of all-time, it makes it very even. But I have to go with John, based on overall amount - John Cena.

Louder Reaction: By a mile, Randy Orton. John Cena gets big ass reactions, but Randy's make my television set vibrate. Dude gets huge pops, and when he was at the prime of his heel work, got massive heat. All-round, - Randy Orton.

Overall: Well I'm after taking what you gave me to vote from and it's 2 - 2. I think they're pretty evenly matched, both have been pushed as the heads of the WWE brand in the last two years. Both have wins over one another as well, and both can be used in a variant of different ways. Overall, I'd love to say Randy, but to me it's even.
Mic skills - John Cena. He is dynamic and interesting to listen to, and while Orton can cut a good promo when he's actually getting intense, for the most part he confuses "speaking slowly" with intensity and just isn't that fun to listen to.

In ring skills - This is a tough one. John Cena I feel carries lesser opponents much better than Orton, and that Orton needs a good opponent to make a good match. However, Orton is very crisp in the ring, especially when it comes to his movements and finisher. Overall, though, I'd say Cena, because I find myself enjoying his matches more than I do than with Orton.

Charisma - Both men have it, but I like Cena's exuberance more than Orton's attempted "intense" style.

Accomplishments - John Cena. More championships, and the undisputed face of the company right now.

Louder reaction - Randy Orton. The place becomes unglued whenever he enters, even louder than Cena's reactions.

Overall - John Cena, though Orton is very talented. I just prefer Cena in everything he does.
hmmm tough question.

mic skills- cena beats orton hands down hes 1 of the best in the company on the mic as long as hes not going against the rock with promos then hes just way out of his leauge :lmao:

in ring skills- oh god this is tough they both suck! cena has about 5 moves and orton has about the same but im gonna go with orton because he has like 1 more move then cena.

charisma- tough but ill go with orton because hes a amazing heel but as a face hes boring but sense im going based off him being heel im picking orton over cena here.

accomplishments- cena hes one more titles but hes also been around longer but yeah im going with cena over orton because of the more titles!

louder reaction- orton hands down because the crowd goes nuts every time his music hits then when he goes for the RKO the fans go nuts again..50% of the fans atleast hate cena every week on raw so no way he wins this round.

whos better overall- Randall Keith Orton as CM Punk would say :p
Mic Skills- Cena
In ring Skills- I actually enjoy the in ring psychology of Cena better, there is a build up. His 5 minutes with Kurt Angle is still holds up pretty good, and he can Pull out blu thunder bomb anywhere it seems. just because he has not as much flash doesn't men he sucks, watch Nick Bockwinkle or Harley Race sometimes.
CHarisma- Cena, not hard to beat orton in that category.
Accomplishments- cena, and it means more when cena loses.
Reaction- Cena, pay attention, boos are a reaction too, everyone makes noise when cena comes out even if the reaction is split because the IWC is a bunch of miscreants.
Please don't tell me Cena has better in ring skills than Orton, go back to 04 or something if you want to see Orton put on great matches with more than 5 moves. Cena wins hands down in the charisma and accomplishments department, i'm sick of both guys these days to be honest but i was a huge Orton fan from about 03 to 07
Mic Skills - John Cena

In Ring Skills - Randy Orton, he is impressive in the ring and some of the RKO's he can pull off like he did with Evan Bourne is great, you need the absolute perfect timing for that. Orton is highly trained but I think WWE don't let him use all his moves for his character. Watch Randy Orton from years ago whilst on Smackdown and such, he was way better then he is on RAW now.
All Cena has is his five superman moves.

Charisma - John Cena

Accomplishments - John Cena obviously but do the championships count? It's all planned so if WWE really wanted to they could give Orton more title reigns..

Louder Reaction - Randy Orton even though I'd love to see him go heel.

Overall - Out of all above, you have to say Cena but in my mind I think Orton is better.
Mic Skills: Cena

In Ring Skills: Cena used to be better but now Orton is better

Charisma: Cena

Championships: Nobody cares about championships. Cena does have more but that was then this is now.

Louder Reaction: Very very little people boo Orton he gets way more cheers. Cena gets cheers but not as much so this is Orton

Overall: People will say Cena but in my opinion it is Orton and i am really sick of Cena.
Im going to give them both scores out of 10 for each of the categories the OP posted.

Mic skills - John Cena 8. Randy Orton 6. Orton can hang with Cena on the mic if they are both heels but as a face Randy Orton has always struggled on the mic, just look at late 2004

In ring skills - Randy Orton 9. John Cena 6. Randy is one of the very best in the business today at selling and Cena just doesn't have the arsenal to put on the classics that Orton is capable of putting up.

Charisma - John Cena 9. Randy Orton 8. Cena probably is the most charismatic man in all of Sports entertainment which is probably why he's the most famous. Randy does have tons of charisma and always had, but he's not on Cena's level.

Accomplishments - Randy Orton 8. John Cena 7. Randy is the youngest WHC of all-time, a stat that probably won't get broken for a long time. He only trails Cena in world titles by 2, and has held his midcard belt longer than Cena held his. Cena may have more tag title reigns, but even WWE doesn't care about the tag team divison.

Louder reaction - John Cena 9. Randy Orton 9. It really depends on the city to see who's going to get the louder reaction of the two. Sometimes it's Orton sometimes it's Cena but I will admit that although Cena dominates merchandise the crowd has been more behind Orton recently than Cena

Overall - Randy Orton 40. John Cena 39. Randy Orton is better overall, but I think the score makes it look a little closer than the race actually is because Orton can do so much more than Cena can it's just that Cena has the better look and much bigger push obviously
Tough comparison, Orton is my #1 favorite wrestler and John Cena is a close second.

Mic skills: Randy Orton as Legend Killer was excellent, but currently he's kinda quiet and John Cena is always interesting even if some of his promos can get corny and stupid.

In-ring skills: Kinda a tie to me. Both have a short set of moves they use now despite having proved to be capable of more but on the contrary, Orton can actually dominate or have an even match only to win while Cena seems to get owned most of the match only to come out with the win. Plus, Orton can come out with the RKO randomly from ANYWHERE. You're never safe with Orton cause he might do the RKO out of nowhere. Cena always sets it up by performing a set of moves. Often times, Orton actually fails with the RKO when he pounds the mat and rather wins by coming out of nowhere with it. I'll go with Randy Orton here.

Charisma: Orton was full of it as Legend Killer but now he's kinda bland. So it's obviously Cena here as he has much more mic time and always tries more to get the crowd pumped even if he gets a lot of negative reaction.

Accomplishments: It's a tie, the fact they are the first two faces of the company currently speaks for itself. And sometimes being considered the Rock and Austin's of the PG era says a lot. Plus almost even amount of championships.

Louder reaction: Randy Orton gets a lot of cheers, equal to Cena but also gets a lot less boo's unlike Cena where you may hear "Cena Sucks" being shouted occasionally.

Overall: It's kinda hard to decide here. Not only are they my favorites, but they are almost the same in many ways. Have no one to pick here but if I absolutely had to, it'd be Orton.
I like this thread idea.

Mic Skills: Cena, no question about this one but back during The Legend Killer gimmick i would have said Orton easily

In Ring Skills: Orton, neither of them are the best by any means but i enjoyed the story Orton could tell in the ring his fued with The Undertaker sold me on how good he would end up being

Charisma: Cena, another no brainer here

Louder Reaction: Orton, he is getting some crazy pops as of late, Cena gets cheered but there a lot of boos mixed in

Accomplishments: Orton, this one is tough to call because of how close the number of World Titles each has held but I think the IC Title run Orton had put him over the hump

Overall: A very close call here because the categories Cena wins are by a landslide but Orton won more categories but by smaller margins. Based on the categories Orton won I give him the nod here but once again it is by a nose hair. Orton tells the better in ring story IMO
Mic skills - John Cena

In ring skills - John Cena

Charisma - John Cena

Accomplishments - John Cena (More championships)

Agree with you 100%.

I like Orton and although I'm not exactly a Cena fan, he's basically carried the company since Rock & Austin's departure. Sure, he's no Rock or Austin, but he 'aint half bad and he's worked well within the constraints of the "PG" era. Week in, week out, Cena has busted his ass for WWE. He hasn't gone away to do films, or sold out in other ways. Like him or not, you cannot take that away with him. As for Orton, he was better as a heel AGAINST Cena. Those 2 had what was a memorable feud.

So although I am not a Cena fan as such, I like him and I respect what he's done. He's earned his corn and all he has left to do is face The Rock and maybe Undertaker at Wrestlemania 2012.

Louder reaction - Randy Orton

Overall - John Cena
This may be looking at it another way..

Mic Skills- Cena. It's hard because I think Orton could win this one, if he wasn't with the Viper gimmick. Cena's cheesy and corny as hell on the mic, but he gets reactions.

In ring skills- Orton. Definately. Cena doesn't even act like a wrestler in the ring. Orton has the best dropkick in the business, not to mention he's fluid as hell with almost every move he executes.

Charisma- Cena, easily.

Accomplishments- Orton. Doesn't matter how many times Cena has won the title, he's only had one memorable reign in my eyes and that was his very first one after WM21. Orton had the Age of Orton which was brilliant, was the youngest WHC, was in evolution, had a great tag team of Rated RKO, was a superb IC champ, beaten legends. Cena just has the US title that he fcked up and the WWE title he keeps losing then winning back.

Louder Reaction- Orton. Cena's failing hard, being pushed as the top face, yet getting booed almost half the time. Orton gets solid cheers/boos depending on his face/heel status. Works his character well and the crowd loves him.

Overall- Orton. He's accomplished more and has proven he doesn't need to be Superman like John to be better than him.


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