Beth Phoenix Fired


WZCW's Brent Blaze
On Raw just moments ago, new Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero fired Beth Phoenix. Reports have been out there for months about Beth leaving WWE. She was temporally suspended by Eve a few weeks ago. But, Booker overruled that decision. Now, Vickie fires her out of no where live on Raw.

Will this firing last, or is it part of a storyline?

Keep all discussion here.
She actually has her contract expiring soon and I guess she chose not to renew it because she didn't like the way the divas division and her character were headed. I hate how she was written off wwe though... she deserved a better way to be written off if you ask me
She actually has her contract expiring soon and I guess she chose not to renew it because she didn't like the way the divas division and her character were headed. I hate how she was written off wwe though... she deserved a better way to be written off if you ask me

Or it could be because, as was reported earlier this month, after six years of being on the road she wants a break so she can relax with her non-travelling boyfriend Edge. Just a guess.

With Beth gone only two Divas actually entertain me. AJ and Eve, after that if they pushed Natalya or brought Paige to the main roster I'd be content, but whichever way you look at it Beth Phoenix is a big loss to the division. They would use her poorly for months then make a u-turn and use her correctly, but then reverse and use her poorly, again. Definitely one of the better Divas in recent years, actually one that I'll miss.
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Yeah it was reported that she was taking time off to help Edge after his vital neck surgey etc, but who knows how true it is. I'm sure she will be back in the not too distant future, hopefully once the model-wwe-diva era starts wrapping up a bit. Natalya will be next!
The tease of an era dominated by Beth and Natalya was the last time I had any interest in the Divas. I don't even know who half of them are anymore. I know the names, but can't remember which one is which. And I'm a guy who has actually kind of pulled for women's wrestling in the past.

AJ is kind of adorable, and is almost as crazy as the ex-girlfriend she reminds me of, but I enjoy her character more than I enjoy her wrestling. I wish they would either put a little effort into finding women who have individual personalities and/or seem to be a credible threat or just go back to women as valets and managers. Doing such a half-assed job of it just makes the entire notion of women's wrestling look worse.

Maybe I'm being nostalgic, but in the days of Lita and Chyna it at least seemed like the women in the ring might be able to beat up half the guys in your local bar. Nowadays, even if the girls in the ring could beat up those guys, they don't seem like they could. And that illusion was important.

Whoever said they'll get rid of Natalya next is probably unfortunately right.
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I really don't hope that Beth Phoenix leaving the WWE has nothing to do with her & Edge's relationship. Beth is the last of a dying breed of woman wrestler's period. The WWE is not a hook up session! It is a personal business to a employee. If I were Vince McMahon, I wouldn't encourage his WWE superstars to be nothing more than co-workers. So they can avoid any future Edge/Matt Hardy/Lita love stories outside the ring.

It wasn't for the XFL with the players and cheerleaders. Should it really shouldn't go in the WWE. Beth Phoenix will be missed though. She wants to be Edge's future babyMaMa. Smh.
I really don't hope that Beth Phoenix leaving the WWE has nothing to do with her & Edge's relationship. Beth is the last of a dying breed of woman wrestler's period. The WWE is not a hook up session! It is a personal business to a employee. If I were Vince McMahon, I wouldn't encourage his WWE superstars to be nothing more than co-workers. So they can avoid any future Edge/Matt Hardy/Lita love stories outside the ring.

It wasn't for the XFL with the players and cheerleaders. Should it really shouldn't go in the WWE. Beth Phoenix will be missed though. She wants to be Edge's future babyMaMa. Smh.

Things happen. You be on the road, alone, almost 24/7 with a group of people. Hook-ups happen. They have since the days gone by of wrestling, and they will happen years from now.

People build bonds. Eventually, being on the road away from those you love takes a toll on you. Some people can handle it...others can't. Don't chastise someone for a decision they made.

I wish all the nest for Beth. Always loved her and was sad to see her drop so far down for people like Kelly Kelly and the Bellas. Beth reminded me of women wrstlers back in the 80s. Had she been pushed right, we could've seen the second coming of The Fabulous Moolah or Alundra Blaze. I hope she returns after her break. Give her a year or so. Would love to see her back in the ring once Triple H starts to take the reigns of the WWE.
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Beth Phoenix will be missed though. She wants to be Edge's future babyMaMa.

Also, having Beth for a girlfriend gives Edge the distinction of being the only WWE performer who is physically afraid of his woman.:)

Yes, Beth Phoenix is no Ric Flair, but it's still a little sad to see her send-off as compared to Nature Boy's, no? No bells and whistles, no testimonials honoring her long and meritorious service.....just a quick, illogical firing, followed by a bewildered look on the diva's face.

Well, I suppose it's better than not doing anything at all; just having her show up one week and not the next.

Show business.
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I'm not usually one to go in depth on the Divas division, but I have to say that Beth Phoenix's departure is a big loss for that division and WWE overall.

While I do think the Divas are very beautiful and talented (my personal favorites being Beth, A.J., Natalya, Eve and Kaitlyn), I think Beth saw the writing on the wall. WWE has moved the focus away from the actual wrestling part and more toward the pretty model part. Hell, they scrapped the Women's Title altogether and renamed the entire division the Diva's division. I understand the marketing behind it, but that alone was an omen. With her contract up, she likely didn't see a good reason to continue with that direction.

Think about it. You see less and less Diva's matches lately (maybe one each on the big two shows each week). The matches are usually pit the same two ladies against each other for a month straight, and the Diva's Championship is defended less and less. The Divas are basically used now in backstage comedy segments, to push sponsor's products or in non-wrestling roles to further other angles. Maybe it's because the matches draw poor ratings or those in attendance use it for bathroom/food/merch breaks, so they pulled the reins back a bit.

If you look at it, at least in the WWF/E, the women's division has gone through cycles. The initial superstars like Moolah and Wendy Richter brought it into prominence all the way up through the early 80s, then it went more into the background as women like Elizabeth, Sherri (who was a great women's wrestler at one point) and others were used mainly as valets. Then, in the mid to late 90s, women like Medusa/Alundra Blaze, Chyna, Trish Stratus and Lita brought the athleticism back. But in the past 5 years or so, the focus has definitely shifted. They've pushed the supermodel types like Stacey Keibler, Candace Michelle, Kelly Kelly and the Bellas about as far as they could with that mindset. Now, all of those ladies have springboarded to other careers.

I think the WWE was planning to maybe swing the focus back to wrestling soon, but the fact that they lost Karma derailed some major plans they had for the division that could have kept Beth interested. When that happened, it seems, it put the division into a state of flux that they're still trying to mediate. However, you are starting to see some more athletic Divas take the forefront (A.J., Eve) after Natty and Beth had a short run, and there are some talented women in developmental right now that could help spark the next paradigm shift in the division.

Plus, with Beth now in a relationship with Edge (the circumstances of which are something I'm not going to get into because it's none of my business), you can understand the idea that she'd want to take some time away and enjoy the relationship. Plus, she may want to take care of Edge as he deals with the effects of his neck surgery. If they were both still on the road, she'd probably gut out the Divas situation to make it work. Now, with Edge retired and doing less work w/WWE, I think Beth sees one opportunity leading to another that benefits her on a personal level.

Like others, I didn't like the way she was apparently written off on Monday, but when a contract is expiring and it's known that the person is planning to leave, Vince doesn't usually let them go out on a good note. Ask Bret Hart. It's pretty much understood in the business that, unless there are extenuating circumstances, you put someone else over on your way out. In Beth's case, she was used to further the A.J./Vicki angle. I'm sure there's no bad terms here, but I understand why it was done like it was.

Hopefully, Beth will return to the ring sometime soon, whether it's in WWE, TNA or somewhere else. Maybe when the Diva's focus turns back to wrestling, Vince or Triple H/Stephanie will reach out to her and bring her back to be the standard bearer. She's a great talent who can definitely carry a women's wrestling division, if given the opportunity.
Meh, she's probably only knocking around with Edge to get to Christian.

As my favourite female wrestler (yes, I have one, feels good man) I'm sad to see her go, but if the rumours are true about her not enjoying the divas division anymore, then fair enough to her. I can imagine the parting between Beth and WWE being amicable, since she has been a dedicated team player since her debut, and the door will probably be open for her to return, so this kind of knee-jerk kayfabe firing can easily be undone.

First Kharma, then the Bellas, then KK, now Beth, and Tamina hasn't been seen on the main shows for months, whilst Natalya hardly shows up anymore - is there much of a future for women's wrestling in WWE? They must have a long term plan for the division if they've hired a big name like Sara Del Rey as a trainer. Fingers crossed.
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I think it's irrelevant. Mostly because it is irrelevant. She was a good athlete unlike 95% of the other Divas, but don't kid yourselves. She wasn't good, she was just the best of a terrible bunch.

Surprised they even did it on TV, no one would have noticed if they just let her contract run out. She wasn't doing anything anyway.

Women's wrestling has been dead for a long time now. Good.
I agree. Ben Phoenix hasn't done anything worthwhile in a long time. Her career took a huge downturn when she turned face and started slobbering on Santino's Cobra. She was good as a dominant heel, but never clicked as a face. She's just not hot enough for most of us to want to see her naked. Adios Ben Phoenix.
If Beth really is leaving WWE then it will be a massive blow for the Divas division. Her and Natalia are the only Divas in the company that make the division credible and while the WWE remains in the PG era then things are not going to improve for the Divas division.
If Beth really is leaving WWE then it will be a massive blow for the Divas division. Her and Natalia are the only Divas in the company that make the division credible and while the WWE remains in the PG era then things are not going to improve for the Divas division.

Yeah, cause when Sable and Terri Runnells were splashing around in inflatable pools of murky water back in the Attitude Era the Divas division was really credible, huh? The era isn't the issue with the fall of the Divas division, the mindsets of those who run the company is the issue with the Divas division. They don't see it profitable enough to put time towards, until something changes their minds like with the tag division, that won't change.

Doesn't matter if we're in the Attitude Era, Hogan Era, Golden Era, Ruthless Aggression or otherwise.
I feel sory for hear, she deserved better then to be fired on the episode of Raw by Vickie Guerrero. They could at least form some storyline for that purpose but its not too wise to invest in somebody who is leaving the company so I understand the bussiness angle of the decision...

I hope she comes back one day. One of the few Divas who acctualy can wrestle and not just eyecandy. :)
Beth Phoenix has had 4 championship reigns in the WWE. Combined, she has held both the Diva's and Women's Championship for 571 days. Let's be real here, she's been given the chance. She just couldn't get over.

So, it's not a major blow to the WWE that she's gone. Not anything really. Just hire more Divas like AJ. Girls that are hot and have a personality, which is what every guy is looking for.
If she wants to spend time with her family or Edge or whatever then I think it is great for her. I can't really say that i would miss her because honestly how much have we seen her lately anyway. I got excited when they paired her with Natalya, but nothing ever came from that. I can't understand why they would hire Sara Del Rey and then lose a good portion of the division. It was definitely a weird way to say goodbye to her on Raw if indeed she is done, but I guess other stars have had worse send offs. Beth was a good female wrestler for the WWE, but I guess that doesn't make to much of a difference when the company you work for doesn't put any time into female wrestlers.
Well first off, I think this is defiantely for real & not some stroyline. Beth is gone for now from WWE.

As for her future, I could always see a performer like that return. Especially after a guy like Lesnar returned to WWE when many thought he would never even speak to Vince again, although I don't think any Divas will get paid anywhere near the same amount. Remember ANYTHING can happen in WWE.

But, IMO, I don't see her ever returning to the WWE & I think that's a good thing on her part. Not only is she dating Edge & assuming she is a smart cookie, saved up some money from WWE, but she is possibly the biggest name in women's wrestling today. She is more valuable to the indies & promoters now than she would have ever been sticking around in WWE waiting till she get's a gimmick where she "cuts the cheese", oh wait that was just her friend with a stronger family tie to the buisness. Also I'm sure she has plenty of offers from simply body building & photo shoots, let alone anything like Chyna has gotten herself into.

All in all, I see this as a good thing for Beth. She has virtually nothing else to accomplish in WWE besides maybe one more short run for the title or to have a "high profile" divas feud with a Kharma or someone. She has retained almost all her value leaving WWE & I think she can be plenty successful w/o them. I wish her the best!
Diva's wrestling is now officially dead. Beth gone, Natayla and Tamina getting no TV time, Eve is the onily semi-good pure wrestler that is getting any TV time, Layla is OK, but no where near good enough, in no way better then Natalya or Tamina, Kaitlyn needs work, and Oksana???? Just a pretty face, thats all.
Diva's wrestling is now officially dead. Beth gone, Natayla and Tamina getting no TV time, Eve is the onily semi-good pure wrestler that is getting any TV time, Layla is OK, but no where near good enough, in no way better then Natalya or Tamina, Kaitlyn needs work, and Oksana???? Just a pretty face, thats all.

It's been dead since 2006 when Trish and Lita left.

Honestly this doesn't bother me at all. It's just another girl spot that can be filled by millions of other women who would jump at the chance to have some time on television. Just sign another girl and throw her out there. Nobody cares about the girls so why bother? The division is dead, move on.
It's been dead since 2006 when Trish and Lita left.

Honestly this doesn't bother me at all. It's just another girl spot that can be filled by millions of other women who would jump at the chance to have some time on television. Just sign another girl and throw her out there. Nobody cares about the girls so why bother? The division is dead, move on.

Yeah your right, it died when Trish and Lita left, but it was briefly revived and put on life-support when Beth and Natalya were getting plenty of TV time, now Beth's gone, it is pretty much like pulling the plug.

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