Bet You Didn't See THAT Coming!


iMPACT! Player From The Start
Watching Impact and they started with Hogan/Abyss vs Flair/AJ and Sting just returned and attacked Hogan and Abyss! No one (myself included saw that one coming! Tell me TNA doesn't shock you anymore. No one and I mean NO ONE imagined that Sting would return and that HE would be the one turning heel. Awesome move by TNA and what a shock to the fans. Then he throws Dixie at the wall and says he owes her nothing. Wonder what is gonna happen now with Sting. What do you guys think is gonna be Sting's direction in TNA now?
That was indeed an awesome moment. What a hook to get people to turn the channel and see what is going on. TNA just made me keep the channel on Spike TV. Great job by whomever thought that segment up. 10 times better than most of the stuff going on at Raw in the past several months.
I didn't see Sting coming back, and it was great, him having the second best looking body in the ring at the time, but his turn was obvious after there was the long pause. It was a reenactment of Bash at the Beach 96. Sting being a heel isn't the best choice longterm though, as he never really connected as a heel for me, he tried it once before in TNA and did nothing for most of the fans, so I am not sure what will happen with the angle.
Stings MEM heel turn shouldn't counts as it seemed half assed, and they kept Sting pretty much neutral during most of the run, but I agree his two OTHER attempts to turn heel during his run in the NWA /. WCW failed too. Oh the other hand, with him showing the attitude that he showed with Dixie maybe it will work this time? As long as he isn't turning heel to "do the right thing" and try to be the hero that the fans reject it may stand a chance.
I agree. That was a surprise and a little refreshing. However, as a huge Sting mark, it would've been better if he really laid out Hogan and Abyss to where they needed to be wheeled out on stretchers. Hogan being Hogan couldn't sell the beatdown very well since he had to get on a microphone and talk when Flair and AJ left the ring, setting up the match for later.
After a few failed attempts at turning heel, hopefully Sting can now play a good one. Maybe he'll be part of this Four Horsemen-like group, or perhaps it'll be a bit like Evolution, with Sting and Flair as the veterans and A.J. and Desmond Wolfe as the future legends.
Great way to grab everyone's attn. I was under the assumption that this match was supposed to be the ME. I certainly think they did an awesome job putting it as the opening segment, and the HUGE sting turn, cemented it. i see Taker was cutting a promo with HBK. I have both shows taping on the DVR. but, the fact i stayed tuned into TNA tells you something.
They tried to turn Sting heel in WCW once before while Hogan was in the red and yellow. The problem is it was after The NWO. In my mind it's not a heel turn for attacking Hogan. His hatred for Hogan overshadows the heel and face lines. I wasn't surprised at all because when Sting was in the ring I expected him to go after Hollywood Hogan. No matter how deep his hatred with Flair ran it didn't compare to his hatred towards Hogan. Then again Sting's my favorite. I expected Sting to do what his character would do. I have a feeling Sting won't like Flair either. He's going lone wolf/tweener. Sting carried the TNA banner for awhile. He's not gonna sit by and watch Flair and Hogan fuck up what he helped build.
lol taz pretty much just gave away that hes facing rvd when he asked mike what he was doing at 420, but thats who i guessed anyways. (p.s. i love the beautiful people)
If Sting keeps beating everyone left and right, his heel turn may actually work this time.
Gotta love the surprise that comes with a live show! I guess they do the whole Flair was my mentor and I still hate Hogan thing but eventually have Sting turn on Flair? We all want to see them wrestle one more time right?
It will be extremely interesting to see where this goes with Sting as a heel, it makes me wonder when Hall said they had 2/3 of the legendary Wolfpac was he referring to Sting with it?
guys i dont know how anyone could be watching RAW tonight....i have flicked back and forth and saw the same boring ass Undertaker interviews and Triple H interviews....IMPACT has been great. My only complaint is that the matches havent been longer. Sting angle was cool as was RVD as his mystery partner....Sting/Hogan/RVD segment ran a bit long though and i wouldve rather seen a longer match with RVD/Sting....but it's 10:30 and right now big ups to TNA. This show has been even better than the one on January 4th IMO. I'm still not willing to shell out $$$ for their PPV's yet but they are doing a great job starting to win me over....
I would not have guess that until they were all in the ring. then you kind of knew it was going to happen. You also knew he was going to face RVD which that was the dumbest thing ever. I think if you were going to introduce RVD you should have had him face desmond wolfe with the pope going down with an ankle injury. I mean really a 20 second match. that was horrid. I also think if this turns into hogan facing sting it is another waste of time just so hogan can officially defeat sting which has been mentioned on this board a long time ago. Hopefully thing will turn into Bischoff becomes a heel taking the company over from dixie and hogan with sting as his guy that would be money
I too thought it was awesome.. of course when Sting was standing there, i thought to myself, it'll be funny if he attacked Hogan and Abyss.. sure enough he did.. I loved it.. this has been an awesome Impact, I haven't flipped over to Raw once.. and the way Sting is attacking everyone is making his heel turn look good.. i remember when he tried it in WCW and it failed badly.. but i love it so far.. also love how the whole show has been pretty face paced
i wasnt to shocked to see him turn because you could feel it coming with the way sting was acting in the ring. i was pretty disappointed that they made him pretty much job to RVD. I mean Flair can hang in the ring with abyss but sting cant last more then a minute in his match? im a fan of both sting and rvd and wish the match would of went on longer. i have a feeling its going to be an angle like he's pissed at hulk for leaving the wcw guys after wcw went down and going back to wwe or something like that.
For Destination X I will definitely shell out the money, the lineup looks great, especially with the return on Ultimate X, you have two teams in MCMG and Generation Me, that will blow the roof off the house, and then the Pope who is more over with the crowd than just about anyone as when you see him the crowd is loudly breaking out with "Pope is Pimpin" vs. Desmond Wolfe.

The Band vs. EY and Big Sexy, and can I say am I the only one who is pumped with EY? Like he has really grown on me with the whole Band and Kevin Nash thing, like I am really looking forward to what EY is gonna be doing, and also at Destination X I'm hoping we find out who has been letting Hall and Pac into the building like they keep talking about all the time.

TNA has me hooked, I haven't watched an inch of Raw tonight and definitely wont be already looking forward to the 3 hour deal next week, wont be 3 hours of Impact but with TNA Epics and seeing the old school X Division matches, and I really hope Bischoff meant what they said that X-Division is going to be the Adrenaline of TNA, if Bischoff had done that with WCW with the Cruiserweights and really let them shine they would have done a lot better and might be still in business now.
i wasnt to shocked to see him turn because you could feel it coming with the way sting was acting in the ring. i was pretty disappointed that they made him pretty much job to RVD. I mean Flair can hang in the ring with abyss but sting cant last more then a minute in his match? im a fan of both sting and rvd and wish the match would of went on longer. i have a feeling its going to be an angle like he's pissed at hulk for leaving the wcw guys after wcw went down and going back to wwe or something like that.

The RVD/Sting match actually had a good reason for the quick match, it allowed for the beat down after, and really show that Sting had no regard for Security or Referees or for the boss in Hogan. He really didn't need the long match, as well as Sting has had a really long lay off so he probably needs some time to get back into match shape.
I'm also wondering who Hall was talking about. Could he mean Savage? Konnan? I doubt Luger.

But I'm a bit leery of the Sting turn as the fans want to cheer for him making a Sting turn very difficult. I still remember the night after Sting attacked Hogan in 99(or was it 2000?), he came out without the makeup and attacked a producer or something and the fans were still cheering for him like normal. The only way Sting could be booed is if he pulled a Jericho and changed everything about who he is, which I doubt he'll do.

One thing I am loving about TNA right now is that it feels like the old off the rails way that wrestling used to be. A few announced matches but most of them come impromptu. My main problem with WWE is that it all feels very sterilized and clean. They did it a few months back at MSG, which was awesome, but then went right back to business as usual. From the entrances, to the matches, to the promos, TNA seems to be trying to do everything opposite of WWE. Whether it works or not we'll see.
I'm also wondering who Hall was talking about. Could he mean Savage? Konnan? I doubt Luger.

But I'm a bit leery of the Sting turn as the fans want to cheer for him making a Sting turn very difficult. I still remember the night after Sting attacked Hogan in 99(or was it 2000?), he came out without the makeup and attacked a producer or something and the fans were still cheering for him like normal. The only way Sting could be booed is if he pulled a Jericho and changed everything about who he is, which I doubt he'll do.

One thing I am loving about TNA right now is that it feels like the old off the rails way that wrestling used to be. A few announced matches but most of them come impromptu. My main problem with WWE is that it all feels very sterilized and clean. They did it a few months back at MSG, which was awesome, but then went right back to business as usual. From the entrances, to the matches, to the promos, TNA seems to be trying to do everything opposite of WWE. Whether it works or not we'll see.

With regards to Sting, I think there doing well with the turn especially the rough scene with Dixie, it really got a big boo out of the crowd when he came out. I think if Sting continues to have a big disregard for Dixie or any of the people that Sting used to associate with/the random beatings and continued beatings of wrestlers/security/staff it will go over well. Alot of it will depend on when Sting finally talks what he actually says as to why he did it. That will be a big make or break point as to if the heel turn will be done correctly or not.
The RVD/Sting match actually had a good reason for the quick match, it allowed for the beat down after, and really show that Sting had no regard for Security or Referees or for the boss in Hogan. He really didn't need the long match, as well as Sting has had a really long lay off so he probably needs some time to get back into match shape.

That may be true but as long as a layoff as Sting has had RVD has had a longer one, only making a brief appearance at the royal rumble match a year or two ago. I mean i understand what your saying i just feel it makes the turn look weak when a wrestler of sting's status is squashed. But im also in the same school of thought with the guy who was talking about the crowd cheering him on, although we probably wont have to worry about that seeing how they only go live and record in florida but if they actually travel id put money on it being the same as that heel turn in '99 or '00.
I'm a huge Sting fan, and this absolutely shocked me. But like others have already stated, I don't see this heel turn lasting long. I see this whole thing leading to Sting vs. Ric Flair one final time at Bound for Glory. But it was still nice seeing the Icon back :)
This has been a much better combination of wrestling and storytelling tonight. Look what has happened thus far:

-Opening beatdown w/ Sting turning heel

-X Division Match, absolutely awesome. Followed by Shannon Moore debut

-Women's Tag Match, good wrestling, champaign on hot chicks. nice

-RVD debuts, surprises and pins a legend and then Sting beats the bejesus out of him and Hogan. Sting cemented as heel, RVD is awesome.

-Pac v Young was a fun little segment that furthered an angle

-Beer Money appears to be turning heel to appease Bischoff while Jarrett and Foley are putting themselves together as a future tag team to challenge Beer Money when they inevitably defeat Morgan/Hernandez

It is like they're actually buildling ahead to put together some storylines and that's awesome.
I think that the reasoning behind Stings turn will come down to that he doesnt want Hogan to kill another company. Sting was WCW, flair, Hogan, Luger all the other top guys either came from or ended up in WWE. Sting can just flat out say after the crap Hogan put him through in WCW, never again. Be specific, say the phrase WCW. If Hogan can do a psuedo Taker/Urn gimmick with Abyss then use the NWO/Sting - Crow storyline as part of motivation. Why not use the kayfabe history of Hogan /Sting? Heck he can use the fact that the Band is there, say he saw this b4, Hogan, Hall, Nash.. thats how it started. But not again. I think its a great move if Sting can stick to it, if TNA are willing, and it will be interesting to watch it all unfurl.
Anytime a wrestler does a run in and gets in front of two guys to "save them" from another two guys (especially with a weapon) I almost always think it's a swerve... I've been conditioned to, blame repetitive wrestling booking, so actually despite what the storyline may be, yea, I saw it coming after the initial set up.
This is obvious guys. In Bischoff's book, he said sting was the back up plan to Hogan being the leader of the NWO.

Sting will now be the leader of "the band" as he feels slighted by hogan and bischoff. He is tired of being in Hogans shadow. Tired of being the 2nd best legend.

I'm a huge sting fan, and i'm excited to see where this thing goes.

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