Best year since the millennium


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was just looking in my WWE DVD collection, try to choose what to watch. I decided on Survivor Series 2002.

It then got me to thinking, what is my favourite year since the millennium?

For me, it has to be that very year, 2002 and here's why:

WWE in 2002 was, simply brilliant.
- Firstly, Summerslam, the return of the Showstopper, The Main Event, The Heartbreak Kid; Shawn Michaels.

- It was the first time that WWE tried to split up the Hardys.

- WWE's roster was a who's who of wrestling history including; Scott Steiner, Rob Van Dam, The Rock, Stone Cold, Booker T, Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan.

-Hardcore rules Women's match; Trish Stratus vs. Victoria.

- WWE took many risks, Katie Vick, Chuck & Billy, "Testicles" Test/Stacy Keibler.

- Beginning of the best feud in WWE history, Shawn Michaels/Triple H.
--From that, Armageddon 2002, 2/3 falls match.

- The debut of the Elimination Chamber

-Eric Bischoff and Stephanie McMahon the two best GM's in WWE History.

- Evolution was founded.

- Hulk Hogan had his final title reign in WWE.
--Undertaker vs. Hogan. Judgement Day.

- Brock Lesnar debuted. Dominated the roster for the whole year.

- John Cena debuted. And was heel.

- Best year for the Cruiserweight title (in WWE)

- Final year WWE used "Heel Commentators." Tazz/King.
--What i mean is nowadays, neither of the commentators get behind the heel, its all about putting over the face. King or Tazz would say how they liked Jamie Noble, Nidia or 3 Minute Warning.

Also there were lots of good competitors in this year, I also think that WWE went through the most changes in this year, the beginning of the year saw Triple H win the Royal Rumble, by the end we had great Hell In A Cell matches, NWO, Vince turning on his own business, Shawn Michaels, Evolution. Everything changed so much that year, thats why it's my favourite year.

So now I put the question to you, what was your favourite year since the millennium?
2002 and 2007

im sorry but i loved great american bash 2007 especially. one of the only times i liked cena in ring was cena vs lashley and his epic with hbk. also punk vs morrison was very fun

It was still called WWF. No brand extension so the champ was the champ.
WWF was now reaping the benefits of buying WCW mid carders so you had a veritable super card while still retaining the attitude look and feel, albeit polished somewhat due to all the money the company was now making.

You had

Big Show
Edge and Christian
The Hardy Boys
The Dudley Boys

and later

Booker T

the rest of the WCW and ECW plebs.

By the way JBL got behind heels frequently on color and King continued to back heels until 2005 at least (see Christian and Tomko)
shawn and hhh best feud ever? your joking right? not even top ten my friend. nonetheless, i agree on your year, 02 was awesome. my number one reason is brock lesnar.
I'll have to go with 2002 as well.

Brock Lesnar rising through the ranks.

The Rock's last active year, where he gave some of his very best promos and matches.

Wrestlemania X8 was a great one, with Flair vs Taker and Hogan vs Rock.

HBK returning with that great match at Summerslam, leading to the bitter rivalry between him and Trips.

Many different main eventers got time in the spotlight. Jericho, Triple H, Undertaker, Hogan, The Rock, Lesnar, HBK, and Angle got their chance to shine. We weren't confined to seeing Triple H or Cena month after month like later years.

And we got the elimination chamber which, despite popular belief at the time, turned out really well.

The midcard was in good form, with the Cruiserweight and Intercontinental titles getting regular PPV defences.

And Angle lost his hair!!

Basically, there was very little wrong with that year other than Big Show being the transitional champ for the Angle/Lesnar feud.
Easily 2002. We had the return of Hogan, Nash and Hall, introduced to brock lesnar, HBK coming back, first Elimination Chamber, Bischoff coming to Raw, Edge+Mysterio vs. Benoit+Angle ,ect,ect. It was the only year this decade that was pretty much solid all the way through (there were other good years but none come close to 2002).
i liked 2005 better then 2002. here is why we had Shawn and Hogan. WE had Angle and Shawn we had Taker and Angle. there were alot of feuds in this year that were exciting. the only negative was how fast Cena rose in the ranks along with Batista. they should have made these guys prove themselves a little more. we had many memories for matches of the year and feuds that lasted longer then we thought weather good or bad. last year i really remeber tagteam wrestling.
No doubt on it being 2002.

- Lesnar debuted.
- The Rock's final year.
- Hogan v Rock at WM.
- Kurt Angle going bald.
- Edge & Hogan winning the Tag Championships.
- Shawn Michaels returns.
- Shawn Michaels v HHH fued.
- Brand extension.

So many good moments in this year. Can't go past it really. This year is shaping up to be better than last year though so hopefully we get some more good moments and in 10yrs time people will be discussing 2009 as the best year since the melenium. Well, i can hope anyways.
I think the Lesner/Goldberg days in WWF(E) could be compared to what I like to call "The Doink Era" in the early 1990s. It was horrible and it "all began again" at Wrestlemania 20 where Lesner and Goldberg came together in one of the worst Wrestlemania matches of all time. Its funny/sad that Wrestlemania 20 great main event isnt even recognized anymore due to Benoit

Right now we are at the beginning of possibly a great run in pro wrestling. Right now there is more pro wrestling programming on television than even during the Monday Night Wars era.

Raw on Monday (2 hours)
ECW on Tuesday (1 hour)
TNA on Thursday (2 hours)
Superstars on Thursday (1 hour)
Smackdown on Friday (2 hours)
ROH on Saturday (1 hour)
PPV on Sunday seems like every other week (2 hours)

Great thing now is I can tivo through all the shitty matches where 10 years ago I couldnt. I get the most wrestling on free TV that I can ever remember and I dont have to hunt for programming like we all did with ECW before it went to TNN. And with all that TV time per week I am going to get at least a few good matches. Thats for sure something I couldnt say with Goldberg/Lesner 5 years ago.
I say 2000-04..more-so 2001, but that entire time period was awsome. then 2005 came around and WWE decided to make everything suck. lolz....however the ECW reserection was also great. ECW was my favorite brand to watch in its first year. After that, things WWE just decided to make everything suck again. lolz

Honestly, i watch wrestling now more because it is a habit rather than me really ENJOYING the show. theres only a hand full (if that) of guys nowadays that are worth watching to me. (orton & legacy, mvp, edge and santino)

since when is wrestling geared towards little kids? Gimmie break, tell dem lil muhfuckas to go to sleep. lmao
Yeah 2002 was a great year for Not only the WWE but sports entertainment in generally. But just to say some years that were just as great were 2001 and 2006
2001- the best fued in wwe history Rock/Austin at WM 17 HHH/Undertaker, Rvd vs. Stonecold vs. Kurt angle, 6 man hell in a cell. Every single PPV was great i looking back on i regret not paying for at least 6 of them. The Mic skill was just as great as the In-ring performance. TLC II. WCW and ECW vs. WWF at survivor series. and........The first ever undistubed Champion was crowned.

Stone cold, The Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Kurt angle, Y2J, etc. all of these main event superstars had great fueds and Matches to back it up.

2006 was great as well because of all the new superstars and underated talent finally getting in the spotlight. Then WWE had a face Champion that every wanted to boo -John Cena- Edge became Champ. RatedRKO was formed the tagteam division was at its best since 2001 and DX came back with a vengence. the new ECW had its first debut Hulk Hogan came back at summerslam. The performance level was good during 2006 and with DX involed the mic skill was at it's best. WM 22-The whole PPV was great not just the main event.
For me it's between 2003 & 2005, I'll say 2003.

I marked out when I saw the promo hyping Goldberg coming to WWE, I know most people didn't like how he was booked, but I was still glad to see him there.

The Rock had his last real run and had huge matches with Austin, Goldberg & Hogan at the start of the year before leaving.

Wrestlemania was great that year, Jericho-Michaels, Angle-Lesnar, Hogan-Vince and Austin's last ever match.

All the other big PPV's delivered that year, Summerslam & Survivor Series in particular where great shows and Royal Rumble was good and had the classic Angle-Benoit match.

John Cena was breaking through and was really entertaining as a heel with the rap gimmick before they made him more kid friendly around 2004.

The debut of Evolution, the last great faction in wrestling IMO.

Kane was actually interesting for a while after he unmasked and not boring like he is now.

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