best wwe superstar entrance theme


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this has been on my mind for a while which entrance theme is the best not just the one that sounds good but the song that fits the superstars character

for me it would have to be the miz and his new theme as it is catchy but also says things in the lyrics like i came to stay linking to his past when he was banished and stuff and like the miz it talks about crushing dreams and stuff

that's me but what do you think and also give reasons and stuff.
There's three themes that really sticks out to me.
Quite obvious ones actually.
Motorhead - The Game (Triple H) all thou I loved the Drowning Pool version, but the themes title says it all why this fits Triple H so well.
Shawn Michaels - Sexy Boy (Shawn Michaels.. doh) I believe it's him that's singing it, right? with Jim Johnson composing the music, I could be wrong although.
Although it fits him very very well, I mean the theme song basically identifies Shawn Michaels if you ask me.
Jim Johnson - Graveyard Symphony (The Undertaker) I have my doubts I need to say much, again the title of the theme says it all really.
Very fitting to Undertaker, gives a great feeling around him when he does his entrance!
miz theme is good i like it better then his old one, triple H needs a new version of the game song he has had it for what 8 years now time for a change michaels well he couldnt have another one besides dx or else it wouldnt be hbk....
i say he best theme song today is randy ortons...the way it starts "i hear voices in my head" just gets the crowd ready for em and now him going face he get even bigger pops when he comes out.
I liked the old school post DX HHH theme that started out with the electronically distorted scream. The DX was cool too.
For nostalgic reasons, I like the "Real American" Hulk Hogan song and the Shawn Michaels song.
But the best entrance theme has to be the Ultimate Warrior's "Unstable" I wish I could run into work while the song played and start shaking random stuff while flexing and pumping my fist.
My opinions on the best WWE Entrances are:

The Miz- The second I hear: AWSOME! I mark out, the fans get on their feet.
The song I came to play by Downstrait is AWSOME, Everything about this enterance is AWSOME!

Kofi Kingston- The second you hear: Yeah! Ya Know...SOS! Boom Boom Boom, I go insane, It fits Kofi so well, and It gets the crowd on their feet

Drew McIntyre- Someone made a thread: A Theme of a Champion, and I have to agree. This theme is something special feels like hes gonna be the biggest thing soon. Fits him so well.

Sheamus- His song is freaking awsome...It fits him really well, and the crowd just boos him away.
So what is my favorite out of what I just mentioned:
The Miz.
because i am the Bliz...and I am AWSOME!
1.Killswitch engage-This fire burns CM Punk:To me its the best theme song

2.Jim Johnston-Graveyard symphony Undertaker : It fits to wrestler most

3 Jimmy Hart-Sexy boy(cathy song even though Michaels is family men now) and The time is now-John Cena(kill me,I like his song and it fits him good)
Gotta go with Triple H's "The Game," it fits him perfectly and I love Motorhead.. it's just awesome :)

Other favorites.. Hart Dynasty, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre and Legacy's
The top theme that fits the character using it has to be:

1) Voices - Rev Theory
This song really fits Orton. Orton's character acts as though he has some demon telling him what to do. This song explains all of Orton's heinous actions.


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I like a whole bunch of em. I am in agreement that the miz's is awesome(pun intended), and as far as fitting the character mr. mcmahon elicits heat with the opening chords, hbk's will always fit him as will the undertaker's, however my absolute favorite is..

Voices for Randy Orton. It plays well for his tweener character and I looooove the song,
anyways that's my humble opinion.
I think the best was Jerisho but that is irrelevant. Now I think the best are Edge and CM Punk. The worst I'd have to say Cena and HHH just because I’m tired of hearing them. The superstar who desperately needs new music would be Shamus.
I definitely think it's The Miz's current theme. For starters, it feels like an entrance theme. It is my opinion that all good entrance themes should have an instantly recognizable "hook" in the beginning, which lets you know exactly who is coming out. In this case, it is the "AWESOME" quote that lets you know that The Miz is coming out to get things done.

On top of that, the lyrics fit The Miz's cocky character perfectly well. "Hear all these people cheer/Feel all the love that's flowin'/All just because I'm here" is not only a great line but one that fits The Miz to a T. The Miz gets a great reaction week in and week out, and takes the boos and "AWFUL" chants as praise. He sees that he's getting a reaction, and loves it.

The song also sounds like it was sang by a band of Miz's.

It's really the perfect entrance theme right now.
Seems a lot of people so far are goin for more recent ones (tho how kofis is even mentioned in the greatest wwe theme ever ill never know) and true some of the modern rock songs are amazing and fit the wrestler perfect such as randy ortons, Christian (love his tna entrance too) and edges but i have to say my favourite wrestling entrances have to be more classic ones like the Million Dollar Mans which instantly drew incredible heat, The Rocks in 2001 wud send the crowd into a huge frenzy everytime and i also like the retro ones such as macho man, british bulldog and mr perfect. Fair do's i wouldnt play them in my car which u can a lot of todays themes but at the time they really suited the characters. I know u said wwe but i have to mention the original AJ styles theme that is one of the greatest entrance themes ever too.
I agree with Doc when it comes to Miz's theme. The song itself is really good and fits Miz's cocky persona. When the "AWESOME" intro plays, you know it's the Miz coming out and the crowd always reacts to it.

Another theme song I like is "This Fire" by Killswitch Engage (CM Punk's theme) probably because I'm a fan of Killswitch Engage. I've always loved their music. However while I've always enjoyed the theme song, I'm not sure if it fits right now with Punk's heel run. The song just screams "face."
Like the majority in this thread I think Miz's entrance theme fits his personality to a T. It just so cocky and pompous just like him. It seems a song that would annoy people but you end up loving it just like The Miz. It really is a great song for him.

Kofi's is also a good song for his character. Its just so energetic and lively which also suits his character especially when his character first joined the company. I feel like it should be altered thought just so it fits in with his serious side.

My favourite song at the moment though is Christian's enterance. The song is so just catchy and great to listen to. Its cool and such a likable song just like his character. This version of the song I think is much better as it is faster and much easier to listen to but the original was still good.
Technically it's a WWF theme but really much better than the current junk...
Excellent lyrics, fantastic arrangement and perfect accompanied pyrotechnics.

"I am the master of ya whole heap,
I am the pastor that flock ya like sheep.
Step into the town and break the wall down,
Your heart beat is the only sound.
Step into the light and then you'll know,
You were stopped and dropped by the Walls of Jericho."

The theme fit his debut and subsequent persona well for a long long time, and made many of the WWF/E fans into instant Jerichoholics.

Trivia: Almost positive that today they use the thumping "after the countdown" part of Jericho's old theme whenever they lower cages and elimination chambers to build suspense.
I gotta weigh in on this one... No one has mentioned the one that sticks out to me the most right now. BATISTA!! The guitar riff at the beginning and then the YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I walk for miles inside this pit of danger! It sets up for the machine gun thing he does with the pyro and then at the end. He owns his whole theme and his song fits his character perfectly. The intensity of the song matches the intensity in his movement. "I walk alone" is also better fitted to him since his jump to heel status by the way. It would still fit if he were a tweener.
Miz,Morrison,Sheamus,Kofi,Christan,& Legacy all have really good themes.

For me Miz,Morrison & Legacy share the title of best WWE theme song
Voices by Rev Theory. This song fits Randy's character really well. The video package they put together last year before the Rumble (about Orton punting Vince's head off), using this song, was probably the best video package of the PG-era.
Just about everyone in the WWE has a great entrance, but my favorite is an older one that they still use today and thats "No Chance in Hell" that music is just amazing and fits Mr. McMahon's persona so well it's ******ed, and to quote J.R. "you know business is about to pick up".

I also agree with Nick that "Voices" is great and fits Randy's character, but I don't like the beginning, it's a little too loud and annoying when it says "I hear voices in my head" I think it would be much better if it started out with the hook saying "Talk to me! Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me!" I think it would flow a little bit better then.
Mine would have to go to:
HBK: His music is just pure gold in my opinion. Catchy, been around for years now, that song will never get old.
HHH: His 'the game' music like HBK's will never get old. As soon as you hear that first part, the crowd goes off. I think it also fits his cerebral assassin persona pretty well.
Randy Orton: I dont know how it will go when he is a face, but as a heel, who is suppose to be practically insane it works pretty well.

Others i like would have to include The Miz's new song, aswell as Zigglers for some reason.
Undertaker's is by far the best fitting theme for any superstar past, present, or future.

HHH's is a close second.

of the newer ones, the only one that i think really fits right now is Jack Swagger... and oh by the way WTF is with Sheamus's music? It really does not fit him or the character they seem to want him to be portraying.
HBK- Classic don't need to say much more about it.
HHH- ITS TIME TO PLAY THE GAME. I get so pumped everytime i hear it.
Randy Orton-It gives you the feeling that this guy really is psychotic.
Drew McIntyre-The song really just fits him and his slow deliberate walk.
Batista-He really plays the jealous lone wolf type well "I walk alone".
So many to choose from!! Where would I begin?!
1. Edge- Metallingus- It just rocks this world, I personally think he's had the best luck in WWF/E history with song choices. Prior to that he had Rob Zombie, and the You Think You Know me, all which rocked.

2. Christian- Close Your Eyes (2009 version) This is a harder version. I think it also suits him better than the chicks that sang on the first version for some reason, hearing Waterproof Blond's other songs just prove it.

3. HHH-Stephanie - Its My Time- I just think that song is awesome. Those two when they used to dominate the WWF, it was a catchy song, the evil in the both of them at that time.

4. Lita- (face/heel) Lovefurypassionenergy- I just like the group that does that song, and her remix she had when she was in her Rated R phase, it rocked, I had this on my phone ringers.

5. HBK-Sexy Boy- WWE won't be the same without Mr Wrestlemania, who doesn't love that strut of his :p

6. Priceless- A New Day- I admit, this song has grown on me watching Dibiase and Rhodes. I dig it.

7. RKO- Voices- I LOVE this song. It fits his new 'sinister viper' image to the T. Especially when he was in that 'explosive anger' disorder storyline.:)

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