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Best WWE Manager


Championship Contender
a few days ago i posted a thread about abraham washington. i ask if he would ever be as good as jimmy hart or bobby heenan. two of the greatest managers in wwe history. but after reading the posts it got me thinking. who is the greatest manager in wwe history. there have been so many great managers that i am struggling to pick one. but i would like to know who you think is the best and why.
Captain Lou and Bobby Hennan are the two that come to my mind. But I also would add a third, Mr. Fuji. The three of them in the 80's and somewhat into the early 90's were almost as big as the wrestlers themselves. I mean who didn't know who Captain Lou was?
Paul Heyman : One of the best mic-talkers in Wrestling history. Heyman was a great manager while managing Brock Lesnar and Team Angle .

Ric Flair was also a great manager during the days of Evolution when he manged HHH, Randy Orton and Batista.
The Grand Wizard, Classy Freddie Blassie, Captain Lou Albano, Jimmy Hart, and Bobby the Brain Heenan. All were the best.

"Managers" in the 90s, 00s, 10s SUCK.

Wow I completely forgot about Blassie and The Grand Wizard. Sensational Sherri should also be on the list. She managed Ric Flair, Randy Savage, Ted DiBiase and Shawn Michaels in the WWE. Also wasn't afraid to take a slam. Jim Cornette also would be honorable mention.
Bobby Heenan had to be my favorite, and I'm really digging AW's potential.

I have a darkhorse pick, and that was Diesel when he first appeared as Shawn Michael's bodyguard. When he was first put in that role he looked like a legit badass that was not to be trifled with. Diesel was awesome right up until his corny face run as WWF Champion.
Being Old School, I have to go with Captain Lou Albano, The Grand Wizard, and Classy Freddie Blassie. Any heel worth his salt aligned himself with one of them. Also, I would include Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Jimmy Hart, and Paul Heyman. Finally, I remember a photo taken backstage at Madison Square Garden of a teenage Paul Heyman, standing alongside Captain Lou, The Grand Wizard, and Freddie Blassie. I could just hear Freddie saying to the photographer, "Take the picture already, you pencil-necked geek!!!"
I would have to say that there was at least a top ten worthy group of managers of all time
10 Vickie Guerrero, Hear me out on why she is on this list, i think there is a universal understanding that managers purpose is to get their charge over with the crowd either via cheers or boos and Vickie definetly does this, I can't think of any manager currently that if Dolph ditched vickie, he would almost for sure be a top ten face in a moment.
9 Slick, This is mostly because he did have a pretty good stable in the early 90's starting the years off with the twin towers of bossman and akeem then getting power and glory and the singles of the warlord who lets face it back in the early 90's the warlord looked impressive and I still think his feud with davey boy smith was a good feud.
8 Sheri Martel AKA Sensational Sherri, She Paved the way of the female heel manager without her a female manager would be a miss elizabeth type no offense to her but she really had nothing to do with crowd reaction for randy savage outside of wrestlemania 7, Sherri got randy savage over as a heel for more than just having him being as ass to her then when she moved to a then newly turned heel shawn michaels as well as ted dibiase where she played the sugar daddy card on him was great and got both over greatly then she moved over to wcw where i think harlem heat wouldn't have been as great in the mid to late 90's without her, I think that Booker T and Stevie ray learned a lot from her and should be thankful for the lessons because they really started to pick up her charisma near the end of her being their manager and it parlayed into a great run for Booker T and a good run for Stevie Ray.
7 Paul Bearer, He kind of scared me a little when i was younger, he had a great look as manager for the undertaker when taker wasn't saying more than "rest in Peace", later managing mankind and vader I kind of always thought that those two would be pushed better with bearer as their manager.
6 Mr. Fuji, He was just a great manager because you knew that he had that way about him that even when i was a kid in the 80's you knew that there was something about him that made you know that he could truely beat someone up on his own, I mean his time with demolition was great how often do you see someone able to turn teams like he could, I mean come on with the demolition / powers of pain feud the powers of pain started the feud as a pretty well over face team then fuji turned on demolition and the powers of pain became a dominate heel team.
5 Ted Dibiase, I was and still am a fan of Ted Dibiase Sr. From that laugh, his look and his gimmick, you just felt that he had that cockyness to him that sold him to the crowd, now obviously when i talk about him as a manager you have to go to the million dollar corporation, I mean come on when you heard that theme and you knew a member of the corporation was coming out and dibiase would be with them you knew that you wanted to boo the hell out of whoever was coming out, it could be I.R.S, Bam bam bigelow, Tatanka, 1-2-3 Kid, Sid Vicious or even the ones he managed shortly like King kong bundy, Kama (aka the godfather), Xanta Klaus (aka balls mahoney) or the fake undertaker (brian Lee).
4 James Mitchell, anyone suprised that I placed him so high on the list needs to watch any youtube clip of a promo that he gave at any point either as james mitchell, the sinister minister or as James Vandenberg, he just worked so well as the way he spoke made you go damn, early stuff in the 90's with Kanyon, as The Sinister Minister he got Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri crazy over in the Original ECW, and obviously as Abyss's Manager and Later with Judas Mesias, Black Reign and Rellik
3 Jim Cornette, Another Great Speakers in the manager game, I go right away to his time as vader's manager, as well as old school teams like Midnight Express and The Heavenly Bodies obviously you can't forget that he later coguided the career of the late yokozuna and guided the tag careers of the late Davey Boy Smith and Owen Hart
2 Bobby Heenan, One of the Best of all time, if he came out with anyone they instantly became the biggest heel in the then wwf, I mean look at what siding with him did for andre the giant, Rick Rude, Curt Hennig just for example, It was a tough decision to make him the number 2 manager but...
1 Jimmy Hart, He just always had that you want to punch him quality that I kind of like in a manager, I mean with that bullhorn / Megaphone and that voice you just wanted to be able to reach into the tv and strangle him, that said look at the careers he guided The Hart Foundation, Honky Tonk Man, Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake, The Rougeau Brothers, then Jacques Rougeau as the Mountie and Earthquake and that was just in the wwf then he comes to wcw with hulk hogan turns on hogan and gets the dungeon of doom with just an insane amount of people some were quite talented (Meng, Barbarian, Bill Demott,The Giant, Kevin Sullivan and once again the late John Tenta) some where just gimmicked out but jimmy hart somehow got good heel reactions for them too
easy choice, noone post the Hogan era.
Bobby Heenan, Jimmy Hart and Captain Lou Albano

these three propelled more talent to superstardom then anyone ever since and will never be surpassed.

and out of those 3 Bobby Heenan was the best of the best imo, he had it all, he was instant heat, he was comedy, he was a master on the mic both as manager and as commentry/interviewer the only thing negative i could say about Bobby is he overshadowed his talent cause he was so damn good at what he did
I agree with GameOver. The Brain was the best. He drew instant heat for his guy and himself. He had the comedy, and on commentary he had it all plus the wrestling knowledge. As GameOver said the only negative thing I could say is he was so good he sometimes overshadowed his talent. The Brain is my favorite manager of all time and my favorite on commentary as well.
The only thing with bobby heenan was that more people remembers him as a commentary / color commentary guy few member that he was at his best with the late rick rude or the late curt hennig
What you said was a negative is a little wrong you want the talent to overshadow the manager as the manager should be there to take away from a negative such as lack of Mic skills which always made me wonder why rude and hennig were with hennan because they had no lack of any talent at all
Bobby Heenan is my favorite. He can make his client look great, he would talk for them. He knew how to keep the fans excited and wanted more.

Sensational Sherri is also one of my favorites. She worked great with Randy Savage and Shawn Michaels. She was a tough lady, she took bumps when she needed to. She took the Press Slam from the Warrior leading up to Wrestlemania 7.
The only thing with bobby heenan was that more people remembers him as a commentary / color commentary guy few member that he was at his best with the late rick rude or the late curt hennig

only people who started watching from that point on, anyone who's a fan of WWF in the 80's know Bobby Heenan as a manager who was also a class clown.
I wish I could have seen The Grand Wizard of Wrestling. Older relatives of mine told me he was the most effective manager because his promos made your skin crawl, the guy was so smarmy and obnoxious.

While managers like Blassie and Albano were taking occasional bumps from wrestlers, the Wiz's health was too bad for him to do the same. Still, I was told this guy was unanimously hated because no one even knew what his normal tone of voice was like; he shouted every line he ever spoke, wore a perpetual sneer on his face...... and raised the art of insulting opponents of his guys to an art form.

One ironic note: although the man played an angry Arab during his career in pro wrestling, he was actually a little Jewish guy: Ernie Roth!

To me, the closest anyone today comes to an old-style manager like the Grand Wizard..... is Paul Heyman. We could use more of these guys, especially to represent wrestlers who can't talk well for themselves.
all the managers listed so far are great my favorite was bobby and people forgot to mention rick rude was a manger as well in early dx games and what about miss Elizabeth she mamaged three greats hogan savage and lez luther
Rude and Perfect were put with Heenan not to cover mic skills but to "elevate" their heel personas. Perfect had run his course with The Genius, and becoming part of Heenan's "family" was the next part of his evolution and coincided with the IC title. Rude debuted alone but was put with Heenan to help the faction grow from just Heenan managing Andre and less successful stars like The Islanders. You could say Rude was the sizzle to Andre's steak in that group.

As to who the best was, Heenan is up there. Paul Ellering gets a good showing from his days with Jake and The Road Warriors and Skandor Akbar was always top notch.

I'm gonna go out of leftfield and say on balance at the moment, Vickie is on the way to being one of the best ever. This is someone not of the business, basically given her husbands contract and working to support her family. From that she's created one of the classic wrestling characters of the last 25 years. "Excuse Me" is the equivalent of nails down a chalkboard, and whomever she manages will get major heat from it. Her time with Ziggler and Swagger will soon be over, but I could easily see a Wade Barrett or even Daniel Bryan with her down the line feuding with Ziggler over the title.

To me the best all-round manager was actually Harley Race with Vader. It was a believable pairing and Race always came across as still having "it" and being the only guy who could control Vader, perhaps by kicking his ass if he needed to!

Worst... Toss up between Jamison and Oscar...
Im not say Heenen wasnt a great manager, but I liked him better on comintary.
I liked Bill Alfonso. boy did he take bumbs. That damn whistle. Dont get me wrong be me not be the best. But I just liked him and his character at the time as a manager. I dont know why but besides Heenen he was next to come to mind.
I also liked Jimmy Hart,Paul Barear, and Sherri.
I do want to agree with THTRobtaylor Rude and Hennig were elevated by the fact that they were aligned with bobby heenan, also with vickie getting close to that list of greatest managers as well, the only thing i worry is that i think it's possible that the excuse me line just gets her "x-pac heat" I still will go on record saying that Jimmy hart was the best of all time because as much as I liked bobby heenan as a personality I just thought that he had one of the best stables and honestly one of the most successful, unfortunately Bobby Heenan will be remember more as a commentator and as much as I like heenan as i said previously I think the fact that his most successful guys held the IC belt and tag belts (I want to count Andre's world title reign but five minutes then handing the belt to dibiase doesn't help the arguement)

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