Best WWE game?

Tequila Dave

Flame on.
While a lot of people are excited to be getting WWE '12 this Christmas, I'm buying a slightly older WWE game...Smackdown vs. Raw 2006. Fuck yeah.

I always keep coming back to this game. It was the second SvR I ever had, and it's always been my favourite...sure it doesn't have the best graphics, but it had one of the best rosters in my opinion (not only did it have young and fresh stars such as Batista, Cena and Orton - but also the likes of Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. Not to mention legends such as Hogan - in three different forms - The Rock, Steve Austin and Andre the Giant). Plus, GM Mode was a riot.

SvR06 is withotu a doubt my favourite WWE game. What's yours? And why?
No Mercy and Here Comes The Pain are probably the best WWE games ever made (I have not played WWE 12 yet) but my personal favourite is and always has been Wrestlemania 2000. I played that game for hours at a time when it came out and having only played the previous WCW games briefly the whole concept was new and refreshing to me and I was in awe..especially with the create/edit a wrestler where you could edit and modify existing wrestlers in the game. The story mode was great and I loved how you could create belts and how the game saved the belts history. No Mercy was an updated and all together better version of Wrestlemania 2000 (although not sure it had the belt thing) but I would always go for Wrestlemania over No Mercy... probably because of nostalgia.

I have enjoyed pretty much all WWE games that I have ever owned in some way or another. WWF Warzone, WWF Attitude, the Smackdown series..even my first WWE game which was WWF Superstars 2 on gameboy. A few of the later Smackdown Vs Raw games slightly disapointed me but overall I have liked them all to a point. The first SvR and WCW Backstage Assault are the only two wrestling games I have not got much fun out of. I still play Here Comes The Pain from time to time.
I really want WWE12 to be the best...but it's just not. I don't agree with the 9/10 that IGN gave it. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, but I think IGN got over-excited because it's finally a step in the right direction. It's not this new, fresh series that fixes everything and starts over. It reverts the control scheme back to the old games that worked, kept most of the other details from the SvR series... and packaged it with a new game.

Lots of glitches with targeting and getting your moves off where you want them. Lots of flopping around because you miss your target and go flying into the corner. And good luck downloading anything from the Online portion of the game... All that being said, it's still a lot of fun and reminds me of No Mercy in a few ways. But that's just it...I didn't want a game to REMIND me of anything. I wanted it to forge a new path and shock me with something revolutionary and exciting! didn't.

No Mercy is pretty much everyone's favorite game, but I have to go with WrestleMania 2000. First because it's the one I actually owned and played the heck out of, second because I don't like to go with the flow... :rolleyes:

Here Comes the Pain is my favorite from the Sony-legacy, no doubt about it.
I'll be getting WWE 12 soon and I hope that it lives up to the hype but for me one game will always be number one in my eyes, WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010. I've enjoyed just about all of WWE's games but nothing can touch 2010, everything about it is better than the other games, the graphics, CAW system, Road To Wrestlemania, and the controls are the best of any WWE game because they're smooth and easy to use. I bought SVR 2011 the day it came out and was very excited after a year of playing the previous game just about every day of that year, but I hated the controls and graphics from the last game, they were way too pixely for my taste and thats the only thing I don't like so far with 12 without playing it. But 2010 kicks ass, the roster is pretty darn good too and if you unlock The Rock then you've got a great mix of legendary guys and new(at the time) fresh young guys who're the future of the WWE. If I could just keep adding to the roster over the years I would never have any desire for another wrestling game, but until then I will continue to buy WWE games and then when I get tired of them I'll return to playing 2010 as always.
Easily No Mercy. The way counters were based on timing on not just button mashing made it fantastic. The grappling system has surprising depth, with strong and weak, and getting to have a finisher for every situation (front grapple, back grapple, corner grapple, etc.) is rewarding. The game definitely hasn't aged well with regards to graphics, but overall it's still a fun game to play every now and then. If AKI was still making wrestling games, I'm certain we'd have a modern successor worthy of being called the best ever.
I stopped playing these games after how disapointed I was with sd 09 and legends of wretlemania. I'm with Julio Cruz smackdown vs raw 2006 was the last one i actually had fun playing for the same reasons as him plus you could orchestrate ppv's and get people to do run ins and stuff. It was just the kind of game a fan like me wants. I also liked sd shut your mouth, something about the career mode was just addictive and of course it had the nWo.

I just don't find the newer ones that fun and its put me off wrestling games. actually returned allstars. First game I ever returned and thats saying something. Now I just play Wallabies Rugby challenge, fifa12, nba12 games like that. I'll probably get the new gta next year.
WWF No Mercy. The move list was insane for it's time, the storylines were replayable to no end, the CAW feature was well done, the controls were great, and for the N64, this game looked GOOD.
Wresltemania-2000 for me. It's the first WWE game i really got into. It was one of the first games that you could change the ring attires. If I remember correctly you could also take Kane's mask off to reveal his burnt face. If you changed their main attire it would also change in the demo video at the start which was a nice touch.

Great range of wrestlers on the game. I really enjoyed the storyline.
Wow, I might be a bit of a minority in this conversation. Being a child of the late 80's and 90's I was playing the NES-SNES-SEGA games for years to start and they really sucked. WrestleMania the Arcade Game was the best of that generation but it was still only okay. Then during the original next-gen with Playstation, Sega Saturn, and N64 I had a hard time transitioning to those systems as I was used to a completely different type of control scheme and game play. The N64 controller was practically incomprehensible at the time, the Playstation controller was the same at the start, and the Sega Saturn controller was familiar for me as I was a die-hard Sega child, but it was still a whole different style of PLAY that I just couldn't get the hang of. I thought it was way too hard to do anything, the graphics weren't really all that much better and in fact didn't like the polygonal shaped characters, and thought the game play itself was too slow, choppy, and ill-conceived as were the control schemes with load times on top of all that which made it a chore to play it at all. As a result, after playing a number of the early games for these systems I gave up on that genre for the time being.

It wasn't until the NEXT next-gen that I found redemption in SmackDown: Shut Your Mouth. It was a major improvement from Just Bring It(the first WWE game for PS2) with way better graphics in all aspects of the game, fast responsive game play, a much better character creation engine that really laid the groundwork for the one we still use today, had comprehensive controls that anyone could play with, gave a large environment to work with, and had an AWESOME roster. I still have it and play it. My friends and I played that game until out PS2's fried, I loved that game and so did everyone I knew. It was THEE game to play, and at the time the greatest wrestling game ever made. Here Comes The Pain was a perfect follow up, the first SvR was a REVOLUTION of the genre, 2006 was a perfect follow up to that. 2007 was a nice transitional game to the NEXT-NEXT-next-gen with a great legends roster, an innovative control scheme that was actually pretty easy to get down, and expansive game play and interactivity within the environment that we never had before that. Since that there have been good and bad points to all the follow ups but I think ultimately we have made steady progress in what we can do and more than anything what we SEE. Still, no game has ever had my heart like SmackDown: Shut Your Mouth.
HAS TO BE ...Shut Your Mouth Beause when I was younger that was the game I would play in night in and night out for hours on end. I am not sure why but the whole season mode was nice, as you could roam around, which is exactly what I liked as a child. I thought it was a good wrestling game as well, and thought the graphics were amazing back in the day. I then stopped playing wrestling games til svr 2007- wwe 12. I have to say no wrestling game in my eyes lives up to shut your mouth, cause that game was my childhood. As a 5 year old I remember playing the first smackdown as well, and that was enjoyable even back then :)
OH man, I completely forgot about Shout Your Mouth. I LOVED that game when it came out, and I'm probably going to have to pop it back in for nostalgia's sake. I recently started playing through WrestleMania 2000 again, just for fun, but I haven't played SYM in years. I remember the story being a lot of fun, the controls making sense, and the roster having a lot of great names. I think it definitely paved the way for Here Comes the Pain, as the story mode in that still has yet to be toppled by any other WWE game. Also the ridiculousness of storing five finishers and unleashing them on anything that moves was amazing.
WWF No Mercy. Large roster at the time of practically everyone, large moveset, great gameplay, finishers for every situation, weak/strong grapple system, simple but effective CAW. It goes on and on. To this day I still go back to that game. N64 got the really good end of wrestling games between that, Wrestlemania 2000, WCW/NWO Revenge, etc
I loved Wrestlemania 2000, I liked No Mercy but it had that problem where you did the quests and it would delete everything. I also loved SvrR 2006 that was a surprise 2007 was good to 2008 was a let down 2009-2010 was better and 2011 I liked cause they added universe mode. Smackdown 1 to the very first Smackdown vs Raw where pretty great with a few classics like Shut your Mouth and especially here comes the pain but my fave WWE game would have to be Wrestlemania 2000.
The best WWE game for me is between Here comes the pain, The first SVR, and SVR 2006. This is where you can stack two tables on top of each other, climb a ladder and do a sick dive. And also here you can go out of the arena starting from the ring because it is all connected. There is much freedom here unlike the later games.

As for WWE 12, I can't comment since I haven't played it yet. But for SVR 2010 and 2011, I can say they really suck. The only great thing about it is the RTWM. The WWE universe mode is stupid. I got The Rock won the Royal Rumble and beat the champ at WM main event. And then after a few months, I lost the title. After that, he hasn't received any rematches and he is nowhere to be found on the rankings. That is so stupid. And oh, I forgot to mention that the most annoying part of this game is the interference. Most of the time, there is a superstar interfering your match and distracting the referee. WTF. The stupid part here is that there is no option to turn off the interference. Really annoying. Not to mention the sometimes wrong commentary, objects bug, unintelligent AI, and many more countless flaws.
WWF Warzone - this was pre-THQ who at the time were making WCW games. Nothing like creating a character and the crowd chanting "player 1!" - who can forget appearing in the Raw magazine on the game for winning the Intercontinental title or the WWF magazine if you won the world title.

But in all seriousness I enjoyed Wrestlemania 2000. Really thought the game was ahead of its time.
No mercy by far. I'm still waiting for the story mode to be included in today's games. They have a blueprint so use it. I also miss multiple players during a season or career from smackdown 2.
No Mercy. large roster and the game revolved around The Rock. I also liked SYM, SVR 2006, SVR 2010 and WWE 12. they all have a ton of great features
While a lot of people are excited to be getting WWE '12 this Christmas, I'm buying a slightly older WWE game...Smackdown vs. Raw 2006. Fuck yeah.

I always keep coming back to this game. It was the second SvR I ever had, and it's always been my favourite...sure it doesn't have the best graphics, but it had one of the best rosters in my opinion (not only did it have young and fresh stars such as Batista, Cena and Orton - but also the likes of Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. Not to mention legends such as Hogan - in three different forms - The Rock, Steve Austin and Andre the Giant). Plus, GM Mode was a riot.

SvR06 is withotu a doubt my favourite WWE game. What's yours? And why?

Agree 100% I have that game on ps2 and I love it.
For me it would be WWF No Mercy. Classic game, great roster, good gameplay, etc. My top 5 wrestling games would be 1. No mercy, 2. SVR 2006, 3. Smackdown HCTP, 4. Smackdown SYM, and 5. WWE 12
So having had WWE '12 for a few days now I can say I am really liking it and am pleased I chose not to skip the annual WWE game (I usually buy every other one nowdays and I got 2011). Too early to say if it can challenge Wrestlemania 2000 and Here Comes The pain as my favourite WWE game ever but I am enjoying it.

Are there any PS3 online users here who would like to maybe have a match oneday?
Here comes the pain. No mercy was fun but no other wrestling game got the detail from wwe right while also providing to me the most addicting gameplay in a wrestling game.
No Mercy. But I never played HCTP, so I think I need to. There are also mods for No Mercy if you have the ROM and an N64 Emulator. Downloaded a WWF No Mercy 2012 mod with updated roster and new modes.
WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw is one of mine favorite WWE Game....I ever like to play this game because I am not so much interested in this type of Games But This game is only one game that is mine favorite.....


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Smackdown 2: Know your role. I played that sucker for a good two years before it got boring. The season mode was great for it's time and it was continious.

WWE '12 is a big leap in the right direction for these games though, the customisation alone is just incredible.
while i love wwe 12 (minus the fact that you can be doing a move and someone else hits you and you drop the person you were hitting a move on...I HATE THAT!) but i gotta say smackdown vs raw 2007 was the best wwe game i ever had! the roster was awesome,the graphics were fine for when the game was made and i LOVED GM Mode! (that NEEDS to come back in wwe 13 fuck universe mode) plus i think that was the first game that had fighting in the crowd but i could be wrong it was a great game

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