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Best Wrestler under 40


Dark Match Winner
Good Morning Gents, Have at it.....

There are a few guidelines and rules for this.

Wrestler has to be under 40 obviously.

They can be from any Wrestling Organization.

Innovative, Ground Breaking, and Entertaining on the mic.

Reasons and most of all research.... So I don’t want to see names like: Kurt Angle, Sting, Nash, Hogan (LMAO), you get my point.

I want to see who you think will be the future of this business.

Personally I will have to go with CM Punk. He has already made a name for himself and can carry a match on his back. His mic work is second to none, remember the Royal Rumble... All his promos while the match was actually going on, FANTASTIC. He could defiantly use some better In-Ring opponents, but since the E doesn't have that many GREAT wrestlers. I would love to see him jump ship to TNA were true wrestling is showcased.

Some other that come in behind Punk are A.J. Styles, Bryan Danielson (Not the WWE version) MCMG, Teddy Hart & Jack Evans. Most of these need to develop mic skills. But in all seriousness, who cares about mic skills when there name is on the card and that sells itself.

Please let me know how you feel.

bryan danielson- the man is everything you wouldnt expect of a wrestler in the big leauges. hes small, a vegetarian, quiet & looks like ur typical science lab partner. but damn is he fantastic in the ring. one of the best mat wrestlers since angle. he is dedicated to the business & despite size, has fought his ass off for years. one of the last talents since punk\jericho that has fought thru the minor leauges & paid their dues. this guy is tough & destroyes the 'image' vince shoves down our throats of his type of wrestler. gone are the days of 'batista' type wrestlers, the talent of the future will be lead by danielson.

honorable mentions to dolph ziggler, sheamus, alex riley, miz, mcintyre, aj styles, alex shelly & jay lethal. all great talents that will be around for a long time to come.
I'm going with Desmond Wolfe. Lots of charisma, good mic skills and a great look. But above all he is one of the Best Technical Wrestlers in the world today.
John Cena. He is without a doubt the biggest star in the industry ttoday.

He is charasmatic, and awesome on the mkicrophone. From rapping on opponets before his matches in 2003, to his heart-wrenching promo on RAW after Survivor Series, to his hilarious promos on The Nexus over the summer, the man is golden on the mic. Only behind C.M. Punk and Chris Jericho in the business today, although I have a soft spot for The Miz and Triple H.

He is amazing at telling a story in the ring, and can do it like few others can. He can carry just about anybody to a decent match. He conveys emotion to you when competing in the ring, tells the story of the fued/angle in his matches. It takes a great wrestler to do that, and he does it better than most today.

Plus, he is the face of the largest professional wrestling company in the world today. He sells merchandise like Micky D's sells french fries and is by and far the most popular professional wrestler today. He has led WWE through this era of wrestling and is still going strong.

I know, some facets of his work may not be as strong as Punk and Danielson, but being the face of the company and his presence in a company overall by far make him the best under 40 years of age in this business today.
AJ Styles.

No one is capable of putting on a five-star match like Styles. No one. His match quality is on the same level as men like Angle, who frankly should be graded on a six-star caliber scale, simply because they are better than any other five-star performers.

Styles is a superstar of superstars.
I'm going for CM Punk.

He is one of my marks but only because I think he is just great.

His mic skills are great. Some promos he has pulled have ben easily one of the best of the year. The first one that springs to mind was the 900th episode of Raw one. That was hilarious. He keeps me interested at all times and can go for some time. Another was at the Royal Rumble. He held it together for ages and made it funny and interesting. also he is doing a killer job as an announcer on Raw

His in ring skills are great. Most of his matches have me entertained. His fueds with jeff hardy and rey mysterio recently were great. You can usually count on him for a good match and I feel he belons in the main event title picture.

His character is great as well. The whole idea of straight edge is entertaining and can make great storylines.

I feel he is underrated at times and perhaps misused. When he returns I want to see him wrestle Daniel Bryna in an amazing match at Wrestlemania 27. Then get him in the WWE championship scene please. I think it's a great decision t put him on Raw as he can have great fueds with John Cena, Daniel Bryan, The Miz, Randy Orton, Sheamus, John Morrison and possibly Triple H. So many of these fueds have never been done and would be fresh.
AJ Styles.

No one is capable of putting on a five-star match like Styles. No one. His match quality is on the same level as men like Angle, who frankly should be graded on a six-star caliber scale, simply because they are better than any other five-star performers.

Styles is a superstar of superstars.

AJ Styles, apart from Kurt Angle, is my favourite wrestler in the business right now. He can have a great match with anyone, big or small and that shows his versatility and talent as a wrestler.

His high flying moves are unrivalled, he can wrestle, he is ridiculously entertaining and while his mic skills are not the greatest he is constantly improving in this area. AJ Styles looks and wrestles like a star, and as IDR said, no one except Angle can put on a match like AJ

Even with all the former WWE stars in TNA now, AJ is still adored by the fans as the home-grown talent, and is the most successful competitor in TNA history, and the only man to hold all the belts the company has to offer. I really hope we see Styles on WWE TV someday, in a high-profile spot on a WM card. The man deserves all the success he gets, he is simply phenomenal.

Honourable mention for CM Punk. He is basically unrivalled on the mic, and can get more heat than almost anyone in the business without even trying. The man is a born heel, he is fantastic. In ring, he is also excellent although he doesnt get to show the full extent of his ability in the WWE, Punk is still one of the best in the world.
AJ Styles.

No one is capable of putting on a five-star match like Styles. No one. His match quality is on the same level as men like Angle, who frankly should be graded on a six-star caliber scale, simply because they are better than any other five-star performers.

Styles is a superstar of superstars.

But the OP said the guy had to be entertaining on the mic. With all due respect, AJ Styles fit all of the other criteria to a tee, but he is definitely deficient in terms of mic skills. Terrific in-ring skills, he was originally my choice until I saw the part about mic skills.

I say CM Punk as well. Excellent in the ring and gold on the mic. Superb as a heel but can function as a face as well. And he's been damn good at the commentary table these days too.
But the OP said the guy had to be entertaining on the mic. With all due respect, AJ Styles fit all of the other criteria to a tee, but he is definitely deficient in terms of mic skills. Terrific in-ring skills, he was originally my choice until I saw the part about mic skills.

I say CM Punk as well. Excellent in the ring and gold on the mic. Superb as a heel but can function as a face as well. And he's been damn good at the commentary table these days too.

You must still be watching promos from 2003 then, because AJ Styles is more than competent with a microphone today—certainly not deficient—and he has been for some time now thanks to Ric Flair and the heel run he's performing right now that people trashed since day one claiming he'd live in Flair's shadow the entire time.

CM Punk cannot succeed as a face. He can function as one, but he can't succeed, because he's incredibly boring as one. No one cares about him as a face, nor should they — he's no good at it. The only time he was even moderately acceptable as one was when JBL was trying to get him to drink by playing him the victim, otherwise he was vastly unmemorable and bland, albeit while still impressive in the ring. Fans simply don't care about him as a face — never have and they never will, because he's a classic heel. He epitomizes "better than you" in every since possible aspect, which means he loses a point in the race against AJ in my eyes.
You must still be watching promos from 2003 then, because AJ Styles is more than competent with a microphone today—certainly not deficient—and he has been for some time now thanks to Ric Flair and the heel run he's performing right now that people trashed since day one claiming he'd live in Flair's shadow the entire time.

CM Punk cannot succeed as a face. He can function as one, but he can't succeed, because he's incredibly boring as one. No one cares about him as a face, nor should they — he's no good at it. The only time he was even moderately acceptable as one was when JBL was trying to get him to drink by playing him the victim, otherwise he was vastly unmemorable and bland, albeit while still impressive in the ring. Fans simply don't care about him as a face — never have and they never will, because he's a classic heel. He epitomizes "better than you" in every since possible aspect, which means he loses a point in the race against AJ in my eyes.

As usual, I agree with a lot of what you have to say, but I disagree with aspects of your post as well. While Styles has improved on the mic, which with all due respect is not too tremendous an accomplishment seeing how bland and boring he used to be on the stick, I still think he's weak when given the microphone. Spectacular in-ring talent, but still lacking mic skills. Part of the problem for me is that I really don't enjoy him as heel; he should be a face and the face of the organization, the John Cena of TNA. Instead, he's lost in the shadows of Flair, Hogan, etc., vying for mid-card titles (and recently losing one). It would be nice to see him under the wing of someone like Flair, benefitting from his years of experience cutting promos, but for me, any minor improvement he has made has been lost amongst the Immortal shuffle.

No doubt Punk is astronomically better as a heel than as a face. He can portray a face, but not nearly as efficiently as a heel. But he can be a tweener heel at times, you know, maintaining a primary heel persona but with face tendencies (as we are seeing in his current role as commentator).

I still give the nod to Punk over Styles in terms of the total package. Comparable in-ring skills, with the edge going to Styles, but Punk's mic skills are just too much better than AJ's to not give him the nod here.
But wasn't Punk lost in the Taker-Kane story that flamed out faster than his pyro? Punk was absolutely midcarded the same as AJ and he lost his faction and is now an announcer. As entertaining as Punk can be on the mic I think people overrate him for it and lean back on his indy wrestling instead of what WWE currently lets him do. No doubt Punk can wrestle but do we really get to see him showcase what he can do? Is Punk really going to rise over nexus and the miz and sheamus? As unfortunate as it may be I absolutely think the way Punk is being used prevents him from being the best. This isn't about potential.
I am going to have to throw 3 names that have been out there already. Bryan Danielson, CM Punk, and AJ Styles, but there are so many good ones. Desmond Wolfe at the beginning of the year would have got my vote, but his injuries and so forth. If these 4 had a match, the world might explode from so much talent being in the ring. I'm going to throw another name that no1 has probably even thought of, Alberto Del Rio. Now he is a bit older at 33, but he has everything, Mic skill, in ring skill, charisma for days, AND HIS OWN RING ANNOUNCER!!!!!!!!!! Alberto Del Rio won't get mentioned with the Punk's and the AJ's, but in my honest opinion I think he should.
Bryan Danielson as Best Wrestler Under 40 is a bigger joke than the success/support of Shark Boy waking up as Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Danielson may be a mat tactician, and he may be able to out-wrestle most of his roster, but he has the personality of a fucking doorknob. Everything Michael Cole ever said about him, albeit intentional to fuel a storyline, was actually true — most notably about him being the most generic guy in the locker room. If Danielson is in the running for Best Wrestler Under 40, Chris Benoit (another highly overrated personality-less mat tactician) needs to be in the running for Greatest Wrestler of All-Time.
It's AJ and it's not even close. Not content with being fan-freaking-tastic in the ring and able to have a great match with anyone, he has evolved into a truly world class performer in the past two years.

The criticism levelled at him about not being good on the mic is blown away by his improvements in the past year. Even as a face after BFG 2009, he showed improvements but as a heel he has held his own and shown that his in-ring charisma which is better than anyone in the world is supported by his mic ability.
CM Punk

To me he is just great because he keeps me entertained at whatever he does. Wrestling, promo cutting, and of course his phenomenal job as an announcer. I am not really fond of mat wrestlers because I simply get bored sometimes. I like the fast action paced matches, not those ones that have hold after hold after hold, and never gets of the same spot.
John Cena. Simply put, he's the best in the business today. He is solid in all the aspects of wrestling and is absolutely adorded by the fans. You cannot be the face of the WWE and not be one of, if not THE, best superstars in the business. A guy like AJ Styles may be very exciting, but I don't believe he is anywhere near as good as Cena. Sure, Cena has a limited move set, but that doesn't make him bad in the ring. Most wrestlers are centered around a certain set of moves anyway. Cena definitely takes this with ease.
Under 40? In WWE, I'm going to argue that The Miz has recently been the most effective. CM Punk I am a fan of as well, but I think they should have kept him in power with his role in the SES, or have him expand it into RAW, or even recruit Big Show as that may have happened in the 90s if you will recall Godfather becoming the Goodfather and others also joining Right To Censor and being heels for promoting good behavior as opposed to those babyfaces who the kids love because they love "hoes" and binge drinking lol. I acknowledge AJ Styles because I've seen him wrestle in the past Del Rio... has the potential but he's not there yet. I hate what they're doing with him. He's nothing but former greats JBL and the late Eddie Guerrero after a fusion dance, and this is being shoved down our throats with that obnoxious car he drives into the arena. You just knew from jump he was going to attack Mysterio. The "I'm better than you" attitude should first and foremost be about talent and effectiveness, not class and money, because Del Rio is great in the ring, but they could've be a little less blatant w/the Guerrero replacement factor.
It's definitely between John Cena and AJ Styles. I would like to throw CM Punk in there thanks exclusively to has mastery of the mic, but he hasn't put on the classics that Styles and Cena has.

What can you say about John Cena? He's the face of the WWE and arguably has been since 2006. He's the most over guy in the company, intensely charismatic, and can have a great match with anyone. He's only been a main event star since 2005, but he's had classic matches with the likes of Umaga, RVD, Batista, Shawn Michaels, etc. Plus, he pretty much made Edge into a singles main eventer. People still bitch about Cena (such as the bitter dude above me), but I'm trying to think of a point where I've been sick of him - he's one of modern wrestling's great storytellers. I thought his BatCena stuff against Nexus over the past few weeks was funny as shit.

Styles is one of my personal favorite workers and he, like Cena, is incredibly versatile and can have a great match with pretty much anyone on TNA's roster. His 2005 Lockdown match with Abyss is one of my favorite matches of the decade, perhaps all time. The mark in me wishes he would be a face leading the charge against Immortal, but he's come into his own as a heel and delivering good, heated promos, so I'm still able to enjoy him immensely. You just can't stop the guy.
Mr Anderson

I understand Anderson doesn't draw like an Orton/Cena, but that's because he doesn't have the WWE machine behind him. Orton/Cena got to where they're at b/c of the WWE. All it is, is years of WWE telling you how good they are (or more importantly telling the kids how good they are) and the writers only focus on their storylines which is why wrestling sucks because there is little character development or interesting stories for anyone else (Tyson Kidd was a tag team champ for a good while, yet talked more last night then he has his whole career.)

Cena, Orton, Miz - those guys are branded and even if they sucked (which I think they do) WWE still pushes them because the kids will boo and cheer whoever WWE tells them too. But whatever, wrestling fans are dumb as hell.

I picked Anderson because he's done a great job in TNA and doesn't have the WWE machine or the same resources behind him. He's even aloud to go out and make up his own lines (Hogan and Flair are the only others allowed to do so,) unlike guys who everything is scripted for them and they come out and say a line from Gran Torismo or Step Brothers word for word (HHH, Cena.)

He also arguably had the best feud of 2010(Angle), best match of 2010(Angle), and best promo of 2010 (Sacifice.)

Now even with saying all of this, I think Anderson could be a lot better if storyline permitted, but he's one of the few bright spots in TNA nonetheless.

Whatever he does, he makes it memorable for better or worse.
Hiroshi Tanahashi. Solid worker, great charisma, simple/effective catchphrase, and visually exciting. Has big wins against multiple world champions and legendary wrestlers. He can tell a story in the ring, out of the ring, and on the mic. He can get the fans emotionally behind him even in the smallest of matches.

As far as strictly workers are concerned? There's too many wrestlers to name. Overall though; Tanahashi is the clear winner.

Cena has laughable punches and cartoon like comebacks. It's impossible to suspend your disbelief when watching him. I personally hate his promos. He dresses and acts like a 10 year old. Which makes him have no appeal to most adult males. Now I can understand why he is the face of the WWE because of his merchandise. But thats the only thing he has going for him.

That is why Cena should not be even considerd in this post IMO. He is the reason I stopped watching WWE.

How long have you been watching wrestling for? 6 weeks? That would be about the time Cena hasnt been in the ring much, so I could understand there. Oh, and keep the freaking spam out of here.

Cena is, without a doubt, the biggest draw in professional wrestling. He's an intense, entertaining wrestler who fuels the fans emotions within the ring no matter what. He's shown he can be proficient in technical wrestling when he needs to be, and he excels in every match type he's been in over the past 5 years. He's gotten decent matches out of crap wrestlers such as Bobby Lashley.

Oh, and then there's his mic skills. Whether he's in preacher mode, being funny, or doing a backstage interview, there's noone better. His promo the night after Survivor Series when he retired quite possibly is the promo of the freaking year. It's pathetic when i see someone stopped watching wrestling because of ONE guy.

Cena is the face of the biggest company in professional wrestling, and has been for a long time. He's a tireless worker does all the small things right, both in and outside of the ring. He may not have the technical profeciency or Kurt Angle or Bryan Danielson, but he excels at so many other aspects that its nonsense to ignore them. Cena can make a top of the hour match on Raw feel like a PPV main event because of his intensity. Every match of his screams "big match feel". It's Cena, and its not close.
I have to disagree. While Cena may be the biggest draw in American wrestling: drawing =/= a good wrestler. From a business point of view that's wonderful. That's what WWE is. If a fly drew WWE as much money from merch and putting butts (no matter what age) in seats they'd put the title on it. The boos Cena gets isn't the good kind of heat, it's the X-Pac kind of heat in a sense because those people tend to hate him and would rather wish he didn't exist. The cheers on the opposite end of the rainbow are people who adore him.

However, if you can think of a really good match with Cena in it where there wasn't a ring general up against him or with him then I'll be surprised. His wrestling matches are bleh. His moveset is small but the way he performs some of these moves or the move itself is just awful. His STF is incredibly sloppy, the FU/AA barely looks devastating more often than not, and his in-ring psychology isn't that great.

If it weren't for his charisma (albeit his script is so linear and boring it's amazing he gets over) and several catchphrases (Miz is proof that all you need is a marketable catchphrase to be big in WWE) he'd be nothing. He really isn't that great on mic but I partially blame the script writers for that, as he does have charisma. Some of the writing is just -bad- though. His promo on Raw about being fired two-three weeks ago was good though. His charisma often comes off as corny in the ring as one minute he's struggling with all of his life and the next minute he's going superman apeshit all over someone. It ruins the psychology of holds/selling injuries most of the time.

Cena's big match intensity fill is usually just a smokescreen in my opinion. It builds drama most of the time, yes. Because the crowd is being fed a show mostly built around Cena 99% of time as far as Raw is concerned. He's the main attraction, he'll have more crowd participation thus giving it that sort of ambiance. Cena works great for sports entertainment but he would FAIL in other organizations other than that one. A true well-rounded wrestler can pull this reaction off anywhere they go: in front of kids, smarks, international, different styles, etc.

Cena is over in WWE. WWE is a monster. So he appears the best. But just because a blockbuster movie has a big budget and more people viewing it DOESN'T mean an independent or international movie isn't just as good. It's about telling a story no matter where you are or how you view it. I personally don't think Cena could pull that off.
drawing =/= a good wrestler

Of course it does. If a lot of people are willing to pay to see a wrestler, then said wrestler is good. Are you trying to say that Hogan, Austin, Rock, etc. weren't good wrestlers either? I mean, I can understand not being a fan of people like Hogan or Cena, but to say they weren't/aren't good wrestlers is silly. Cena always gets a thunderous reaction and he's consistently been the best draw in WWE for a few years, so he's clearly good at what he does. The size of his moveset means nothing - just because you can perform fifty types of suplexes doesn't automatically make you a good wrestler.

I don't see how WWE being a huge business makes Cena any less of a good wrestler - all great wrestling companies are good businesses. Are you trying to tell me that if someone from say Ring of Honor was put in Cena's exact position they would be just as successful? Doubtful. Besides, Cena is a fine storyteller - just look at the crowd's reaction after he lost to Wade Barrett at Hell in a Cell. The loud minority of boos you hear mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, as they haven't put even close to a damper on Cena's success.
"I don't see how WWE being a huge business makes Cena any less of a good wrestler" I never said it did, bub. I said that just because you draw doesn't mean you're an all around good wrestler. Look at Hogan, Cena, The Rock, Stone Cold. Are they great in some aspects? Yes. But most of them aren't really on par with the best with actual wrestling. Wrestling. Wrestling. Not talking, not selling seats. Wrestling.

I hope you can see what I'm trying to put emphasis on. Is WWE doing the wrong thing putting Cena in the spotlight? No, nor have I ever said that; don't put words in my mouth. I'm simply saying that Cena has no ring psychology. Just because little kids cheer for him to a giant capacity doesn't mean he can do that. Little kids cheer for Orton who is a face even though he has the exact same mannerisms as his heel version. Is that psychology? Nope, it's little kids doing what they're told to by WWE.

Just because you're over and sell doesn't mean you're a good wrestler. It means you attract people. An overall wrestler is something idenified within the likes of Shawn Michaels as far as WWE is concerned. John Cena isn't that talented overall. To call him the best wrestler simply because he puts butts in seats, sells the most merchandise, etc. is just ridiculous. Is that a smart/obvious move by WWE? Of course! But just because he's the biggest wrestler for the biggest American wrestling company doesn't mean he's the best wrestler. It means he's the most marketable.
"I don't see how WWE being a huge business makes Cena any less of a good wrestler" I never said it did, bub. I said that just because you draw doesn't mean you're an all around good wrestler. Look at Hogan, Cena, The Rock, Stone Cold. Are they great in some aspects? Yes. But most of them aren't really on par with the best with actual wrestling. Wrestling. Wrestling. Not talking, not selling seats. Wrestling.

What do you mean by "actual wrestling"? You keep throwing that word around but you're not actually explaining your use of it. Are you talking about movesets? Athleticism? I don't get it. Those four are pro wrestlers. They wrestle(d) and they were very popular because of their wrestling. How are they not good all around wrestlers again?

I hope you can see what I'm trying to put emphasis on. Is WWE doing the wrong thing putting Cena in the spotlight? No, nor have I ever said that; don't put words in my mouth. I'm simply saying that Cena has no ring psychology. Just because little kids cheer for him to a giant capacity doesn't mean he can do that. Little kids cheer for Orton who is a face even though he has the exact same mannerisms as his heel version. Is that psychology? Nope, it's little kids doing what they're told to by WWE.

How does Cena have no ring psychology? I seem to remember him having great psychology in his matches against Umaga, Lashley, RVD, etc. And yes, little kids (and many others) cheering for Cena and other huge faces with such passion DOES make them good. I'm sorry, but no shit they cheer for them because WWE tells them to - that's how pro wrestling's worked for, I don't know, ever. If Orton is booked as a face, he's basically telling the audience to cheer for him. That's his job, and as long as he's being cheered, it shouldn't matter how he goes about getting the pops. Also, how are exactly are a child's opinions any less valid than an adult's? Is a kid any less of a wrestling fan because he doesn't realize it's a work?

Just because you're over and sell doesn't mean you're a good wrestler.

Yes it does. If you're over, you're clearly good at what you're doing. In this case, pro wrestling.

It means you attract people.

Which is what a pro wrestler should be doing...

An overall wrestler is something idenified within the likes of Shawn Michaels as far as WWE is concerned. John Cena isn't that talented overall.

Okay, what attributes make Shawn Michaels (who I am a fan of) an "overall wrestler"? And how does Cena not fit this description?

To call him the best wrestler simply because he puts butts in seats, sells the most merchandise, etc. is just ridiculous.

It isn't ridiculous. A wrestler's job is to put butts in the seats, because if there is no one in the audience, there would be no point to wrestling would there?

Is that a smart/obvious move by WWE? Of course!

This we can agree on.

But just because he's the biggest wrestler for the biggest American wrestling company doesn't mean he's the best wrestler. It means that he's the most marketable.

This is where you lose me. John Cena draws the most tickets, sells the most merchandise, and gets the biggest reactions as a professional wrestler in the biggest wrestling company. How, exactly, does that not make him one of the best under 40, much less a good wrestler in general?

But in Cena's case, it's more than just being a good draw. Cena gets people (including me) emotionally invested in his matches, he gets guys (Edge, Barrett, Sheamus, etc.) over on a main event level, and he can have a good match with pretty much anyone not named Big Show. Just because he doesn't chain wrestle or show a more balanced moveset does not make him a bad wrestler (again, I'm kind of guessing that's what you're talking about). He doesn't need to have fifty moves in his arsenal to be over - he can tell an effective story with what he has. That's what makes him a great wrestler and that's why I think he's one of the best. Anyone looking to take his spot would do well to copy him. And, given his talent, he'd probably get himself over just about anywhere. Not necessarily with the same tactics he uses in WWE, but given his passion for the business and ability to learn quickly, I'd say he'd adapt just fine.

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