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Best/Worst Pros


Future Women's Champion
So on NXT last week, the pros asked the other pros who they the thought worst pro was. That gave me the idea to make this thread. Basically..

Who do you guys think are the best/worst pros of NXT Season 2?

Give details to support your answer!

For the best pro, I got to go with The Miz! Alex Riley is climbing up the rankings and Miz is teaching him right. He has all the charisma, in-ring talent, and could probably sell some murchandise. In my eyes, Alex is one of the best. Plus, The Miz and Alex get along. Since Riley doesn't have to worry about fighting with Miz, he can concentrate on his career.

For the worst pro, I would pick Zack Ryder. Well first of all his rookie got eliminated first. That's not a good sign. Plus, I liked his rookie better than him! I feel Zack did nothing for Titus.

Remember it's just MY opinioins so NO HATING! :) I want to know what you guys think so post!
I've got to agree with both.

For Ryder I've got to ask. How is he a pro. He really has nothing going for him there. I question why WWE made him a pro

And the Miz is just flat out awsome the way he treats his rookies like hes better then him gets me everytime. His charisma as a leader is just outstanding to
I'm surprised you think Ryder was the worst pro. His interaction with Titus O'Neil gave some interesting insight to his personality, it gave him depth.

The best pro is actually two pros, and that is of course LayCool. They are one of the most entertaining duos the WWE has produced in years, and their role on NXT has been very good. Kaval plays off of their humor very well, and their promos are always high quality.

The worst pro is undoubtedly Carlito. In my opinion, he was held Tarver back. Tarver was extremely unimpressive in the first season of NXT, because there was nothing interesting going on between he and Carlito. Even William Regal and Skip Sheffield had some drama in between them, Carlito and Tarver had nothing.
I'm surprised you think Ryder was the worst pro. His interaction with Titus O'Neil gave some interesting insight to his personality, it gave him depth.

The best pro is actually two pros, and that is of course LayCool. They are one of the most entertaining duos the WWE has produced in years, and their role on NXT has been very good. Kaval plays off of their humor very well, and their promos are always high quality.

The worst pro is undoubtedly Carlito. In my opinion, he was held Tarver back. Tarver was extremely unimpressive in the first season of NXT, because there was nothing interesting going on between he and Carlito. Even William Regal and Skip Sheffield had some drama in between them, Carlito and Tarver had nothing.

Two things.

1) I have to agree with you about Lay-Cool. Behind The Miz, they are the best pros. I find them very entertaining.

2) Cartlito is the worst pro of all time. I asked who the worst pro of season was. So technically you didn't answer my question
The worst pro is definitely Zack Ryder I have to wonder what qualifies him to be a pro in the first place, he hasnt been around all that long, he has never won a singles title and he is basically a jobber so why would you want him to be a pro.

As for the best I would have to agree with Michael Cole and say The Miz his rookie is number 3 however The Miz seems to be the most involved with his rookie and he takes the most pride in him, he has also obviously given him some instructions in terms of mic work as Alex Riley is awesome (sorry had to do it) on the mic.
I'm going to say that LayCool are actually the best pros of Season 2. I think they give the best pro/rookie interaction b/c of their polarizing personalities to Kaval. They help Kaval in the area that is most needed, charisma. As for the Miz, Alex Riley looks like the most complete rookie and I don't contribute the Miz to most of that.

I will go with Mark Henry however as the worst pro. His rookie, Lucky Cannon, is the most generic of wrestlers you will ever see this side of Braden Walker. I haven't seen Mark help at all with any improvement of Cannon other than him winning a kissing contest. I also think the interaction b/w O'Neil and Ryder was much better than anything Cannon and Mark have shown yet somehow Cannon is still on the show.
For the best pro, I got to go with The Miz! Alex Riley is climbing up the rankings and Miz is teaching him right. He has all the charisma, in-ring talent, and could probably sell some murchandise. In my eyes, Alex is one of the best. Plus, The Miz and Alex get along. Since Riley doesn't have to worry about fighting with Miz, he can concentrate on his career.

100% percent agree. the Miz and Alex Riley have alot of chemistry going on. They are both cocky, arrogant, good on the mic, and both have descent wrestling skills (Alex Riley's are better in my opinion). The Miz is definately the best pro in season 2. This is his second time being a pro so that obviously says that officials think he did a good job the first time.

But for the worst pro, I have a tigh. The worst pro has to be between Zack Ryder and Mark Henry. Zack Ryder did not do anything good for his pro (given the fact Titus was the first eliminated..."If you wanna WIN...then make it a WIN" (lol). Mark Henry, on the other hand, is just dumb. He doesnt look like he's found his place in NXT yet. Just look at the segment where he, Kofi, Lucky, and McGilladumbass were arguing with the Miz. Everyone said at least something. Yet, all Mark Henry did was stand there starring at the camera like a complete moron. I don't know...its hard for me to choose between the two.
well out of season 2 i guess i will have to say the worst is zack ryder. he is just boring in the ring and on the mic.

the best ima have to say is the miz...because he is not just active with his rookie he is active with all of them he bashes them all and worships his. well worship is a bad word but u get the point.
For the best from Season 2 I would go with Miz.He is great on the mic and can go in the ring, he works well with Riley as they are both heels.Miz is like the pro version of Riley and them two togther is gold, both are cocky but can back it up.

The worst I would say from Season 2 would be John Morrison, I really didn't see any connection with him and Eli.They are different in nearly every way but at least Ryder looked as if he was teaching Titus something.So Morrison get worst pro for not seeming to teach Eli anything while he was there.
A lot of people are going with The Miz as the best pro, which makes sense, but I will go with something different.
I think Dashing Cody Rhodes has done a great job with Husky Harris. At first i thought those two would have complete personality clashes, but they seem fine with each other. And Husky keeps improving every week. I am not sure if it's his natural attitude, but you can see a little bit of Cody's arrogance in Husky also.

I want to say Mark Henry is the worst pro, just because I feel nothing toward either him or Lucky Cannon, but instead I am going to go with John Morrison. He was always going to struggle with having a rookie like Eli, sure, but a good pro would of tried to sell his rookies as being more than 'tall'.
But all credit to Eli, when he was falling over obstacles, I saw more personality in him, than I have seen in Morrison the past year.
For the best pro, I think while alot of people will say Miz, I'm gonna go with LayCool as they have had to deal with much more of a personality clash with Kaval, as opposed to Miz and Alex Riley who almost identical. LayCool have tried to get Kaval out of his shell, so to speak, and that's why I pick them.

For the worst, I gotta go with Mark Henry, because even though Lucky Cannon stayed around longer than Titus O'Neil, I think Lucky was by far the worst, as a matter of fact, he was so bad, the fans turned on him around the time he was eliminated. Mark Henry is also ridiculously bland, at least guys like Morrison and Ryder had SOME interaction with their rookie, instead of just wearing the guy's T Shirt. Mark Henry was, is, and always will be terrible, and the same goes for Lucky Cannon.
The best pro came out of Season One and that was obviously Chris Jericho when he was the pro for Wade Barrett last season. The reason it was a good paring was because then Barrett and Jericho had a mutual respect for each other and Jericho would always put over Barrett as the future of the company. Also Jericho in terms of star power was the biggest star that was pro on the last season and even this season now. He was the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, a WWE world champion mentoring a rookie that in a kayfabe sense is a huge deal.

The worst pro by far would have to be Carlito who was also mentoring during Season One. He really did nothing the whole season, half assed every thing and just didn't seem to give a shit. He doomed Michael Tarver from the start of that season, and not only that but he got fired before the season even ended. A simply worthless pro and the worst the show has had by far.
Im gonna go with who has done the most for their rookie and who has done the least

That said: Cody Rhodes is the clear winner. If it werent for Cody Rhodes; Husky Harris wouldnt get nearly enough exposure time and would of been out as number 7 or 8. Cody's promoting,comparative,skepticism yet accepting nature towards Husky was a nice ride while it lasted. Alex Riley, Kaval probably would of still gone far if they had different pros respectively but I think Cody Rhodes almost carried Harris.

As for worst, John Morrison does it for me. It's not like Zach Ryder or Mark Henry where they werent trying to get their rookies over, but Morrison half-assed his attempts to get Eli over and failed. To be fair this was a pairing that was doomed from the start but when life gives you lemons you know?
LayCool are the best pros from season 2 because no one expected them to be as good as they are with Kaval. When the season started, people were making predictions that they would ruin his career.

People said they'd make him look like a laughing stock, and a joke. Turns out, the complete opposite has happened.

They've brought out the entertaining side of Kaval. He plays off them extremely well, and he has great chemistry with the both of them. He REALLY has great chemistry with Layla. Which is why people want to see them together after NXT is over.

The worse pro in season 2 is Zach Ryder, IMO. Cody Rhodes said everything about Zach Ryder that needed to be said. He completely ethered him.
Worst Pro- Zack Ryder if you ask me had the best push of his carer when he was with Curt Hawkins and they were with edge and vickie but besides that in my opinion Zack Ryder should be in FCW. You can't be a pro if you've done nothing worth noting in the WWE.

Best Pro- Chris Jericho no doubt. Y2J has the most career accomplishments out of all of the pro's that have been on NXT and his rookie Wade Barret one season 1. Thats the best point of my argument.
The Best pro in my opinion has to be Laycool because their rookie Kaval has made it to the final elimination and most likely will win due to the support he's been getting from live crowds and the IWC. Any pro that can take their rookie to become a winner she be awarded as the best pro. Just like Jericho would be the best pro of season 1.

The worst pro has to be Zack Ryder because he literally didn't do anything for his rookie. The only thing that Ryder did was get Titus eliminated the first week. During the first few weeks I thought that Titus would survive at least a couple eliminations.
Bill Lesnar thinks Mark Henry is the worst pro becuase he is useless in the ring, due to his large bone structure. Mark Henry has no mic skills (when has ever cut a good promo?) and in Bills eyes seems constantly deflated and can hardly carry himself. However Lucky was no differnt cue the fact that he was the most hated rookie.

Best Pro is the Miz in Bill Lesnars view, who generates crowd reactions and can cut a great promo. Miz is also the rising star of the company, and his momnetum helps Riley as both ganrner alot of screen time. RIley can use Miz's Heat to get over
Im surprised hardly anyone has gone with "dashing" Cody Rhodes yet as the best pro from season two. If nothing else has been gained from this season, its that this show has been a vehicle to put over Rhodes in a big way. His promos have been on par with the Miz, and his running down of the pros and the rookies when Husky was eliminated was especially memorable. He poined out the flaws in his rookie, while accentuating the positives. Isn't that what a pro is supposed to do? Sure, Miz cuts a great promo, but in regards to his rookie, all he talks about is how great Riley is. When's the last time you've seen a 25 minute match on WWE tv as well? It was last Tuesday, when Rhodes defeated MVP in a very good tv match.

As for worst pro, I have to go with Mark Henry. He didn't make it to seemingly half the shows because he was selling beatdowns from Batista or Nexus. How can you help your rookie if you're not there half the time? When he was there, all he did was smile and wear the "I got Lucky" t-shirt. He did nothing whatsoever to breathe life into an already generic character, which makes him the worst pro this season.
The worst has gotta be Carlito for one reason. He got fired before the competition ended. Nuff said I think.

As for the best pro, that depends how you define best. If you mean most successful, Jericho hands down. Only world champion of anyone on NXT. If you mean the one who's been most entertaining, that's probably Laycool. In fact you could probably make a case for any of the pros, with the exception of maybe MVP, Zack Ryder and Carlito
It's pretty bad when Michele and Layla aren't the worst.

I really have to go with MVP on this. I'm not really a huge fan of his, which helps here, but I think with the amount of potential Percy Watson has, I thought MVP could have done a lot more with him. I know they want to follow a certain character trend but I don't feel like Watson progressed on the mic, which MVP could have helped with.
It's easy to say that Chris Jericho was the best pro of NXT so far. Jericho mentored the now leader of Nexus Wade Barrett. These two had a mutual respect for each other and just bonded so well together. Jericho being the reigning World Champion showed Barrett howto be successful in the company and how to truly be a winner.

As for the worst pro that award goes to the "Cool One" Carlito. First off he was fired before even finishing the competition but not only that he really crushed Tarver's chances of winning. He was just absolutely worthless and perhaps the worst WWE has ever had on NXT thus far.
LayCool helped Kaval open up to the crowd a lot instead of staying his stoic, quiet self. I'd say they were the best and Mark henry to be the worst

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