Best TV Show Match

Best TV Show Match

  • Terry Funk vs. Dude Love-Raw Falls Count Anywhere

  • Shawn Michales vs. Shelton Benjamin-Raw

  • Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena-Raw

  • Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit-World Championship Raw

  • Jericho&Benoit vs.Two Man Power Trip-Raw Tag Titles

  • Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio-WWE Title Smackdown

  • Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero-2 Out of 3 Falls Smackdown

  • Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle-Steel Cage Raw

  • Chris Benoit vs. Steve Austin-WWE Title Smackdown

  • Other

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hbk&triple h

There have been some great matches over the years on both Smackdown and Raw but which match in particular do you favor more than the other or which one do you think was the best.If yours is not on list specify.

I picked the match with Shawn Michaels and Shelton Benjamin because it was just so amazing and showed off a lot of talent in Benjamin and the match had a great crowd amazing counters and one of the best finishes in Raw history.This match was amazing.
This one is pretty tough as I am obviously very Anti-Cena but his match with HBK was unbeliveable when it comes to what we usually see from Cena. That match was the match that should have happened at WM 23. That match literally shut up with my Cena hating for a little while. That much was very good from start to finish. Cena sold very well,added moves even carried HBK. The atomsphere and emotions were awesome you literally felt like you were there. Cena worked the crowd well with a sorta tweener smartass role that got him heat from his haters. His wrestling was solid. HBK's wrestling was solid. Very Good technical and power wrestling. Both even used heel tactics and high risk moves. Mid-Match When Cena hit his 5 moves of doom and reversed the SCM with the FU everyone thought the match was over but no HBK wouldn't give up it seemed like. Same towards the final minutes when he locked in the WTFU. You could argue like if heard before "well all that match was is restholds" Well if your going to put on a match for a whole hour your gonna have to take a breather. Both did that. Both busted their ass off and it seemed like they really wanted to win. Then the ending was classic Cena grabs the ropes after a SCM then afterwards HBK counters out of the FU then BAM! SCM quick cover for the win. Cena haters really had one hell of a night not only did he lose cleanly but he put on a hell of match. Not even the strongest Cena hater can deny that. That is what should have happened at WM.

Shelton/HBK was a very good short match. In the short time they had they put on a hell of a show. Shelton's amatuer and technical skills were very good as well as HBK's. A very good quick fast paced match with a awesome ending with the sick SCM after Shelton tryed the flying clothesline from the rope. If it was given longer time it would have been great MOTYC. Still a very good match though.

Most of the others I haven't even seen or don't remember. These are the 2 that really stood out to me from your poll. I'm sure there has been other very good TV matches I can't think of right now. These 2 were great though. I voted Cena/HBK.
I went with Jericho & Benoit v. Austin & Triple H. Because that was an awesome match-up for being on RAW. It was a ppv quality match-up. Granted, a lot of the matches to pick from are ppv quality.

I just liked that Tag match because of Triple H's ability to suck it up & work through tearing his quad. Also, Jericho & Benoit were a great team to never have been together longer.
I voted other because believe it or not one of the best matches I've seen on tv was trish vs. lita as a main event on Raw.
I honestly don't remember majority of the matches because I seen thousands of matches throughout the years. The best one I really can remember was John Cena vs Shawn Michaels. IMHO it was beyond PPV quality, it was more like WrestleMania quality. Of course, it was better than their match that took place at WrestleMania 23. Very impressive.
Id go with the Shawn Michaels-Shelton Benjamin match on Raw is the best one that I have seen, it was when I was Starting to Watch Raw and the match got me hooked on Wrestling. even though it was restricted in terms of some of the arial moves Shelton could have pulled off it was a great match. I would Imagine that it would be similar to seeing the Jushin Thunder Liger Vs. Brian Pillman Match on the First Nitro in terms of Drawing people into Wrestling if they are on the fringe.
since you didnt rule out a wcw match i voted for other. my match was from the last monday night nitro and the match was sting vs. ric flair. not only was it one of the better matches flair had had in a while it was extremely emotional. no canned heat or anything else as the fans actually responded with cheers and chants. ive seen alot of wrestling ive seen retirement matches of some of the greats but nothing before or since has been able to even come close to the emotion, energy, and feel of this match.
HBK vs. Benjamin a few years may have been the most entertaining match ever on RAW. The finish where Benjamin springs off the top rope into sweet chin music was insane. I never knew why those two didn't start a program with each other. It would have launched Shelton into main event status and a established star.
Also, does anyone remember that iron man match between Angle and Lesner on Smackdown a few years back for the wwe title? That was a ridiculous match with so much drama.
I went with Cena-HBK. RAW is a two hour show, and they gave Cena and HBK the entire second hour, and I thank WWE for that. Cena put on a great match (one of his few), and HBK was able to carry and be carried at the right moments. I also give a thumbs up to whoever said that Lita-Trish main event from RAW in 04. I enjoyed that match as well, and I think that was the first Womens main event in the WWE ever (correct me if Im wrong).
I picked the match with Shawn Michaels and Shelton Benjamin because it was just so amazing and showed off a lot of talent in Benjamin and the match had a great crowd amazing counters and one of the best finishes in Raw history.This match was amazing.

i will go will the michaels and benjamin match. that match showed sheltons athleticism in the ring. it was very entertaining to watch in actually had me standing up and basicaly screaming at the television. i agree with hbk&tripleh when he said it was an amazing crowd and great counters. but then the icing on the cake was how michaels actually finished the match off with the best super kick my two eyes have ever saw. IMO that right there alone was why this was entertaining and it had one of the best finishes in any match i have ever saw ppv or not.
I'll pick Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge from 5 years ago on Smackdown. It was an absolute classic. Eddie has had better but Edge hasn't. It say's something when WWE fans appreciate solid wrestling and give a standing ovation. Eddie really proved himself in that match. And I think that's the match that made people have faith in him again.

The Rock and Sock Connection vs. Big Show & The Undertaker
Of course it wasn't the best "technical" wrestling match, but it still put on one hell of a show. Not to mention Triple H interfered, Kane attacked Triple H...

THEN STONE COLD RETURNS AND TAKES OUT THE GAME!!!! What a return that was for Austin, that was one of the very first Smackdown's too. Well, in SD!'s first year.
the one i had to choose was Micheals and Cena. how many matches like that have you seen in recent history, they went one hour and put on a great back and forth match with a tremendous finish. they both pulled there weight and the fact that the match went a whole hour is just amazing that takes so much stamina that its unbeleivable.

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