Best Traditional Survivor Series Match

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
In my opinion there is only one contender. The tag team elimination match, from the 2nd annual Survivor Series.

Not only does this match contain the Dynamite Kid, Shawn Micheals, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard & Bret Hart. But it contains two of my guilty pleasure teams. The Powers Of Pain & Demolition. You wouldn't get teams like that now. And how are The Warlord & Barbarian still alive. They took morre steroids on a Sunday than Scott Steiner has in his whole life. This is 40 minutes of some of the best wrestling you will ever see.

Please nobody give me that Smackdown vs. Raw Match from two years ago. That was average at best. I'm being incredibly nice when I say average.
I've always loved the Winner Take All match from 2001. When you get the likes of Austin, Rock, Angle, Taker, Jericho, RVD all in one match, you know it's gonna be fun to watch. The ending was very predictable with Angle coming back to help Team WWF, but the match was still great.

The entire 1990 Survivor Series was a great show, but the match that stood out for me was The Million $ Team vs. The Dream Team match. Not only did that match show that Bret Hart was ready to be pushed as a singles star, but it was also the debut of one of the greatest legends in WWE history, The Undertaker. Thus, making it one of the most significant matches in Survivor Series history.
The entire 1990 Survivor Series was a great show, but the match that stood out for me was The Million $ Team vs. The Dream Team match. Not only did that match show that Bret Hart was ready to be pushed as a singles star, but it was also the debut of one of the greatest legends in WWE history, The Undertaker. Thus, making it one of the most significant matches in Survivor Series history.

I still have this on VHS and bust it out every once in a while. The 1990 Survivor Series was the first WWF PPV I ever got to watch live so maybe I'm a little bias, but I also think the Million Dollar Team vs the Dream Team was the best traditional match.

I was a huge Hart Foundation fan back then but even more of a Bret Hart fan. I really wanted to see him beat Dibiase and remember reading his lips as he clearly said fuck after getting pinned. Also the debut of the Undertaker had me thinking that he could never be beat.

The only knock on these two match that you guys listed is the have the overly used brawl getting multiple people DQed or counted out. This happens at least once every year, thought in defense of the first match, it wasn't overused back then.
I've always loved the Winner Take All match from 2001. When you get the likes of Austin, Rock, Angle, Taker, Jericho, RVD all in one match, you know it's gonna be fun to watch. The ending was very predictable with Angle coming back to help Team WWF, but the match was still great.

The entire 1990 Survivor Series was a great show, but the match that stood out for me was The Million $ Team vs. The Dream Team match. Not only did that match show that Bret Hart was ready to be pushed as a singles star, but it was also the debut of one of the greatest legends in WWE history, The Undertaker. Thus, making it one of the most significant matches in Survivor Series history.

Great votes, both of these. I don't see how you could deny either of them. The Million Dollar Team vs Dream Team match was what the Survivor Series was meant to be, and so much happened in that match that would go on to effect the wrestling world.

I want to throw the 1991 Survivor Series match with The Nasty Boys and The Beverley Brothers against The Rockers and The Bushwhackers. This match didn't have the star power of so many others, but it showcased tag team wrestling in the WWE in the early 90's, and also set the stage for the biggest breakup in tag-team wrestling history, the split of The Rockers. When Marty Jannetty's airplane spin move resulted in Shawn Michaels being kicked in the face and pinned, and the "face" team being swept, an irate Michaels stormed away from ringside. 3 months later, the matter was resolved in a barber shop.
sorry guys i do like your votes but it just doesn't measure up to last yearas survivor series match between dx vs rated rko. that was the most entertainig match last year just about. and i don't think your ever gonna see a match like that again, thats the beauty of it
I was thinking of starting this myself but I was beaten.

In terms of starpower, I have to go with the Winner Take All Match at Survivor Series 2001.It had huge names in it and was definitely going to be entertaining.

Some of my personal favorties are the 1990 Survivor Series match, 2003 & 2005 matches.

1990:The match was entertaining and marked the debut of the Undertaker.

2003:I dont know why but it was very entertaininf for me.

2005:As well it was very entertaining .

The best one to me would prbably be the 1990 match.It was all around a good match and had some great things happen in it.
sorry guys i do like your votes but it just doesn't measure up to last yearas survivor series match between dx vs rated rko. that was the most entertainig match last year just about. and i don't think your ever gonna see a match like that again, thats the beauty of it

You are joking. Please tell me that out of probably 50 tradititional Survivor Series matches you picked that one. Rated RKO vs. D-X? Ok I forgive you, you're obviously a child. For one that match was ok. Not good or great. But not bad either. But Gregory Helms is the only one who escaped with any dignity. By dignity I mean he wasn't jobbed out ahead of Knox and Nitro. But the rest of the team was squashed. Rated RKO came out of that looking like jobbers.
You are joking. Please tell me that out of probably 50 tradititional Survivor Series matches you picked that one. Rated RKO vs. D-X? Ok I forgive you, you're obviously a child. For one that match was ok. Not good or great. But not bad either. But Gregory Helms is the only one who escaped with any dignity. By dignity I mean he wasn't jobbed out ahead of Knox and Nitro. But the rest of the team was squashed. Rated RKO came out of that looking like jobbers.

I agree. The match was so lackluster. It was supposed to be a big match, yet it came out pretty bad. Why would you make everyone survive on a team. The point is a survival match and most members of the team were barely in it. And I agree with your point on how everybody came out looking like jobbers. They didn't get any offense in and the team was totally obliterated.

Another good match was at the 1995 Survivor Series. I totally enjoyed the match and loved the idea of the Wild Card teams. It had a nice length and the ending to me was cool when Shawn and Ahmed through Bulldog out of the ring for helping Yokozuna.
I have to go with the 2001 Winner-Take All Main Event. This was a time when I thought wrestling was less predicatable and no one was really sure on how the finish would happen. I knew the WWE would come out on top, but it was all just interesting to me on how it would happen. This match had alot at stake, was the WWF going to be beat by WCW/ECW? Or will WWF finally put the nail in the coffin for both promotions? So much on the line. We had Jericho almost ruining the WWE win by hittin The Rock...then in the end, Angle comes back and looks as if he's gonna hit The Rock, but instead BAM hits Austin with the belt. So many false finishes and a great match. My favorite Survivor Series match!
I have to go with the 2001 Winner-Take All Main Event. This was a time when I thought wrestling was less predicatable and no one was really sure on how the finish would happen. I knew the WWE would come out on top, but it was all just interesting to me on how it would happen. QUOTE]

I would have to agree with this. I was younger then (what a dumb thing to say) but i didn't understand the business very well and therefore i didn't actuall know who was going to win. Obviously i didn't believe wrestling was real but it was before i got into the internet and sites like this so i genuinly didn't know who was going to win.

But the star power in this match would have trouble being beaten, and it truly was an exceptional matches with unpredictability throughout.
My Fav would be 2003. Team Austin vs Team bischoff. This match had me at the edge of my seat from start to finish. Stipulation of this match was if austins team won bischoff would lose his position as the co-general manager of RAW and vise versa. Things were really intense in this match. Here's the participants of this match

Survivor Series match: Team Bischoff (Chris Jericho, Christian, Randy Orton, Scott Steiner and Mark Henry) vs Team Austin (Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley, and D-Von Dudley)

**Notice randy orton has been the sole suvivor of 3 consecutive SS. 2003-2005
One of my favorites that was not listed was the match between the all-americans vs the foreign fanatics. This match just had a lot of unpredictability, with injuries to members on each team leading to last minutes subs, one of which was the undertaker who shockingly showed his american ties. This match was big in that it began the feud between Yokozuna and the Undertaker that led to that infamous casket match at the royal rumble.
a tie for me, its the tag matches from SS 1 and 2, the ones that featured 20 wrestlers, and 40mins of solid wrestling. i will never understand why wwe has made no effort to have such a match ever again at a survivor series. i guess last year they had the best chance with a rated rko team and dx.

oh but 3rd would be the 10 man tag at survivor series 94 between diesels team and razors, alot of great stars in that match, plus the great show diesel put on, bad finish tho.
I enjoyed the "Kings Court" featurning Macho Man, Valentine, Eathquake and and Dino Bravo vs the "4X4s" featuring Hacksaw, Bret Hart, Ronnie Garvin and someone other than "The Anvil" from Survivor Series '99 also from the same show, "Roddy's Rowdies" Piper, Snuka and the Bushwackers against "Rude's Brood" with Rick Rude, Mr Perfect and the Rougeau Brothers
The Survivor Series 2001 between WWF vs. WCW/ECW was great becuase it had so many superstars and had such a great finish, but everyone knew that WWF would end up winning. I really enjoyed the 2005 match of Smackdown! vs. Raw. The promos and interaction between Smackdown! and Raw leading up to the PPV were great and nobody really knew who was going to win. It ended with Orton winning and to top it off the return of the Undertaker which was awsome. The uncertainty on who would win definetely makes it my all time favorite.
I have to agree with Y2Jake on this one. That tag team elimination match was pretty good. Look all the great teams you had in there. There were 10 guys on each side. The ring was barely wide enough to hold all of the members of each team.

I miss the old days of wrestling sometimes. Sure, some things have changed for the better, but I really hate this brand extension thing. It has not been good for WWE.
I Got say the best were 90 debue of the taker 97 was really good with team usa vs team canada and nation vs lod shamrock and johnson 01 winner take all was really good 03's raw was good 04 raw was eh ok and 05s raw vs sd 06 was the worse of them all
I can't remember what Survior Series it was cause of a massive headache I am suffering right now, but my all time favorite Survior Series would have to be the one where all the Surviors for the night meet up in one last match. I remember it was Hogan/Warrior vs like 5 to 7 guys, with Hogan and Warrior winning.

Not to mention the big chicken egg that year!!!!
I'll go with 2005 Raw vs Smackdown...I always get a kick out of invasion-like storylines and the build up for that match was great with big show and kane dominating batista for weeks. It was a good entry ppv for Lashley ( I never watched smackdown so I didn't even kno he existed when I saw him I said to myself , hmm who burned Brock Lesnar lol...)
My Fav would be 2003. Team Austin vs Team bischoff. This match had me at the edge of my seat from start to finish. Stipulation of this match was if austins team won bischoff would lose his position as the co-general manager of RAW and vise versa. Things were really intense in this match. Here's the participants of this match

Survivor Series match: Team Bischoff (Chris Jericho, Christian, Randy Orton, Scott Steiner and Mark Henry) vs Team Austin (Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley, and D-Von Dudley)

**Notice randy orton has been the sole suvivor of 3 consecutive SS. 2003-2005

Damn dude no one had mentioned this and I wanted to sound clever but serious props, this match had drama, when it came down to just Michaels vs Team Bischoff (2 or 3 of them I beleiver) with Austin's career at stake and HBK had previously had a confrontation with Austin, it was so tense, then Austin giving this amazing speach about his career beginning and ending in Dallas, hey I'm only a casual Austin fan and it was emotional. Gotta agree with 1990 as well, Taker's amazing debut?! Hell yeah.
Well, before I say my favorite match, I would like to give a shout to my favorite SS team of all time. And that team is the very first SS team to ever be introduced.
Randy "Macho Man" Savage, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, and Hacksaw Jim Dugan. Not only do these guys have the BEST names in the history of wrestling (Barber? Dragon? Macho Man? Snake? Hacksaw? I mean, come on), but they were the best collection of personalities and wrestling talent ever. Now, I say that without necessarily meaning Bret Hart/Chris Benoit wrestling talent. I say that meaning being able to get into a ring, get a crowd into a match, and make people watching give a shit about the outcome. These guys were 80's wrestling (barring Hogan and Andre) in the WWFE.

Now, that was my favorite SS team, as far as my favorite match goes... As much as I did love the Tag Team matches in 88 and 89, and the Team Austin/Bischoff match, and especially the fight for control of Raw... my need to be different makes me pick...

The Dark Side v. The Royals from 1995. I fucking hated 1995 in the WWE. It sucked. See my posts on how much WM11 sucked or the several other posts I've read about how much 1995 sucked. It was my least favorite year, at least right now (don't worry, '93, '94, and '96, you're still on my mind). HOWEVER, when Undertaker takes out the Game, Big Daddy V, Kane, and the King of Memphis allowing his entire team to survive... well, that damn near makes everything alright.

My runner up is Big Show's defeat of Bossman, Pierced Cock, Big Daddy V, and soon-to-be-naked Phinneus Godwin only to go on to win the title in a menage a trois with HHH and the Rock. This still still didn't put ol' BS over and he had yet another meaningless title reign (headlining a PPV against the Bossman? That can't be done without Akeem, don'tcha know?), but he was king that night.

Honorable mention goes to the SS match in 96 with fake Razor, fake Diesel, a 90 year old Superfly, Yokozuna on his deathbed, Flash Funk pre-Funk U days, Vader, the Faarooq missile, and the Carribean strap match master Savio Vega. Three cheers to the WWFE for even putting this match on, and then having "chaos ensue" within 10 minutes and the match, what? just scrapped? What the fuck were they trying to prove with Fake Diesel and Fake Razor anyhows???
If i was to pick a favorite I dont generally look at the match or the ppl in it, ill look at the stakes that the match held. Such as Orton, Jericho, Benoit, Maven, and was there a fifth that year??? vs HHH, Batista, Flair, Snitsky, and I beleive Edge. Where the winners would be the GM for a month, i really enjoyed the weeks following with everyone being GM. Then there was the Austin , Bischoff match. Pretty gay ending with Batista coming in. And of Course the WWE vs WCW/ECW match, and again a predictable match, but with what wwe wants you to beleive as high stakes (like they would have ever considered letting WCW win that). But the stakes kind of entinsify the match for me.
I'll say the 2003 RAW Survivor Series Elimination Match. Team Bichoff (RKO, Jericho, Scott Steiner, Christain, Mark Henry) vs. Team Austin (HBK, The Dudley Boys, RVD, Booker T)

This match was extremely solid from start to finish and never got boring. The finish with HBK eliminating Chrisitan and Jericho was the best, and it was a nice twist with Jericho hitting Shawn with the chair and just letting Austin have it.

Another thing that made this match insane was the really hot crowd and also, JR was on fire!
My favourite was the Winner take all match. The winner was obvious, but the action was unpredictable. Jericho nearly screwing the entire WWE, Kurt Angle being the mole. I was at the edge of my seat the whole time.

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