Best Title Win of the Year To YOU thus far.....?

Favorite Title Win of the Year Thus Far......

  • The Rock's first title in more than 10 years

  • John Cena's redemption

  • Del Rio's Face Turn

  • Ziggler's Cash In

  • del Rio's Heel Turn?

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Getting Noticed By Management
Halfway around the year and theres been some big moments already but which one was your favorite??

Rock winning the belt?
Cena winning the belt?
Del Rio winning the belt?
Ziggler Winning the belt?
Or ADR with his double turn????

They all had something great and different people might like them for different reasons......

The Rock's win gave him first world title in more than a decade! And ended CM Punks legendary reign.....
Cena won the belt and...... Redemption at the biggest stage of them all
Del rio turned face and took the title from show!
Zigglers had one hell of a pop when he cashed in mitb!!!!
Del Rios second turned him heel in chicago and turned ziggler face.....

Since you bolded the "YOU"-part of the thread title, I'm going with Ziggler, because after such a long tease with the briefcase, it was a very satisfying climax.

I think the Rock's title win was more important, though, because Rocky's a much bigger deal than Ziggler and ADR(, possibly Punk as well). It changed the landscape of the title-scene from Punk retaining for over a year and it set the stage for a huge main-event at WM29.
There should be a tab for "other," because Curtis Axel winning the Intercontinental Championship, even as far as that belt has fallen, was the best "win" in my book. I was a huge Mr. Perfect fan and a huge IC title fan back in the day, so the emotional impact of that moment wasn't lost on me.

The Rock's win was probably the most significant, but I can honestly say I saw it coming the instant he said he was going after the title, and the fact that it came an Punk's expense with a schmoz finish just made the whole thing wonky and less enjoyable than it should have been. Ziggler's cash-in was great, but at this point in the lifespan of MITB, the "get 'em when they're down" cash-in is played out. Both of Del Rio's wins came after great matches, great stories told in the ring, but the wins themselves had relatively little impact. They didn't feel like big deals.

So, to bring it home, my vote is for Curtis Axel. I know a lot of people will think I'm crazy, but a lot of people weren't watching wrestling in the early 1990s. Mr. Perfect was one of the great IC champs, by all accounts was a great dad, and to see his son win that belt with that design on Father's Day was a "Cat's in the Cradle" moment for a sentimental fucker like me.
I have to with Dolph Ziggler. The crowd reaction he got from the crowd that night just sent goosebumps down my spine. It was the culmination of years that people had been waiting for Ziggler to finally win a World title. The roof exploded off of the arena that night.
Honestly none of these title wins impressed me.

1. Rock beating Punk. We saw it coming a long time ago.
2. Cena winning the belt. Wasn't a great match and I was praying for it to get over
3. Del Rio winning against Big Show. Was just a horrible equation where Sheamus can beat Del rio effortlessly, Big Show can beat Sheamus effortlessly and Del Rio can beat Big Show effortlessly. Had no logic to it.
4. Ziggler beats Del Rio. He (Del Rio) was taken out, and it wasn't a memorable title win. It's just what the smart fans wanted and hence the pop
5. Double Turn ADR win @ Payback. While the best of the lot, it just made Ziggler look more a ragdoll than he ever was.

Honestly I'd go with "Dr." . Curtis Axel's title win was the best. No one saw that finish coming. And it was impressive that they showed him looking up with tears in his eyes. Brilliant
Dolph Ziggler's title win is a memorable one, it was a great moment overall. People may bash him, but he has grown on me as a more serious character and as a better wrestler. I thought that Del Rio was getting into the right direction at the time, he was beating guys and he was even getting some credibility in the eyes of the fans, that until Ziggler beats him and all of a sudden disappears for more than a month.

I don't know about you, but I felt the moment he cashed it in - the pop made it memorable, but regardless of the town, we would always get something like that. The match itself was very good (in terms of heelish cash-ins) and when Del Rio locked up the crossarm breaker, people felt that Ziggler could tap out and some were scared, some were excited but you could not just look away. It was one of the best moments of 2013 and probably the best one in Ziggler's career. I enjoyed it, I thought that it was a feel good moment when AJ Lee started to cry and regardless of your feelings about him being overrated and what not, you all know that he deserved that chance.

A close second was the double turn that I found fantastic and Curtis Axel victory as well. But we all knew that Axel was going to win, so I was okay with that - in fact kudos to The Miz, he was the focal point of that match, he has grown into a fine worker. Now onto the double turn - the reason I did not vote on that is just because I was excited for the cash-in and not particularly in this match. It was a great storytelling, not everyone can pull it off of course, but it lacked something - first things I did not enjoy the fact that Ziggler was out for something like 5 weeks.

Also, I know I'm in the IWC but Rocky's championship title victory was a very good one. The match he had with CM Punk was very good and it was one of the moments that a die-hard fan should feel more. When it's all said and done, The Rock is one of the biggest, if not the biggest superstar of all time. The problem is the fact that the IWC is an anonymous group of CM Punk wankers, it has been for three years now and quite frankly it's sad, just that. Rock's title win was awesome too, Cena was symbolic and The Shield's dominance was cool.
I'd have to go with Ziggler's MITB cash in. It was in front of a mega hot crowd and their reaction to Ziggler was just the sort of reaction that any wrestler hopes for in such a situation.

When Miz cashed in on Orton to win the WWE Championship a few years back and won, the crowd reaction was amazing. Everyone remembers the angry scowl on the face of that little girl, it's become a classic image. Even though Ziggler was a heel, he got a monster pop from the crowd and their was a ton of enthusiasm in the air for Ziggler cashing in and winning the title. There was also a great bit of drama when it looked as though Del Rio was ultimately going to prevail, as he had Ziggler in the Cross Armbreaker, and Ziggler looked like he was on the verge of tapping.

Del Rio regaining the title at Payback during a match in which both characters turned was a lot of fun, due in part because nobody genuinely saw it coming.

The Rock winning the title from Punk didn't do anything for me because, frankly, it was a vanity run. The Rock winning the WWE Championship guaranteed the outcome of the WWE Championship match a full 1.5 months before it took place at WM. As a result, in my eyes, while Cena & Rock did work hard, it resulted in a lackluster match.

Cena winning the title once again didn't do much for me. John Cena has basically had the WWE Championship tattooed to his body for much of the past decade, which I can understand why as Cena is someone who has consistently delivered. However, when you've held the title as many times as he has, it just no longer feels remotely fresh.
I think I'm gonna have to go with Ambrose US title win. The title was losing all credibility and well Ambrose is making the title legitimate again. The Shield have done amazing with the titles so far and I'd like to see one of them go after the IC Title.
Ziggler winning the World Heavyweight Championship. I've been to dozens of WWE shows, including a SummerSlam and a WrestleMania, and I have NEVER heard anything even remotely close to the reaction Ziggler got for winning the title. I would say it was easily the biggest reaction a title win has gotten since Chris Benoit at WrestleMania 20.
Gonna have to go with Zigglers title win.. the Most exciting moment on one of the more memorable Raws in years.. the pop when his music hit was something i havent heard since the good ol days of hearing the Glass Shattering and austin coming out.. its a shame he had the concussion and it shortened his reign but i'm sure bigger things are in Zigglers future.
I think Ziggler's cash-in was easily the most exciting so it gets my vote. The crowd were electric and the mini match he and Del Rio had just made me hold my breath for a minute wondering if Dolph might fail. The emotion between him, AJ and Big E afterwards felt so genuine, it was his moment and his two friends were genuinely delighted for him.
Lol what the fuck? all those options are bad.. i would see ziggler's cash in because everything else there sucked donkey asss.

like john cena's redemption, who didnt see that coming? LOL

the rock's title reign was horrible. it was fucking part time title reign and it devalued the fucking championship and also made the feud worse.. shold have added cm punk to triple threat so he can carry the feud when the rock is not around. what the fuck? part time champ? what were they thinking.... always think short term, but never long term, right? is that how u think wwe creative? HAHAHAAHA

john cena's redemption was so fucking stupid. the rock raised his hand up and hugged him..

i will give u guys a skit

wwe creative : how should we make cena win, vince?
vince : give him a clean win, and then make them hug and raise hands!! that is what the wwe universe wants to see!!!
wwe creative : good idea!
vince : i love to kiss rock and cena's ass.

john cena, same reign as 2007. overcoming all odds bull shit. turn every fukcing person heel, feed him to cena. turn ryback heel feed him to cena.
On the list, I would go for Dolph Ziggler's win at the Izod Center in New Jersey. The crowd was electric that night, as expected, but the whole atmosphere and the way he won was fantastic. I really wish there was more crowds like Chicago, New Jersey, New York etc., but it really does make things more exciting. On top of that, it was a long time coming. Of course, Ziggler's reign was utter shit due to the concussion, but it looks like better things are on the horizon.

But, for me, the best title win of this year has to be Curtis Axel winning the Intercontinental Championship at Payback. The match was pretty good, and every man in the match put in everything. The Chicago crowd made the match mean so much more. When Axel crawled back into the ring and got the cover, the crowd exploded. That was a special moment. Curtis Axel winning the Intercontinental Championship, the title his father made famous, on Father's Day after being misused for so long as Michael McGillicutty, it meant so much for so many different reasons. That was the best title win of the year.
I voted the Rock's cash in because I've got respect for his career as a whole. If I could have had an ideal situation the Rock would have beat Cena again and then left a vacant title. Would have created real friction and madness on RAW for months. Money in the Bank could have been for the belt!

I hated Zigglers cash-in which is what is winning the poll because I think it sucks they can't give that guy a real push and can only donk the belt to him illegitimately.
Hands down Ziggler's cash in. It happened in front of one of the hottest crowds ever on one of the craziest episodes of Raw ever. He had been teasing the cash in for a long time and everybody was upset that he didn't cash in at Mania. The next night he took advantage of the opportunity and cashed in for the title. Another reason it is memorable to me is that it is not that often that a world title changes hands on Raw
As much as cases could be made for both Ziggler's cash-in and ADRs title win, in my opinion, the obvious choice here has to be John Cena winning the WWE Title in the main event of WrestleMania.

For me, as a John Cena fan, this was a long-time coming. Since Hell In A Cell 2011, Cena had been without a title whatsoever. He had challenged Punk in 2 3-way title matches he had no shot, booking wise, of winning, and a one-on-one match against Punk at NOC 2012 that it appeared he won thanks to a clever camera angle, but his shoulders were down as well.

Some could and will argue that Cena, at this point in his career, is above the title. After all, how many PPV's did he main event over the WWE Championship during Punk's historic reign? More then I can count or list, off the top of my head. But this title win was more then just about winning the WWE Title, it was about winning the WWE Title AND beating the Rock. The Rock, of course, ended Punks historic title reign, and defended the title successfully against Punk, something Cena has never done either of.

Perhaps it was just a vehicle to an end. Dean Ambrose winning the United States title, for example, was done by putting the title ON Kofi Kingston. Kofi won the title from Cesaro, only to drop it to Ambrose three weeks later. And there's nothing wrong with that. And as was the case with Cena, I can't help but think this was the exact same. The title was put on Rock simply so he could drop it to Cena. True, Cena had never beaten Rock, and had Punk, but he had both lost the title to Punk, and failed to take it from him.

So along the way, Cena puts up his title shot against Rock to Punk, and beats him, and then completes 3 months of "redemption" by beating Rock at Wrestlemania. Ziggler's was a fun surprise as I was shocked to see it the night after Wrestlemania, especially since he failed to do it AT Wrestlemania. Del Rio's heel turn was expertedly executed, and while I argued for some time it wasn't a heel turn in and of itself, the follow-up certainly was. Rock's first title win, like Kofi did for Ambrose, did nothing but cement that he was simply there as a (mega-star) placeholder to drop the title to John Cena. And do it in the main event of Wrestlemania, of course. ;)

There have been several title changes NOT on this list that have been fun, such as the clean sweep for the Shield, but I'm guessing this list was reserved this for major titles only. If that's the case, it HAS to be Cena. He won clean, didn't need a re-start, a cash-in, or to target a man's head. He just won clean in the middle of the ring.
I'm going with Del Rio winning at Payback, because it shocked the hell out of me. As it unfolded, I was on the edge of my seat, as Del Rio relentlessly attacked Ziggler's head.The double turn was a complete shock, and I honestly expected Ziggler to breeze his way to a victory with some help from Big. E and AJ.

Ziggler was in front of an extremely smarky crowd during the cash-in. Not saying it wasn't a good moment, but take away that crowd, and I'm not 100% sure Ziggler gets the same reaction.

Del Rio beating Show in the Last Man Standing match was a cool moment, but a lot of that had to do with Big Show's reign as WHC going WAY beyond the expiration date. I have to believe the fans were just happy to see someone new with the belt, and yeah, that match happened at the AAA in front of a strong Hispanic crowd, so you have to factor that in too. After the feud with Sheamus ended, Big Show became boring and stale as WHC, and it's as simple as that.

The Rock dethroning Punk pretty much sealed the deal for the main event at Wrestlemania, and the outcome. Everyone knew Rock was going to beat Punk, so the little attempted swerve with The Shield attack wasn't fooling anybody. Rock wasn't going to defend the WWE title on a regular basis, and there was no logical reason for him to retain at Mania. Not one.

John Cena's redemption? Eh, he beat Brock Lesnar, a legit UFC Heavyweight Champion, and he finally got the monkey off his back by defeating Punk on Raw. How much redemption do you need after that? I mean, I can understand why WWE intentionally ignored the match with Lesnar during the build to Mania 29, but it still happened.
I'm going to go with Rock's WWE title. I will admit Rock is my favorite wrestler but remember Rock was the only one who actually defeated CM Punk for the WWE Title. Sure it was predictable who cares? Someone had to beat Punk. Im going to go with The shield winning the tag team titles as a close second. Team Hell No ran their course no doubt but Rollins and Reigns winning was the right move
rocks win for sure, and the fact that del rios heel turn has more votes is blasphemous. you people have no respect for the great one? every ppv shud b db vs cmp vs ziggler huh?
I'm going to go with Rock's WWE title. I will admit Rock is my favorite wrestler but remember Rock was the only one who actually defeated CM Punk for the WWE Title. Sure it was predictable who cares? Someone had to beat Punk. Im going to go with The shield winning the tag team titles as a close second. Team Hell No ran their course no doubt but Rollins and Reigns winning was the right move

you are absolutely a really really strange person, ya know that? if u like part time champions, then i would vote for undertaker, not the rock. the rock just devalued the championship. the only thing good about that reign was short term ratings. how does that help u long term
As much as cases could be made for both Ziggler's cash-in and ADRs title win, in my opinion, the obvious choice here has to be John Cena winning the WWE Title in the main event of WrestleMania.

For me, as a John Cena fan, this was a long-time coming. Since Hell In A Cell 2011, Cena had been without a title whatsoever. He had challenged Punk in 2 3-way title matches he had no shot, booking wise, of winning, and a one-on-one match against Punk at NOC 2012 that it appeared he won thanks to a clever camera angle, but his shoulders were down as well.

Some could and will argue that Cena, at this point in his career, is above the title. After all, how many PPV's did he main event over the WWE Championship during Punk's historic reign? More then I can count or list, off the top of my head. But this title win was more then just about winning the WWE Title, it was about winning the WWE Title AND beating the Rock. The Rock, of course, ended Punks historic title reign, and defended the title successfully against Punk, something Cena has never done either of.

Perhaps it was just a vehicle to an end. Dean Ambrose winning the United States title, for example, was done by putting the title ON Kofi Kingston. Kofi won the title from Cesaro, only to drop it to Ambrose three weeks later. And there's nothing wrong with that. And as was the case with Cena, I can't help but think this was the exact same. The title was put on Rock simply so he could drop it to Cena. True, Cena had never beaten Rock, and had Punk, but he had both lost the title to Punk, and failed to take it from him.

So along the way, Cena puts up his title shot against Rock to Punk, and beats him, and then completes 3 months of "redemption" by beating Rock at Wrestlemania. Ziggler's was a fun surprise as I was shocked to see it the night after Wrestlemania, especially since he failed to do it AT Wrestlemania. Del Rio's heel turn was expertedly executed, and while I argued for some time it wasn't a heel turn in and of itself, the follow-up certainly was. Rock's first title win, like Kofi did for Ambrose, did nothing but cement that he was simply there as a (mega-star) placeholder to drop the title to John Cena. And do it in the main event of Wrestlemania, of course. ;)

There have been several title changes NOT on this list that have been fun, such as the clean sweep for the Shield, but I'm guessing this list was reserved this for major titles only. If that's the case, it HAS to be Cena. He won clean, didn't need a re-start, a cash-in, or to target a man's head. He just won clean in the middle of the ring.

Oh fucking yeah! john cena's title win was so valuable, its so fucking unique! u only get one of those in his career! it must be so memorable man!

u probably knew i was being sarcastic. john cena had 13-14 title reigns (cant remember because i aint an ignorant cena mark), which are all pretty much the same. overcoming the odds bullshit, turning the whole roster heel and feeding them all to john cena. it was just so predictable and cringeworthy. especially the part where the rock held up cena's hand and hugged him..

Creative team : what should we do after cena wins? what will the fans want to see?

Vince : the fans will want to see them hug! and then raise hands! that is definitely what they pay to see!

Creative team : good idea, vince!
Oh fucking yeah! john cena's title win was so valuable, its so fucking unique! u only get one of those in his career! it must be so memorable man!

u probably knew i was being sarcastic. john cena had 13-14 title reigns (cant remember because i aint an ignorant cena mark), which are all pretty much the same. overcoming the odds bullshit, turning the whole roster heel and feeding them all to john cena. it was just so predictable and cringeworthy. especially the part where the rock held up cena's hand and hugged him..

Creative team : what should we do after cena wins? what will the fans want to see?

Vince : the fans will want to see them hug! and then raise hands! that is definitely what they pay to see!

Creative team : good idea, vince!

(Knowing how many world title reigns John Cena has had doesn't make you a "Cena Mark" but it DOES make you ignorant.

Two of the greatest superstars of all-time hugging. It was meant to be a great WM moment and many fans would have loved it. Personally, I thought the match was average so I was just irritated at that point.

Remember, not everyone single man, woman or child who watched WM29 would predict what would happen. There would have been many children who would have been amazed and captivated by watching Cena/Rock hug.

Cena's title win, and the entire redemption storyline, was good. I liked the idea of Cena desperately wanting to win the title back after going so long without. Prestige is mentioned a lot and wanting the belt makes the title more meaningful.

Personally, I enjoyed Ziggler's title win the most. I'm a sucker for a cashing in so this obviously appealed. Moreover, I wasn't overly keen on Del Rio being world champ. It was predictable but enjoyable nonetheless. I'm a fan of Ziggler and thought he deserved to be world champ which made him winning a fantastic moment.
Why stop at the world titles? There have been some title wins for the other belts in WWE too so if we are discussing what the best title win of the year then we need to include all of WWE's championships, not just the top two. With that being said, not all of the title changes so far in 2013 have been all that special. In fact.... Some of them have been entirely unnecessary.

WWE Championship
The Rock
John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship
Alberto Del Rio
Dolph Ziggler
Alberto Del Rio (again)

Intercontinental Championship
The Miz
Wade Barrett
Curtis Axel

US Championship
Kofi Kingston
Dean Ambrose

Tag Team Championship
The Shield

Divas Championship

The Rock's, while a good moment for him in capturing a world title after so many years, gave a horrible ending to Punk's 400+ day reign. What went wrong with that reign however is a whole other thread topic though. Say what you want about how predictable Cena's was, but the year-long road toward redemption was excellent. Alberto Del Rio's first one wasn't bad. Dolph's cash-in was several months in the making, and I can understand a lot of people choosing that one. Del Rio's second one sucked. I am NOT a fan of this double turn so far. I'll give it a chance and see how it plays out, but so far it sucks. Del Rio was more interesting as a face and Dolph is MUCH better as a heel.

Then we have all of the title wins for the secondary titles. Miz's Intercontinental Championship win as well as Barrett winning it back were both 100% pointless. I hate that kind of crap! It does NOTHING for the title involved or the wrestler(s) themselves. Axel's was nice with him following in his father's footsteps and getting the big push with Heyman. Easily the best of the 2013 Intercontinental Championship wins so far. Kofi's US Championship win wasn't much to write home about, nor was his reign. Ambrose's was a very good moment for a future star's first title win. The same can be said for Rollins and Reigns winning the giant pennies, which is so far 2013's only Tag Team Championship win. Last but not least, we have a couple of divas who won the Divas Championship. AJ's is by far the better of the two wins, she had deserved it for quite a while and her taking her rightful place at the top of the division was a good moment. Kaitlyn's was good too, but pales in comparison to AJ winning the belt.

As for which one has been my favorite title win in WWE so far this year? I have to go with John Cena winning the WWE Championship. Yes, he's now held 13 world championships so while to some it may seem like nothing new, it's due to the storyline within the win. The road to redeeming himself. Wrestlemania 28 saw the match between Cena and The Rock that had an entire year building up to it. Cena lost in one of the worst booking decisions in WWE history. Some good came out of it though. He won his second Royal Rumble victory (this was great for the prestige of the Rumble which had been dwindling in recent years) to challenge none other than The Rock for a rematch in the final match of the biggest show of the year Wrestlemania 29 for the best belt in the business the WWE Championship, and he WON. Regardless of how you feel about Cena, THAT type of moment is what being a wrestling fan is all about! It will take a lot for any other title win this year to be better than that one.
Both of Del Rio's title wins this week year would definitely be my favorites. Although his face turn didn't go too well the way he won the title was about as good as you can get from a putting someone over perspective. I remember seeing it late on the score and it genuinely surprised me and I loved how he used his smarts to win the title against Big Show.

At Payback he played his part perfectly, not just going after Zigglers head but being so callous and vicious in doing so. Ziggler played his part well in that match but Del Rio did just as good and really sold that double turn in a big way.

Hopefully his new heel turn will work out better than his first but WWE has done a great job attempting to really sell Del Rio to the American audience.
The Rock's.
Favorite of all time. Seeing him win the WWE Title live was an amazing moment. 2nd would be Ziggler's cash in. But falls short since the World Title doesn't mean p*ss at the moment and it's the secondary World Title.

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