Best Theme Music Part 3 - Triple H

Best song Triple H ever came out to??

  • The Game (Motorhead)

  • The Game (Drowning Pool)

  • King of Kings

  • My Time

  • D Generation X Theme

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Tors Hall Rule

Straight Hedge(HOG)
Return of the music mania, and right now Its Time To Play The GAME...

The third installment includes The Cerebral Assassin, The Game Triple H.. Straight and Simple, which one of these is your favorite theme music that he ever came out to... Kindly feel free to comment...





King of Kings/The Game remix from WrestleMania a few years back.
Started with the King Of Kings and after the first chorus it cuts into the guitar stab for the start of The Game.

My Time was rocking too.

You missed a few though

As Hunter Hearst Helmsley
"Blue Blood" by Jim Johnston (1995–1996)
"Symphony No. 9 (Fourth movement)" by Ludwig van Beethoven (1996–1997)
As Triple H
"Higher Brain Pattern" by Jim Johnston (1999)
"My Time" by The DX Band (1999–2001)
"The Game" by Motörhead (one variation with the "King of Kings" music as the intro was used for his 2007 Return, still used sometimes; 2000–present)
"The Game" by Drowning Pool (used for advertising promos; 2002–2011)
"King of Kings" by Motörhead (used for promos; 2006)
"For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica (used at WrestleMania XXVII; 2011)
I was actually thinkin of this today when i seen a Wrestlemania DVD commercial lol
Good choice for this serious cus Triple H is one of my Favs an his music always rocks.

For me my choice would be King of Kings theme song. When i first heard it i was lik oh SHIT!!! jumped out my seat as if i was 8 again. I just love the hole song an it fits Tripps as to he is the KING OF KINGS!!!!
gonna have to say My Time... it's one of the few themes I go to youtube just to listen to the song from time to time.

Agreed, "My Time" is the best oh HHH's theme songs. This was the song that started his push to megastardom, and as the title of the song suggests it was his time to shine.
King of Kings in my books. Once the song starts playing and Triple H walks out you know shit is going down. He's the ultimate King of the WWE, the Golden Boy, the (step)son of the business! He's earned his place at the throne weither people like to admit it or not. King of Kings by Motorhead should be used 24/7 by HHH for the sheer fact that it spews epicness!
I can't vote yet, but I have to say "The Game" or "King of Kings" by Motorhead. But Motorhead is one of my favorite bands, so I have that bias.

Edit: I forgot "Evolution" but of the three Motorhead songs, its my least favorite.
My favorite HHH theme is the one he only used once it gets me pumped everytime I hear it. Motorhead is in my top 5 all time but I would have to go with The Game by Drowning Pool because it is an underrated theme song.

Who would win in a fight between Lemmy and God. Lemmy eh God wrong trick question Lemmy is a God
King of Kings/The Game remix from WrestleMania a few years back.
Started with the King Of Kings and after the first chorus it cuts into the guitar stab for the start of The Game.

My Time was rocking too.

You missed a few though

As Hunter Hearst Helmsley
"Blue Blood" by Jim Johnston (1995–1996)
"Symphony No. 9 (Fourth movement)" by Ludwig van Beethoven (1996–1997)
As Triple H
"Higher Brain Pattern" by Jim Johnston (1999)
"My Time" by The DX Band (1999–2001)
"The Game" by Motörhead (one variation with the "King of Kings" music as the intro was used for his 2007 Return, still used sometimes; 2000–present)
"The Game" by Drowning Pool (used for advertising promos; 2002–2011)
"King of Kings" by Motörhead (used for promos; 2006)
"For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica (used at WrestleMania XXVII; 2011)

I never MISSED them mate.. I just didnt put them there.. As such even you missed "Line in the sand" by Motorhead.. I just didnt put them there because I just wish to put the top 5.. Sorry if that doesnt fell complete.. I shall keep it in mind from next time onwards... :)
The Game by Motorhead is perfect a perfect fit for him. Due to Lemmy being god and Motorhead being one of the greatest rock bands of all time.

The Drowning pool version of the song isn't bad, but the Motorheads is better.

Line in the Sand is also another great son by Motorhead.

My Time was great before it became Steph's music
I really like "King Of Kings" and "My Time", they are both fantastic songs.

However, Motorheads version of "The Game" is the perfect entrance theme for Triple H. I am a big fan of entrance themes that have an instantly recognisable start to them, Austin's with his glass shatter, The Rock with the "If ya smellllll" etc, and "The Game" has that with the huge guitar riff that lets you know who is coming out to kick some ass.

Its a heavy track that always gets you pumped, and as Motorhead are well known as Triple H's favourite band, the song is great for him. It's one of the best entrance themes WWE have used in all my time as a fan.

I personally prefer both the DX and Evolution themes to any of Trips' solo themes, but they are music for factions, not Hunter's own, so I am not counting those in this poll. As a solo theme "The Game" is the best
My Time will forever be my favorite Triple H theme song (and one of my favorite themes in general). Despite how much I hated Steph in 2001 and 2002 as a little 5th grader I still loved when she came out because she used My Time even though HHH was already using The Game at that point. The Game is a great song (as is every theme he used after he became the Game) but I always respected Higher Brain Pattern as his original theme and when they put words over it for My Time I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
The best theme music that Trips has used is The Game by Motorhead. It's catchy, heavy, and is perfect for Trips. I also like King of Kings and the DX theme, even though they are not as good as The Game. It did not make it into the poll somehow, but if you included the DX theme then the Evolution theme should be in there as well. That song ruled. Either way, The Game will always be Trips' best song because it fits his character so well AND is such a great song at the same time.
I prefer "King of Kings" for HHH since he is the King of Kings and his epic entrance at WM22 probally furthered made it my favourite theme music from him.Cena's entrance was completely outshadowed by HHH's at WM22 and the music was a part of why.
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