Best Superstar...

Superstar of the Year???

  • ADR

  • Sheamus

  • The Miz

  • John Cena

  • Chrisitan

  • Randy Orton

  • CM Punk

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pretty soon we have the slammys coming up. now they have quite alot of categories but the one im focusing on is "The Best Superstar of the Year" award. So my question is who do you think it would be out of these 7 men and if their not on the list who do you think it should be and why?

The Miz
John Cena
CM Punk
Randy Orton

To me it has to go to ADR. Hes had one helll of a year. Winning the 2011 rumble, Going on to WM 27 against edge, Winning MITB, Cashing in and becoming WWE champion, then winning it again followed by a succesful title defense against Cena.
In pure accolades Alberto del Rio wins this contest unopposed. He won the largest Royal Rumble in history. He fought for the World Heavyweight title at WrestleMania. He "retired" Edge. He won Money in the Bank. He walked out of SummerSlam the WWE Champion. He is the current WWE Champion after competing in not only a Last Man Standing match, but a Hell in a Cell too. On paper, there's nobody even close to having the year that del Rio has had.

In reality, ADR's execution and the WWE's follow-through hasn't been anywhere near as good as we anticipated. His star quickly faded and a lot of people have lost faith in him. I still think he's a good talent, I'm just not as taken with him as I was around the Royal Rumble...

I voted for Randy Orton, but CM Punk is making a pretty damn good case for himself as well. Depending on how this year turns out, the Miz is another good choice, as he walked out of WrestleMania the WWE Champion. As I explained in another thread, Randy hasn't had a character transforming year by any stretch of the imagination, but he's definitely stepped up and taken a lot of other talents to another level. His work with Punk was excellent, he helped elevate Christian to a main event level status (which he is still maintaining), he put over Mark Henry, and I don't think he's quite yet done with Cody Rhodes. You can call him "Super Orton" if you want, but he's a great worker, is always solid in the ring, and rarely puts on a bad match. To compare him to Cena in terms of proven ring ability this year is ludicrous.
Pretty easy one, it's Alberto Del Rio without a doubt. He won the Royal Rumble, Money in the Bank, Hell in a Cell, Vengeance, and the WWE championship twice. No one else has achieved as much as Del Rio this year.
I look at this a bit different. My winner would be Miz. Miz took his character and was strong in building his character throughout the year. He really embraced the business and stole the show on several occassions. Yeah, I know people will make the "achievement" argument (people, they don't "achieve" anything, they are scripted, it is FAKE) but what I look for is who is the most entertaining and shows the best acting ability. Quite frankly, Del Rio is........boring. He pales in comparison with what Miz has done. There has been no improvement in ADR's in ring ability or his character development. Miz keeps taking both to a new level. So, Miz gets my vote hands down with only Codey Rhodes coming close in comparison.
Alberto Del Rio....really? Really?? REALLY?!?! and no, I don't think the miz would be either. did CM Punk cross anyone's mind? ADR is very boring, his promo's are stupid.

If I'm correct, ever since Cm Punk's shoot, ratings went up, and Punk made Raw watchable again. He is the best on the mic right now, he is very talented in the ring, let's face it, he is the best in the world at what he does. So my pick is definitely CM PUNK!
Del Rio may have the best accolades of 2011, but he definitely has not been the most entertaining/exciting/important wrestler of 2011. That award has to go to CM Punk, who was my personal pick to win the Royal Rumble and then went on to have one of the few good matches at WM and then stole the show at Extreme Rules and then turned the business upside down in July and had a momentous face turn, becoming the top merch seller in the WWE in the process. This year has belonged to CM PUNK, if you don't believe me, go into this forum and look up all the threads for Punk vs the threads for anybody else in the business. Punk wins by a long shot, we care about him, some love him, others hate him, but regardless we are talking about him and we pay attention to what he does. 2011 = Punk
Alberto Del Rio is the superstar of the yr...He is one of those believable types of wrestlers and though you may not like his arrogance from his perspective you can see the depth of his character that he doesnt care what people think he wants to be that breakout star and will always find a way to win via intelligence.

CM punk however was the most entertaining punk changed the wwe.
Character Advancement
1. CM Punk
2. Christian
3. Miz

In Ring Performance
1. Randy Orton
2. CM Punk

Storyline(Which probably matters the most)
2.The Miz
3. CM Punk(unless "conspiracist" hold him back)

The company chose to give DEL RIO all those achievements(RR, Hell in Cell, MITB...), so they'll choose to give him the Superstar of the Year award as well. You can't have the man standing victorious at the end of 95% of the PPVS not winning the award for annual consistency. Miz started off the year hot, and kept up well with Cena/Rock during WM. Punk took over the summertime and brought excitement & anticipation(the thing missing from wrestling THE MOST)that hasn't been seen since the beginning of Nexus. But Del Rio was consistently relevant during all that, beating up Mysterio, Christian, & Kofi for fun when he wasn't speaking of destiny & proving how correct he was. Only way I see someone else winning is if they make it a Viewers Choice episode, which wouldn't surprise me. In that case, Cena with a 99.8% vote
Alberto Del Rio....really? Really?? REALLY?!?! and no, I don't think the miz would be either. did CM Punk cross anyone's mind? ADR is very boring, his promo's are stupid.

If I'm correct, ever since Cm Punk's shoot, ratings went up, and Punk made Raw watchable again. He is the best on the mic right now, he is very talented in the ring, let's face it, he is the best in the world at what he does. So my pick is definitely CM PUNK!

Actually since PUnk's shoot they've lowered. They were at 3.3 the weeks around the shoot and it's only gone lower as far as I remember. Alberto Del Rio on the other hand has it done purely on accolades having perhaps the best year since Brock Lesnar. On the other hand Orton's had a good one to numerous title shots, great matches, and a nice little fued with Cody. You can make a case for all but Punk's been doing good for three months Alberto Del Rio's been having it all year so Del Rio get's my vote.
Del Rio may have the best accolades of 2011, but he definitely has not been the most entertaining/exciting/important wrestler of 2011. That award has to go to CM Punk, who was my personal pick to win the Royal Rumble and then went on to have one of the few good matches at WM and then stole the show at Extreme Rules and then turned the business upside down in July and had a momentous face turn, becoming the top merch seller in the WWE in the process. This year has belonged to CM PUNK, if you don't believe me, go into this forum and look up all the threads for Punk vs the threads for anybody else in the business. Punk wins by a long shot, we care about him, some love him, others hate him, but regardless we are talking about him and we pay attention to what he does. 2011 = Punk

Wait what how do you get that. Anything you said for Punk winning it you can give the same for Cena literally. CM Punk's best match was with Cena, and CM Punk has been pushed for three months and has a one month WWE Title Reign. Cena held the title from Extreme Rules to MITB from the raw two weeks later to summerslam, and a one month reigning from NOC to Veangence. Three WWE Championship Reigns, Main Evented Wrestle Mania, Had a great Royal Rumble eliminating all of Nexus, main evented more pay per views that anybody else.

Plus I'll take a line from you Cena wins by a long shot, we care about him, some love him, others hate him, but regardless we are taking about him and we pay attention to what he does 2011=John Cena.

Sadly I'm not basing it off that I'm basing it off having the best YEAR. Del Rio won the rumble, Del Rio 'retired' Edge, nearly got the title at Extreme Rules, won the Money in the Bank, Won the title, won it back in a Hell in a Cell against Cena and Punk. Plus beat John Cena by himself in a Last Man Standing Match in something about as clean as Punks win over Cena so give it to the man 2011 belongs to Alberto Del Rio.
For his mega-accomplishments this year, I'd say C.M. Punk. His program turned the wrestling industry on it's ear; it was one of the most unique scenarios of all time.

Honorable mention to John Cena; this year and every year. Last year, I'd say Cena was Best Superstar hands-down for his program with Nexus.....he made the whole thing work and took everyone along with him. This year, he did the same for Punk; without Cena, Punk's cross-legged ramblings in the middle of the ring would have gone largely was his interaction with Cena that made us sit up and listen.
I would have to say that in my opinion it is CM Punk. Personal bias aside, it was Punk that got everyone talking. The day after his first "shoot" promo everyone was talking about his segment. It made things truly fun to watch again because everyone was wondering what will happen next. Where do we go from here? It was strange because earlier that day I was talking to someone about how WWE should do a shoot style promo to make things fresh and then it happened. The crowd reaction to him versus Cena at MITB I think captured it quite well.

Del Rio is a talented performer and part of a wrestling legacy, but he has had some major issues to overcome. Missing a week of tv because of visa issues is unforgivable, made even worse by the fact he was just crowned the new champion. That should have been taken care of far in advance. I am still waiting for the moment to happen, the moment that turns him from a somewhat bland heel, into a real star and for me that has not happened yet.

From many viewpoints some might say Cena had the best year, if you look at it from the number of PPV's he has headlined and from the sheer number of main events he is placed in. The problem with John is that, except on the rare occasion, his matches are cookie cutter, paint by the numbers affairs. They just don't grab and excite anymore. like Punk said, Cena is no longer the underdog he is a dynasty. When you have a dynasty you protect it, so they are very careful with how Cena is used and what he is allowed to do in ring. Which, while it protects your top star and business investment, creates a bland in ring product.

I am going to leave it at this as I don't feel any of the others on the list stand out after the year to date that these three have had.
Easily CM Punk, he had one hel of a standout year, Punk has never been more relevant in WWE than he is now. Yeah he's been popular and has held multiple World Championship's but he has never been so over with the fans.

Alberto has had a standout year with winning the WWE title twice and all but in no way does that surpass Punk's popularity and the unpredictability that he injected into WWE with that shoot/promo he done.
It has to be CM Punk.

He has been the hottest thing in pro wrestling ever since his live shoot promo. He's put on great matches with guys like Cena, Rey Rey, Miz, Truth, Del Rio, Trips, and Orton. Punk has been GOLD on the mic this year and everything he has said has been perfectly delivered. People actually listen when he talks because he's just that damn entertaining. Punk has managed to become the second top face of the WWE in just a short few months and has even soled more merchandise than John Cena.

So hands down this has to go to CM Punk. He's taken his character to a whole new level this year and I see him still being very relevant for years to come.
I voted for Punk. His shoot promo at the beginning of the summer was electrifying and precipitated the biggest storyline of the year thus far. This storyline, plus his new look and entrance music, increased his fan base as well. I didn't like Punk much before this summer, but he's really opened my eyes. The only other person I could see being Superstar of the year would be Del Rio. As others have said, he won the Rumble and MITB, and I also think WWE will continue to push him to increase their international appeal and sales.
I believe it should be CM PUNK. If one wrestler this year has at least made Raw worth watching it is Punk, Cena is over rated and the only reason he keeps getting title shots is because the girls and little kids want to see him. But real wrestling fans want to see someone who can actually wrestle.
I could see ADR or Christian getting it due too stellar years for there career, both cementing them in main event status and winning double world titles.

But...I think you GOTTA go with CM PUNK! Ill admit that as of late, he is kinda getting buried in the whole Raw Gm/Triple H/Conspiracy/Future Endevor storyline, and he hasn't completley "made wrestling fun again". But not only did he win his first(technically should be 2 in my mind) WWE championship(s) this year, but he had the stand-out feud w/Cena and the best matches all year w/the likes of Mysterio, Orton, Cena, HHH, etc. Not to mention if WWE is smart there gonna put him back in the title picture soon and most likely win it back and face (most likely as commonly discussed) either: Miz, Jericho, Taker, or maybe even Stone Cold at mania which would basically all steal the show! So even if I dont have an ice cream bar in hand yet, I think were well on our way!!!
What has CM Punk done other than the shoot promo? Seriously? Since that shoot promo, storylines have been all over the place and ratings were sinking. I admit I liked the promo, but what happened next? Absolutely nothing. Punk himself said he wants to make "Wrestling" fun again. Is it really fun now? I also take exception to Punk saying he is the "Best in the World". Go to youtube and watch his match with Elijah Burke back in ECW. I guess after that performance, you should never ever call yourself "Best in the World". But again, this is just my opinion.
My current top 5...

1. CM Punk
2. Dolph Ziggler
3. Cody Rhodes
4. The Miz
5. John Cena

First of all, you may be surprised to actually see Cena on this list. I was a Cena hater for a while, but I've seen the light. The guy can work a good match; he's been handling himself in 20+ minute matches AND headlining for years now. No one else in the company can do what he's done, for as long as he's done it. I have nothing but respect for Cena. Anyhow...

Punk is a hands down number 1 for me. His rant on Johnny Ace in the ring tonight was case and point. He's phenomenal.

Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes look like they were born to wear the belts that they're wearing. They're two of the best workers in the company right now, and given worthy opponents, they could have some of the more memorable matches in history (compare to Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart summerslam 1991 or King of the Ring 1993...or British Bulldog vs. Bret Hart summerslam 1992). The company really needs to get back to where they were in the early-mid 90's by letting guys with great in-ring work be the top guys. They can do this by continuously pushing Dolph. Imagine how good a Dolph/Punk feud could be these days?

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