Best Song: Godsmack


Getting Noticed By Management

For Godsmack I'm going to go with "I Stand Alone" I always use it to get myself pumped up before I go running. It's just a overall very adrenaline fueled song. Sully's vocals are complete badass in the song, The lyrics are about as badass as you can get, the drums are loud and powerfull, and the intro is by far one of the best intros ever. All that adds up to be one kick ass song.
Godsmack is my favorite band of all-time. That being said, there's no songs that I dislike, but there is one that is my clear-cut favorite.

Now Or Never, off the first album, is one of their best songs musically, and has amazing lyrics to go with it. Godsmack's music helped me through a lot of low times in my life, and this song was associated with most of them. I love songs like Whatever, Bleeding Me, Serenity, Re-Align, and Mistakes, but this one will always be my favorite.
I stand Alone:Faceless/Scorpion King soundtrack

From the begining with the amazingly crafted riff to the beating drums along with the bass that is a great inclusion, This is, to me, their signature song if I had to introduce someone to them.

The lyrics as well are strong, i dont get how Godsmack is NOT respected more.

Theres other great songs, and many people would mention Whatever, or even probrably their most respected and requested song live, Voodoo. But Im ALL for ''I stand Alone''
"VooDoo" is my favorite song and I believe it to be the best by them too. It was the first song I ever heard by them. Plus seeing Godsmack live was awesome! Especially when they sang VooDoo. The stage set-up for the song was great too. I love the beat to the song. It actually reminds me of a movie:From Dusk Till Dawn. I honestly have no clue why it reminds me of that movie.
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