Best Song: 3 Doors Down


Getting Noticed By Management

3 Doors Down is my favorite band of all time. They have a ton of songs that I literally love, so this is a really hard pick for me. I've been thinking of picking "Kryptonite, Here without you, Loser, Down Poison" or even "Give it to me". But I'm going to go with "When I'm gone" I love this song so much. It has powerfull lyrics and a awesome beat. I really love listening to it when I'm running just so I'll get a extra bit of motivation. "When I'm Gone" is one of the few songs that I never get tired of. That makes it 3 Doors Down's best song IMO.
Another reason I like this guy as they're my favorite band as well.

For this, it's a toss up between Be Somebody and Let Me Be Myself. Both of these are great songs but not as well known as most of their stuff. Be Somebody is about a guy that is leaving home for his first time and is trying to reassure his mother that he'll be fine which is something I can easily resonate with. Let Me Be Myself is another that connects with me as I've spent a long time acting the way others would prefer me being to appease them. Great thread for me as I love these guys. Well done.
Not a fan of 3 Doors Down much to be honest. Just find their music to be boring, but that's just me. My favorite from them would either be Loser or Let me go.

For some reason thoes two just stick in my head more and stand out a little more from their bland, repetitive catalouge. The lyrics from both songs are nice(and cheesy)and they are just more memorable to me then their other hits. The leads singer's voice is nice as well just not my type of pop/rock, but I do like thoes two songs.
I do enjoy a lot of 3 Doors Down songs, even though I typically hate music in the genre. It is Either Landing In London which features Bob Seger, one of my all time favourites (CCS, I'll love you if you made a best song for Bob Seger Thread). But I would have to go with Duck And Run. Mysterio_Fan said it best when he said their music can be boring. Duck and Run on the other hand is high paced and full of energy.
My favorite 3 Doors Down song, from the second it started, has always been Ticket To Heaven, off Away From The Sun. The lyrics are mind-blowing, and the music just flows well, through the entire song. They have a ton of songs that everyone loves to sing along to, but this one is easily my favorite to just turn up and rock out with.

I'm also a big fan of So I Need You. This was my song to my first girlfriend, and has always held a special place for me. "Your imitation of my walk..." is the song that sold me on it, because it was exactly the way the two of us were, and what most couples should try to achieve. It's a sappy love song, disguised as a really good rock song.

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