Best Six Month Period Ever

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
There have been instances throughout history where great wrestling has occured in a period of time whether it be for two months or for a year. I'm focusing on the best six month period of wrestling ever and that includes promos as well. My pick is....

January-June 2001

January 2001

At the Royal Rumble, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit faced off in a spectacular ladder match which saw Jericho come out the victor. I saw this as the beginning when Jericho, Benoit, and Angle would put on great matches left and right and bring WWE out of the Attitude Era.

February 2001
At No Way Out, HHH and Austin put on the most underrated great match in my opinion with their 3 Stages of Hell Match. The promo leading up to it was spectacular and both brought their A++ game. This match should have been last but was put in the middle. 40 minutes of intensity and determination with a great ending. I would have rather had Austin win but I'm fine with HHH.

April 2001
Wrestlemania 17 is in the running for one of the greatest PPV's of all time. Shane and Vince had an emotional match which set the tone for the Invastion. TLC II surpassed the first one and Edge spearing Hardy 20 feet in the air was the start of his singles push. HHH and Undertaker had a great match which gets overlooked and Stone Cold and Rock put on a stellar contest as well culminating in Austin turning HHH and aligning with McMahon. The next night HHH joined Austin and formed the Two Man Power Trip.

Their attacks on the Hardy Boys and Lita led to a great tag team feud between TMPT and The Brothers of Destruction in which Austin and HHH won the tag titles at Backlash. Also, Chris Benoit would beat Angle in an Ultimate Submission match.

May 2001
At Judgment Day, Angle and Benoit would meet yet again in a 2 out of 3 Falls match which saw Angle pick up the win. Stone Cold would beat the Undertaker and Kane won over HHH to claim the IC Title. It was around this time when someone would begin to stalk Undertaker's wife.

June 2001
6 days before King of the Ring, the stalker revealed himself and it turned out to be none other than DDP which received a huge pop. DDP would show up to King of the Ring to challenge the Undertaker and the American Bad Ass gladly accepted. Shane cost Angle the chance to be the King of the Ring winner two years in a row and their Street Fight match later on that night was one of the best I've ever watched.

If there's anything I missed during this six-month period let me know as I feel this is the best period ever. Great feuds, great matches, great promos, etc.

If you think that my choice is the best choice or if you have another pick, state your reasons.
I'm not going to list each month specifically, but I thought the HUGE comeback of the WWE from the Montreal Screwjob to the Climax of Austin vs Michaels at Wrestlemania was an AMAZING time for the business (at least in terms of WWE). The screwjob really tore down the curtain between storyline and reality and changed the perception of the business forever. This also opened the door wide open for the growth of the Mr. McMahon character, perhaps the greatest heel in the business. On top of that, McMahon and Austin really started to heat up and throw in Mike Tyson and the mainstream audience was awakened to the attitude era. Michaels being hurt most of this period opened opportunities to Triple H and the Rock was catching on real well with the Nation. I feel these 6 months were the most exciting for wrestling fans.
Another huge 6 month period would be January of 2000 to June of 2000
We had HHH vs Cactus street fight
The Radicals enter WWE which was another symbol of the end of WCW
Mick "Retire" in Hell in the Cell.
The 1st TLC and the four way dance at WM 2000
At the end we had Rock and HHH emerge as huge stars and carry a company that was without Austin and Taker due to injury. As show in their Iron Man match in May of 2000 which saw the return / introduction of Biker Taker.
I'm gonna go with the OP for the simple reason that its what got me into wrestling.

My friends would talk about it at school so I gave it a view an fell in love. It was 2 weeks before WM17. My friends let me borrow the tapes of NWO and Royal Rumble and I really enjoyed the ladder match between Jericho and Benoit. That match made me a Jericho fan for life. I would also point out his feud with Regal as something worth note. They had a match at WM and Backlash and had some funny backstage stuff like Jericho pissing in Regals tea. Good times. The only thing that kind of sucked was Rock leaving and HHH getting injured by the end of those six months. Regardless, its still my favorite 6 months.
January-June 2006

January 2006: The year starts off with Edge ultimately cashing in his Money in the Bank agianst John Cena after a brutal Elimination Chamber Match, Rey wins the Royal Rumble in tribute to Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P) John Cena winning the WWE championship back at the Royal Rumble, and the Return of the Undertaker during Kurt Angle's WHC match with Mark Henry

February 2006: Rey Mysterio loses his Championship oppertunity to Randy Orton at No Way Out, and Kurt Angle faces the Undertaker for the WHC in an incredible match, the Friday after, Mark Henry costs Undertaker the Championship and starts a fued with the deadman after smashing him through the announce table

March 2006: Triple H and John Cena get in each others faces leading to a WWE title Match at Wrestlemania 22, Rey Mysterio is added to the WHC with Randy Orton and Kurt Angle leading to Wrestlemania 22, Undertaker challenges Mark Henry to a Casket Match, An Edge Foley fued is started after Foley cost Edge the WWE title, Shawn Micheals is humiliated and we have a match for wm 22 with mr. mcmahon in a no holds barred match, we also saw the return of SNME

April 2006: Wrestlemania 22 probably one of the best as far as match style goes, Undertaker goes 14-0, Shawn creates a mania moment by flying from a 16ft ladder into a bloody mr. mcmahon, Rey wins the WHC in an incredible match, and John Cena and Triple H compete in an awesome match, BackLash was good, pretty much post mania matches, HBK vs both Mcmahons (NHB) Edge vs HHH vs Cena in a great bloody Triple threat match

May 2006: We see the debut of the Great Khali in a fued with the deadman, Rey Mysterio and JBL was actually a pretty good fued, KAne had his May 19 terror with imposter kane (Luke Gallows) and The Spirit Squad trys to decimate HBK and we see HHH turning face sledging all members and a shadowed return of DX, the ECW invasion, RVS Cashes in MTIB Fairly for ONS.

June 2006: ONS was nothing but hardcore, Sabu vs Rey mysterio ending in a No Contest after the table breaks incorrectly, RVD becomes WWE champion, Edge and Foley take on Dreamer and Funk in a brutal bloody match, Orton is suspended from WWE, Vengeance 2006 we see Edge facing RVD in a good techincal match, John Cena vs Sabu in a Extreme Lumberjack match, and the Ultimate Return of DX beating the Spirit Squad.

June 2006
Great thread...........I have to agree with the previous poster who said the best 6 month period was right after the "Screwjob" is when the WWF(since it technically was still called that at the time) started picking up steam...........from Dec. to May you put over Austin, the Rock comes into his own, we get the 'real' DX, and the Attitude Era comes into full can even look to October with the debut as Kane, making this a 7 month cycle, but seeing as who either debuted or was "made" during this time, it's hard to argue this wasn't a HUGE couple of months for WWF, and the stepping stone for their eventual domination of the Monday Night Wars
Great thread...........I have to agree with the previous poster who said the best 6 month period was right after the "Screwjob" is when the WWF(since it technically was still called that at the time) started picking up steam...........from Dec. to May you put over Austin, the Rock comes into his own, we get the 'real' DX, and the Attitude Era comes into full can even look to October with the debut as Kane, making this a 7 month cycle, but seeing as who either debuted or was "made" during this time, it's hard to argue this wasn't a HUGE couple of months for WWF, and the stepping stone for their eventual domination of the Monday Night Wars

I have to disagree with you guys here on the 6 months after the screw job being the best time period... now I'm not sure if this is the 6 months immediately preceding this or what but I would argue that the period of time BEFORE the screwjob where the hart foundation were at full strength and were feuding with both DX and Austin as the best period in history. That is where things really started to take a change in my opinion and it made for some of the best Raws I can remember. The Raw where Austin attacked bret and put him in the ambulance to the week after where Bret came out in a wheel chair and attacked him to DX framing the Hart Foundation with the NOD... It was just a great time to watch Raw as you never knew what would happen or who was going to fight who (in a good way).
Reading your post I agree with you BUT I feel like once the screwjob happened you know the WWF were throwining all their cards onto Austin and THANK GOD it worked............I rewatched the Monday Night Wars DVD a couple of days ago and found Mick Foleys statement of Raw being a better show for more than a year before the ratings even showed it is a perfect example of this time period.............unfortunately for the thread were held to 6 months, but really, after WM 13 where Austin got made you can make a case that those next 2-3 years for the WWF will never be touched again in terms of popularity, and basically killed their competion................figuratively and literally.........this is the time I became a huge mark for wrestling, and although I'm not as a big of an opponent to the PG-Era as most are seeing as how I want my son to be able to enjoy wrestling as much as I do and PG programming helps me bring him in, I really miss the days of unpredictably and utter greatness Vince put out in the late 90'd-early 00's...........and once again, great thread, can't wait to hear other posters feelings/fav "Eras"
I'd go way further back... the 6 months that had perhaps the most impact was the last 6 months of 1992...

In July you had Ric Flair and Savage tussling over the belt with Warrior in the mix... August, Summerslam drew the biggest live crowd ever outside the US and had the Davey Boy/Bret Hart classic... Come October, Shawn Michaels was the IC champion and Bret Hart was the new WWF World champion... at Survivor Series you had the PPV debut of Razor Ramon and Yokozuna and the return of Mr. Perfect... and a main event of Bret vs Shawn...

So in 6 months we went from Ric Flair, Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior being the top guys in the WWF and looking unassailable to Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Yokozuna and Razor Ramon being the main eventers...

I'd say that makes it the best 6 month period...
I'm going to have to say the best 6 month period was from September 1997 to March 1998 in both WWE and WCW. WWE turned the tide near the end of this period, but WCW dominated the first half. We all know what was going on in WWE as everyone posting here seems to be a WWE mark. In WCW, there was Sting coming back in the rafters to haunt the NWO and many imposter Stings showing up. There was an amazing buildup to Starcade between Hogan and Sting. We saw Rude show up on both Raw and Nitro on the same night. WCW had all the best wrestlers going at it on Nitro. Havoc was ridiculous with Savage reaching new heights of craziness. Hitman came in and instantly made an impact, delivering Hogan his own head in a box. There was the WcW Nitro take over by the NWO and it appeared as if Sting didn't win that WCW would be taken over completely by the NWO. Then Savage's turn as the Lone Wolf against the NWO, an epic three month run, that led to a one day world title run (the beginning of the end for WCW). The Spring Break Nitro was classic, Hogan and Sting rematch, i could go on and on about the matches but that would just take too long. WCW had all the wrestlers that mattered up until the Montreal Screwjob and then a lot of the WWE guys who were essentially nothings started to matter. And that was all Austin's fault. Without Austin, WWE would have just continued sucking the hard one.
Another huge 6 month period would be January of 2000 to June of 2000

This is a tough question. I’m going to have to agree with kingofkings, at least somewhat. We’re just a couple months off. I really enjoyed things from April-October 2000. Oftentimes WWE begins its unofficial new year right after WrestleMania and I felt that was the case in 2000. The WWF had a very fresh felling after Mania.

Right after mania Angle, Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, Edge & Christian, and the Hardy Boys became big time players. Less than a year earlier these guys either weren’t in the WWF or weren’t relevant. We also got Tazz, Rikishi, Too Cool, Trish, Lita, and RTC. We also had our main event guys in The Rock and Triple H and Taker returned debuting his American Badass character. I look back at Fully Loaded in July as a refreshing ppv. Three long time main event guys went against three future stars who hadn’t quite peaked yet. The Rock faced Benoit, Taker took on Angle, and HHH had a good last man standing match against Jericho. Things were really clicking at this time.

I also thought WWF was hilarious at this time. There was just as much comedy as action. And it was good comedy, not Hornswoggle comedy. Edge & Christian were great with their different poses. Angle was brilliant with his corny character and his three I’s. Rock and Jericho are always on, and Foley was excelling as commissioner. Everything was just so entertaining at this time.

Also Stephanie was incredibly hot back then too.

It’s hard to pick just one short period as the best. Given the fresh feeling with new stars, solid matches and storylines, and great comedy segments I’d say April-October was probably the most entertaining six month period for WWE.
I think as 98 moved to a close and 99 moved in was the best 6 month period in history. That includes what was going on in WWF/E and WCW.

The Monday Night War was in full swing. As the fall of 98 came around, both companies were pulling surprise after surprise trying to top each other. Even though we know how it turned out, and how shitty the actual Halloween Havoc match was. The Warrior flipping to WCW "Out Of Nowhere", and rekindling their "feud", was HUGE at the time.

Goldberg was in Undefeated Form. Defending the world title in this time frame against numerous Top WCW/NWO/WolfPac guys. Guys like DDP and others. Goldberg was screwed out of his streak and Nash took the title. NWO Hollywood and The Wolfpac reunited.

A lot of things were going on in WCW. The Cruiserweights were tearing it up. Guys like Booker T, Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero, Mysterio and Malenko were putting on classics!

But even more so, as to why this is the best 6 month period IMO is what WWF was doing. DX had really just completed a Face turn as the summer unfolded and were doing innovative things. Kane and Undertaker were aligning for the first time in their careers.

Vince's plan to stop Steve Austin from representing The WWF as the World Champion, was at an amazing level of entertainment. Austin was fired, put a gun to Vince's head, lost the title in a match vs Kane and won it right back the next night. Austin loses the title in a match with Taker AND Kane. Both guys pinned him and the title ended up being vacated.

All this time, The Rock is leading The Nation of Domination. He is feuding with DX and Triple H. As the summer ends, HHH basically wins the feud by taking the IC title from The Rock in a Ladder Match at Summerslam. The Rock continues to electrify the crowd and turns Face.

As a result of the WWF Championship being vacated, A Tournament was held at Survivor Series (November 98)... Swerve after swerve was pulled in weeks leading up to this, AND also at the event itself.

After all was said and done. The Rock turned Heel on the fans, joined Vince McMahon and Shane, as The Leader of their faction/stable, The Corporation. He was billed as The Corporate Champion as he captured The WWF Championship as he turned on The People.

The next few months, through the end of 98 leading into 99. The Rock feuded with Mankind, as Mankind was screwed by The Corporation in Rock's Heel Turn. They put on numerous innovative and entertaining matches. The Championship switched back and forth between the 2, for 3 months.

One of the greatest Royal Rumbles ever takes place. Vince wins the thing, thus screwing Austin again. Mankind and The Rock wrestle in an epic I Quit Match.

Following the Rumble, Austin faces Vince in a Cage Match for The Main Event World Title Match at Wrestlemania 15. Paul Wight (Big Show) makes his debut. Austin defeats Vince, and sets up The Rock Vs. Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 15 in one of the biggest matches ever.

During this whole time, DX is feuding with The Corporation. Which sets up a huge Heel turn by HHH at WM 15.

To me this time period set up numerous events to occur in the next few years.
From May 96 to October 96 in WCW. You had Hall & Nash arrive in WCW, Hogan turning heel and forming the nWo then the destruction of the 4 Horsemen.Throw in the Cruiserweights, The Giant arriving as a main event guy over there, the beginning of Sting's Crow tribute and the reduction of Hacksaw Jim tv time. It completely changed the wrestling landscape and was the catalyst for all the good (and bad stuff) that's had us hooked since.

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