Best Seller: The Rock or Dolph Ziggler?

Who is the Better Seller?

  • The Rock, Ziggler is too ridiculous

  • Dolph Ziggler, everything looks devastating

  • Equal

  • Neither are good sellers

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Most people agree the dolph ziggler is a selling matching cause he makes every move high impact and lets be honest..... I don't know how the guy does it sometimes....
On the other side i was watching the rock vs stone cold at WM 17 and the way the rock sells the final stunner always...... Leaves and impression... Ok it just flat out makes me laugh... But the rock was always excellent at selling his opponents offense.... But..

noone can sell like a stunner like the rock...ziggler sells everything

how about the rock v ziggler at WM30 :)
Are we talking about who is the better seller now? If that is the case I have to give it to Dolph. His selling has actually become a spot in every match now (much like Flair and HBK). He could probably sell the finger poke of doom better than Nash. I guess the one thing with Ziggler is that when he does sell some moves he goes overboard to the point where it's just like "ok I get the point." When he and Del Rio had their title match on PPV (Extreme Rules I think) he sold that kick perfectly. He went right down and was completely out and made it look like he truly did sustain a concussion by being knocked out.
The Rock was pretty incredible at selling back in the day though. He oversold some moves (every stunner comes to mind) but it added to his matches. I would say overall he sold better than Ziggler because for the most part Ziggler just jumps around when he sells (not to say that's bad but it does get repetitive).
Nobody in the business sold like Silent Rage Big Andy though. That stunner he got from SCSA after winning Tough Enough was great. It's always a good idea to no sell the moves from a legend in front of the owner of the company during one of their big spots for the year.
I think they both suck. There's a line between selling and over-selling. Dwayne used to cross that line, but he doesn't hold a candle to how badly Ziggler oversells. There are moments where I can't watch a Ziggler match. Not because of the quality of the in ring action, but because Ziggler's over-selling removes the suspension of disbelief to the point that I'm simply not enjoying my escapism.

Professional wrestling lives and breathes on the suspension of disbelief. I don't think that there's a wrestling fan, over the age of 10, that doesn't completely know and understand that wrestling is a staged program. So, why do people watch? They watch because, for those couple hours, they're presented with a world in which those fights are real. Seeing bad over-selling takes me completely out of that mindset.

If you want a great example of selling, watch the Bret Hart/Owen Hart match from Wrestlemania X. As Owen does more and more to Bret's leg, Bret shows the effects, not by going from "perfectly fine" to "Oh, shit! My leg's broken!" He goes to that point in increments, which made the match much easier for people to be drawn into. Sadly, that transfer from "perfectly fine" to "Oh, shit! My (insert body part here) is broken!" has become the standard for selling. It's pathetic.

To be blunt, I think that Kane is a better seller than either Dwayne or Ziggler.
The Rock over sold finishers but what about the rest of the match? Did he really sell the other guys offense at all? He took it for a while then magically recovered and was suddenly back to 100%. Isn't this the knock on Cena? As for Ziggler. Ziggler over sells everything but atleast he's consistent. But I'm going to agree with Caitiff. Kane is a better seller than either of those guys. Unless what you mean to say is "Who flips around the mat the best?".
Ziggler is terrible at selling. He doesn't sell, he takes moves so dramatically that it becomes more about his flexibility and willingness to put his body out there than his opponenent's offense. This is great if you are a small jobber like Evan Bourne but considering the level Ziggler is supposed to be on (upper mid-card to main event) it does nothing to "sell" his opponent's ability.

The Rock was pretty obnoxious in the ring as well at times but his facial expressions were fun.

As far as the best seller I don't know who I would go with. But that's because the best seller in the business is someone you should never notice is really selling, you should just be caught up in their match. Gun to my head I'll go with Andre the Giant, he actually made me believe Hogan could slam him.
If the question was who sells the Stunner best, it would be Rock hands down but if you mean in general, it's Ziggler. I think one day though Ziggler will sell a move so "Big" that selling it will hurt him more then the actual move.
I'm going with Ziggler because he reminds me so much of Curt Hennig and in a good way. The Rock, while fun to watch, just seemed like a wet fish out of water, and his facial expressions were too goofy for me.
Just realized there's a "neither" choice... Interesting because I'm sure guys who sold well but realistically (Arn Anderson, Ricky Steamboat, Bret Hart) could sure as hell argue that neither Rock nor Ziggler sell well at all. Depends what you consider selling.
I have to go with Dolph here, even though Rock oversold the hell out of the Gore. Seriously, he like did a backflip or something when he got hit, it was nuts. But with Dolph, I would love to see him sell an F5. He would probably do a full 360 before hitting the canvas

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