Best Referee Bumps

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That's all folks.
Earl Hebner vs. Triple H

I don't know if you would classify this as a bump but this has to be one of the most infamous ref bumps in the history of the WWE. Chris Jericho somehow got Triple H to put his WWF Championship on the line in a match scheduled to happen later that night. During the match, Triple H get furious at Hebner for failing to count to the three, thus pushing the ref. Earl decides to push back thus, infuriating Triple H causing him to shove Hebner on his ass. Chris Jericho delivers a spin kick and nails the Lionsualt and Earl counts a fast fall and the rest is history. All throughout the year, Triple H and Earl Hebner would go on to produce a solid feud. It seems like Triple H took some great notes from Ric Flair on how to sell a ref shove for comedy purposes.

Chris Jericho vs. Triple H - Hell in a Cell
Around the 7:00 mark

Hell in a Cell with Triple H and Chris Jericho was an underrated great contest in its own right. Referees always knew the risk they took in these dangerous matches. During the match, referee Tim White is trying to call order telling both competitors to get back in the ring. While Triple H and Chris Jericho enter the ring, White is on the apron doing lord knows what, Jericho sprints towards Triple H and Triple H side steps and send him into Tim White. White goes flying off the apron into the Cell in one of the highlights from this match. Referee Tim White would go on to admit this was the reason he never refereed in the WWE again. In the years that followed, Referees were always hesitant to get back in the Cell.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker - Ground Zero '97

My personal favorite. I believe this was the first encounter between The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. Undertaker takes his sweet little time to play mind games on Shawn Michaels. 'Taker reaches the ring and is ready to go, but it's a different story for Shawn. Shawn ducks and hides behind the ref pulling him by his shirt for a good 20-30 seconds. Undertaker punches the ref - "it's gonna be one of those kinds of matches," yells McMahon. Shawn tries to leave but is sent back to the ring only to be met with a flying ref. Undertaker picked up the dead weight of Mike Chioda and threw him onto Shawn Michaels. One of the best/funniest referee bumps I've witnessed. It helped tell the story to the match; Undertaker was going to do whatever he needed to do to get his hands on a very heel Shawn Michaels. A great moment in referee history.

I couldn't really find an exact moment, but Ric Flair always had some great referee altercations. I remember him literally getting pissed, pushing the referee and the ref would poke him or some shit, and Ric would go flying. Lol, Ric was a great seller especially when it came to selling to a ref.

Anyways, what are some of your favorite referee bumps?
One I remember from way back when was at The Main Event in February 1988. Some of you may remember Earl and Dave Hebner arguing after the match (many WWF fans back then didn't know Dave had a twin brother). Hogan grabbed both of them and yelled at them, trying to find out which one shafted him out of the title. Afterwards, one beat up the other and Hogan decided the one doing the beating (presumably Earl) was the fake. He pressed him up over his head and threw him out of the ring onto Ted DiBiase and company.

As soon as I saw this thread, I immediately thought of this ref bump.

Chris Jericho has Rhyno in the Walls of Jericho, Rhyno is tapping but there is no referee to ring the bell. Suddenly, Mike Chioda rushes down the ramp to take over and end the match..... and then WHAMMMMY! Shane McMahon absolutely Chioda with a Monty Brown style pounce to stop Rhyno from losing!! Brutal hit, and very well taken by Chioda, who can sell a move pretty well for a referee!

This was not only a big shot for Chioda to take, but it came absolutely out of the blue as Shane was off camera when he started to run at Chioda, just appearing from nowhere and taking out the ref, and it added to Shane's heel persona as he was helping Rhyno to win after the Man Beast had been tapping to the Walls.
I couldn't find a video but you'll find the bump at 2.50 in this video.


Goldberg just looks like he kills Charles Robinson with the Spear. Has to be one of the best Spears ever.
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