Best Rap/Metal Collaboration


That's all folks.
Fuck Dying
By Ice Cube feat. Korn

Most Rap fans don't normally listen to the opposite genre of music known as metal. Most metal fans do the same. However, if you're like me, you love both types of music. And when worlds collide, I mark out. My favorite Rap/Metal Collaboration as seen above, would go to Ice Cube (one of the most influencial Rap artist ever) and Korn (one of my favorite Metal groups). "Fuck Dying" from Ice Cube's War & Peace prt. 1, has a phenomenal beat. The electric guitars give it a dark, twisted and haunting feel to it that only Korn could bring. In fact, Cube could've not said a word on the whole track, it still would've blew my mind.

Honorable mentions- Ice Cube & Korn: Children of the Korn, Anthrex & Public Enemy- "Bring the Noise"

So I ask you, what are your favorite Rap/Metal Collaborations?

Try to refrain from to much rock, I want metal/rap collaborations. Have at it.

Song: The Way I Am
Artists: Eminem & Marylin Manson

I was a HUGE Eminem fan when I was younger. I'm still a big fan of his to this day, but no musician ever got through to me like Em did when I was in middle school. I got my hands on everything he ever released, and I just had the utmost respect and admiration for him.

Marylin Manson, on the other hand, I could not stand in the least bit. I thought he was a freak, and a crybaby, attention-seeking ****e. I really could not stand the guy.

However, Eminem had such an influence on me, that when I saw Manson in his music video for The Way I Am, I started to cut the guy some slack. And when I heard the official remix of The Way I Am with Manson, I actually ended up liking the remix more than the original.

I'm still not a Marylin Manson fan, nor will I ever be, but I don't loathe him like I used to, and this song has a lot to do with it (as does his interview on the movie Bowling for Columbine, which really made me look at him in a different light).

Another great track I discovered on the Tony Hawks games!

I love this one, the thrash guitaring works well with the rapping over the top. I much prefer this to the Public Enemy original, which isnt usually the case with remixes.

Honorable mentions to

Run DMC/Aerosmith- Walk This Way
Jay-Z/Linkin Park- Numb/Encore
Limp Bizkit/Method Man- N 2gether Now

I am picking the first rap/rock collaboration that I can remember hearing.
Run DMC covered Walk This Way by Aerosmith back in the 80's and it catapulted them into the main stream.

I recall seeing this video get played a lot when I was a kid, and I even remember my parents would listen to it. They weren't the biggest fans of rap music back in the day, but this song was one they would turn up.
Jay-Z/Linkin Park- Numb/Encore.
That track made Jay-Z and Linkin Park look like they were made for each other. Jay had good rhythm and was good on the rapping(his lyrics, the time he rapped etc.).Linkin Park also was good even when Jay was rapping. The lead singer had the good voice for this. He was singing in a good rhythm. This track was one of my favorites.


Song: Rollin'(Remix)

Artists: Limp Bizkit, Method Man, Redman, DMX

I was always a big fan of DMX. He would constantly put out good material, and his albums were always worth listening to. DMX's music had so much power behind it. Method Man and Redman were always two of my favorite rappers. I always enjoyed listening to their music, but I would prefer Method Man over Redman. The guy could really kill any song he touched.

I wasn't a big fan of Limp Bizkit until I heard the Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water album, which features this song by the way. This album featured so many hits. During my middle school days, I would always listen to this album from top to bottom. It was that great.

I always enjoyed the original version of Rollin', but the remix just took this song to another level. DMX, Method Man, and Redman were great additions to this song. Fred Durst always managed to surprise me when it came to rapping. He wasn't the best, but he could be pretty solid every now and then.
The video has already been posted, so I will just state my pick. It would be Anthrax/Public Enemy, Bring the Noise. I've always loved that song and I will still play it a couple times in a row to this day when I'm listening to it.

I remember about the only one I had heard before that was Aerosmith/Run-DMC. I loved the sound of that collaboration better than the original because it had the two different styles of music complimenting each other amazingly.

I couldn't leave without mentioning the Judgment Night soundtrack, which was full of rap/metal collaborations. I didn't care for them all, but I did like Biohazard and Onyx's Judgment Night song, Faith No More and Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E.'s Another Body Murdered, Therapy? and Fatal's Come and Die, and even Mudhoney and Sir-Mix-A-Lot's Freak Momma.

Not really a collaboration, but one of the better metal/rap sounds I've heard over the years is a band called Stuck Mojo. I thought they did a great job of blending the two sounds.

In closing, the best has to go to Anthrax and Public Enemy. It's just hard to find a much better mix of metal and rap with that kind of energy and complimentary sound. Think I'll go listen to it right now. About 20 times.
Hello everyone, We would appreciate if you would check out Digital Doomzday from Canada, this band blends Rap vox with solid metal music and some really cool beats, a little bit of everything for everyone, have a listen to the songs and for a limited time download them for free and help spread the Music of this band. cheerz crank it up!!!/digitaldoomzday

I got that album the day it came out. I think there was me and one other guy in my school who were still Limp Bizkit fans by this point (or we were the only 2 who admitted it!).

I think this song was recorded years before it was actually released, and Snoop Dogg is awesome as always. Ok, you could argue it isnt really metal meets rap, but I think it fits in here just as well as the Limp Bizki- Rollin' that was posted earlier.

Good tune
Has anyone ever heard of a song called "Can't Feel Anything", by Stemm and Paleface? I am trying to locate the mp3 for this song.

Can anyone help?

Thank you.
I'm gonna have to agree with Jay-Z/Linkin Park- Numb/Encore. For me, it's the awesome beat to the song and the vocals of Jay-Z and the lead singer which make this song so good.
''Play me''--by KoRn and Nas

This was on the underrated last PURE KoRn album (By pure, I mean included Head and David) And the track itself had alot of KoRn's elements, great riffs, breakdown with Jon singing softly. The melodic aura that Head/Munky make with they're guitars. Even in the Hook, Nas sings a bit. Friggin underrated album and song.

Busta Rhymes and Ozzy ''This means war''
One of the least mentioned, since its older, and most people on this site are really young. Better than most of the collabs of late.
Rage Against the Machine and Cypress Hill, How I Could Just Kill A Man.

Zach de la Rocha singing w/B-Real and Tom Morello! Need I say more?

Alright here's one nobody would have thought of, from my favorite band we have It's A Lie by Fozzy feat Bonecrusher. I love Y2J, I love the band but with this song I didnt pick it because of that, I legitimatly love the song by itself. I like Bonecrusher's voice because it has a DMX feel to it and ofcourse I love Jericho's. I love the way it's put together, and it's an all around great song that not enough people have heard.

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