Best of Seven Series


Call me "Hadouken." I'm ↓→ fierce.
One of my favorite "feuds" in the history of wrestling (more specifically WCW) was the Best of Seven series between Chris Benoit and Booker T to see who would face Fit Finley for the WCW TV Title.

For me, this series of matches is what really made me start watching both men (I was already kinda hooked on Benoit, this cemented it) and helped push them forward in both their careers.

Who do you think in our modern era could benefit, and more importantly pull off, something like this?
WWE tried a best of 5 series with Booker & Cena. It was four matches too long.

With the way wrestling is now you know you're going to get half a dozen matches between competitors involved in a feud anyway. If you tell them how many matches fans have left, you're just asking for some apathy.
I remember when Booker and Benoit did something similar for the US title. And while I absolutely loved Benoit 7 was simply too much. Like people can keep facing each other in the course of a feud, but that many in a row just got stale. I was happy it was finally over despite Benoit losing since it meant he can finally move on to face other people.

Anyway best 2 out 3 seems to work fine. Short enough to keep people's attention, makes both men look good from going 1 win a piece and gets you the same net result of a best out of 5/7 without making people totally sick of the men involved.
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan could pull off the Best of Seven and make it feel like the NBA Finals.

The problem with Best of Seven, is it gets a little boring after the 2nd or 3rd match. They would need to innovate it, by having the loser of the last match the choice of stipulation of the next match or having it already laid out before the 1st match even starts similar to the NBA Finals scheduling, but the 1st of 7 being a normal One on One match.

#1 - One on One
#2 - No Holds Bared
#3 - Falls Count Anywhere
#4 - Tables Match
#5 - Cage Match
#6 - Submission Match
#7 - Last Man Standing

Obviously the style of match can be changed, and done on a Raw or Smackdown with Match 7/7 being done on a PPV.
I was also a big fan of that Best of 7 series. Booker and Benoit's styles complemented each other so well, and they were both versatile enough in the ring to make it work. I have no doubt that Punk and Bryan could pull it off and that each match would be different and compelling, but I think the idea would be better suited to elevate two guys who could use it, much like it did with Booker and Benoit. My vote would be for Antonio Cesaro and Tyson Kidd.
In TNA, I think guys like Angle and Roode, or Aries and Styles, could have a nice best of seven series with one another. In the WWE, the only one I'd really have interest in seeing is Punk versus Bryan right now (or even Punk versus Jericho, but Jericho will never be a full-time wrestler again). I think these pairings would produce some of the best series of matches ever seen within the past few years.
Best of 7 series is a bit to long but I like best of 5 series. TNA did a best of 5 series between Motor city machine guns & beer money for the tag team titles. What kept the matches interesting was that each had a stipulation:

1- ladder
2- street fight
3- steel cage
4- ultimate X
5- 2 out of 3 Falls.

Each match brought something different and was entertaining.

In current times, randy orton vs Daniel Bryan in a best of 5 series would've been great, if they done it leading into hell in a cell. hell in a cell match would've of been the 5th match and battleground match could've been the 1st with each raw main event in between being a special match: ladder, steel cage, street fight etc.
On an indie level Adam Pearce and Colt Cabana had a good concept with the Seven Levels Of Hate where different matches had different stipulations like people mentioned above and on top of that they took the feud into different promotions and the whole thing revolved around the NWA championship until new ownership came in and screwed that part up.

It was still an interesting concept though and it also picked up on a feud that was pretty hot not too long before.
In order to make a best of seven series to feel like a major deal, then I think a couple of things will be absolutely necessary for it to have a maximum level of impact.

1. The Wrestlers - In my opinion, the company needs to have its most over wrestlers wrestling in the series if they want the best chance of it getting over. Whether they're both babyfaces, whether one's a tweener, whether it's face vs. heel or even heel vs. heel featuring someone that fans will want to cheer for over the other; they have to be extremely over and booked to look very strong in the weeks or months leading up to the beginning of the series. During the ongoing build for the series, little things can also be done to make it feel special. For instance, some video packages that's set to look casual with wrestlers being "themselves" and giving their opinion on who'll win. Maybe do something similar in which footage is shown of fans who've been asked the question and video packages on the wrestlers themselves in some of their biggest moments. For instance, in WWE right now, some possible matches that the company might be able to really sell in such a series would be John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan, John Cena vs. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk or possibly using any of these three in a best of seven series against Brock Lesnar.

2. Match Quality - Once the wrestlers are in place, then the next big step is for these guys to really tear it up in the ring. As with the right wrestlers, match quality is essential. I'm not saying that they absolutely, flat out have to maim each other, but each match has to be a great outing that makes people want to see the next one just as much, if not more. Again, I think if a company wants a best of seven series to feel like an important happening, then the matches have got to be top notch with things getting more heated between the opponents as things go on. This is only my opinion, but I'd probably book it something along the lines of: Wrestler A & Wrestler B each win a standard 1 on 1, but highly competitive match cleanly. The next two matches are scheduled to also be standard 1 on 1 fair, but both end on a double disqualification as it breaks down into a wild brawl between them. This happens as due to mounting frustration, egos starting to get jacked up, professional pride, etc. The series would then be tied at 1 & 1, so the final 3 matches of the series would be some sort of specialty match. Wrestler A could win a street fight, for example, while Wrestler B wins a last man standing match. Both wins are clean and both highly competitive matches. It ties them up at 2 wins each, 2 DQs each and 1 match left, so the last match needs to be something special, maybe even combining some aspects of different gimmick matches; maybe something along the lines of an Iron Man Hell In A Cell match where the winner can only claim falls via pin or submission.

In reality, putting on a best of seven series isn't exactly something that'd take a whole lot of effort. However, it's not supposed to "feel" like it's something that's just a kinda sorta big deal. It should be something of a spectacle and there's no such thing as too much hype. If wrestling companies put half as much hype into pushing their ppvs as WWE has put into hyping the WWE App for the past 4 months, then maybe more shows wouldn't feel like they're "B shows."
I really enjoyed the best of 5 series between MCMG and Beer Money, it kept me interested with the different match stipulations and I thought that 5 matches was the perfect amount.
I believe that 7 matches for any superstar/s is too much in 7 one on one matches if there's no special stipulations in any of them.
I am not really fan of a best-of-seven series. It is just too long for me, and you know it is going to end up 3-3 taking us into a deciding match. If you need to have a series, I think 5 should be the maximum, and the matches should all be gimmick matches, other than the initial 1st match.

However, it also has to be between 2 wrestlers that you want to see fight repeatedly over a few weeks, so looking at the current WWE roster there are only a couple I would want to see in a a "Best-Of" series.

CM Punk v Daniel Bryan would be an absolute showstealer. These 2 men know each other inside out and could create a series of fantastic matches, especially with stipulations such as a "Submission" match, or a "Cage" match, with the final deciding match being a "Ladder" match, with the WWE title suspended above the ring. A fitting end to what would be an unbelievable series of matches.
Guess I'll be the one to buck the trend then.

If a company is going to utilize the 'best off 5/7' model, then they should have it for one of the lower belts (like the Tag, TV and US belts in examples mentioned). By doing that they provide something that the WWe is failing to do presently, a real reason for us to care about midcard guys facing each other. Given the longer format, it does have to be guys who can provide something different each time so Ambrose, Rollins, Ziggler, Kingston, Cesaro, Christian, Gabriel and Kidd are names that could provide a gripping series and go a distance to returning some degree of prestige to the likes of the US and IC belts.

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