Best Of ECW


Damn it feels good to be a Taylor!!
When people talk about ECW they always seem to talk about the personality of the wrestlers or how personal the feuds were. I want to talk about the actual wrestling aspect of it for a minute. Most WWE purists wont admit it but ECW put on some damn fine contests I want to know which one is your favorite and what makes it so great to you.

Mine would have to be Chris Benoit vs Al Snow from around 1995 these guys went out and put on a 15 minute classic in what might be the best match that no one has ever seen.

Another close one would have to be Raven and Stevie Richards vs The pitbulls in a double dog collar match it was just epic all around. go check both of them out and share some of your favorites in here.
Fatal 4 way for TV Title...Jericho, Pitbull 2, Scorpio, and Shane Douglas. Unbelievable match, seemed 45 minutes's featured on ECWs most violent matches but its not that violent its just an excellent match all around. WWE needs to put out more ECW DVDs....we've been showered with 80s WCW and AWA etc. they should make a 4 disc all around Best Of ECW....I enjoy their matches now, and appreciate them more being older and understanding storytelling and good matches.
WWE are currently doing the final touches to The Best of ECW 3 disc DVD set, 25 in full duration matches from ECW from 1994-2001. Im looking forwards to it. I wasnt overly huge on ECW, WWE and WCW at the time were smokin and I couldbnt find the time for three companies, but I have many ECW dvds that WWE Have released and found Guerrero vs Malenko in I believe Guerrerros last ECW match to be a classic.
Sounds like an awesome set. Guerrero vs Malenko 2 out of 3 falls is the best match in ECW history in my opinion. One of my favorite matches of all time, ECW or otherwise.

I doubt they will put that match on the DVD. All they ever put out for ECW is the bloody and violent ones. A proper ECW set should have Malenko vs Guerrero, and few of the other classics that weren't bloodbath table breaking festivals.

I agree with the op about the Benoit vs Snow match. I'll add a few others that were underrated.Chris Jericho vs Mikey Whipreck was a great match. Shane Douglas vs Marty Janety was a solid match. Rob Van Dam vs Bam Bam Bigelow from House Party 98 has always been one of my favorites as well.

Van Dam vs Doug Furnas was an awesome stiff match, but I cant remember when it took place.

The Mike Awesome vs Masato Tanaka series is nothing short of epic. Each of their matches are among the best in ECW history. They should put all of them on the DVD. Their match from Heatwave 98 is my personal favorite of theirs.

And, how could I foget the greatest squash match of all time: Joel Hartgood & El Puerto Ricano' vs The Eliminators!!! I miss jobbers.

I got lots of favorites. I could go on and on all day.
Lance Storm vs Chris Candido from As Good As It Gets 97 was an amazing underrated classic as well. How could I foget that one.

I have to say that the As Good As It Gets show is one of my all time favorite ECW events from start to finish. Highly recomended.
ANY Guerrero vs Malenko battle would qualify for Best of ECW!!

I remember sitting on my couch in awe after seeing their first battle,
30 time limit draw!!
Wanting more!!

I think RF video has a VHS of their battles,Which I burned to disc,they might have it on DVD by now!!
I can't remember what ppv view it was from but the last Shane Douglas/ Al Snow match was phenomenal to me. I was a little new on Al Snow, and man did he have the crowd behind him. I think a lot of that had to do with the fans wanting to see Shane finally go down. Shane is one of my all time underrated heels, and Al snow really gave him a run for his money in this match. Shane kept the title in the end but it was an exciting match that going in I did not think would deliver.
I remember having two old ECW videos with some classic matches on them, the one match that always stood out for me though was Tajiri v Super Crazy, I have no idea where and when it took place but it was an amazing cruiser match, i remember they matched each other move for move for what seemed like forever and then just stopped and looked at the crowd and the whole place erupted. Gutted i threw those old videos out, would love to give that match another look over now, Im pretty sure the match couldnt actually be as good as I remember it to be because Im sure everyone else would have mentioned it by now if it really were as phenomenal as my memory tells me it was!
Super Crazy vs Tajiri was indeed another excellent ECW series. They had several matches starting in 99 through 2000, and each of them was excellent. I don't remember ever seeing them have a bad match, and I remember them tieing up probobly a dozen times.
Actually Broski_of_the_week, you do have a good memory. I was a huge fan of the original ECW and I remember that match. It was amazing! To be honest though, we may be referring to two different matches. They faced each other more than once, at a pay per view even (which is the match I am referencing) and they were all classics.
With that said, lets not forget other matches involving Little Guido and Mickey Whipwreck as well. Together with Tajiri and Super Crazy they put on some of the best matches ever.
On another note, The Eliminators (Saturn and Kronus) had classic matches with the team of Rob Van Dam and Sabu. Some of them were even Tables & Ladders matches. Utterly amazing! I know one great match of theirs was the 1996, November to Remember. Good luck finding it though!
To end, all of the ECW Rob Van Damn vs Jerry Lynn matches are worth mentioning. Those two together were like Flair vs Steamboat, nuff said!
Another set I forgot to mention was the Eliminators vs RVD and Sabu. Anytime these two teams got together they put on a great match. my favorite would have to be there ladder match look it up, It was so far ahead of its tie its unreal.

Rey Misterio and Juventud had a classic 2 out of 3 falls match as well its on youtube and well worth your time
Chris Candio and Lance Storm at Heatwave (sorry can't remember the year) is also a great match. Taz vs Sabu November to Remember was epic and lived upto its year long build up (not so sure Cena/Rock will live upto the hype of there year long build up). Benoit and Al Snow has already been mentioned. Steve Corino vs Jerry Lynn always put on great matches.

The thing is, ECW put on so many great matches that it's really hard for me to pin one down as a favorite of mine.
Too many to mention, but here is my list of the top of my head.

1. RVD vs Sabu (stretcher match)
2. Taz vs. Shane Douglas (the rematch after Taz had won the world belt).
3. RVD vs. Jerry Lynn (Guilty as Charged 98)
4. RVD & Lance Storm vs. Sabu & Candido (Dream partner match)
5. Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka (Heatwave 98)

Number 1, and 2 were great matches. The stretcher match was awesome, and Taz vs Shane Douglas at House Party 99(like a week after their match at Guilty As Charged PPV when Taz won the belt) was a much better match than the one they did for the PPV. My favorite part was when they took out the RF Video booth, knocking all of those VHS tapes over. I remember actually ordering a few of those same tapes(just a blank RCA VHS with 4 episodes of Hardcore TV on it lol).

As for your number 3, there wasn't a Guilty as Charged in 98. Perhaps you are thinking of one of their matches from the spring of 99? I prefer their match at Living Dangerously over the one at Hardcore Heaven that gets all the praise. Both were great, but I like the one from LD. I can still remember some of the buzz in the industry after that match. Even the haters were giving that one props back in the day. RVD vs Jerry Lynn generated a lot of buzz for the ECW that spring.
People are forgetting Born To Be Wired!!! Terry Funk Vs Sabu was an epic ECW match and an ECW match that Paul Heyman stated he would never ever put on another match like it again because of how violent it turned out to be. I remember watching that match in amazement and was probably one of the top 3 matches of all time I have ever witnessed, along with the always epic Joey Styles calling it.
Lance Storm vs Jerry Lynn at Anarchy Rulz 99 was another excellent clean wrestling match. I've read that it is among Storm's personal favorite from his entire career.

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