ECW Wrestlers getting the Axe?

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Matt Striker and Hardcore Holly, who both appeared on Monday's ECW house show and Tuesday's TV taping, are scheduled to be full time members of the ECW roster from now on. The WWE is doing this so that they can phase out, and possibly even release a few of the original ECW wrestlers that they see very little in.

The people in question of being removed from the roster are individuals who have been used sparingly on television thus far. The ECW talent currently on the bubble are Christopher W. Anderson, Francine, Tony Mamaluke, Jazz, Al Snow and Steven Richards. Although, both Al Snow and Stevie Richards will probably be offered office jobs.

As reported earlier, the person most likely to be released is Francine. Its really telling about Francine's ECW status in that they chose to import Torrie Wilson from RAW rather than use her on television for last night's bikini contest, especially considering that Francine is a regular on the bikini contests held at house shows.
argh Why delete the whole god dam decent roster and bring in Hardcore Holly who IMO doesnt deserve to be in ECW
i hope this is bullshit because i really like al snow and richards
Don't forget it's WWECW & Vince don't really care about ECW he never did
Stevie Richards Is awesome, its just a shame that theyve never used him properly... the only time he got a decent push was in right to censor, and they were a brilliant heel group....another fine example of the wwe holding great talent back.
If this happens, it's just a fucking shame, these guys are more talented then most guys on the WWE roster, hopefully they don't get realesed.
This is complete BULLSHIT! Like somebody said in another thread, they are making ECW the new Velocity. Holly is pushing it, but Dupree & Striker in ECW is a fuckin joke. Now they are even releasing the ECW regulars, the guys from ECW that should now be in ECW. I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but now I see that WWE is just driving a nail into the ECW coffin. Just let it go now before it gets any fuckin worse. Damn!
I think there just gonna use WWE talent on ECW besides for the ones that are over with the crowd.... Hardcore, Striker, Dupree are all a joke... They shouldnt even have jobs as wresstlers...
Its fucked up that they sign 3 girls from the diva search but are considering axing guys like mamaluke, Richards, & CW.
And the three girls are nasty... They should ssign J.T.... And Mamuluke would be a good addition to the CW Div. on SD!... I really dont care bout Richards... But I like CW also... They just dont have enough time for all these wrestlers...
JT was a piece of ass no doubt...but she talked like she had marbles in her mouth...not that I care what she says anyway but...

Mamaluke takes some of the craziest bumps i have ever old ECW...WCW and TNA...the dude just goes all out, theres gotta be a slot for him somewhere over alot of these fuckin schmos.
I agree... Hardcore Holly should just give it up... He doesnt belong on ECW... Mamuluke is a lot better then Holly could ever be... Like I said the WWE is just tryna use their scrubs on the ECW show... Which I think is bull...
remember this is simply a rumor nothing more until they are released
.Fallout. said:
Don't forget it's WWECW & Vince don't really care about ECW he never did
We'll never know the full truth on what Vince McMahon really thinks of ECW. Just watch the The Rise and Fall of ECW and you can see what I'm talking about. It was a good reference for new ECW fans, but any fan that has followed ECW from the beginning until its death knows they missed and left out many things that should of been included.

Vince McMahon was smart enough to do some what of a decent pay per view being the first ECW One Night Stand, which is by far the best thing that has been put out when it comes to WWE putting ECW on pay per views or on TV. I agree that the Raw/Smackdown wrestlers and Eric Bischoff shouldn't of been on the ECW pay per view considering it was the first ECW pay per view in years, but Paul Heyman said some pretty funny things even though it still would of been better not to see them at all.

I think if there is enough pressure put on him he'll do something half decent again related to the original ECW, but currently it doesn't look like it. I've heard Michael Hayes, Stephanie McMahon, and a few others aren't too fond of Paul Heyman or ECW, but that's only rumors and isn't 100% confirmed, so that could also be a reason behind why Vince is like he is.

Something major has to be done if we want to see some what of the original ECW product. I used "some what of the original ECW product", because we'll never see the original ECW as it once was, whether Vince McMahon's owns it or Vince McMahon sold it to Paul Heyman today, it still wouldn't bring the same feeling and emotion that the ECW product once did. It would be great to see the new ECW based more off the original ECW, but ECW at its beginning and death was a one time thing, that no one can bring back or replace.

I'm all for keeping the ECW legacy alive, by basing the new ECW product off the original ECW product, so the fans that couldn't see ECW that often or even new fans can have future memories to cherish of ECW like fans got to cherish all the memories of the original ECW that we loved.

But we all have to make an impact some way, if we want to see a change and have the new ECW based off the original ECW.
Matt Stryker would have been in ECW if they were still around...on the indy circuit he was over with the smarks and was big in Phillys 3PW...

But the teacher gimmick sucks.

Anyway I have offically turned my back on ECW. I will not watch anymore...I will stick to the two wrestling show that are still at least watchable...RAW and TNA Impact.\\

aND I don't trust any DVD made by WWE to be bias against McMahon. The Rise and Fall was a WWE dvd...

Like the Monday Night Wars DVD was so pro-WWE.
C.W. Anderson (I've always liked him but I think he's a bit bland and does'nt really stand out)

Jazz (They released her 18 months ago because they had no use for her. I dont get why WWE is re-hiring all this talent that were surplus when they released them ie Test, Jimmy Yang, Shannon Moore etc.)

Tony Mamaluke (I would love to see him in the C.W. division but I think both he and Nunzio are'nt going to last long)

Francine (She still looks good but compaired to the rest of the WWE Divas she looks a bit low rent, I can't imagine her in a Divas magazine)

Al Snow & Stevie Richards ( I think thes two both have a job for life so I dont think they need to worry about being released)

Balls Mahoney ( I'm really not sure what will happen to him as he's been used a lot more than the other old E.C.W guys. The same with Justin Credible)

Danny Doring (He's a glorified jobber if anyone gets released it will be him)

Personally I dont think there will be any releases until after December To Dismember
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