Best Matches of 2006 in TNA and WWE which is your favourite?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok guys back in 2006 WWE was its first year of the SuperCena (this is not a bash Cena thread I enjoyed his first run as Champ) but anyway 2006 did have some great matches in both TNA and WWE and ive made a shortlist of what thought was the top matches with great build up be free to add your own if i havent mentioned one.

TNA Genesis Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe
wow the bulid up to this match Awesome the undefeated Samoa Joe(when his gimmick was badas) vs Kurt Angle the best wrestler of this generation and the head butt on Kurt debut was awesome I jumped off my seat when I saw it.

Wrestlemania 22 Triple H vs John Cena
the crowd was really into this match and it was built up to the point were you thought Cena was goin to loose.

One Night Stand 2006 RVD vs John Cena
no point to go into this because weve all seen it and loved it.

TNA BFG 8 mile street fight Rhino vs Christan Cage
I know its a wild card pick but I really enjoyed this match and build up was great just wish WWE would let Christan big a big player on smackdown like he was in TNA.

Wrestlemania 22 Hardcore Match Edge vs Mick Foley
great build Foley wanted his WM moment and Edge was for revenage go hardcore action and the flaming table will live on forever as the most hardcore moment in Wrestlemania History.

BFG Sting vs Jeff Jarratt
Sting took time off to get back into shape and he really showed why he is the ICON plus with Angle and Samoa Joe try to kick each others ass at the start add to the drama

Unforgiven TLC Edge vs John Cena
Cena really showed us this year that he could be hardcore from his feud with RVD and Sabu then to this match Edge really worked hard in this match to make it great well worth money paid to watch it live.

No Way Out Kurt Angle vs Undertaker
proberly one of undertakers best matches not the best but would of rather seen it at Wrestlemania

I couldnt think of anymore but please do add to the list but for me the best match of the year was kurt angle vs samoa joe I just loved the build up and the whole feud TNA have really fucked up by droping the ball with samoa joe
My favorite would definitely be between Angle-Taker and the tag team ladder match at Armageddon. That ladder match was insane and we seen some spots we had never seen before. I've never been a big TNA fan so I can't say I've watched any of those matches.
Edge vs. Mick Foley will always stand out for me. Talk about WrestleMania If Edge wasn't popular enough, this match launched him to new heights. Was it the best "wrestling" match of the year? Of course not. I guess I am just a sucker for those stand-out moments.
Edge vs Cena - Edge cashing in the first ever MITB briefcase- loved the idea. Hated Mr. McMahon coming out and drawing out the suprise. Edge had the perfect reactions for the entire 2 minute match. Frustration / Anger / Elation !

Taker vs Angle- solid storytelling

WM 22 - i actually prefer the HBK vs vince match over Edge and Foley. The hardcore match didnt seem very organic to me. I didn't really feel any emotion out of it, personally.

Finley vs Benoit- solid match, both worked very stiff.

RVD vs Cena - One Night Stand- crazy environment... they were bored of Cena 6 years ago and nothing has changed !

Trish vs Lita - Unforgiven- Amazing crowd reactions, throughout. Brilliant ending to the match and a career !
Hard for me to pick one moment so I'll choose two.

RVD/Cena at One Night Stand. "If Cena wins we riot" is still etched in my brain and will likely never go away.

RVD/Cena is likely the choice for me but I'm torn between this match and Foley/Edge. Foley/Edge at WM22 really put Edge on the map in terms of "main event". Much like "If Cena wins we riot", Foley crashing through the flaming table will always stick with me.
I particularly liked the series of matches between Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle. Both guys were great at that point in their careers and TNA actually did a solid job of booking it. As for other TNA matches, I enjoyed the "8 mile street fight" between Rhino & Christian Cage. Christian had one badass heel run in TNA and that match highlighted why he was so great.

As for WWE, I loved the Edge/Foley match. The image of Foley being speared through a flaming table is one of those unforgettable OMG moments. Also, the RVD/Cena match from One Night Stand was great. "If Cena wins, we riot". It'd have been interesting to see riot control on that one :)
For WWE it's either Edge/Foley or RVD/Cena. The crowd was amazingly hot for RVD/Cena, you could feel they were serious that if Cena won, they'd riot! It was such an emotional match, and RVD, who'd been in the company since 2001 finally won the big one. (Too bad he had to fuck it up)

Foley vs Edge was just great. Simply a great match. That spear off the apron through the flaming table will always be a moment I remember. It was huge, and I believe this is what really launched Edge to the superstar he was when he retired.

For TNA it has to be Joe vs Kurt. I believe this is the hottest feud TNA has ever had. It had great segments, great wrestling, all of it was just great. It was the young up and comer who was destined for greatness vs the seasoned veteran who was already great. It all just worked.
Kurt Angle vs Undertaker - No Way Out 2006 : This match was for the World Heavyweight Championship. Kurt Angle and Undertaker both gave it their all in this match with Kurt Angle retaining the title. A 5 Star match in my opinion.

Edge vs Mick Foley - Wrestlemania 22 : This match was everything a Hardcore match should be. Edge spearing Mick Foley onto the burning table was a great OMG moment.
As a gigantic Edge fanboy, the entire Edge/John Cena rivalry is etched in my mind forever. Even though DemonToSome said that the match between Foley and Edge is what shouted "MAIN EVENT" for Edge with Spearing Foley through the flaming table, (which was a huge thing that catapulted Edge too), but I still feel that Edge's feud with Cena was what really leaped him into being one of the top stars in the WWE for years.

And unlike Cena's endless feud with Orton, the feud with Edge seemed to be new and fresh every single time they stepped inside the ring. Damn near every single match was almost a personal 10/10 for me.

And who could forget when Edge came out with his "Rated-R" Spinner for the WWE Championship!?! I can't remember if Edge threw Cena's WWE Spinner in Long Island, or if Cena threw Edge's Rate-R Spinner in the Long Island, but either way, that is one moment that will always stick out for me.
You guys have great choices, i agree with asslber about the Cena/Edge feud, they had some memorable matches and each match between them was better than the previous one, but for me in 2006, were two actually, the first one i don't know if you can call it a match, but let's say it was shocking, unexpected and what started the Edge/Cena feud, it was in New Year's Revolution ( i'm not sure if i got the ppv name right) When Cena won the Elimination Chamber, and everyone tought that the show was over, and then all of a sudden Edge decided to cash in the briefcase and won the title, it was a definite holy s**t moment, and after that everyone copied Edge, but he was the innovator, and another one was Rey Mysterio winning the Royal Rumble as the number 2 entry, it was another shocker, at the end no one could even think that he would eliminate Triple H, and after reciving the beating that Trip gave him everyone thought that it was overe for him, and then out of nowere he eliminated Randy Orton, for me that was great........
Foley vs Edge match at Wrestlemania 22 is my favortie. Foley can bring alot out of a young guy and push them to a bigger stage. Mick Foley helped Edge to become a main event star, just like he did with HHH with those two classic matches at Royal Rumble and No Way Out in 2000. But that WM 22 match was exciting and you can't wait to see what they are going to do next. Big moment that will live on is where Edge spear Foley through the burning table. Underrated classic.
Edge/Foley is the one that really stands out for me. It gave Edge the last little rub he needed in showing that he could go head to head and defeat a hardcore legend in that type of match. Was a great hardcore match and a great Mania moment.

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