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Best Lethal Weapon Film?


That's all folks.

Lethal Weapon
Starring Danny Glover and Mel Gibson

Lethal Weapon

The original buddy cop film. This movie is so influencial and greatly entertaining. Many regard the fight scene between Gary Busey and Mel Gibson as one of films grrat fight scenes. This is where the fun ride begins. Homicide detective Roger Murtaugh is partnered with a young and suicidal Martian Riggs and together they look to take down a heroin smuggling scheme lead by retired general and his lead enforcer, Gary Busey.

Lethal Weapon 2

Diplomatic immunity. Here, we finally met Leo. The beloved character played by Joe Pesci. During a car chase, Riggs and Murtaugh stumble on a trunk full of South African refugees and become involved with the case. The bad guys have Diplomatic Immunity so there is no arresting these guys, Riggs and Murtaugh take the law in their own hands.

Lethal Weapon 3

"I'm too old for this shit." No real villian for Riggs to feud with here but still a great movie. Murtaugh is three days from retiriement and him and his partner stumble upon a stolen armored car. They soon find themselves in the middle of an Internal Affairs investigation (investigation lead by Renee Russo's character) involving an AWOL cop who is selling impounded weapons on the black market. Murtaugh kills a teenager. Murtaugh searches down the man who sold the young teenager the gun and causes him to rethink his retirement.

Lethal Weapon 4

Jet Li vs. Mel Gibson. Here Riggs and Murtaugh investigate a Chinese immigrant smuggling ring with detective Lee Butters (Chris Rock). Riggs and Murtaugh begin to feel their old age and Murtaugh's daughter is pregant as is Riggs' girlfriend (Renee Russo's character). They slay an assload of immigrants and take down the leader. Great fight scene between Jet Li and Mel Gibson at the end.

So WrestleZone, I ask you, which Lethal Weapon film was the best?
me and my friend discussed this the other day actually. im not too high on mr. gibson, so i suppose i went against the grain and said my fav was number 4.

it added jet li (who kicked a lot of ass in this one,very good), a good story, less mel gibson (crazy cop anyways) and chris rock. rock didnt take it over but he added enough of it to make it the easiest one to watch. danny glover is great in all of them and he doesnt get any complaints from me.

so 4 is my fav!!!
Lethal Weapon 4 is the best one...
Chris Rock add was incredible, he is very funny and gave us something to talk about new, and not just the typical cop movie...

Also we have Jet Li kicking everyone's ass.. It is a good movie, and a good saga...


AHAHA Chris Rock is the best thing in Lethal Weapon!! XD
I'm going to go with what I thought would be everyone's least favorite and pick Lethal Weapon 4. I haven't seen the others as much as I've seen this one so that may sway my vote dramatically. Plus the "cell phones" conversation Joe Pesci and Chris Rock have is f*cking hilarious. It was also interesting to watch two "blunt force" type fighters take on Jet Li.
This is a struggle for me, I'm not a massive fan of 3 and 4 (although I do love the dentist laughing gas scene in 4) because they really do cut 'Mad' Riggs' balls off and the whole thing that made the first two was his psychotic edge.

Lethal Weapon has a major blackness running through it, from the girl jumping from the high rise early on to Riggs' suicidal moments to the MMA inspired Mr Joshua/ Riggs beat down at the end (which is far more realistic than the more stylised Jet Li scuffles in 4). Like all Shane Black scripts it also incorporates a great deal of humour, trying to buy the drugs and dealing with the jumper being the first to spring to mind and is a great example of the buddy movie dynamic.

Lethal Weapon 2 sees Martin less suicidal but still reckless and the introduction of Joe Pesci as the hyper Leo creates many laughs. However, it still has that dark edge to it that made the original a great Action/ THRILLER. You really feel for Martin when he finally finds someone to replace the wife he has been mourning since prior to the original only to have her murdered by the same man it transpires made him a widower the first time round.

If really forced into a corner... "OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK..." I'd probably just give 2 the edge for it's comedic edge... "We're back, we're bad! You're black, I'm mad!" Oh, yeah... a never better looking Patsy Kensit doesn't hurt either (sorry Rene);)
Both the original and part two are about the same in my boat but i'd have to give the edge to the original. The hilarious sequence with the jumper, the good beat down in the front yard of Murtaugh's house, the torture sequence and following shootout in the disco. The original Lethal Weapon has basically everything you could ever want in an action film. Mel Gibson and Danny Glover are both excellent in their characters and the supporting cast is good as well. Especially Gary Busey. The best scene from the movie would have to be Gibson's suicide scene. The emotional effect Gibson gives you is astounding. Not only does this set up the rest of the movie, but te rest of the series as well. Gibson's character made the damn series what it was. Original is my pick for first with the second running in at second.

The only edge I would give the second over the first would be Joe Pesci's character. Leo could've damn well been an annoying little cunt, but Joe Pesci is such a good actor and I loved that his character's on screen appearance wasn't over done.

Original > Second, Third, Forth. Lulz.

EDIT - What the motherfuck is this I hear about a fucking Reboot? Shit pisses me off just thinking about it.
Oh I cant decide on this one!

I am a big fan of the Lethal Weapon series, especially 2 3 and 4

I prefer Leo in Number 2, Chris Rock makes number 4 what it is and the scene in number 3 where Murtaugh kills the teenager in a shoot out is brilliant. However, if I had to choose I would go for number 2.

I love the whole "Diplomatic Immunity!" storyline, and its awesome when Murtaugh says he wants to go to South Africa and the guy on the desk is like "But....but....your black?!", and also when the guy with the combover is killed at the end after waving his diplomatic immunity in the cops faces..."Its just been revoked!"

Great films. They get less serious and more comedy based as they go on but all four are really good.
Lethal Weapon

The one that started it all. Gary Busey is bad ass in this and is one of the best cop-flick villains I can recall. I mentioned in the Zonies the other day that it was unique in that it was one of the first films to realistically employ Mixed-Martial Arts in a major fight scene. Gibson and Glover were the ultimate polar opposites and somehow, because of how real their emotions were, they didn't come off as stereotypes. One scene that gets lost in the shuffle is when Gibson takes the shotgun blast and goes through the window. Cool as that is, people often gloss over the importance of Murtaugh finding that Gibson was wearing his bulletproof vest - the first think Gibson did all film that wasn't reckless and the first sign that he no longer "didn't care" if he lived or died.

Lethal Weapon 2

This was the funniest and possibly most entertaining of the series. Gibson, though still off the wall, was stable. He cared about both himself and about Murtaugh and his charm really got to shine in his interatcions with the pretty blonde girl. The chase scene at the start was both intense AND hilarious between Capt. Murphy trying to hear the chase on the radio with the other cops placing bets on who made the arrest. Gibson hanging from the speeding car and telling the bad guys "Please show me your license and proof of insurance..." was perfect. Above all, though, the cool way that Peter (the South African 2nd in command) reveals to Gibson that he was the one who'd killed Gibson's wife (setting everything in motion to begin with) was chilling. You already cared about Gibson - now you legitimately hated this villain. I still can't get over Hans the Hockey Shop guy as a cop killer.

Lethal Weapon 3

Somehow, this one felt the most realistic. The villain wasn't too far-fetched; a former cop using his connections to run weapons to gangs to support his real estate empire and the introduction of "cop-killers." In essence, the bullets were the real villain of the film, even more than Jack Travis. The clincher for this film was Renee Russo. She was SO bad ass, and played her role brilliantly. She managed to be hot and tough but not feel forced or mis-cast. She was the perfect woman for Gibson's character. I felt that Leo's character went a little over the top, but I guess that's why he's there. The scene on the boat when a drunken Glover breaks down about killing the teenager and the fact that its Gibson of all people pulling him out of it was the most powerful scene in all 4 films.

Lethal Weapon 4

The most action packed of all 4 films. I liked how it introduced a popular new villain - the Triads - into the roles the way Rush Hour would do and countless others continue to do now. The Triads are to today's films what the Russians were to James Bond. Jet Li was magnificent in his role, but dammit it all if I don't want more Uncle Benny! Lethal Weapon's greatest skill was the creation of colorful and engaging supporting characters, and as forced and farcical as it was, the scene in the dentist office remains a favorite of mine from any film.

I change my favorite film each week, honestly, because all 4 are solid gold. Right now, however, I rank them #2, #3, #1, #4. Part two had the best villains in the South Africans and the real frustrating aspect of hiding behind diplomatic credentials, the moment when Gibson learns who killed his wife, the arrival of Joe Pesci as Leo Getz, the iconic bathroom scene, and some really entertaining dialouge. Part 4 finishes last simply because it tired too hard at times - the armor-clad pyro at the start of the film was out of place and there just to make things blow up, and the use of humor sometimes went overboard and was less genuine than in prior films, but I can't complain.
I have to pick the original one.As far as i'm concerned, this is THE buddy cop experience and debatably the greatest action movie ever made. Not only does it deliver on endlessly cool sequences and suspense, but it has some of the best character development ever put into the genre. Riggs and Murtaugh are the best, their chemistry together is unmatched and they always manage to take down the bad guys. Mel Gibson is truly a force to be reckoned with, his intensity is off the charts. The story itself is so much fun in terms of the relationship, but the murder mystery/villain aspect is extremely serious and makes the feel of the movie powerful. I'm sure there's some people out there who don't get this type of movie, but they're missing out big time. This is the definition of a fun movie. Richard Donner makes this such a great looking movie; at not one point does this feel like a second rate action movie.
I would say the 2nd 1 with the bomb on the toilet is my favourite although I do love them all. Its mainly the part with the bomb on the toilet that makes it so damm good
Between last night, today, and this evening, I have watched all four. What a coincidence.

As a child, Lethal Weapon 3 was my favorite. Why? Constantly on HBO. All of the time.

But today, I'm going with Lethal Weapon. That and the sequel are very close. I choose the first entry because I think the characters were more interesting. The contrast was greater, more on display. Gibson was more of a loose cannon, and Glover was more of an old man.

Both are great action films, easily the two best installments in the franchise. But, like most film franchises, I'm going with the original.
What the fuck is wrong with most of you? Lethal Weapon 4? That pile of shit? Where former badass Renee Russo is a nobody, Riggs can't beat anyone up without assistance, Murtaugh's wife is a best-selling author and nobody knows about it...really guys? That movie is terrible. Even Joe Pesci's character is something to shake your head in disappointment about.

The only true answers here are #1 and #2. And if it wasn't for Joe Pesci, it would only be #1. The first Lethal Weapon is easily the best. First of all, Riggs wasn't a big pussy. He was truly a "lethal weapon", a crack shot, a martial artist, and an all-around bad ass. Second of all, the lack of chemistry between the two characters was perfectly created by the great chemistry between the two actors. Murtaugh and Riggs never do anything the same way, don't see eye to eye, don't even get along or like each other...but at the end of the movie, they're standing side by side, guns in hands, with Murtaugh holding up Riggs telling him, "I got you partner, I got you".

And let's not even get into the fight scene between Busey and Gibson. What a great scene, especially the part at the end where Riggs has him in the triangle choke, a move very few people would have known about at the time, given MMA's popularity didn't explode until 15-20 years later.

The original Lethal Weapon is easily the best. And those of you who picked #4 should be ashamed of yourselves. Just like Rocky V, most of us pretend Lethal Weapon 4 never happened.
What the fuck is wrong with most of you? Lethal Weapon 4? That pile of shit? Where former badass Renee Russo is a nobody, Riggs can't beat anyone up without assistance, Murtaugh's wife is a best-selling author and nobody knows about it...really guys? That movie is terrible. Even Joe Pesci's character is something to shake your head in disappointment about.

The only true answers here are #1 and #2. And if it wasn't for Joe Pesci, it would only be #1. The first Lethal Weapon is easily the best. First of all, Riggs wasn't a big pussy. He was truly a "lethal weapon", a crack shot, a martial artist, and an all-around bad ass. Second of all, the lack of chemistry between the two characters was perfectly created by the great chemistry between the two actors. Murtaugh and Riggs never do anything the same way, don't see eye to eye, don't even get along or like each other...but at the end of the movie, they're standing side by side, guns in hands, with Murtaugh holding up Riggs telling him, "I got you partner, I got you".

And let's not even get into the fight scene between Busey and Gibson. What a great scene, especially the part at the end where Riggs has him in the triangle choke, a move very few people would have known about at the time, given MMA's popularity didn't explode until 15-20 years later.

The original Lethal Weapon is easily the best. And those of you who picked #4 should be ashamed of yourselves. Just like Rocky V, most of us pretend Lethal Weapon 4 never happened.

You're selling the 4th film far too short. Perhaps it wasn't as great as 1 or 2, or as good as 3, but calling it a "pile of shit" is a little far.

Why is it so hard to accept the fact the Martin Riggs' character would at least soften up a little bit due to his relationship with Roger Murtagh? His character DEVELOPED. Had he been the same crazy bad ass he was in part 1, the films would have been repetitive. He develops and redeems his entire life, eventually marrying and starting a family with Rene Russo's character, who was fantastic in part 3.

Plus, LW4 gave us Jet Li, who was as bad ass as they come in that film.

The 4th movie was a little less dark and a little more campy than the first three, but the cast had so much style and clearly had such fun chemistry that it just worked.
The original is such a bad ass movie, and is on par with great action icon movies of the 80's such as Die Hard. Riggs is a machine. Who can forget when Murtough dropped him off in the desert with his sniper rifle to help save his partner's daughter. Shooting up all those mofos. Then after getting tortured busts out and then takes on Mr Joshua in a fight scene that probably UFC owes royalties to!

Awesome flick!

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