Best Heel Turn Ever.


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pretty straight forward. in your opion, what was the best Heel turn in WWE (WCW dont count here, nor does TNA, sorry guys.) history? yes WWF can count here as well. but what one sticks out most to you?

to me there is 2. the first is when HHH made his return after ripping his Quad, and they teased a DX reunion, which drove the crowd CRAZY! they came out to the DX music, blew the roof off the place. then BOOM HHH kicks Shawn and it's the start of HHH vs HBK all over again.

and of course, the most memorable one for me, and one that shocked the HELL out of me. Stone Cold Steve Austin. Face of the company, loved by MILLIONS. over half the ppl in attendance had Austin swag, or signs. Turns his back on team WWF and joins up with the invading WCW/ECW. (has kinda the same feel as tonight did with the two teams..hmm..) it was proof that you CAN turn the face of the company Heel. and one of the most shocking moments, IMO THE most shocking heel turn in WWE history.

Alright IWC, lets hear what you got to say on it, what is your pic, and why is it your pick?
The best heel turn in WWE would have to be Stone Cold's 2001 when he joined with Vince at Mania 17 cuz he got so much heat as a heel and he was so bad ass with Triple H in the Power Trip.
First off let me say i remember that DX teaser, I was there when that happend it was in Grand Rapids MI(thats the same night The Rock went against Eddie G. in one of The Rock most unforgetable matches). It was badass to see that live and I have never forgot the moment. The best heel turn i can think of is when Stone Cold teamed up with Vince at Wrestlemania 17 that pissed me off so bad.
hey nice thread jabroni. love the new sig, but anyway, i found the DX turn quite a shock. they were HUUUGE. had so many people yelling "SUCK IT!" on a nightly basis, and hell, een in every day life. and then they turned them heel, split most of them apart.
HHH beating Shawn is soo old, that wasn't even a shock, it was actually something worth seeing. What's even better than what he did to Shawn, is when X-pac was almost European champion again, just to see HHH come to ringside to assist him, but instead Pedigree X-pac and join the corporation was better than most folks assume what he did to Poor old Shawn! My pick is; (since you won't allow Hogans heel turn)
1. I rooted for the rock the entire time in the deadly games tournament at the survivor series, just to have him turn heel and join the corporation as the corporation champion, no one saw that coming.
2. HHH's heel turn on X-pac and joining up with the corporation!
I would say Austin @ Wrestlemania 17, because I never thought it would happen. I was younger then, & all I could think was "how the hell could Austin team with McMahon?" As I think about it now, I think it was probably overbooking. But it definitely caused a stir. And time HHH turned on HBK was pretty good. I thought the best was when he attacked HBK in the parking lot, & Shawn did the interview via satellite. The look on HHH's face when it was revealed that he had attacked Shawn was priceless.
Stone Cold joining Vince was huge and the birth of HBK kicking Jannety's teeth out was also significant as far as WWE is concerned. I know the initial thread said no votes for a WCW heel turn but, sorry, you cannot overlook the Hogan heel turn that started the NWO. That was the biggest and most shocking heel turn ever...until SummerSlam this year when I firmly believe that John Cena will reveal that he is the actual leader of The Nexus.
marklouis You are right there's no debate.....Because the Hogan turn was in WCW and therefore is ineligible in this thread. Try reading the first post next time. Anyway on to my favorite heel turns. I'll be leaving out any that have already been mentioned.
Christian con-chair-toe-ing Edge shortly after Edge won the KOR
Undertaker shoving JR's face into McMahon's ass.
Andre the Giant siding with Heenan to go after Hogan.
Eddie Guerrero brutalizing Tajiri on the hood of the low-rider.
4 Words The Real Brock Lesnar.
The HHH heel turn with a teased DX reunion was indeed amazing. It had all the aspects, a popular superstar returning, the reunion of a popular faction, and the reunion with a popular face, and HHH turned all these aspects around in front of the fans. Very well played, I'd say.
For me, if you consider wrestlers, then the biggest heel turns were:

(* I know you're considering only WWE but in the entire wrestling industry it was perhaps Hulk Hogan turning heel in WCW and joining NWO - nothing was probably a bigger business decision than this)
* Stone Cold turning heel and joining the alliance - this was not a good business decision in my estimation because the alliance angle itself was ranked by Wrestling Observer as the worst wrestling storyline of the year, considering that most of the main WCW/ ECW superstars weren't there and the erstwhile WCW mid-carders like Stone Cold were ruling their group now (or guys like Kurt Angle who'd never been in WCW were joining the alliance)
* Undertaker turning heel and making Jim Ross kiss Vince McMahon's a** - never expected him to ever do anything of that sort, especially when it looked like he had come over to help JR

However, the biggest heel turn for me was not a wrestling personality, but it was Paul Bearer turning on Undertaker at the boiler room brawl with Mankind. Yes, you heard it right. Its Paul Bearer. Anybody who's watched WWE in the early 90s and has seen Undertaker/ Paul Bearer together for 6 years and who's in their right mind would have NEVER, I mean NEVER EVER have expected Paul Bearer to betray Undertaker. Out of all the heel turns and betrayals, this one was the MOST "unexpected" one for me.
the hands down best heel turn would have to be Shawn Michaels Kicking Marty Jannety in the face. That made us know the real Shawn Michaels, a rebellious, stick it to the man who gives a crap man. That single kick opened the door for the show stopper, heart break kid to flourish.
I completely agree with Christian42 and NeverMore. Michaels super kicking Jannetty and throwing him through the Barber Shop window was a surreal WTF moment and launched Michaels' career.

But, since they took mine (and many others have been mentioned), I'll have to say Bret Hart turning on the USA. (And later telling Pittsburgh that if the USA were to have an enema, they'd stick it right there in Pittsburgh. Classic.) This started one of the most unique situations in the history of the WWE where certain wrestlers were booed heavily in the USA and cheered wildly in Canada, Europe, etc and vice versa.

Others that come to mind are:
Andre the Giant turning on Hulk Hogan in late-1986
Jake Roberts in 1991
Paul Bearer turning on the Undertaker in 1996
Steve Austin at WrestleMania X-Seven (though, I've always hated him)
I know it's a recent one, but I absolutely loved CM Punk's heel turn via cashing in MITB on Jeff Hardy. He didn't exactly turn heel on that night, but his title win set everything in motion. More than anything this turn was great because Punk did absolutely nothing wrong yet the fans turned against him. This, to me at least, made Punk a tragic character. He didn't try to draw the ire of the fans, but grew to resent them over the course of a few months due to their unreasonable hatred of him. He was basically turned heel by the fans (in the kayfabe sense, at least). This, in turn, set up Punk to become an absolutely despicable character, and one of the best heels in wrestling over the past year (wow, he hasn't even been heel for a whole year yet). It may not be the best turn ever, but it's definitely my personal favorite.
For me, Austin turning on the fans at Wrestlemania 17 was epic. I'd only been into wrestling for about 4 months and my favorites were Rock and Austin. So when Vince came down to the ring and he and Stone Cold beat the living piss outta Rock with chairs, I was in disbelief.
I don't count his heel turn with the alliance because for me, his face turn was all too brief. But hey, thats just me.

Triple H's turn on HBK when they were going to reform DX was shocking, but in a way I felt a HHH heel turn coming (had no idea he would turn heel like THAT though, and when I saw DX shirts it didn't cross my mind). I actually compare this to Edge's recent run; big heel befor einjury, returns as a face at Rumble, a few months down the line turns heel again. Like Edge, heel is HHH's natural standing point. But though I felt the turn coming, it was done in one of the best ways possible, to make people absolutely dispise HHH.

Also, this is more of a sentimental one, when Kane took his mask off in 2003 (might have been 04, unsure). I think most people thought he would beat HHH for the WHC (I certainly did) and for the first few months after taking it off he was a fucking beast.
Hmmm, there have been quite a few eh. But I think I will go with the dx one from 02 cause no one saw it coming and the IWC wasn't developed enough to give it away to everyone yet and there was still the element of surprise.
Since WWE owns WCW now I guess we can technically include them in this discussion?

And if we are...there is no heel turn better than Hulk Hogan's at Bash at the Beach 96'. It will always be the bar for which other heel turns should be compared. Nothing shocked the nation like that move right there. It was all over the news...and not just wrestling news. No other wrestler has ever generated that much publicity.

For a guy who couldn't wrestler and was corny on the mic...Hulk Hogan made himself into both the best face and best heel of all time. THAT is something amazing in itself.
Shawn Michaels on Marty Jannety breaking up the Rockers. that was cool and also started HBK's career.

Most definitely.

If we aren't allowed to count Hogan's heel turn (even though WWE owns WCW now) - Shawn Michaels is the clear runner up and winner of strictly WWE heel turns.

I can't think of anything else that compares to these two.
I wouldn't know whether it's the definition of best. But it is definitely my favorite. The Triple H heel turn in 2002 against Shawn Michaels was golden. By far one of my favorite feuds. As well as some of my favorite promos during that feud.

Triple H was golden alongside Evolution during the 2002 heel turn. Sure it didn't form until later on. But the heel turn build for something much larger in that way. His feud with Shawn was amazing with many great different matches. It was heartfelt in the way that they were former partners on-screen and real life best friends.

Sure that didn't change backstage. But knowing their history as great friends. It was obvious that this feud had much more to it than just a feud for a championship.
Stone Cold Steve Austin at WrestleMania 17. That was crazy. I never would have expected Vince to side with Austin, especially since he was in a match with The Rock. That was a shocking moment, and all the fans were booing him like there was no tomorrow. That was the beginning of one of the best heel runs of all time, and I loved it. I also thought the 2 Man Power Trip was awesome.
1) HBK kicking Jannety

2) Owen's heal turn on Bret - it wasn't so much shocking (they elluded to it pretty much the whole time) but it was just very well done to a 12 year old

3) Tatanka turning on Luger to join the MDM
For me it was The Rock at Survivor Series 1998 as he'd not been face that long and had just really exploded as "The Peoples Champion" which made him siding with Vince at the end of the event really shocking. To me that event was the best example of WWE bottling the Monday Night Formula and putting it onto PPV (kudos to the two Vince's for that)

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