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Best Gimmick of The Attitude Era (WWF)

In what is considered by many wrestling fans the greatest era in wrestling history, there were so many excellent gimmicks. Out of all of those excellent gimmicks which one stood out to you as the best? Which gimmick provided for the most entertainment, which gimmick fit the superstar best? Which one was your favorite and why?

This one was VERY tough for me to decide. Was it The Rock: The Brahma Bull or Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Rattlesnake? In the end, The Rock narrowly edged out Stone Cole Steve Austin. The Rock is my favorite wrestler of all time and it is all due to this gimmick. His original Rocky Maivia gimmick was so bland, that at times I can't believe he made such a HUGE transformation. He turned into the most electrifying man in sports entertainment in what seemed like a minute, he became the defining superstar of an era, the face of the juggernaut of the wrestling business, the WWE. He accomplished ALL that due to his gimmick.

The gimmick of The Brahma Bull, the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, could not have been successfully pulled off by anybody else. It was a perfect fit. The Rock was so charismatic and excellent on the mic and in the ring, that he became the gimmick. It seemed as of he wasn't just playing a role anymore, he really made it believable. I think that in the history of professional wrestling there are many flaws, rarely is something done perfectly, but this gimmick is one of the very few perfect things in professional wrestling history.

Now, onto the runner-up: Stone Cold Steve Austin. This is yet another perfect gimmick. Nobody but Steve Austin could have done it. He personified The Rattlesnake, that was a part of him, almost just an honest although embellished representation of himself. He was the everyman, and was unversally loved. He carried the WWE on his back at times and is one of the most decorated and memorable superstars of all time.

You've seen my picks, what are yours?
I don't have a whole lot of reasons to justify my decision...but my decision isn't just one person. My favorite from the attitude era was the combination of Degeneration-X. They were always entertaining and the group to beat (some of the time).
If we are just specifically talking about the WWF, then I would have to go with the Undertaker and his Ministry of Darkness. This was definitely the most bad ass version of the Undertaker. Second runner up would be Kane. Kane also looked like a legitimate bad ass. I love the guys who were just bad asses, and I do not like very many of the "pretty boy" type characters like Miz (e.g.).

If we are talking about the whole era in general (both WCW & WWF) then it would have to go to Sting. Sting's transformation into the Crow style character takes the cake as the ultimate bad ass. Accused of betrayal by his friends, and fighting the nWo.

Those are my favorites from that era...
My favourite gimmick would have to be Chris Jericho's "Y2J" gimmick.

I personally loved Chris Jericho since he debuted in '99 and that his entrance with the whole countdown from 10 to 0 and then the pyro and the shadow of Y2J with his signature pose.....

Of coarse u have the rock n austin n dx n taker n all that....but imma dare to be different and choose 2 ppl that really pushed the edge of what could be shown on tv. those 2 being Val Venis and the Godfather. U had a pornstar in Val and a fucking PIMP with the Godfather. This man would deadass bring prostitutes down to the ring and refer to them as HOES! hahahhaha gotta love it
Honestly I do not think there is any answer to this question other than Stone Cold Steve Austin. If you went up to some wrestling promoter back in 1997 and told him that booking his top face as a beer drinking foul mouthed redneck, chances are he would have rung up a mental hospital to get you admitted into it. But SCSA made this gimmick work and took WWF to promised land. Feuding with Mcmahon just made Stone Cold even more legendary as fans loved it when they saw Austin harass his domineering boss. The fans loved to see what Austin did to his boss because it might probably have been the things they wanted to do to their bosses. That made Austin very relatable among the fans and gave the impression that he was just another guy but with truckloads of charisma.

I would also like to talk about Kane. Kane was the character that made Undertaker so awesome during this period. A silent monster who had been physically and mentally scarred in his childhood and had come to take revenge from the guy who had damaged him. Plus that mask of his was badass. He was the first real contender to the Undertaker's streak and beating a guy who was just as awesome as the Undertaker gave Taker a lot of credibility.

The Undertaker-Kane story has always made me recall the Addams family for some reason.
hi there guys, finally my first post =),

i would have to say that SCSA does have the best gimmick in the attitude era. flipping out your boss, cussing all over anyone, stunning people (face or heel), drinking on the job. the rattle snake def is the best gimmick IMO in attitude era hell, arguably of all time.

Jim Ross said it better than anyone, SCSA is tailor made for the attitude era.
While my favourite gimmick of all time is the 1990-'96 Undertaker, the favourite Attitude era gimmick has to be Stone Cold hands down. Not sure how you say that the Rock edges Austin down - I completely disagree with it. During his initial Rocky Maivia gimmick, the Rock was booed heavily with chants of "Die Rocky Die" and "Rocky sucks" because the fans had started liking the anti-hero gimmick of Austin. The popularity of Austin led the WWE to change the gimmick of the Rock and then he became the cocky arrogant character who started doing great mic promos to get popular.

However, Austin was always leading and his gimmick "defined" what is "Attitude" to begin with. The entire Attitude era was also always revolving around Austin with the era getting kicked off when he won the belt from Michaels at Mania 14 and made Tyson hold his T shirt, continuing with his feud against McMahon (that finally fetched the WWF TV ratings back from WCW), winning the belt from Rock at Mania 15, and the era officially ending when Austin turned heel and united with McMahon after beating Rock once again at Mania 17.
My two favorite gimmicks that made me turn in every week is HHH lead DX and Goldust. DX was just so enjoyable and looked forward to what they would do next to fight the system so to speak. And Goldust.....loved this character and how Dustin betrayed him to so called get into his opponent's head. These were great years all around to be a fan.
when i think gimmick i don't think of SCSA and Rocky because those were just those guys with the volume turned up... I don't think EVERY wrestler has a gimmick... daniel bryan at first was daniel bryan then he got the ladies man gimmick... I gotta agree with whoever said Val and Godfather... those were Gimmicks and they were awesome, as well as Goldust... I miss gimmicks and really could care less for the current realism of todays guys... Gimmicks are and always will be what really made wrestling
I liked em all lol. WWF leading upto and during the attitude era was one big gimmick.
noone was a straight up "wrestler", everyone had some sort of gimmick from Gillberg to Austin

Best highlights though, The Rock, DX (HHH, Chyna and HBK) was the better version but New Age Outlaws were very entertaining too, Xpac on the other hand Zzzzzz
Stone Cold Steve Austin

This was easy. As much as I loved The Rock, Mankind, Jericho etc, the Stone Cold character epitomised what the Attitude era was about. He was basically someone who should never have been a face, with his attitude, cursing and beating up his boss, but the fans took too it like no other because he was doing everything that they wanted to do. He was an anti-hero, and they loved him for it.

What else says "ATTITUDE" more than giving your boss the middle finger, kicking him in the gut and then leaving him laying unconcious? How many people, downtrodden at work on a daily basis would love to do that? MILLIONS. And that is why it worked. They could tune in and see Austin doing what they would love to do themselves, and not giving a fuck about anything while doing it.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was a rebel, a bad ass and was able to do what he wanted, when he wanted, not worrying about the consequences and drinking beer along the way. He epitomised the new, edgy WWF Attitude better than any other character at this time (although DX's brand of Attitude has to be up there too). He represented the Attitude era just like The Sandman represented ECW. Austin WAS the WWF at this time, he was THE man.

Pulling a gun on his boss? He did it. Spraying his boss with beer? He did it. Pounding the crap out of his boss and anybody who got in his way? He did it....and the fans loved evert single second.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was a character and gimmick that connected with the fans in a way that very few have matched (The Rock and Hulk Hogan are the only other 2 I have seen getting similar reactions), and was by far the best gimmick of the attitude era, hell he WAS the Attitude era to me.

And thats the bottom line....'cos The Natural said so!!
Yurple the Clown was the best...No it had to be the most electrifying man in sports entertainment The Rock, he was better than Austin due to all of promos made u laugh or rip his head off, and his matches were pretty much the match of the card. And also he got the crowd so wound up when he took off that elbow pad, the one line zingers and finally be able to call his own match and sum up how great he was whilst his oppenent was down

I'd have to say Kane's original gimmick of the silent Monster who for months would come out and destroy whoever happened to be in the ring. Face, heel, it didn't matter. He was almost like a wrestling version of Michael Myers... A silent, expressionless monster who's only goal was to destroy his brother... Then they had to go and ruin it by making the monster talk, and want championships... What a waste of a great gimmick
I cant believe no one has mentioned the man who truely defined the attitude era, that would be mr mcmahon. every major wrestler worked with him, and he was possibly the best heel at the time. the reason the attitude era started was because of vince. scsa was great, but he needed that perfect boss character to work off of. he would make everyone hate him and love all the heroes who went against him, while making all men that worked with him as beind despisible. he has been compaired to satan numerous times, and can pull it off well. my favorite guy is the rock, and scsa was huge beyond belief, but it all work out that way because of mr mcmahon.
Whilst I would say Vince McMahon, because everything major to happen in the Attitude Era ran through him. DX did lead the way and played a very important part in the early days of the Attitude Era. They broke everything people knew from the traditional WWF and made it easier for Vince to become this massive heel.

Honourable mentions: Austin, Rock, Godfather, Right To Censor.
Beaver Cleavage was my favorite! Just Kidding, toss up between Stone Cold and the Rock man, those 2 could have done seperate promos for an hour each, and I still would have been glued to the TV
This isn't so much a gimmick as it is a fad that was prevalent in the attitude era.


Factions were everywhere back then. DX, Ministry, Corporation, Corporate Ministry, Nation. It seemed like everyone was either allied or feuding with a faction. It made things so interesting. There were factions before and after the attitude era, but it just wasn't the same IMO.
Oh hells yeah (its beer time!)...if ya smaaaeeellll (what rock is cooking!)
Stone cold and rocky have to be up there anyway. Often credited as the saviors of the F, way back when. Stone cold started the attitude era, and rocky helped send that praverbial ball straight between the goal-posts (and without even breaking a sweat). The feuds they had together were Awesome, with a capital A. Kings of wrestlemania they are, and lords of attitude. They put the attitude in attitude.

p.s. dx, golddust, and mr mcmahon are great too.

"If it aint broke, do not fix it, and you cant fix something thats not broken!"
After much deliberation. I have decided on Mr. McMahon. Vince's transformation into this character was the fuel for stonecold! Without him well the attitude era would have been drastically different. I guess thats a whole new question. No corporation, no ministry, and in my opinion. The rattlesnake would not have been venomness.
My favourite gimmick would have to be Chris Jericho's "Y2J" gimmick.

I personally loved Chris Jericho since he debuted in '99 and that his entrance with the whole countdown from 10 to 0 and then the pyro and the shadow of Y2J with his signature pose.....


i loved Y2J and his jericaholic days his entrance aswell has to be one of the best interrupting the rock, his and stephanies banter was brilliant also i loved the rock and jericho banter

Dx has to be a great gimmick everyone wants to break the rules right!

stonecold everyone loves to stunner their boss, hahahaha actually watching old wwf the other day with angle and austin competing for vinces affections that was also a good bit.
god i love them all :p
don't ya hate when you see a thread that you really want to respond to, read all the previous answers, see that your first choice is taken, followed by your second, third and even the out-of-the-hat rabbit you pull that surely nobody else would think of before you were able to respond?

all of my favorites have already been listed: of course you have SCSA, Rock, Foley, Taker, Kane, DX as a stable, Factions as a whole, Y2J, even Goldust, Venis, Godfather and Mr. McMahon.

so, after much thinking, i've decided to go with the only possible option that hasn't already been listed.

Bret Hart. yeah, i know. he wasn't around for long. but i dare say that the Attitude Era started right about the time that Hart was feuding with Stone Cold first and DX via HBK second. Hart Foundation vs. DX all the way up to the Montreal Screw Job.

yeah, Bret Hart. plus, it was a pretty bold move to turn Bret heel. this guy had been the best face since Hogan. and he turned heel with a great kayfabe gimmick. Canada is better than America. it was pretty amazing. and it jump-started the Attitude Era, allowing DX to next feud with Stone Cold and the rest is history.
for gimmicks that really do live up to that tag I will go for demonic kane especially between 97 to early 99, stone cold and the rock I always felt seemed like wrestlers that were nicknamed kane felt more of a gimmick. He was a beast back then, he was almost a walking living 320 pounds of micheal myers leatherface and predator rolled into one, he really did raise the bar for monster gimmicks that brought new fear back into the WWF since undertaker debut in 1990. Since then the WWF/E have never matched kane for a monster that struck fear since the undertaker, he overpowered and dominated the undertaker at the phenoms fave PPV wrestlemania. He even had undertaker scared when he meant to hit undertaker with the fireball and hit xpac, he walks up the ramp and undertaker is backing up, that alone showed the fear and insanity of the demon in a red costume. And when he was rudderless kane he was even more dangerous while when he debut with bearer, he had kane under control like a dog on a leash
It has to be Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness. Taker crucifying Stone Cold on that Undertaker symbol is classic; that moment sent chills down my spine; it'll forever be etched in my mind.

I think Goldust was a great precursor character to the Attitude era. Unfortunately, I think he was misused during the 'Attitude' era. They debuted him at the end of the cartoon character era and repackaged him in 1998 to be something that got him lost in the shuffle.

Still, he blazed some trails for a gender-bending character like Chyna or a over-sexed porn star like Val Venis.

Think about his feud with Razor Ramon and Rowdy Roddy Piper. From the 'Razor' heart tattoo to lurking and licking his lips, It made people uncomfortable but no one looked away from the TV.

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