Best Gimmick Match

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
TNA is the land of gimmick matches at times, and this is the place to state your case for which one you think is the best. Be sure to state your reasoning(s)!

Is it the Ultimate X? The trademark match of the X Division, and never fails to deliver. Stars like Daniels and Styles have boosted their reputations here, while guys like Bubba and D-Von have changed the face of the company.

Is it Six Sides Of Steel? TNA's unique 6-sided ring allows them unique possibilities in a cage match, with more corners and more mesh to slam your opponent into. It's been used for Knockout matches, tag matches, title matches, and there's an entire PPV devoted to it.

How about Full Metal Mayhem? Basically TNA's equivalent to Tables, Ladders, and Chairs, this match always ends up with everyone bleeding, and career's being shortened.

Maybe you have a different favorite. Monster's Ball, King Of The Mountain, or maybe the TerrorDome?

My personal favorite is the Ultimate X. I'm a mark for a spotfest, and there always seems to be a great feud and a great set of guys to pull off the match. I've never seen one of these fail to please, and there's at least one "Oh Shit!" moment per match, if not minute. Did you see Daniels almost die?
i liked the monster's ball match when it first started. you know...when they had the wrestlers "isolated" for 24 hours and then let them out. it was also a good way for tna to end a feud between two wrestlers who really "hated" each other.
The Ultimate X match is by far and away the best gimmick match in TNA. For me the Daniels, Styles, Joe match at Destination X 2006, just shows exactly why. The match offers so many great spots that are innovative and new. Both light and heavyweights can compete in this match and seem legitimate. Sure TNA may have done it to death, but even the WWE overdoes gimmick matches, I for one really enjoy them, especially X matches with Styles in.
Ultimate X far and away. It's essentially the signature match for TNA, even more so than the King of the Mountain match.

Ultimate X is a spotfest, but it's also the type of match which legitimizes bubble guys who need to get over quick. All it takes is one match, with one big bump there to really make things happen for a guy.

If the match is booked correctly, the Ultimate X match almost always steals the show at any of their PPV's that feature it (usually Destination X).
I can’t say which one is the best, but my favorite gimmick matches in TNA is Feast Or Fired and King Of The Mountain. I like Feast Or Fired, because it’s basically Money In The Bank times 4. I like King Of The Mountain, because it’s not your normal ladder match, by any means. Both of these gimmicks are (should be) unpredictable and are great innovations to Professional Wrestling.
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